Novel Name : Coolest Girl in Town

Chapter 104

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,Coolest Girl in Town

“I’m not too sure about him getting first place, but I dare say that he’ll be in the top three.” After Elise
provided her solid opinion on the matter, both of them walked toward the exit with Elise leading the
way. As they were heading out, Elise noticed something from the corner of her eye.

She saw Alexander standing beside Wilson, and she was immediately intrigued. “Hey, Jamie. I need to
use the washroom. Why don’t you wait for me outside?”

Jamie didn’t seem to suspect anything. “Go ahead, then. I’ll wait for you at the exit.” After that, Elise
made her way toward the washroom with her gaze still fixed upon Alexander. She ended up hiding in a
corner where she could hear Alexander’s voice. “You did pretty well today.

You just need to be a little more stable.” “My condition is much better today, and it’s all thanks to your
advice, Mr. Griffith. I’ll do my very best for the finals tomorrow,” Wilson replied in a humble tone.
Alexander patted him on the shoulder. “Go get some rest.” Once their conversation was over, Wilson
walked off.

Elise seemed to have understood something after hearing their exchange. Could Wilson be under
Alexander? Does that mean that Alexander has been secretly training a racecar driver to participate in
this international event? Elise figured that it was something that Alexander would do—she could tell
that Alexander was a fan of racing, after all.

Elise had no intention to stay any longer, so she walked toward another exit to leave the stadium.
However, she had only taken a few steps when she saw Alexander walking toward her. They came
face to face with each other, and Elise greeted him since she had no reason to avoid him.

“Hello, Mr. Griffith. What a coincidence! We meet again.” This time, Alexander took a long, thoughtful
glance at the woman before his eyes. I just realized something. Joy gives me a strong sense of

familiarity because she gives off an aura that’s similar to Elise’s. Furthermore, Joy’s jet-black eyes
remind me of Sare!

Joy is like a combination of Elise and Sare! This realization came as a shock to Alexander. “Are you
heading back now, Miss Sinclair?” Elise nodded.

“The event is over for today, after all. I’ll be here to watch the finals tomorrow.” He nodded in
agreement. “I’ll see you tomorrow, then!” “See you!” She waved. Their shoulders brushed past each
other as they both headed in different directions.

Once Elise got to the exit, she looked around for Jamie, but before she could find him, she heard the
sound of a gunshot coming from inside the stadium! The gunshot was followed by a series of screams,
and the crowd descended into havoc as everyone charged frantically toward the exit. Elise was

Why would there be the sound of a gunshot at a place like this? Alexander’s still in there! Upon that
thought, she no longer cared about anything else. She went against the flow of the crowd as she ran
into the stadium. Tons of people bumped into her yet it didn’t seem to slow her down, and she
continued running into the stadium. Suddenly, she tripped on something and flew forward to crash
directly onto the ground.

“Ouch…” She cried out in pain when someone accidentally stepped on her. Right after that, she hastily
scrambled to her feet. However, people continued to bump into her as they rushed out of the stadium.
She was nearly shoved against the wall when a large hand reached out and held onto her waist. Both
of their bodies struck the wall, but Alexander blocked the impact by holding her close to his body. “Are
you okay, Miss Sinclair?”

He had just walked out of the stadium, but he happened to see Elise falling onto the ground. He initially
figured that he would mind his own business, but he had second thoughts after he recalled that Joy

was his grandfather’s friend’s niece. He thought that it’d be rude of him if he were to walk off without
offering help, so he hurried over to her. Meanwhile, Elise felt her heart racing as she stared at the man
right in front of her eyes.

All the subconscious worries that lingered in her mind seemed to have been resolved at that very
moment. I think I’ve fallen for Alexander. As much as I don’t want to admit this, it seems to be the truth!
I wouldn’t have run in to look for him in such a dangerous situation if I didn’t like him! Once she realized
her feelings for him, she instinctively pushed him away.

“I’m fine!” Right after she finished speaking, the sound of a gunshot came from behind them. The crowd
seemed to panic even more after hearing the second gunshot, and they all charged toward the exit.
Alexander did the same thing—he grabbed Elise’s arm and ran without any hesitation.

She followed the crowd, and it felt like they had run for ages before they finally came to a halt. “I can’t…
I can’t run anymore…” she uttered between breaths. Alexander looked at her before looking around
him. “I think we should be safe here!” Elise’s legs turned to jelly after she heard his words. Her
adrenaline was what kept her going for so long. “Thank you for what you did earlier,” she said in a
sincere manner.

However, Alexander didn’t seem to pay much attention to her words. “I wonder what happened. It’s
legal to own guns in France, but I don’t think it’s safe to come here anymore. You shouldn’t watch the
competition tomorrow. Let me send you back to the manor.” Elise immediately rejected his offer. “No,
it’s fine. I don’t want to go back yet.” He raised an eyebrow as he gazed at Elise with a look of surprise.

“For the sake of your safety, I don’t think you should come again tomorrow. It’s just a competition, after
all. You can watch it next year if you miss it this year. There’s always a next time.” Elise nodded. “I got
it. Thank you, Mr. Griffith.” She looked away from him after that. Ever since she realized her true

feelings for him, she felt especially nervous about spending time with him when it was just the two of

Something struck her at that moment, and she quickly reached into her pocket to pull her phone out
before giving Jamie a call. However, Jamie didn’t pick his phone up after it rang for a long while. She
knitted her brows as she started to feel worried. “Is something the matter?” Alexander asked.

Elise parted her lips to speak, but she bit her tongue at the very last second. Alexander noticed that
she seemed rather hesitant. “It’s fine if you don’t want to tell me about it,” he offered. Elise hadn’t
intended to tell him about her concern, but she figured that she had to do it for the sake of Jamie’s

“Jamie is still somewhere in there. I can’t contact him.” Alexander quickly understood her concerns
after he heard what she said, but he didn’t do much apart from offering some words of comfort. “He’s a
grown man, so he should be fine. Don’t worry. You can try calling him after a while.

If you still can’t contact him, I’ll walk around to look for him with you.” She nodded before making a few
more calls to Jamie. After a few consecutive calls, Jamie finally picked the phone up. “Where are you,
Boss? Are you okay? Something happened in the stadium, and I’ve been trying to look for you.

Where did you go?” Upon hearing Jamie’s flustered voice, Elise felt a surge of relief in her chest. “I’m
fine. I managed to run out of the stadium. Don’t worry.” A long sigh came from the other end of the line.

Where are you? Should I come over to meet you now?” Elise looked around her and gave him some
directions before she ended the call. As Alexander watched her talk on the phone, he realized how she
sounded like a girlfriend who was caring for her boyfriend. Could Joy be Jamie’s girlfriend?

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