Novel Name : Caged Between the beta & alpha

Chapter 102

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She was smiling , her hand that grasped mine as I held her in a chokehold , caressed my fingers . ”
You’re holding me . ” She whispered , making me instantly drop her . What the fuck was her problem ? ‘
Damon , Raven , Robyn – it’s Nina . Get the antidotes . My guess is it’s a mix of silver , wolfsbane and
ricin again . Both Taylor and Zack can’t move .

Bring a doctor immediately . ‘ I mind linked . ‘ Where are you ?! Raven asked , worry clear in her voice . ‘
Your parents house . ‘ I replied , thinking this place was just bad fucking luck . ‘ I’m coming ! ‘ ‘ I’ll get the
antidote . ‘ Damon added . ‘ I’ll get help and call the Alpha ! ‘ Robyn said . ” Why did you do this ? ” I
asked , looking back at the fragile blonde on the floor .

From the first man she killed to now , what was her fucking purpose ? I demanded an answer . ” I said …
Answer me ! ” I growled , letting m y Alpha command pour out of me . She instantly lowered her head ,
sobbing erratically . ” I love you ! But you never cared for me ! I always wanted your attention ,

I wouldn’t mind just being your omega , but you never even looked at me . ” She said , tears trickling
down her cheek . ” I made your lunches , your breakfast , all your favourite food , you never cared . ”
Don’t tell me she was some deranged creep with an infatuation with me … I’ve never flirted or led
anyone on … ” Why did you kill each of them though ?

What did they do to you ? ” ” Because I wanted to ! And then I wanted t o hurt her ! So I hurt her family ! ”
She said , glaring up at me , twisting her head to the side , her eyes red from unshed tears and anger . ”
Raven . ” I said , just as her scent hit me .

” Zack … ” She whispered , rushing to Zack’s side . ” Fuck ! ” ” How did you find me here ? There was no
scent ! ” Nina cried in irritation . ” You ruined it all ! ” Let’s just say my sniffing abilities have hiked , ” I
growled . ” Is that your only reason for killing all those people ? Because you wanted to ? ” ” I didn’t want
anything linked ! I had to make it look different ! ” She said , still clutching the spoon in one hand . ” All
over what , a ridiculous infatuation ? I should end you right here .

” I said icily . She froze , then looked up at me sharply . ” Ridiculous ? You’re just like them …. ” She said
, her eyes full of hurt . I didn’t turn even when Dad and Damon entered , Damon ran to the boy’s ,
administering the antidote . ” Like who ? ” I asked , my alpha command rolling off of me . She could try ,
but she could never resist it , as anger and rage – filled her eyes . She knew that and she hated it . ” Your
parents ! They are the reason my dad was killed ! ” She screeched .

” Who was your father ? ” I asked coldly . Dad stepped forward , a frown on his face a s he assessed the
situation . ” Who do you think ? ” She spat with hatred in her eyes . She looked at Dad with a cold smile
on her face . ” Do you know who my dad was Alpha ? ” She asked in a creepy , soft voice . *** ” You can
hide your heartbeat and presence .

” Dad said , I knew he was putting the pieces together , his heart thundering . ” A tracker in stealth … By
any chance could you be the daughter of Hank Williamson ? ” He asked , his face pale . Hank
Williamson … I knew that name , or more like the story of the old Delta family … Who would have
thought their shadow still lingered in this very pack …

A slow smile spread on her face as she nodded slowly . My mind was reeling , but it fucking made sense
. Her being so quiet and able to sneak up on people … her strength and abilities , it had to be a high –
ranking wolf that she was linked to … Fuck , the thing was , Omega births were never really questioned ,
if there was a parent missing o In the birth certificate , that was actually pretty normal . ” Yes … Yes , I
am . I found out , I learned it all by myself .

I know that you and Luna Scarlett killed him and his sister . Fiona … What a pretty name . ” She said ,
her eyes widened and she looked fucking deranged . ” They deserved it . ” Dad said , swallowing hard . ”
Your so – called father tried to rape Scarlett ! Not once , but twice . Do not fucking act like he was
innocent ! I could feel Dad’s anger and rage so I placed a hand on his arm . I felt relieved when Taylor
was helped to sit up , despite looking pale , he could at least move with the antidote in his system . ” You
killed several innocent people , tried t o kill a few more , and you framed Owen . Quite the plan .

” I asked quietly . ” He saw me at the grave one day , but he didn’t like her anyway , so he didn’t care ,
but I couldn’t risk it . ” She hissed , glaring a t Raven with pure hatred on her face . ” The graveyard , is
that where you bury the teeth and eyes ? ” Raven asked sharply . My eyes didn’t leave the omega , not
trusting her . If she was the daughter of a delta , and had managed to kill several people , she may have
something up her sleeve . ” Yes . I bury them all there …

Do you want t o know exactly where ? ” She shuffled closer , her eyes fixed on Raven . ” In that precious
little coffin that you love to visit ! ” She laughed maniacally . I felt the flash of pain through the bond as my
gaze snapped to Raven , seeing the hurt in her eyes . ” What ? ” Nina cackled . ” Your so – called brother
? I threw his remains in the river . His coffin is just full o f teeth and eyeballs . ” She burst into another fit
of deranged giggles . Raven sprang up , her eyes flashed as she rushed forward , punching Nina across
the face , a vicious growl leaving her lips . ” How dare you !

” She shouted , the hurt in her voice tugging at my own heart . , I pulled her back into my arms . She
struggled , but I didn’t let her go , kissing her neck . I could feel her pain , her sadness , and the hurt …
Once again , she had lost something , losing the last she had of her brother . ” It’s going to be ok . ”

I whispered to Raven , holding her tight . The flash of anger and jealousy in Nina’s eyes was strong , so I
instantly moved Raven behind me protectively . ” The pictures … That was your doing , wasn’t it ? ” She
frowned and nodded , wiping the blood from her cut lip . ” I went to the mating ball , hoping you’d b e my
mate . But you weren’t … you weren’t ” She said , her eyes looked haunted . ” S o , I needed to break
you apart , and with her father already not wanting you two together , it helped .

So , the attack last night , I’m assuming you bargained with him to target Damon because of your
infatuation with Liam . ” Dad said in realisation . ” He has to be mine ! Only mine , I’ve done s o much for
you , Liam …. ” ” You’re deranged … ” ” If I die , you die too ! ” She spat , lurching t o her feet . She
growled , lunging at me , something flashing in her hand . My eyes blazed with anger but I didn’t even
move , a wave of my aura throwing her against the wall hard .

” Hatred … Bitterness … Resentment … It just gives birth to more … The circle never ends … ” I don’t
know if I was talking to her or in general , but there was never an end to the pain and darkness .. ” You
committed more than one crime , and for it , you will be tried … Your father was scum , but it didn’t mean
you had to b e the same .

You were treated well in this pack , yet that didn’t matter to you , did it ? ” ” If they knew who my father
was , they would have killed me ! ” She screamed ” No , I wouldn’t have . ” Dad said quietly . ” Exactly . ”
I said icily . ” Don’t act noble you are not perfect either ! ” She screeched hysterically , her eyes full of
burning hatred .

” No , I’m not , and I’m not the Alpha of this pack right now , but it’s still my pack , my family , and my
people . I’ll always stand for what’s right , and when I’m wrong , I know those around me will show me
the right way . ” I stepped closer to her and struck her neck , knocking her unconscious . I’d had enough
of her .

” I’ll throw her into the cells . I think we are done here . ” I turned away from her , looking at Zack and
Taylor . Zack’s eye was bloody , but it would heal . ” Dad … could you take Raven home ? Damon , could
you get Zack and Taylor to the hospital ? ” They nodded and I looked at Raven , who approached me ,
her eyes still simmering with rage and pain .

I was about to cup her face when Nina jumped up , but before she could even do anything or I could
react , Raven had plunged her hand into her chest , ripping her heart out . It was a reflex and her eyes
widened as she stared at the heart in her hand , before dropping it and looking up at me , realising what
she had done .

” I … I didn’t mean- ‘ ” It’s fine . ” I said sighing . It was over … but to think someone so seemingly
innocent had sowed discord into our pack … I wrapped my arms around her tightly , kissing the top of
her head . ” That was fucking weird . ” Zack said . ” You tried to distract her ! I’d rather she carved my
face up , I need your handsome face intact . ” Taylor scolded him , despite still sounding weak himself . ”

Likewise . ” Zack said , tangling his fingers in his mate’s hair and yanking him close . He kissed him hard

I looked down at my own just as Robyn returned with a few of the warriors . ” Get this place cleaned up .
” I said before pulling away from Raven . ” Go with Dad . I’ll be home soon . ” She hesitated but nodded
as Dad placed his arm around her . I walked past Robyn , not missing the relief on her face as she
glanced at Damon .

I smiled slightly . Who knows … I walked through the dark pack grounds , heading to the children’s
graveyard . Renji’s remains may no longer be in that coffin but I was not going to let the grave stay like
that . I had felt her pain and it had fucking torn me apart . Entering the graveyard , taking a moment t o
find his grave

I smiled slightly , seeing the plushie I recognised at the foot of the tombstone . Crouching down , I began
to dig it up completely , my heart squeezing once more . I won’t let this area become a bad memory for
her … This was the last thing she had of him … I’ll clean it out for her … An hour later , I sat back ,
brushing some dirt off my hands . I had removed the coffin , Nina had left a lot of disturbing messages on
it written in what was clearly blood and scratched into the wood of the coffin .

But now it was just soil , yet it had been the place he had once lay . Once I was done , I went to the
Jacobs home once again , a place that was still being cleaned out . Heading to the attic I began
searching for anything of Renji’s , I wanted to return to Raven but I couldn’t go empty – handed , not after
seeing that broken look in her eyes .

I finally found it , a small old metal carry case with a blue R painted on it , in the farthest corner of the
attic . I brushed the dust off it , opening it up and hoped my gut instincts were correct . I smiled in relief ,
looking at the box which contained some children’s clothing , photos , a toy , a pacifier , a bottle and a
blanket .

She’d be happy with these … I stood up , glancing around the attic . I’m sure when she’s ready she can
come and see if there’s anything she wants , and then I was going to burn this place to the ground . I just
hoped with it … all of its bad memories would fade away too … Moonlight Muse Author Thank you for

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