Novel Name : The Ex and Her Riches

Chapter 728

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Haisley and Laura were taken aback by the sight of Charles dressed in a maid outfit.

They couldn’t help but wonder if he had just returned from a cosplay event.

How else could they explain why a tall and wealthy CEO like him would be wearing such a short, sexy

Nevertheless, they couldn’t deny that he looked stunning in the outfit, despite his muscular physique.
His attractiveness left Haisley and Laura in awe.

Manuel approached them, drawn by the commotion. “What’s happening here? Mr. Newton and I could
hear your arguments from a mile away.”

Haisley quickly got up from the ground, the shoe print from Charles’ kick still visible on her clothes. “Mr.
Newton, I implore you to seek justice on my behalf. She attacked me with a broom when Laura and I
went over to check on her while she was cleaning up the yard. Laura can testify, and the entire incident
was captured by the surveillance cameras.”

Charles remained silent as a storm brewed in his eyes.

Under normal circumstances, the mere sight of his growing anger would have rendered the
housekeepers too fearful to even breathe.

However, Charles’ unconventional appearance, dressed as a beautiful young lady in a wig and maid
outfit, seemed to have altered the usual dynamics of the situation.

Ignoring Haisley, Charles directed his gaze toward Whitney, who stood furthest from them. “What’s your
side of the story?”

Haisley immediately glared at Whitney, sending a clear warning signal for her to choose her words

Whitney, however, remained unfazed as she replied, “Haisley passed her task of cleaning up the yard
to me and even brought Laura along, intentionally creating a mess. They scattered peanut husks
everywhere and disrupted the pile of dried leaves I had swept. So I used the broom against them, and
that’s when you two arrived.”

Whitney held the broom in her hand, standing tall as she recounted the series of events while
conveniently omitting any mention of seeking Charles’ intervention to punish Haisley and Laura.

“She’s making baseless accusations!” Haisley retorted immediately. “I accidentally disturbed the pile of
leaves she had swept, and Laura was simply eating peanuts. It’s normal for a husk or two to drop. You
heard her, Mr. Newton. She was the one who hit me first.”

Laura nodded vigorously. “That’s correct, Mr. Newton. I’ve been working for the Newton family for five
years and have always performed my duties diligently…”

Charles maintained a poker face as he listened intently. Then, in a cold tone, he asked Haisley, “Did
you instruct Whitney to clean up the yard this afternoon?”

“Yes, Mr. Newton. After all, she is a maid employed by the Newton family, so I delegated some tasks to

“Manuel,” Charles interrupted casually. “What is your opinion on this matter?”

Startled, Manuel felt goosebumps rise on his arms.

He knew Charles better than Haisley and Laura, understanding that Charles asked such questions to
test his loyalty and to ascertain if he had been fanning the flames behind his back.

Therefore, Manuel chose to be honest with Charles. “I overheard Haisley and Whitney arguing as we
approached. Haisley and Laura are at fault for causing a scene and making things difficult for Whitney.”

Haisley and Laura turned pale upon hearing this.

Charles sneered and elegantly tucked the strands of wig on his left shoulder behind his back.
“According to the Newtons’ employment contract, how should we handle this situation?”

“For those who stir up trouble, they shall be subjected to the disciplinary measures outlined in the
Newton family’s code, which include being brought into the ancestral hall for ten lashes, performing
yard cleanup, and being dismissed from the Newton residence the following day, forever marked as
blacklisted individuals.”

Haisley’s and Laura’s faces were drained of all color when they heard the news of their impending

The Newtons were known for their generous salaries and bonuses for their housekeepers, but they
were equally renowned for their strictness when it came to dismissals. Once blacklisted, it would be
impossible for these individuals to secure employment with another wealthy family in Salinsburgh ever
again. Some of the smaller wealthy families who were trying to get on the Newtons’ good side would
even force the housekeepers who had been fired out of Salinsburgh, making it impossible for them to
find a job in the city ever again.

Haisley pleaded, “Mr. Newton, I beseech you to reconsider firing me. I was recommended for this
position by Mr. Carlos, who wishes for me to be considered as one of your potential brides. I implore
you to grant me leniency this time on behalf of Mr. Carlos.”

Charles sneered. “Mr. Carlos holds no influence over my decisions. How dare you try to exert your
power simply because you have someone older backing you? Increase the severity of her offenses
twofold. Furthermore, someone like you is unworthy of being considered as a candidate for my bride.”

As Charles mentioned the topic of marriage, his eyes inadvertently shifted toward Whitney, who stood
motionless, her gaze lowered.

Overwhelmed by fear, Haisley fell to her knees. “Please, Mr. Newton, I beg you not to dismiss me. Give
me another chance. My entire family is here in Salinsburgh. I just paid my rent last month. We will be
devastated if I lose my job now. I implore you to show me mercy, Mr. Newton.”

A faint smile played at the corner of Charles’ lips as he replied, “I have never been known for my

He then looked up at Whitney and said deliberately, “You should plead for forgiveness from the person
you mistreated. I may consider sparing you if she is willing.”

Haisley and Laura immediately turned their attention to Whitney, seeing her as their potential savior.
Though it disgusted them to be kneeling before someone they considered beneath them, they had no
choice but to seek her help in order to salvage their positions.

“Whitney, please save me. If I lose this job, I won’t be able to stay in Salinsburgh anymore. It would be
a death sentence for me. Please show me some mercy, I beg of you.”

“I deeply regret bullying you and offending you. I will do whatever you ask of me in the future. I
sincerely apologize to you.”

The two women cried out, humbling themselves and desperately tugging at Whitney’s skirt.

Whitney took a step back to avoid their touch. After much hesitation, she shook her head decisively.
“You must face the consequences of your actions. You were well aware of the repercussions of causing
trouble within the Newton residence, yet you continued to bully me out of jealousy. You should have
known better. I accept your apology, but I will not plead with Mr. Newton to spare you from the

“For those who stir up trouble, they shall be subjected to the disciplinary measures outlined in the
Newton family’s code, which include being brought into the ancestral hall for ten lashes, performing
yard cleanup, and being dismissed from the Newton residence the following day, forever marked as
blacklisted individuals.”

Whitney was not foolish enough to keep two conniving women like Haisley and Laura in the Newton

If she let them off now, they might perceive it as luck and engage in even more ruthless bullying in the

People like them need to face the consequences of their actions.

Haisley was stunned, as she never anticipated such a resolute rejection from Whitney.

She couldn’t comprehend why Whitney refused to grant her forgiveness despite her humbling herself to
such a low level.

“You’re so heartless. Are you holding a grudge because I asked you to sweep the floor? Is that why
you’re now pushing me to my doom?”

Whitney remained unperturbed. “Why can’t you survive outside of Salinsburgh? It’s because you are
driven by greed and materialism. You refuse to leave Salinsburgh because it is populated by wealthy
individuals. Attempting to manipulate me into letting you off the hook by using death as a bargaining
tool, you are a wicked and foolish woman. People like you need to learn a lesson; otherwise, you will
never change.”

Whitney laid out her reasons in a clear and concise manner.

Charles raised an eyebrow, observing her intently.

He had assumed that Whitney, with her pure nature, would be easily deceived. Hence, he expected her
to show compassion toward Haisley’s plea for mercy. He never anticipated that she would possess the
strength to harden her heart and reject Haisley’s request, defying his perception of her as a kind and
gentle woman.

The yard echoed with Laura’s sobs for a prolonged period; while Haisley seethed with anger over
Whitney’s refusal to assist her.

In fact, she felt an overwhelming urge to rush over and tear Whitney apart.

Realizing that Charles had no intention of granting her leniency, Haisley turned to Manuel for support.
“Manuel! Laura and I shouldn’t be the only ones to face punishment. Whitney was the first to use
violence, thus instigating the trouble as well. She should be lashed in the ancestral hall and expelled
from the Newton residence! I refuse to accept my punishment if Mr. Newton doesn’t also punish

Manuel froze, stealing a glance at Charles to gauge his stance.

Charles merely sneered, “What does it matter if you accept your punishment or not? Who the h*ll are
you to even make such statements? Do you think you make the laws here, or is it me, head of the
Newton family?”

Haisley pointed at Whitney in a fit of anger. “We are both housekeepers, so you should treat us fairly. If
you side with Whitney, not only will I be upset, but the entire staff in the Newton residence will also be
dissatisfied with your decision.”

Charles burst into maniacal laughter. “Who said she’s just a housekeeper?”

He walked over to Whitney and lifted her in a bridal-style embrace, leaving Whitney in shock.

“Mr. Newton, you…” Whitney was taken aback by his sudden actions.

Charles glanced down at Haisley, who was still on the ground, and said, “I had planned to announce
this news tonight, but it won’t hurt for you two to find out in advance.”

With a solemn expression, he pronounced, “Whitney is not just my housekeeper; she is Mrs. Newton.
We signed the marriage papers a few days ago.”

Everyone in the courtyard, including Manuel, widened their eyes in surprise at that.

About The Ex and Her Riches -

The Ex and Her Riches is the best current series of the author Novelebook. With the below Chapter
728 content will make us lost in the world of love and hatred interchangeably, despite all the tricks
to achieve the goal without any concern for the other half, and then regret. late. Please read
chapter Chapter 728 and update the next chapters of this series at

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