Novel Name : Love You Enough to Leave You

Chapter 740

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Chapter 740Chapter 740
Amelia was chatting with Carter when Jolin rushed over. “Bad news, Mrs. Clinton. Boss is being
surrounded by the family members of the victims who fell unconscious from being electrocuted by the
phone,” she said while panting.
Frightened by the sudden news, Amelia asked hastily, “What's going on? Why is he surrounded out of
“I'm not very sure what happened, but all I know is that all of the patients' families united and came to
create a ruckus at Clinton Corporations. Coincidentally, Boss was exiting the building, and they
surrounded him. They've hemmed him in to the extent that not even the security guards are able to get
in. The police have been mobilized, but I'm not sure if Boss is injured. However, this incident is being
live-streamed right now,” Jolin explained after swallowing a gulp of saliva.
Anxiety was evident in Amelia's eyes as she uttered, “Carter, go into the room and keep my mother
company. Tell her that my mother-in-law needs my help with something. Don't let her watch the
television. Her health isn't in good condition, so she can't be agitated anymore.”
Carter nodded and responded, “Go ahead. Call me if you encounter anything that is beyond your
To that, Amelia inclined her head.
In a short while, she and Jolin got into the car and headed to Clinton Corporations. “Mrs. Clinton, to be honest, I didn't want to tell you about this, but the reporters got wind of the incident
too quickly. Moreover, it's obvious that the patients' kin came prepared. I think someone instructed
them to do this. That was why I decided to drive you over rather than let you head over on your own
after seeing the news on the television. Also, I think Boss will only listen to you,” the latter explained.
“You won't blame me for telling you about this, right, Mrs. Clinton?” Jolin then asked after a brief pause.
Amelia shook her head. “I'm very thankful that you told me about this. Jolin, you're basically my savior,
so you don't have to be so cautious when talking to me. I honestly think of you as my little sister.”
“Thank you, Mrs. Clinton.” Jolin let out a sigh of relief.
By the time they arrived at Clinton Corporations, the family of the victims who were creating chaos
there had all simmered down. There were also a lot of police cars parked near the entrance of the
Under Jolin's protection, Amelia ran over to Oscar and was distressed upon noticing a gash on his
face. She then raised her hand to touch the wound but quickly stopped for fear that her action would
hurt him.
“Does it hurt?” Amelia asked softly.
Oscar took her hand and pulled her behind him. The man was afraid that the irrational family members
of the victims would do something unexpected and end up hurting her.
“Why did you come here, Amelia? It's too dangerous. I'll have Jolin send you home, okay?” Oscar tried
to negotiate with her. “No, I want to face this with you. If there's any sort of danger, I can avoid it myself; I won't let myself be
injured. Besides, the police are around. These people aren't bold enough to assault me as they might
end up in jail for it. Furthermore, I'm furious that they hurt you,” Amelia said coldly, her expression grim.
Oscar had no choice but to allow her to stay.
Meanwhile, Isabella, who had just run out of the elevator, halted in her tracks. A bitter feeling arose in
her heart. If she had been the one by Oscar's side when he was in danger, he would surely be more
fond of her and would not be repulsed by her as much. Yet, such a good opportunity was thwarted by
Amelia's appearance.
It seemed that she would never be able to get her revenge.
Despite the resentment brewing in her heart, Isabella had no choice but to walk over. “Oscar,” she
called out.
Oscar merely cast a glance at her before looking at the tumultuous crowd. “Everyone, I know that you
are frustrated because of what happened to your relatives. However, we've sent representatives to visit
the patients in the very beginning. Regardless of what caused them to fall unconscious, we've
recompensed them. Despite having received the money, you all still came here to create chaos. Do you
think Clinton Corporations is a doormat?”
The group of people was starting to feel afraid. After all, they had gathered together to cause trouble
there because of someone's instigation. In their minds, they assumed that a big company like Clinton
Corporations would choose to resolve the matter out of court, lest it blow out of proportion and ruin its
reputation. If so, they would be able to extort Clinton Corporations for more money. However, they didnot expect things to progress in such a way. Even the police had shown up.
“Mr. Clinton, my son is still lying unconscious in the hospital. The medical fees cost a few hundred
every day, and the doctor doesn't even know when my son will regain consciousness. Do you think you
can brush me off just by sending someone to give me one hundred thousand in compensation? Let me
tell you this—that's not going to happen. For as long as my son remains unconscious, I will have to
bear the high cost of his treatment. Thus, Clinton Corporations have to take responsibility for this.
Otherwise, I won't leave this place even if you beat me to death,” a burly man standing among the
crowd shouted in a hoarse voice.
Oscar curled his lips into a sneer. “All of our phones underwent quality testing before they were
marketed, and they've passed the quality control. If you have any doubts about our products, we're
willing to carry out the inspection one more time. As for the patients' cause of unconsciousness, we will
have to wait for the doctors' report. If it is proven to be Clinton Corporations' fault, we will pay all the
medical fees. But if it isn't, we will sue all of you for damaging the company's reputation by causing
chaos in the building. In that case, we shall meet in court.”
A clear trace of panic and fear flashed across some of the people's eyes. However, they were reluctant
to back out without getting any money. Their relatives were still lying unconscious in the hospital, and
the medical bills would come up to a hefty sum should they be comatose for a long time. They would
be at their wits' end if there were no one who could bear the cost for them.
Furthermore, the leakage current most likely happened because the victims used their phones while
charging. If it were not for many people getting electrocuted at the same time, and if Clinton
Corporations did not produce those phones, these people would not have the guts to gather together
and create a ruckus. After all, the phones produced by the company had already passed the inspection
before being launched to the public. As such, their accusations were technically baseless. “I don't care. My daughter is still unconscious in the hospital, and the doctor doesn't know when she will
wake up. I only have one daughter, and she only ended up in such a state from using your product. If
you don't give us a proper explanation, we won't budge from here today,” a thin lady said in a shrill
Furrowing his eyebrows, Oscar looked at the people, who were dressed in ordinary outfits.
They were not from rich families. Some of them were well-off, while others were making just enough
money. Moreover, the phones designed by Clinton Corporations were targeted toward groups with low
monthly income as well as the white-collar class and descendants of wealthy families. However, those
who were electrocuted were young people with average family backgrounds.
“Everyone, you have my word that Clinton Corporations will take full responsibility should the result of
the police's investigation proves that it is our company's fault. If so, I promise you I'll never shirk
responsibility and will compensate you properly. Please go back and wait for the news. I believe that
one hundred thousand worth of compensation will be enough for you to pay off the medical fees for the
moment. If you continue to create chaos here, I will take legal action. When that happens, I'm afraid
that you won't receive even a single cent,” Oscar warned.
The people looked at each other and whispered among themselves. It seemed that they were
intimidated by Oscar's words since they actually agreed to leave.
“Fine. We agree to go back for now. However, we'll only give you seven days. If we still don't receive
the results afterward, we will take it to the internet to let the whole world see Clinton Corporations' true
colors,” a man said, acting as the representative of the crowd. “You have my word.”
Only then did the crowd disperse. Oscar instructed his subordinates to give the police officers some
monetary gifts for their help before telling them to leave.
In just two minutes, everyone, including the police and onlookers, left the building.
“Are you all right, Oscar? Let's go upstairs so that I can dress your wound,” Amelia said.
Oscar shook his head. “Don't worry about it. It's just a minor injury. Did Jolin tell you about this?”
Jolin ducked her head as she answered, “Boss, I saw the news on the internet as well. I was afraid
Mrs. Clinton would worry about you if she were to see it, so I went over and told her about it. I'm very
“Don't blame Jolin. I can't sit on my hands when something like this happens to you. Your matter is my
matter, too,” Amelia said.
Oscar shook his head and said to Jolin, “Go and find out who sent the reporters and the victims' family
members here. How dare they try to get firsthand news on the Clintons? After that, take down all of the
false and fabricated news online, then reach out to this company's CEO.”
“Yes, Boss.” Jolin then left to carry out his instructions.
Isabella came up to Oscar. “Oscar, it's clear at a glance that someone must have instigated those
people. In my opinion, we shouldn't have given them any money at all. We wasted ten thousand on
each of the victims for nothing. Now that we've given them such a large sum of money, they'd surely beconsumed by greed and then demand to have more money,” she said with a hint of anger in her voice.
After glancing at her, Oscar turned to face the employees who had yet to recover from the shock of
seeing him getting surrounded by the mob of people. “Get back to work. There's no need to work
overtime tonight, but you will all be receiving an overtime pay of three hundred.”
“Thank you, Mr. Clinton.”
Once everyone returned to the building, Isabella said to Oscar in concern, “Oscar, I have medical
ointment in my office. Why don't I get it for you? Although your wound isn't deep, it is still easy for it to
get infected.” It was as if she did not see Amelia.
“There's no need for that. You should get back upstairs and continue working. You have done a great
job handling the situation calmly today,” he praised with a cold expression.
That caused her eyes to light up. It was the second time Oscar had complimented her.
“I'll be going upstairs now, Oscar. I won't bother you and Amelia anymore.” Isabella knew where to
stop, so she did not plan to stay any longer and become a nuisance to them.
After she went into the building, Oscar turned to Amelia and said, “You should go back first, Amelia.
Someone might have done this to put Clinton Corporations in a difficult position. I have to hold a
meeting, so I might not be able to accompany you much today.”
“I'll go upstairs with you. Your wound still needs to be treated. I can listen to your meeting from the side.
Don't treat me like a child. I can't stop worrying about you when something like this has happened.” In the end, Oscar could only agree to it.
When the two of them entered the office, Amelia applied medicine to Oscar's wound and even put a
small piece of gauze on his face. Staring at his new look, she could not help but chuckle at it. “I guess
the universe doesn't want us to live our lives peacefully, Oscar. There's always trouble popping up
every once in a while.”
“Don't worry. I can manage them well. But I haven't had time to visit Mom for the past few days
because of work. How is her condition?” Oscar asked.
“It's all right. She knows that you're busy. This morning, she even told me to pay more attention to your
health and urged you not to overwork yourself. It would be bad if your gastrointestinal health is
affected,” Amelia replied with a smile.
After a slight pause, she continued, “Tell me the truth, Oscar. The people who came today, were they
incited by someone? So many people had come to cause trouble. As long as the media embellishes
the story, Clinton Corporations' reputation will be tarnished, regardless if it's the truth or not.”
“Those reporters would not dare to offend the Clinton family. I'm just curious about who's the
mastermind behind this incident. They've tried to slander us repeatedly. It seems that I've
underestimated their power,” Oscar said in a menacing voice as he narrowed his eyes.
Due to the matter pertaining to the company, he had not been able to spend time with Amelia, nor was
he able to get a proper night's rest for the past few days. In fact, he only managed to get around five
hours of sleep, so his eyes were bloodshot.
He looked so exhausted that Amelia's heart ached for him. ”Don't think about this any longer. Postponethe meeting for now and get some sleep. You have been busy with work and even have to worry on my
behalf during these few days, so you must be tired. Let me help you with the documents on your desk.
Although I've never been a general manager, I did help you with some documents in the past. I assure
you that I won't make any mistakes.”
Oscar only tousled her hair affectionately with a smile. “I'm fine. I won't hold the meeting today, but I still
need to take a look at the documents. The papers piled on my desk can only be processed with my
“I'll do it with you.”
Oscar agreed to her offer.
With each other's company, their work efficiency increased significantly.
In a blink of an eye, it was already half-past five in the afternoon. A call from Carter came through to
Amelia's phone.
Just as she answered the call, his voice could immediately be heard at the other end of the line. “Are
you all right, Amelia? Is everything resolved?”
“I'm fine. All those people had been sent away. How's my mother?”
“Nina is talking to her right now. They seemed to really hit it off, but I can tell that your mother is pretty
worried about you. Why don't you give her a call?”
“All right. I'll call her in a while.” “Let me know if you need any assistance.”
“Got it. Thank you for your help this time, Carter.”
“I didn't do much. All I did was talk to Mrs. Hutton for a little bit.”
The two of them chatted for a while more before ending the call. Since clearing the air, they interacted
like old friends.
Amelia soon gave Eleanor a call, telling her that something had happened to the Clinton family and that
she would not be going to the hospital for a while. Then, she reminded the latter to eat and rest on
Naturally, Eleanor agreed to everything she said and then expressed her concern for Amelia.
“Remember to eat your meals no matter how busy you are.”
“Okay. Mom, I'll end the call for now. Tell the doctor if you feel any pain or discomfort.”
After that, Amelia ended the call.
“Carter's at the hospital?” Oscar asked.
Amelia nodded before briefly recounting the matter of Carter bringing Nina to visit her mother.
“He found someone new so soon?” Oscar remarked, his lips quirking. “But that's good too. At least he
won't be bothering you as much.” It was impossible to discern the emotions in his voice. When Amelia heard him, she was incredibly bemused.
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