Novel Name : You More Than Anything In The World

Chapter 3

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“I’m sorry! We don’t want to take any pictures! Thank you for taking an interest in us, but you better
stop taking pictures,” Zachary pleaded. After turning down the crowd’s request, he approached Jasper
and tapped him on the shoulder to warn him not to let other people take pictures of him. Jasper stuck
out his tongue at his elder brother. Nevertheless, he followed Zachary’s advice and ceased his poses
obediently. Not only was the public not angry at the rejection, but they were also impressed by
Zachary’s politeness in handling the situation.

They continued to watch the quadruplets with interest. As more curious onlookers began to gather
around them, Arissa hurriedly shouted at her children, “Come on, kids! Let’s move faster!” They could
not afford to stay any longer to avoid causing congestion at the airport. The four young children
immediately followed their mother’s lead and moved away from the crowd. However, Oliver York
suddenly called out to Arissa, “Mommy, I want to pee. I had too much juice on the plane just now.”
Oliver clamped his legs together while looking desperately for any sign of a restroom.

As soon as he saw a sign, he wanted to rush toward it. “Okay, I’ll bring you guys over there!” Arissa
prompted. She also wanted to use the restroom, so she let her children enter first as she watched over
their luggage. “Zachary, I need to poop!” Oliver told his elder brother before rushing to an empty
cubicle. “Ugh, you’re so troublesome. Hurry up!” Zachary admonished him before leading Jasper and
Jesse out after washing their hands. “Mommy, we’re done. You can go in now. Also, Oliver is still
inside.” “Okay, you guys be good and wait for me here.

Remember not to wander off on your own!” Arissa reminded her children before entering the ladies’
restroom. “Gosh! I wonder when Dani will arrive. I’ve been waiting since four o’clock. Yet, there’s still no
sign of her!” “Four o’clock? I’ve been waiting here since last night, just in case I missed her flight!”
“There! Dani’s plane has finally arrived! Come, follow me!” “What? Wait for me!” Someone in the crowd
exclaimed, and hurried footsteps could be heard coming from outside, heading toward the entrance.
Arissa was baffled by the crowd’s reaction to the repeated mentions of a person called Dani.

Who is she? A celebrity? They sounded like a group of young fans. Well, only fans would be in that
kind of frenzy for their idol. Zachary stood beside the family’s luggage along with his two younger
siblings. Suddenly, a group of people dashed out of the ladies’ restroom, and they headed in the same
direction. The three siblings jumped back in fright. Some of their luggage was knocked over by the
running mob. Zachary swiftly pulled the other two to the side to avoid getting hit by the rushing crowd.
“What are they doing? They didn’t even bother to apologize for knocking over our stuff! How rude!”

Jasper glared at the girls’ retreating form with anger. “Stupid fans!” Zachary protested. Jesse helped
her brother in lifting the luggage and echoed, “I know, right? They’re so stupid!” “If their parents knew
about their awful behaviors, they would surely regret giving birth to them!” Jasper harrumphed while
waiting obediently for Arissa. Jesse stood next to her older brothers while looking at her surroundings
curiously. Then, her eyes stopped at the sight of multiple children with cotton candy in their hands. She
swallowed and pointed. “Look! They have cotton candy over there!”

Jasper quickly glanced in the direction and found the store his younger sibling was pointing at. He then
tugged the hem of Zachary’s shirt excitedly and said, “I’m going over there to buy some cotton candy
for us!” “Mommy told us to wait here. So don’t run off on your own!” Zachary advised despite also
wanting to get a taste of the confection. They did not have cotton candy overseas. They only found out
about such a thing from Arissa after seeing it on the internet. “Come on! I’ll be back immediately once
I’ve bought the cotton candy. Mommy and Oliver are still inside the restroom.

I’ll be back in a flash!” With that, he ran over to the store, leaving Zachary unable to do anything to
dissuade his brother. “Be careful!” “I know!” Jasper cheered as he sprinted toward his destination. On
the other side of the airport, a group of bodyguards looked around frantically for someone. “Oh, no!
This is bad. Gavin has disappeared!” “Hurry up and find him! If Mr. Graham finds out about this, we’ll be
skinned alive!” The bodyguards hastily scattered in different directions, hoping to find Gavin before
Benjamin returned. The airport was of average size.

Nonetheless, with it being jam-packed with people, it would be a daunting task for anyone to search for
a missing child. After searching for a while, one of the eagle-eyed bodyguards spotted a familiar figure
with cotton candy in hand in front of a store. “I’ve found him! Gavin is over there buying cotton candy.”
The bodyguard excitedly informed the rest of his colleagues. In less than a minute, they quickly
gathered around Jasper. “Gavin, we’ve found you at last! Please don’t give us such a fright anymore!
There are too many people in the airport. It’s too dangerous to run off on your own.

Come on, let’s return quickly! Mr. Graham will come out very soon.” They did not wait for Jasper’s
response, nor did they notice the difference in the appearance of the young boy. One bodyguard took
the cotton candies, while another picked him up and darted off to another place. Jasper was rendered
speechless as he was stunned by their sudden actions. What is going on? Regardless, he came to his
senses soon enough. “Hey! What on earth are you doing? Let go of me quickly! Or I’ll scream!” Jasper
fiercely warned the group of black-clad bodyguards. He intended not to show them how frightened he
was at that moment. “Gavin, please stop fooling around! Your daddy will be worried sick if he finds out
that you have disappeared!”

The bodyguards concluded that the little one was pulling a prank on them. They continued to coax him
as they rushed toward the Rolls-Royce without further delay. Jasper’s eyes widened in fear. Am I being
kidnapped? “Help! Mmph!” Jasper struggled to break free as he tried to call for help, but the bodyguard
immediately covered his mouth to muffle his voice. He frantically bit the bodyguard’s palm in return.
Unfortunately for Jasper, the guy did not let go of him as he continued to move forward. “Gavin, please
don’t be angry at us. I’ll release you once we’re back in the car.”

The bodyguard was not furious at Jasper for biting his hand as he continued to coax him patiently.
These bodyguards had learned their lesson that day. They would not dare to let him out of their sight in
fear that he might run off again. After all, this was not the first time Gavin had hidden away from them.
“Gavin, there are too many people here. Just let us know if you want to eat anything, and we’ll buy it for
you. What if you ran into people and got hurt?” The other bodyguards kept trying to talk some sense

into him. Huh? Who is Gavin? Jasper was dumbstruck at the sudden realization. These men had called
him by that ever since they took him away. Furthermore, they mentioned something about a daddy just

Jasper silently observed the dozen or so well-trained bodyguards around him. There was not a single
hint of malice on their faces. With that confirmation, his anxiety quickly subsided. Jasper kept his gaze
on them as he pondered about the current situation. These men are behaving as if they are familiar
with me. I certainly don’t know them! Perhaps they have mistaken me for someone else? Jasper
heaved a sigh of frustration. He planned to go along with them for the time being. Even if he was
kidnapped by these strangers, the chances of him escaping from their grasp were close to zero.

Meanwhile, Arissa could only see Zachary and Jesse when she exited the restroom. “Oliver still hasn’t
come out? Where’s Jasper?” she asked. “Mommy, Jasper went to buy cotton candy. Oliver is still inside
the restroom.” Zachary glanced at the cotton candy store. However, his sight was blocked by a sea of
people. Zachary frowned as he failed to locate his younger brother. Didn’t you promise to return soon?

“Where did he run off to?” Arissa clicked her tongue. Despite her nagging, she was not mad at Jasper.
She knew her third son had a superb sense of direction. Regardless of how unfamiliar the place was,
he would always find his way back to her.

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