Novel Name : Love You Enough to Leave You

Love You Enough To Leave You Chapter 115

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Chapter 115 Take Care Of Cassie,Love You Enough to Leave You

After a while, Amelia came down with a small black bag in her hand. She walked up to him and said,
“Mr. Clinton, these are the usual clothes you usually wear. After changing, keep them in the bag and
bring them back to wash. As for the working attire, I think it’s better for you to come back to change.”
Oscar put the bag on the ground and pulled her into his arms. “Cheer up. I’m just going to the hospital
for a while. I’ll be back home at night.

After all, you will be here alone, carrying a child. I won’t feel at ease.” Amelia raised a corner of her lips.
She had the urge to ask him if he still treats this place as his home. “Mr. Clinton, you should make your
move now. If Ms. Yard creates havoc again, you’ll be the one to calm her down.” Oscar planted a kiss
on her forehead and said, “Don’t think too much. I’ll be home tonight. Take care of yourself and the
baby in your belly.” Amelia nodded. “Let’s go. I’ll see you off at the door.” After seeing Oscar left the
house and entered the elevator, Amelia’s eyes reddened.

She leaned against the wall after closing the door feebly and slipped down to the ground slowly.
“Oscar, you are so cruel. How could you take back the little hope you gave me?” Amelia cupped her
chest as she felt like there was a void in her heart. “Oscar, do you know that I’m stuck in the love story
that you orchestrated? Why are you so heartless toward me? While I’m helplessly falling in love with
you, yet you are enjoying the fun of two-timing. How merciless are you!” Amelia wrapped her legs with
her arms and wept uncontrollably with her head buried in her arms. Sometime later, she swore to
herself. “Oscar, this will be the last time I shed tears for you.

From now on, I don’t want to cry even a single drop of tear for you, because you are not worthy.”
Having said that, she lifted her head and raised her hand to wipe the tears off her face. With that, her
expression became exceedingly determined. “Oscar, now I finally know your decision. It seems like no
matter how much I sacrifice for you, my position in your heart can never be compared with Cassie’s.
One drop of tear from her and her occasional flirting is enough to win you over. Since that’s the case, I

shall grant you your wish. Even if you want to divorce me, I’ll gladly sign the papers, as a repayment for
your help back then.”

Following that, Amelia went upstairs, entered the bedroom, and plunged herself into the bed with her
head buried under the pillow. About five minutes later, she lifted the comforter and stroke her belly with
soulless eyes. “Sweetheart, mommy lost this time. I’m utterly defeated. After putting myself into this
false relationship willingly, your daddy pulled himself out of the game, leaving me to be ripped to
shreds. Will you laugh at me for being the biggest fool?” Amelia lay on the bed and stared at the ceiling
blankly. After a while, she fell asleep unwittingly.

Right after Amelia was in the land of nod, she dreamed of Oscar and Cassie hugging each other,
whereas she was in a mist trying to catch up to them. Just as she took a step forward, the two would
move forward as well. No matter how hard she tried, there would always be a gap between them and
her. All her efforts to close in on him were futile. She could not get in front of him. In the mist, she fell,
lost herself, and cried. But Oscar, who was hugging Cassie, never once turned back to look at her.
“Oscar, don’t leave me…” Amelia shouted in her dream, then jolted awake.

She raised her hand to touch her forehead, which was covered with beads of sweat. Her face was pale
as a paper. After wiping off the sweat on her forehead, she took out her phone, thinking of calling
Oscar. But she hesitated to press the call button. In the end, she contacted Tiffany. On the other end of
the line, Tiffany said, “Hey babe, why are you calling me in the afternoon? Was it because someone did
not accompany you that you’re feeling lonely now?” Amelia spoke in a weak voice, “Tiff, are you busy?”
Tiffany started to panic. “Babe, what happened to you?

Why does your voice sound so weak?” “No more questions. If you’re free, then come over. Bring your
laptop along as well. I don’t feel safe to be alone here.” At that, Tiffany did not ask anything but said,
“Please wait for a while. I’ll be there in half an hour’s time.” Amelia replied gratefully, “Thanks, Tiff!
You’re the only one who stays no matter what happens.” Tiffany froze for a while and chided, “Was it

Oscar? What did that asshole do to piss you off this time?” Amelia replied, “Tiff, come over quickly. I’ll
be waiting for you.” “Okay. I’ll be there.”

After Amelia ended the call, she lay on the bedside and stroke her belly that became slightly bigger
with mixed emotions. Then she murmured, “Sweetheart, I just told myself not to shed a drop of tear for
your daddy, but I failed. Mommy is just a coward. I may put up a brave front before others, but I’m just a
timid person when I’m alone. Sweetheart, do you think that Mommy is a helpless coward?” Amelia
heaved a deep sigh as she hated her weak and sensitive self. Before she fell in love with Oscar, she
would rush forward without a care in the world, but she could not revert to her courageous self
anymore. She would feel insecure about every trivial thing Oscar did, heartbroken when he showed
concern for another woman.

She hated this part of her. Her feelings for him was deeper than she thought. Half an hour passed in
the blink of an eye. The doorbell rang as Tiffany pressed it, but no one opened the door for her, so she
called Amelia. After the call was picked up, she announced, “Babe, open the door for me.” “Give me a
few seconds. I’ll open it for you.” After the door was opened, Tiffany scrutinized Amelia from head to
toe, then she frowned. “Babe, why do you look so pale? Are you feeling okay?” Amelia shook her head.
“No. I just had a nightmare earlier.” Her words raised Tiffany’s suspicion. “Why are you sleeping during
daytime?” “I’m feeling a little tired, so I took a quick nap.”

Amelia walked toward the sofa and plonked herself on it. “Tiff, have you eaten? Do you want me to
make you something? Molly went back to visit her grandchild, so she did not come to prepare the
meal.” Tiffany shook her head. “Let me do it. You’re a pregnant woman. All you need to do is to enjoy
the meal. Are there ingredients in the fridge?” “Molly kept two days’ worth of ingredients in the fridge.
Feel free to prepare whatever you like for us.” Following that, Tiffany headed toward the refrigerator
and opened it. There were all kinds of ingredients filling it up like vegetables, meat, eggs, pasta, and
even various fruits of the season.

Tiffany turned to Amelia and asked, “Babe, let’s have pasta. What do you say?” “Okay.” After taking out
the pasta, meat, and vegetables, Tiffany cut the meat into small pieces, washed the vegetables, and
turned on the induction cooker. A while later, a pan of fragrant and flavorful pasta was prepared. Next,
she served a plate of pasta before Amelia and noted, “Babe, enjoy your meal. See if it suits your
palate.” Amelia flashed her a smile and lowered her head to dig in her food. In no time, the steaming
hot pasta went down her throat and warmed her stomach.

As a result, she felt a little better than before. Tiffany heaved a long sigh as she stared at Amelia, who
was eating the pasta quietly. She noticed the changes in the latter, who became unusually silent. The
second-mentioned would look sad occasionally, and the only person capable of causing it would be
Oscar. Oscar, you asshole! Scumbag! If you don’t love Amelia, then don’t mess with her in the first
place. Tiffany hated Oscar a lot. She believed that if he were less handsome or less capable, Amelia
would not fall for him. Tiffany sighed inwardly and thought that fate was cruel.

After the meal, Tiffany cleared the dishes and put them in the sink. In a flash, she washed them clean
and took the fruits out of the fridge. She arranged them nicely on a plate after cutting them into pieces.
Then she took them to the living room. “Babe, have some fruits.” At that, Amelia stood up from the
dining table, walked toward the sofa, and sat down. She used a fork to take a piece of apple. But
before it reached her mouth, Tiffany questioned, “Alright, we’ve done with the meal. Isn’t it about time
for you to come clean? Talk. What happened to you and Oscar, the asshole this time?” Amelia blinked
her eyes, trying to act innocent. “What do you mean?” “C’mon babe. I’ve known you for years now.

I can tell whatever that you’re thinking. You’d better be honest with me and tell me the truth.” Tiffany
remarked. Amelia could not hold back her laughter and responded, “Cassie had a miscarriage.” Tiffany
was dumbfounded for a moment as she thought she heard things. “Babe, come again?” “Cassie
miscarried,” Amelia reiterated. Tiffany was stupefied for a bit and exclaimed, “Isn’t this good news?
Serve her right! Even God couldn’t bear to watch her destroy people’s marriage.” She noticed Amelia’s

gloomy expression after she spoke. Knowing what the latter was thinking, she asked, “Babe, don’t tell
me that you’re feeling upset because he went to take care of that woman?” Amelia shook her head.

A moment later, she lamented, “Cassie had a miscarriage. Because of that, Oscar might divorce me.”
“WHAT?” Tiffany was utterly bewildered. Even a novel doesn’t have a plot twist like this. Usually, a
mistress would purposely cause a miscarriage to frame the wife and create a misunderstanding
between the married couple. Wait a minute. Could it be that this whole thing is Cassie’s
scheme? Tiffany was burned with anger. “Babe, is Cassie putting on a miscarriage show to push the
blame onto you?”

Amelia stared at her with a perplexed look and answered helplessly, “Tiff, you got the wrong idea.” She
then explained the unfolding of the event to Tiffany briefly. Upon hearing that, Tiffany was elated. “It
seems like she’s unfavored, huh. Even God doesn’t side her. Despite being a novel author, I can’t write
a story like this. I’m skeptical toward the credibility of her miscarriage. Did she do it on purpose?” A hint
of confusion flashed across Amelia’s eyes. “I don’t think so. After all, the baby in her belly was a life. It’d
be unthinkable that she would cause harm to her own body just to put on a show.”

Tiffany glanced at Amelia with the corners of her eyes. “Babe, don’t be so naive. Not every woman is
as kindhearted as you, who loves children and prioritizes family. Do you think someone like her, who
would brazenly become a mistress, will have proper morality and values? What are the odds of her not
putting on a miscarriage show when she doesn’t even have integrity? Just as you said. Now that she
lost her child, Oscar went to look after her and stay with her.”

Amelia was rendered speechless. Tiffany leaned against the sofa with a grim expression. “Babe, that
sly fox is a schemer. You are a kind soul and you can never hope to defeat her in her game. What kind
of terrible things is she not capable of doing when she could even murder her own child?” Leaning
against the couch, Amelia advised, “Tiff, I know that you hated her guts. But without evidence, it isn’t
nice to badmouth others.”

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