Novel Name : Coolest Girl in Town

Chapter 505

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Who Said We Were Lovers

At this point, Elise gave Kenneth a detached, apathetic look. “There’s one thing I want you to be clear
about, Kenneth Bailey. You’re not the only person who would die for me. If you did those things for me to
pay you back equally, then you’ve miscalculated. From the very beginning, you’ve already miscalculated.
I never asked you to do those things for me. I don’t need you to, nor do I wish for us to have such a
reciprocal relationship.”

The crowd nearby snickered. “Wow, looks like there are times when even handsome men can’t get the
woman whom they love.”

“Hey, you might be handsome, but you’re old. Perhaps you shouldn’t covet the young ladies anymore?”

“Oh, hold your tongue. Men always like the young ones.”

“If you ask me, courting women in public seems a bit like emotional blackmail.”

“That depends on how handsome you are…”

The comments went on and on, turning this bout of public courtship into a joke.

In the beginning, Kenneth only kept his eyes on Elise, staring at her as piously as a monk and seemingly
waiting for her to change her mind.

However, as he realized that she showed no signs of softening, his gaze turned cold and he turned his
head to glance mildly at the onlooking crowd. Instantly, their laughter came to a halt.

The man in front tightly pursed his lips and offered a fake smile as he turned into a tortoise hiding in its
shell who lacked the courage to move.

The world was full of narcissists like these who would watch the world burn only to then act like they
were on a high horse and had nothing to do with the trouble once it truly started.

It wasn’t until no one dared to laugh any longer that Kenneth turned back to glance incomprehensibly at
Elise, toss the imperial jade to Tom, and walk away.

As Elise breathed a sigh of relief, she gave Tom a look. “You can send Miss Melody back in a bit and
have her take the jade with her.”

Since Melody was already prepared to leave, she turned back. “Excuse me, Miss Sinclair. Did I offend
you in some way?”

Elise shook her head. “Why would you think that?”

“Why else would you have me take back something that my boss didn’t want? Would you like to watch
me lose my job?” Melody frowned and gave her a look of bewilderment that was typical of intellectuals.

“My apologies.” Elise shrugged. “I thought you two were lovers and that I might spare you his temper if
you brought the jade back for him. I meant no harm.”

“Wait a minute.” Melody held up her palm to make the ‘stop’ sign. “Lovers? Who said we were lovers?”

“Isn’t it obvious? You both go everywhere together. You live in the same house, and…” There were other
things inappropriate to mention in public.

Sighing helplessly with her hand to her forehead, Melody replied, “In truth, Miss Sinclair, you’ve seen us
enter the same residence but not in the same bed. We’ve never even held hands. Don’t you find that

Looking at her in puzzlement, Elise responded, “It would be stranger if I’d seen it.”

Melody surely was a tad bit too open-minded if she expected Elise to be there to witness what the couple
were doing in bed!

The response tickled Melody, who would have kept a straight face even if the sky fell on her, so much
that even she couldn’t help laughing desperately. “It would be quite strange. However, that’s not the
point. The point is that you’ve misunderstood us, Miss Sinclair. Mr. Bailey and I have the platonic
relationship of a superior and a subordinate. Furthermore, he’s not my cup of tea, so please don’t place
me in an awkward position any longer.” At this point, she turned on a dime. “And on that note—the
repayment of a debt of gratitude doesn’t depend on what you have but what the other party wants.”

With that, she resumed her mechanical smile as she nodded before turning to leave.

Elise fell into deep thought as she reflected on Melody’s words. This was what she was worried about.
As long as Kenneth never spoke up, she would forever owe him a debt of gratitude.

It was frustrating that she had only just said she didn’t wish for them to have such a reciprocal
relationship before stepping into such a pitfall.

It looked like she wouldn’t be getting rid of him so easily.

A dispirited Elise clenched her teeth ruefully.

On the other hand, what she didn’t expect was the fact that Kenneth and Melody weren’t lovers.

Meanwhile, Tom and Tina waited until Melody was at a distance before walking up to Elise and thanking
her for her help. “If it wasn’t for you, Miss Sinclair, Tina would be left to rot in the hands of those sons of

“It’s only a small matter,” Elise answered absent-mindedly.

However, grief and distress were written all over Tina’s face as she asked, “Is it true that the Carnegie
Family killed my parents, Miss Sinclair?”

“I benefit nothing from lying.”

“That’s not what I meant…” Tina answered despondently. “It’s just a pity that we lost that piece of
evidence as I have no way of seeking revenge for my parents now.”

Even if she understood that the evidence was used to earn her freedom, there was no way for her not to
mourn the inability to seek justice for her parents’ murder.

“Ah, don’t worry about that. What goes around comes around—the time for revenge will soon be here.”
Elise chuckled meaningfully.

In truth, the so-called ‘evidence’ had long been sent elsewhere.

When Ziggy arrived home at the Carnegie Residence, he dismissed his staff before opening the
document folder that Elise gave him.

At this moment, he was so nervous that he kept swallowing his saliva while holding his breath. Bit by bit,
the contents of the envelope were revealed, at which point he suddenly frowned and thought, Blank?
Maybe this is only the cover page.

However, the next piece of paper that he flipped to was also blank, as was the next.

It was halfway through the document that he abruptly realized he had been tricked. Tossing the papers to
the side, he yelled, “Sh*t! How dare you play me for a fool, woman! I’m not a Carnegie if I let you walk
out of Dukethorn alive!”

A furious Ziggy whipped off his necktie and pulled out his cell phone to prepare to have someone kidnap
Elise here. Then, he would have her properly dealt with!

However, before he could place the call, a member of his staff stumbled into the room, shouting,
“Something’s happened, Young Master Ziggy!”

Since Ziggy’s anger hadn’t abated, he kicked the other person a few feet back. “F*ck off with that
bullsh*t. Are you trying to provoke me?”

As he rose to his feet with some difficulty, the staff member said in a trembling voice, “There’s a bunch of
policemen outside saying that they would like to take you and Old Master Carnegie back for

Ziggy was not worried as he grumbled, “And why are you panicking? That’s all the police know how to do
—try and arrest someone for money. Have the butler give them 20,000.”

Before his subordinate could reply to him, a group of plainclothes policemen barged into the room and
walked right up to Ziggy, flashing him a legal document with a stamp on it. “Ziggy Carnegie, you are
under arrest for tax evasion, the bribery of public officials, and contracting the services of a hired killer.
We have irrefutable evidence and a legal warrant for your arrest.”

“Why so stern, Captain Harrington? Wouldn’t you like to sit down for some tea?” Previously thick as
thieves with Captain Jesse Harrington, Ziggy reached out to pat the man’s shoulder the moment he saw
who had come for him.

Unfortunately, Jesse leaned to the side and dodged his hand.

“Ziggy Carnegie!” he barked officially, raising his volume to warn Ziggy, “Jim Carnegie has been arrested.
The end is nigh for Carnegie Family!”

“How is that possible?” Ziggy asked in disbelief.

Jesse waved his hand and ordered, “‘Cuff him and take him away!’”

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