Novel Name : Caged Between the beta & alpha

Chapter 107

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“Zuzu, careful my darling!” | exclaimed, grabbing her as she almost tumbled to the ground. “Waven, I’m a
big girl now.” She stated firmly. “Still, I don’t need you getting hurt.” I said, looking down at the stacks of
supplies that had arrived. We were all over at the Blue Moon territory; the buildings were up and the
furniture was partially in.

Things had been great, and we all knew how the pack was going to be divided. Originally Liam was
going to take leadership again a month ago as he had proven himself, but he had refused his father
saying he wanted Uncle El to make him and Damon Alphas together. It was perfect, this way it wasn’t
Liam giving him something, but two brothers taking their titles together. The official Alpha ceremony
would take place in a few days time. 4 As for us three, we were doing great. The more weeks and
months passed, the more we were back to how we used to be. (latest chapters only

Damon had to leave for six months for a shorter version of the Alpha training, but it was something Uncle
El said he needed to do. I also think he wanted him to get a break away from the pack Uncle El kept
Aunty Monica at their home until he returned, and she was doing so much better. She spent a lot of time
around people. Channing, Taylor’s brother, and she had become fast friends. She visited Uncle Aaron’s
grave often, now that she was in her senses. Damon would video call her daily, she was proud of him
and what he had accomplished, saying Uncle Aaron would be too.

She was back at her own house now, yet she had a carer with her constantly and wasn’t left alone.
Although we were all positive soon, she wouldn’t need even that. Damon came back a few months ago
and was impressed at the amount of work that had been done in his absence with the new pack. Liam
had put in a lot to get it done and I knew until now he was still trying to redeem himself – to both Damon
and I – although we had both forgiven him.

Zack was going to be Liam’s new Beta, and although Liam had been set on having Robyn as his Delta,
last week he suddenly announced she can’t be his Delta but had no reason as to why. Well, that threw us
back in a loop, but after thinking things through he settled on a young warrior, Bronson, who was twenty-
four. Damon had chosen his Beta, who to Taylor’s surprise was his brother, Channing. Although he
wasn’t able t o fight, he was still a smart man and that move of Damon’s alone made us all proud.

Channing had lost the ability to walk and his mate, but with his new position, it gave him purpose,
something that truly warmed us all. 1 Damon was going to be an amazing Alpha, I was sure of it. He had
then chosen Rick, Robyn’s brother as his Delta. Although I teased him it was due to favouritism, h e had
assured me it wasn’t. He no longer looked away if I and Liam had a moment. He actually called us out
before he left saying he was fed up with us walking on eggshells.

Things were perfect and Kiara had FINALLY set a new wedding date!!! It was happening in three months
time! The little ones would be eighteen months by then and probably walking, they were going to look so
adorable in their little flower girl dresses! The delay had been long, yet it was time that their family had
needed to heal.

“Raven take a break.” Damon called, throwing me a bottle of water. I caught it, flashing him a smile. “Are
we done for the day?” | asked, placing Azura carefully away from the boxes she was trying to climb
dangerously. “I think we are.” Liam said, his strong arms wrapping around me from behind, sending off
those sparks that made me lightheaded and burying his head in my neck. I closed my eyes enjoying his
hold, my core throbbing when his lips met my neck. “We are, I need food.”Damon remarked, running his
fingers through his hair. “I think we did good getting this much done before winter came.”

“Yeah, I agree.” Liam said looking at the huge packhouse. “So pizza and drinks at our place?” I
suggested, as Taylor and Zack came over. “Yes!” Azura chimed in “That didn’t include you, pumpkin.”
Liam remarked with a smirk. “I like the idea of that.” Taylor added smiling. I looked up at Liam, he still
needed to tell Robyn about his change of mind, something I was feeling really dreadful about “I’m going
to invite Robyn” The group fell silent and Zack shook his head.

“Liam you need to tell her, I swear I feel dreadful, and I don’t often care about others.” “Course you do,
babe.” Taylor said kissing him. “I don’t.” Damon glanced at Liam. “You know she’s been working super
hard, and since you told her about that rank, she’s put even more in… ” He murmured, crossing his arms
and frowning slightly.

I resisted a smile, I loved how he gave it to Liam as it was, well to all of us. “I know… and I don’t feel like
letting her go… but I need to do it.” Liam sighed. We all remained silent, Liam’s intuitive skills had been
enhanced since the curse had been broken and we all knew there must be a reason. “I’ll talk to her
tonight.” 3 Night had fallen, we had just got the food, the movie was chosen, whilst Taylor and Zack had
grabbed the drinks. “Really, this movie?” Damon asked, raising an eyebrow as he checked the movie I
had put on and paused. “Yes, I love horror movies.” I really did! “Weird.” He shook his head and I stuck
my tongue out. Liam came over, his phone in front of him as he spoke to a sobbing Azura.

“I don’t like you anymore, Wiyam, I don’t!” “I’m sorry pumpkin but today’s a big people day.” “Don’t call
me punkin! I’m not your stupid punkin!” Her talking had improved over the last year but she still called us
Wiyam and Waven. I had heard her say Liam once, so I think she just didn’t want to change it. She had
also gotten a tad more feisty. I loved the girl. Liam promised her a sleepover tomorrow before ending the
call. I felt bad for her, poor Zuzu. “Tay baby, grab me the plates?”

I called out. “Sure girl, by the way, have I already told you I love the new hair?” He said, as he walked
past to get the large plates from the top shelf… Yes, I couldn’t reach with my height. “Thank you, I like it
but I’m not keeping it pink-tipped, I’m changing it for Kia’s wedding.” I explained. “I love that, coordinating
with the dress. I’m coming with you when we go to check the fitting, ok?” I nodded happily “And you’ve
let the bangs grow out.” Damon added, “You look older.” “

The height doesn’t help.” Liam added, before they both smirked at each other. “That’s an insult! Hey, I
assure you, I don’t look like a kid!” I glared at them both whilst taking the drinks to the coffee table. “I
never said you did, I definitely know you’re not a kid Love.” Liam murmured, his eyes dipping to my body.

My stomach knotted and Damon snickered. “Ok, guys we get the picture, flirt after the movie.” “Or
during.” Zack suggested just as there was a light knock on the door and I knew it was Robyn. “You can’t
flirt during a horror movie, I don’t even like horror movies.” Taylor pouted. “Don’t worry, I’ll keep you
busy.” Zack added, pulling the door open. “Not at my place man!” Liam added, before we fell silent as
Robyn stepped inside. ROBYN “Hey, I brought dessert.”

I said, holding up the tray of Tres Lech cake that I’d made. 1 glanced at them all, my heart skipping a
beat when my eyes met a certain blue pair. A year… We had split just over a year ago… but the feelings
I had for him… they never left. I hate it but what do I do? Well, I avoided the blood moons for one, I’m not
ready to meet my mate yet. I didn’t deserve him when I was hung up over another. “Aww thank you!
(latest chapters only You shouldn’t have!” Raven exclaimed, as she came over,
taking the tray from me.

“I’d rather have the cake than beer.” Liam added, flashing me a smile despite a flash of guilt in his eyes.
Why did he look guilty? I gave a small nod. I worked alongside the others for months, but since Damon
had come back I suddenly felt awkward around them… Like he was meant to be here, not me. “Shall we
get to the movie?” Damon suggested, turning around.“Yes, I guess…” Taylor said gulping.

“Why are you making him suffer?” I asked, his sad brown puppy dog eyes… I don’t feel sympathy often
but Taylor was one person I did feel bad for. “I don’t think I’m going to be fine.” Taylor said. Damon took
one armchair and I had to take the other since the two couples sat on the sofa. Great, now I was a mere
twenty centimetres from him… I tried not to focus on his tempting scent but on the delicious smell of
pizza instead… The movie was finished, so I offered to make hot drinks and cut the cake. Taylor was a
drunk mess and was telling Raven how hard it was to watch that movie.

She was apologising profusely whilst he was being very dramatic Liam offered to help me, so here I was
in the kitchen with him. “What is it?” I asked. I could sense that he wanted to speak to me from the few

looks he had cast my way. “That obvious?” “Very.” Liam sighed. “…I can’t make you my Delta, Robyn.”
My heart skipped a beat, my stomach twisting. It felt like I had just been slapped. The excitement I had
felt when he had first told me…

I was ready to make my pack proud… It’s cool. Things happen. Although I told myself that… there was
also that little voice at the back of my head that whispered its doubts… Everything you ever have or
want, is always taken away from you.. Don’t go there, Robyn. I nodded, not even looking up from slicing
the milk cake. “Yeah, that’s fine.” I replied. “I’m sorry, it’s not on you, I just have this feeling that” “It’s ok
Liam, you don’t need to explain it to me.

I’m fine.” And I will be, in a few days or weeks. I sighed inwardly, yeah, I’ll be ok. “I’m sorry.” Liam said
quietly. “I just feel like there’s more for you.” “Sure, thank you.” I said, giving a small polite smile. 2 I ain’t
got time for emotional drama I just… Crap, Rick was going to be so gutted. Oh well, at least the entire
pack didn’t know. I picked up the plated milk cake slices and walked off to the sitting area, feeling Liam’s
eyes boring into me… Zack was getting ready to leave but I held out a plate.

“At least try it, I’m sure he’ll be ok asleep for a little while.” I offered, glancing at Taylor who was hugging
Raven but seemed to be fast asleep. He looked at me, and from the look in his eyes I realised they all
knew, they all knew he was going to drop me. Shit I brushed my hands over my thighs after passing
Damon the other plate and gave a small smile. “Well, it’s late and I’m super tired. Thanks for the invite,
Raven. I’m heading out.” I replied. “Won’t you have cake?

” She asked. I shook my head, I wanted to puke as it was, I felt majorly queasy. “No, I’m stuffed. Night
guys.” I said looking around before grabbing my jacket, daring not to even look at Liam and Damon
“Robyn… Night…” Raven murmured. “Goodnight.” I said, forcing a final smile before I reached the door
and left the warmth of the cottage. I’m sorry, Robyn.’ Liam’s voice came. ‘It’s cool. My lips trembled and I
stared ahead. No, it was not cool, but I wasn’t going to let anyone see my real feelings.

I hugged my jacket to my chest, walking through the light drizzle of rain. Disappointment after
disappointment… Was I that horrible? My eyes prickled and I bit my lip, my heart thumping loudly, the
rustle of the leaves whipping in the wind and the distant sound of the woodland animals seemed to just
get louder in my ears. | gasped when someone grabbed my arm, spinning me around. “Robyn.” I stared
up into Damon’s soft blue eyes, concern clear in them.

I glanced away not wanting him to see the unshed tears “Can I help you?” I said pulling out of his hold,
his scent enveloping my senses. “He didn’t want to give you up, but you know with his intuition, he
sometimes gets feeling-” “Oh Damon, shut up.” He blinked and I frowned at him. “Firstly, stop defending
him. Secondly, I said it’s fine. Now give me some space.” “No.” My heart clenched at that; he really had
changed… The Damon I knew listened… “No?” “Yeah, I’m not giving you space. You’re upset… Look,
you once said to me that if I ever wanted to talk, you’re there for me. Talk to me, just vent for once,
Robyn.” He said quietly, his deep voice like always affected me. “That was different.” I countered
irritated.Because you didn’t love me.

“It’s not. I care for you Robyn, let me be that confidant. Just let it out, I promise I won’t tell Liam if you
speak shit about him.” He said, placing a hand on his heart. A confidant…

Yeah… he probably doesn’t realise that I still cared for him in a different way… Shit… if I walked off… he
might realise. Defeated, I sighed, I wouldn’t tell him everything but… “Yes, I’m upset, because I had
actually thought I was capable of something and it had never been my intention to aim high.” I said,
crossing my arms as I turned my back on him.

“He just took that away, and you all knew… You all knew he was going to; I would have preferred he just
told me through the link or something.” I finished bitterly, feeling the pain in my chest squeeze and the
first dreaded tear trickle down my cheek. Yet, before I could wipe it away, Damon was in front of me
brushing it away before he cupped my face.

“You are worth so much more.” He said softly, giving me a gentle warm smile that only hurt more. “I’m
not.” Unable to hold the tears back, I looked away, trying to will them away. “Because… if I was… /
wouldn’t have everything taken away from me.” 2 I pulled away from his touch, I had already said far too
much. His eyes were filled with sadness, but I didn’t give him a chance to speak as I ran towards the
packhouse, to my space where no one can bother me. Where no one can come and take something
from me…

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Caged Between the beta & alpha Lastest Chapters