Novel Name : Caged Between the beta & alpha

Chapter 101

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Having a day off was pretty good , getting some alone time with Tay was even better and the best
fucking way to spend the entire day . Right now , we were in Taylor’s backyard , and although he was
supposed t o be showing me the treehouse at the bottom of the garden , I had something else in mind .
Pinning him up against the tree , I grabbed his crotch , making him smile .

” Seems like this morning wasn’t enough , and I can still feel it . ” He said , that playful smile on his lips .
Wrapping his arms around my neck , our lips crashed against each other in a passionate , rough kiss . I
throbbed against this fucking perfect human who really fucking drove me nuts . He groaned into my
mouth , only making me crazier . I pulled away , trailing kisses down his jaw when he suddenly tensed , ”
Babe … ”

I kissed his neck , but he pushed me back ,, a frown on his handsome face . ‘ Zack , look , isn’t that Nina
the Omega ?

What is she doing here ? ” He asked through the link . I turned , watching her walk towards the back door
of the Jacobs home . ‘ I hadn’t even sensed her … ‘ Our eyes snapped back to each other’s , my heart
thundering as we both thought the same thing . She was one of the ones who were not in the clear ..

I moved away and headed towards the wall between the two houses . Silently , we jumped over the wall
and into the Jacob’s garden . Where was she ? I saw movement through the window and frowned . So ,
she had access ? Fuck … An Omega who cleaned the entire pack … One who could have access to a
lot … ‘

Dammit , Raven even said she saw her at the graveyard à few times ! She doesn’t have family there ,
that should have been a big red warning sign . ‘ Taylor muttered . ‘ It’s done . She’s so fragile looking ,
who would have thought . ‘ I replied . I didn’t get it , Nina was a few years older than us , maybe around
Taylor’s age in her mid – twenties . I opened the door handle slowly , ▼ frowning . It was still unlocked .
What was she doing here ? Was she the one who had helped Haru ?

Probably , why though ? Why the fuck would she do this ? She always seemed so … normal … I stared
into the dark kitchen . I needed to tell Lia I hissed when suddenly something was stabbed into my neck ,
burning pain flowered through my body and I felt myself losing control . My head snapped u p as I stared
at Nina , who was clinging to the wall above the door . Her eyes were unblinking as she stared at me
emotionlessly . Fucking psycho . I heard Taylor grunt , falling to the ground . Fuck it

‘ Liam ! Liam … ‘ I couldn’t link … shit … I fell to the ground next to Taylor and my body began to
involuntarily shake . ” You’re next . ” She said softly , getting down . She pushed us away from the door
and locked it before turning to us , ” One moment … ” My heart was thumping . Taylor’s hand slowly
touched mine , calming me a little , but then I fucking panicked , I couldn’t let anything happen to him .
Shit , I shouldn’t have brought him here … My mind raced as I thought about what I should do …

Wait ! He always kept his phone in his back pocket . I had to do something … Using all my willpower and
forcing my body to work . Inch by fucking inch , it felt like forever as I reached behind me , willing and
forcing myself to move and slid my hand into his pocket , but removing the phone was going to be a
completely different story .

Shit …. I could hear her doing something , the sound of plastic rustling , realising she was putting
something on the floor … Fuck , what did she give us ? I managed to get the phone out , my heart
thundering , the pain that was burning up my body getting stronger . ” You first . ” She said softly , looking
down at Taylor . She was wearing gloves now , her face as emotionless as ever , but I couldn’t even talk
when she began to drag my fucking man away from me .

My eyes . flickered , but my damn wolf was suppressed . She gave me a small smile . ” Sorry but I made
the dose stronger … it’ll work faster … Two birdies with one stone . ” She said , dragging Taylor onto the
plastic sheet she had put on the floor . Fuck ! Fuck ! I rolled slightly , my body screaming against me as I
inched the phone closer trying to see what I was doing … She didn’t seem to notice and I grunted , finally
getting it into my view . I kept it in my hand , unmoving

She was too busy and I really didn’t want to think about what she might do to Taylor , I needed to get us
help . ” My spoon … ” She murmured . How the fuck was she so calm ?! I wish I could talk , but whatever
she had given me was making everything harder . Unlocking his phone , I called the top number , it was
Raven’s , I prayed she was with Liam …

Lowering the volume , I pressed call , grunting in pain , hoping my pounding heart and my grunts would
drown out any sound from the phone . But the moment Raven called out Taylor’s name , I heard Nina’s
heart skip a beat . Take that , bitch . She was next to me in a flash , her eyes blazing with rage . ” You
ruined everything ! ” She shrieked , her hands trembling as she looked at the spoon in her hand . A slow
smile crossed her face as she knelt down next to me . ” Be still Delta Zack .

” Fuck , she was a fucking psychotic bitch … but as long as Tay was ok . A low growl escaped him , but it
was futile , the drugs in our system were far too strong . Her gaze shot to him and she glared at him .
Dammit Tay ! Stay quiet ! I struggled move , but I couldn’t , only managing to roll a little , however , it got
her attention enough . I wanted to ask her why , why she was fucking doing this . The spoon inched
closer , and I forced my eyes shut knowing what she wanted to do .

Fuck this was sick ! Stab me or something … not my eyes . You weird – as – fuck woman ! Her fingers
forced my eyelid open with one hand as the spoon came closer , suddenly she dipped the spoon into the
corner of my socket , the burning pain adding to my already agonising body , but I remained calm ,
hoping Tay couldn’t see this as excruciating pain ripped through my eye and head when she forced the
spoon in as if she was fucking picking out a fucking pickle from a jar .

Just then , the door was ripped off its hinges to reveal none other than Liam himself , his blue aura
swirled around him . Nina gasped , dropping the spoon , and I prayed that somehow my eye would
fucking heal … I could feel the blood trickling onto the floor as he looked at Nina

” A – alpha … ” She whimpered . ” So … it’s been you . ” Liam said coldly , as h e advanced towards her
. Her heart was thundering as Liam’s anger swirled around the room , weighing down on me . ” I … I did

it for you . ” She whispered . ” How so ? ” Liam growled , grabbing her by the neck and slamming her up
against the . wall . ” ANSWER ME ! ”

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