Novel Name : Coolest Girl in Town

Chapter 757

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This blatant contempt is just disrespecting me! George's expression turned dark and thunderous.Tom
could read the mood and didn't talk anymore as he sat there silently.It was after a long time that the
anxious atmosphere in the room was cased by Alexander's calm voice.

"Mr.Huges, I think we will have a headache if such a person enters the Jewelry Association.However, I
will give you some advice.Alexis has no intention of starting a war.Still, if others insist on fighting, we
will counter head-on.Please be understanding, Mr.Huges.Right, then.I have something to do, so I'll take
my leave.Thank you for your hospitality.I will hold a banquet to thank you in the future."

George watched Alexander walk out, and his gaze gradually became deeper.One is a lunatic and the
other is a young entrepreneur in his prime.It is obvious who I should stand for.



The ambulance siren sounded outside the door, which startled Lucas’ housekeeper.As he opened the
door and was about to greet someone, he saw Lucas jump out of the car, shirtless and energetic.

"Young Master Lucas, why are you coming back with an ambulance?" the housekeeper asked.

"Shut your trap!"

Lucas was in a fit of rage and he left the housekeeper behind him.

As soon as he walked into his house, he grabbed a bottle of whisky, sat in the living room and directly
poured it into his mouth.Alcohol would case all sadness.As soon as Lucas slept, he would wake up

tomorrow as if nothing had happened.He would still be the young master of the Potter Family, and no
one would gossip.

"Oh no, Young Master Lucas!"

A maid suddenly ran downstairs in a hurry.

"You're too loud!" Lucas stopped her impatiently.

"Why are you so flustered? Is the world ending?!"

The maid sadly lowered her head and stood there, not daring to look at him.

Lucas rolled his eyes and shouted impatiently, "What do you want to say, you dumb *ss?!"

The maid was frightened, but she pointed upstairs and said, "T-The safe in the study has been

"Where Lucas threw the whiskey bottle away and ran upstairs.When he arrived at the study, the safe
was wide open as the maid said.The important object in the safe was long gone.He turned around
angrily while holding his forehead and kicked the antique vase next to him in fury.The sound of the
broken vase attracted the servant to clean it.Lucas looked at the silver-gray uniform on the woman's
body and thought of the dance partner tonight.I had the key on me all the time.However, the only
person who approached me the entire time was that woman.It must have been her! Thinking of this,
Lucas quickly rushed downstairs and called his subordinates on the landline.

"Bring me that champion"

Within twenty minutes, the said champion arrived.

"What are you doing?!"

The dance champion was confused.She was knocked unconscious earlier, and now she was being
forcefully sent to the Potter Residence.It was a bad night for her.

"What am I doing, you ask?" Lucas stepped forward.

After slapping the woman, he pointed at her face and threatened, "Tell me, who sent you?!"

"What are you talking about? I don't know.Didn't you pay me to dance with you? I can sue you for
hitting me, you know!"

The champion had experience with the world, so she was not stunned by the slap.

"Sue me? You can think about it if you can get out of here alive."

Lucas squatted down and grabbed her chin, murderous intent flashing in his eyes.

"The only one who touched me is you.Who else can steal my key if it wasn't you?!"

"I don't know what you are talking about, but don't try to wrong me.I didn't dance with you earlier.I was
knocked out before I entered the venue, so how can I take your key?"

The champion endured the pain and struggled.

Lucas' gaze changed, and he remembered the woman suddenly changed her clothes before dancing
with him.He let go of the woman and stood up silently.He then fell into deep thought.

Does that mean everything has been planned? How did the woman know that I would find someone to
replace Charissa? Or have I been targeted by that woman since I walked into the venue? It makes
sense why she would suddenly run away at the last minute.


Lucas punched the table as the veins popped on his forehead.

"Who the f*ck is that woman?!"

A piece of news made headlines on major platforms the next day.

‘Famous landscape painting scholar SQ will hold a solo exhibition at No.43, Flower Road, Tissote
Science and Technology.We sincerely invite everyone to visit the humble exhibition.."

The news was forwarded to the group by Noel, and everyone thought Elise was inviting them.

Hence, everyone from Dragonweiss came to the exhibition.

They could tell whether it was really Elise by looking at the painting.If it wasn't, they had to find out who
was faking Elise's name as SQ to sell fake paintings.It was not an exaggeration to say that SQ's
influence in the art world was powerful enough to move everyone.

Almost all famous artists from all over the country were present on the day of the exhibition.

SQ's work was a rarity, and everyone wanted to try their luck to see if they could own a piece.

Only Elliot went there to flirt as Stephanie was one of the organizers.Hence, Elliot gave Stephanie

"Miss Stephanie, I truly hope this exhibition is a success.

"Thank you"

Stephanie accepted it politely.

"Hello, Miss Stephanie,"Jamie interjected.

"I heard that this exhibition was organized by you.I wonder if I have the honor to meet SQ in person?"

"SQ doesn’t like socializing; I'm so sorry" Stephanie answered with a smile.

Jamic grinned meaningfully.

"It's alright.Since that's the case, I won't bother you anymore."

Then, he went elsewhere with Elliot.

Elliot, however, was confused.

Why does Stephanie smile at everyone but me? Am I really that annoying? He was so focused that he
didn't even notice when Jamie stopped.He continued to walk forward for a long time before he turned

"Jamie, do you like SQ's work? Should I buy one for you?"

Buying a painting could not only please Stephanie, but also show his kindness.

Elliot's mood suddenly improved a lot when he thought of that.

"There's no need."

Jamie patted Elliot on the shoulder with a smile.

"You should keep your pocket money to play video games with Sheldon.Don't spend it on such
unnecessary stuff."

"Sheldon has gone crazy in the past few months.I can count the number of times we met with one
hand.Jamie, please persuade him to not study too hard." Elliot was being serious about it.

Jamie was amused.

"Sheldon is working hard.In the future, I can let you ride his coattails.Shouldn't you be secretly happy
about it?"

"However, I already have a coattail for you to ride.I don't have to ride Sheldon’s coattails, do I? He is
tiring himself out.My father said that the Keller Family is the same as the Howard Family.We are so rich
that we can't spend all the money even if it was a few lifetimes.So, why should Sheldon work hard?"

Elliot didn't understand.

"You will never understand."

Narissa walked up to Elliot and said softly, "A lazy bum like you won't know the joy of working."

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