Novel Name : Love You Enough to Leave You

Love You Enough To Leave You Chapter 325

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Chapter 325 Trust

Amelia only came to her senses after resting for almost six hours in the clinic. “Amelia, are you feeling
any discomfort?” Tiffany asked her in great concern as she helped her up.

Amelia shook her head. “I’m fine. Don’t worry. Boris, Dr. Cooper, and the others are keeping an eye on
me here. Nothing will happen to me.”

Wearing a look of shame, Boris advanced toward them. “Amelia, I’m sorry. You convulsed and passed
out due to my negligence just now. It was my fault.”

A faint smile appeared on Amelia’s face. “Boris, you don’t have to feel sorry for that. It’s just natural for
various unprecedented scenarios to occur during treatment. Didn’t you mention that my passing out
was unexpected? Hence, I’m confident with your great skill. I strongly believe that you’ll be able to cure
my eyes.”

Boris felt a rush of warmth in his heart. It never occurred to him that Amelia would fully trust him.

Because of his great skill in the medical field, he tended to have his nose in the air during his younger
days. Nevertheless, he had been through a lot all these years and was numb to the discouraging
human nature of harsh reality. Therefore, he knew too well that it was almost impossible for the patients
to trust their doctors fully.

Patients flattered the doctors when they needed help for their treatment. However, whenever any
problems occurred, the doctors would surely turn into the target of public criticism. Subsequently, they
were bombarded with oppressive words from the patients criticizing their skill relentlessly.

That undoubtedly revealed humans’ true colors, but the truth was terrifying.

Somehow, Amelia’s sheer trust toward Boris really touched him. As mixed emotions seized him, he
vowed to save her life and cure her eyes by all means. If not, he would never conduct any operations
for the rest of his life again.

As for Amelia, it never crossed her mind that her sensibility would grant her sincerity from others.

Because of that, Boris sought help from his apprentices from all over the world to work out a solution.
They stayed up all night to discuss how they should treat Amelia’s illness to minimize the level of risk.
As for acupuncture, he did not dare to take the risk and give it a try for her again shortly.

“Amelia, you’re indeed a decent child. In fact, you’re giving off such unique vibes that I’ve lacked
throughout my lifetime. Don’t worry. I’ll leave no stones unturned to cure your eyes. If I fail to do so, I
won’t conduct any operations ever for the rest of my life.” Boris gazed at Amelia with a hint of
determination in his eyes.

Both Amelia and Tiffany were astounded by his words.

Amelia uttered warily, “Boris, please don’t say that.”

Boris comforted her again, “Don’t feel pressured, okay? As I’m already in my old age, I plan to entrust
this clinic to someone trustworthy after I manage to cure your eyes later. It’s a tiring day for you. Go
back and have a good rest. I’ll finalize the way of treatment after having discussions with the other
doctors. As for acupuncture, I won’t apply that on you in this period of time.”

“Boris, you don’t have to do so. I have got a hench that acupuncture is workable for me. After all, it’s
just an accident this round. I’ll come again for another session two days later after having proper rest.
Didn’t you say that we’re not supposed to stop halfway after we’ve kicked start with acupuncture?”
Amelia smiled as though she was not traumatized at all by the convulsion and blackout moments ago.

Dumbfounded, Boris questioned, “Amelia, aren’t you afraid?”

“Boris, I wish to state that my stance remains the same, and I have trust in you. Other than that, I heard
from Tiff that this clinic is fully equipped with advanced medical facilities. In fact, the equipment here is
even better than the ones in the biggest hospital in Beshya. By getting my treatment here, I’m sure you
won’t let anything happen to me,” Amelia replied confidently.

Boris smiled upon hearing her words. “Amelia, you’re undoubtedly an interesting patient. Fine, I’ll
continue to have acupuncture for you then since you trust me so much.”

“Boris, let’s go with that then. I’ll make a move with Tiff first,” Amelia uttered courteously.

“No problem. Collin, please send them off,” Boris instructed Collin at once.

“Noted.” Collin nodded respectfully at him.

Once stepping out of the clinic with Amelia and Tiffany, Collin threw Amelia a glance and asked in great
concern, “Amelia, are you sure you aren’t feeling any discomfort now?”

Amelia chuckled. “I’m fine now. You were in the room just now, weren’t you? I must have given all of
you a real scare just now when I suddenly passed out. Sorry for that.”

Hearing that, Collin was back to his usual self again with a grin. “I’m thankful that you’re fine now. It
really scared the crap out of me just now.”

Tiffany could not help but roll her eyes at him. My goodness! What kind of lousy way is this to pursue a
lady! Undeniably, he seems to be staid and mature at work, but he is not comparable to the others in
wooing a woman.

Huh! Tiffany let out a deep sigh. She guessed Amelia would never consider being in a relationship with
a younger man. Even if she had never met Oscar, Collin would never have any chance alongside
Carter and Kurt.

“Collin, you should go back to the clinic now. Amelia and I are leaving now,” Tiffany said to him.

He glanced at Amelia reluctantly. “Amelia, take care. Give me a call if you feel like eating anything. I’ll
get them for you.”

Amelia felt that his words sounded ambiguous, but she told herself it could be Collin’s way of treating
everyone with hospitality. After all, she was not an exceptionally gorgeous woman lovable by others,
and Collin was younger than her. Hence, she did not think that he would have any feelings toward her.

“Collin, thank you so much.” She looked at him sincerely.

After chatting for a while with Collin, Amelia and Tiffany hopped into their car. Collin stared longingly at
the car that gradually faded in the distance. There was a flicker of disappointment in his eyes.

There was a sudden pat on the back of his head, followed by Boris’ voice. “Silly boy, stop building
castles in the air. You are not a match for Amelia. In her opinion, you’re still quite naive and can’t give
her the sense of security that she needs.”

Feeling dejected, Collin retorted, “Mr. Jackman, am I still not mature enough? Anyway, I’m all ready for
self-improvement, so I’ll be mightier to back her up. Compared to my peers, I feel I’m rather mature for
my age. Thus, I’m pretty sure I’m worthy enough for her.”

“She’s destined to lead a wealthy life that you can’t afford. Work harder to save up enough money.
Then, find a girlfriend who is gentle and loving. You should put your feet on the ground.” Boris tried to
enlighten him.

“Mr. Jackman, I don’t see it that way. I have a stable job, good looks, and I’m from a rather well-off
family background. If a secure base is what she needs, I can afford one as well. Why are you insisting
that I don’t suit her?” Collin refuted indignantly.

Boris shook his head. “You silly boy, take heed of my advice and don’t shoot yourself in the foot.
Otherwise, it’ll be too late for you to cry over spilled milk then.”

“Mr. Jackman, I know you’re saying these for my own good. But to me, I can’t be a coward when it
comes to love. One day, I’ll surely regret if I restrain myself from pursuing someone I love,” Collin
replied adamantly.

Boris shook his head again at his adamancy and decided to let him be. He knew too well that young
men like him were hard-headed in general. Thus, he decided to just go with the flow.

On the other hand, Tiffany held Amelia’s hand in the car anxiously. “Amelia, are you sure you’re fine
now? You must tell us if you feel any discomfort. Don’t keep it from us, okay?”

Amelia burst into laughter. “I’m fine. I was only overcome by a sudden wave of dizziness during the
acupuncture session just now. After coming to my senses, I found out that I actually passed out from

“You almost scared me to death just now! Hmph! I wonder how you can still laugh out loud now. Let’s
just put a stop to the acupuncture. Oh my! I can’t take it if anything happens again!” Tiffany whined,
furrowing her brows.

Patting on the back of her hand, Amelia gave her a reassuring smile. “I’m fine. Take it easy. It’s just an

“For the so-called accident, who knows if it’s because they’re not as skillful as they seem to be. Of
course, I’m not doubting Boris’ skill. But he’s already in his old age. Unavoidably, his memory might
have deteriorated gradually due to age. What if things turn the other way around and he makes a major
mistake during your treatment?” A hint of anxiousness was written all over Tiffany’s face.

Feeling amused, Amelia was at a loss for words to refute her.

“Tiff, I know you’re worried about me. However, we shouldn’t doubt Boris, Dr. Cooper, and the others’
expertise in the medical field. It’s indeed a humiliation to a highly experienced doctor. Never mind if
you’re commenting on that to me. Bear in mind not to say so in the face of the others,” Amelia
reminded her solemnly.

Tiffany heaved a sigh again. “I know that, but I don’t have the heart to let you take the risk. Why don’t
we go to the proper hospital for a checkup? No doubt, Boris’ clinic is well-equipped, and there are quite
a few doctors there; yet, I don’t think they’re reliable. Even though Boris was specially invited by
Derrick, I still prefer you to receive proper treatment in the hospital. I don’t wish to see you take the risk
and have any acupuncture again.”

“Tiff, stop lamenting on this. Please don’t lose touch with reality because of my issues. Don’t ever say
this to Derrick and strain your relationship with him. I’m grateful to him for making the arrangement, so
don’t end up arguing with him because of me. If not, I’ll move out of the villa with Tony. I guess we’d
better stay apart so I won’t become a burden that drives the wedge between the two of you,” Amelia
said earnestly.

Tiffany got worked up. “Babe, what are you talking about? Have I ever mentioned that you’re a burden
to us? Fine, it’s my fault. Let’s just carry on with acupuncture if you feel like having it. I don’t mean
anything too. Don’t treat me as a sinner who has just committed a grievous crime, okay?”

Amelia burst out laughing right away. “Tiff, you look cute when you’re whining!”

Tiffany snorted, but she could not stifle a laughter.

Still smiling, Amelia turned to look out of the car window. But of course, she could not see anything.

A few months had elapsed ever since she lost her eyesight. Within such a short period, she had gone
through a lot. Her life in the past few months was indeed an emotional roller coaster ride for her. There
were countless nights whereby she was shrouded by sheer helplessness. Regardless of how well she
pretended as if nothing was bothering her, nobody but her could feel the inexplicable fear when the
world before her eyes turned pitch black. Even when Tiffany was keeping her company, she could not
just voice out her despair. Instead of bothering Tiffany with her own problem, she would rather
overcome the fear all by herself.

She had gradually adapted to the darkness. Nevertheless, her pride seemed to have vanished into the
darkness as well. She could not resist but feel inferior with her impairment.

Amelia had been in her deep thought for quite a while till Tiffany’s voice sounded alongside her.
“Amelia, we’re here. Let’s get out of the car. Come, let me help you down. Be careful.”

As she stretched out her hand, Tiffany, who stood next to the door on her left, helped her down

“Frank, thank you so much,” Amelia uttered politely.

“Ms. Winters, don’t mention it. Go in now. I’ll get the car washed first,” Frank replied cheerily.

“Frank, see you.” Amelia and Tiffany bid goodbye to him simultaneously.

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