Novel Name : Cruel World

Chapter 32: chap31

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He was fuming, all he saw was red. He watched his wife looking aimlessly at car she is
thinking something deep. Is she thinking about that Rome ...fuck...he can feel the jealousy but he never
accepts it.

He was calling this is his wife fault to behave like this and leave him alone in front of everyone.

When they reached home. He was silent and saw Sarah going to Ava room...fuck it he will ask her if
she won't speak now...he waited for her outside the door..When she comes from Ava room.she was
stun to find him outside. Theo cross his arms and looked arrogantly at his wife

'Theo you need something' she asked softly

Theo whose anger was at peak .''s fucking we are in the home away from public eye' He
doesn't want to say that but he was angry and jealous too but he ignored that thought

Sarah flinched and looks scared ...she trembles...Theo grab her hand roughly and take her to the
room..and said 'now Mrs. Grey tell me why that man wanted to talk to you'

Sarah was confused and terrified the way he was reacting and she was trying to process what was
happening 'The,.sir i

Theo grab her chin tightly that sure enough, it will leave marks 'I won't repeat nor you will act confused
cause you fucking know what I'm talking about'

Sarah tries to get away from him 'you are hurting me' her tears were falling

Theo felt little disturbed what he is doing but then he remembers she did this to her 'I will hurt you more
if you don't fucking open your mouth'

Sarah shakes in fear 'I..He was my old friend actually he was Simon I mean my brother friend'

Theo was now more furious 'You mean that fucking boy you went home at 12 dec night alone'

Sarah was terrified to answer but the look she saw in Theo eyes made her talk 'Yes..but it's not like that

Theo then lost it and grab her hair roughly 'Then fucking explain what it was cause all I can see my wife
left me alone in front of everyone to meet a strange man ...what I told you about my public image, what
I fucking told you about you that you have to fucking look like my wife, not a dumb-headed girl that
walks to anyone who called there something between you guys' he yelled and tighten his
hold..Sarah makes a painful sound that way he was holding her hair

Sarah was now crying 'Plz believe me..I just do what you told give me your permission ... I
can't understand the meaning behind your words and I apologized for that cause you are right I'm stupid to leave you alone... I disappointed you..plz forgive me..plz

Theo soften the hold and felt bad and disturb the way she was begging him but then the devil return
and he throws her to the bed and said 'Sarah you have one fucking tell me what he is for
you and what he said'

Sarah holds her midsection in fright and said 'he was nothing to me...just a friend..after Simon. I mean
my brother died he used to come and console me and one day...just one day we kissed and nothing
happen I swear and then he was gone, now I saw him after all these years...he just wants to say he
was sorry that he never contacted me'

Theo laugh evilly 'and now you have regrets that he was little late'

Theo walks toward her and lean on top her and said 'But you were always mine...even he had found
you before i still have caught you and make you mine...'

He opens his trouser button and he flips Sarah and opens her back dress button ...Sarah resists and
said 'No ..plz don't do this... I don't want this'

He sees red how the fuck she can deny him...she never did that ...meeting that Rome guy made her
brave... He will show her domination in greater extent ...he forcefully remove her clothes and then enter
into her with more force that made her scream like a mad women...she begged she cried but he wants
her to know her place...then she was silent like she accepted her faith ..she was numb and shocked or
dead but Theo doesn't care he was in that dark corner of his mind that he can't get out...when he took
all of his anger and cruelty on her. He pulled out and saw how her wife side face was covered in tears
and she was looking numbly at the wall.

Like something inside her is finally dead ...he opens his mouth to say something but he was shocked
what he did..fuck

'Sarah' He touch her cold shoulder

She was still and looked into his eyes and then she cries...she start taking hiccups like whatever it was
store inside her finally was coming out...she was looking like a fragile child who was all alone and was
scared ...she curved her body like a ball and start saying 'im so stupid...I'm so

Theo was stun what he was looking at ...he felt someone drag a knife on his chest...he can't see Sarah
like was killing him..he immediately runs to his wife and hug her and said 'Calm down
Sarah...ssh ssh ssh ...ok don't cry please forgive me please for god sake forgive me ...' He made a plea
to his wife, he kissed her head and try to console her and try to make her realize he is truly sorry

Sarah who was gone in her world of darkness where she can't see any hope 'I'm so stupid... I fell in
love with stupid. I loved you. I thought you are changed ...I'm so stupid'

Theo was shocked as hell he can't believe what he was listening..She loved him...his plan finally
succeeded to make her fall for him but he was hurt and guilt was killing him what he did to her was
beyond cruel.

Theo make her looked into her eyes 'sarah looked at me...sarah im ordering you look at me' he knows
he can't bring back her from her trance by order and domination and he did it..Sarah looked him from
her lifeless eyes

Theo took a long breath 'Im ..I'm sorry what I loved me and I didn't treat you well...Sarah
honestly speaking I don't like it when Rome talk to you..he makes me feel...forget it I apologized plz
forgive me. I hurt you but I will give the pleasure too that will make you forget everything..' he cups her
cheeks but she was saying one thing again and again 'Im stupid. I'm want to die'

Theo was scared for a moment ...what if she did something to her..she doesn't look mentally ok to
him...then he said 'Think about Ava but will happen to her when you did something like can't
die..think about your daughter'

It was like a switch and she turns into a different person and she said it 'Ava...oh my
daughter...I'm such a bad mother I can't leave her here with you guys...your mother will kill her (She
looked into Theo eyes) Roma will kill her she told me she will'

Theo felt his eyes will bulge out ....he wanted to lash at her that how she can accuse his mother but
then he realized she is emotionally very disturbed, his torture and cruelty made her hysteric and disturb
'ok ok Sarah ok... I understand ...and we will protect her ok...'

She nodes and lay her head down on Theo lab and said 'I love her so much but I'm so scared
sometimes that someone will take me away from her...'

Theo felt his emotions and he sighs 'Sarah just sleep ok nothing will happen to her' he drags his fingers
on her silky hair and sighs...fuck he care for her and this realization was not good , he never wanted to

feel anything but now he is scared because he doesn't want Sarah away from him at all.

Theo somehow manages them to settle down on a bed and he covered Sarah body with a blanket and
he spoons her and kissed her gently.


Next morning Sarah felt an extreme pain in her head...and she felt her eyes heavy and tired ...she felt
someone warm breath on her back and saw it was Theo was spooning her and was sleeping ...she felt
those unwanted tears and she realized that what happens night yesterday never hurt her that before
which hurt the most...she was so emotionally disturbed that she also said out she loves him...but she
can't take it back..for her daughter is important..her Ava life and future is important..She can live like
this if Ava is alright and save. She put her hand on her head ..when she turns she saw Theo eyes on
her 'Good morning..are you ok' Theo asked hesitantly

Sarah nodes meekly...Theo looks away and said 'I don't know ...are you having pain?'

He kissed her head

Theo said again 'Sarah please say something'

Sarah then said 'I'm fine' she said meekly

Theo turns his body on top of her and looks into her eyes and kissed both of her eyes gently, then he
kissed her cheeks, then her neck and suck the skin then he moves to breast and sucks them properly
...Sarah tries to stay still and doesn't want to make a noise but it was a losing battle when she felt
it..She was again feeling out of the world....Theo tug her nipples which makes Sarah moan. Theo
moves down and kissed her stomach and then he reached her navel and he opens his mouth and
kissed her there. Sarah lost it and she moans and put a hand on his hair and said 'oh god'

Sarah when she recover from her release she felt light and little tense free...Theo then moved up and
kissed her mouth 'you are really the sweetest thing I ever taste' he said so softly so lovingly...she felt
his manhood responding but he shakes her head 'it's for you..Not for me.. I want to give the pleasure
and if you get that then I get mine'

Sarah who was naive and looking for signs finally get it, he was sorry for what he did..Maybe there is a
chance for them at some point, she smiles and Theo close his eyes in relief 'oh god I was dying to see
your smile. It makes me..; Theo stop what he was about to say.He kissed her forehead

And said 'let's take a shower together' he seductively said


Sarah felt her hair flowing because of the wind and she was looking at couples at the beach who were
enjoying their life, not like her who doesn't know when her husband mood change...Theo and Sarah
were out for shopping..Theo also took her to her favorite beach restaurant ... it's very beautiful
here...Sarah was reserved but also liking it that at least he is making an effort

Theo comes with Sarah and his food and sits down 'Here you go...i never wonder there were lines and
so much rush here'

Sarah gives him a reserved smile 'the food is quite cheap and famous here so mostly every class of
people come here...that's why it makes it so special here'

Theo took a bite of his seafood and nodes in appreciation 'you are right it's what's next..what
you want to do next now'

Sarah looks done and shrugs 'Whatever you think is good'

Theo looks at her keenly 'I want you to decide and secondly, we are leaving soon so I thought it's better
you visit your favorites'

Sarah stop eating...they are leaving soon...she doesn't want to go to mansion where she is treated like
shit...after so many time she felt relax here ..except that night of gala...she was content here..even Ava
is so happy here...she doesn't want to go there....but what she can do in this

theo might see her reaction 'you don't want to go'

Sarah looks up 'It doesn't matter day I have to go ' she smiled sadly

Theo looks down and he was also lost in his thoughts.

After they were done with lunch...Theo told her that they can take a walk ...while walking both were
quiet and looking at the waves of the ocean ...she said down in the sand and Theo join her latter...Theo
said 'Tina loves beaches...she used to drag me from my office and made me sit and tell her all day
stories' Theo smile and shakes his head

Sarah was stunned this is the first time Theo share something about Theo voluntary ...she said 'My
daddy used to take me to beaches too. I loved fresh air and calmness of here...but when I was growing
up my daddy got busy and mom...well my mom was busy to make me proper lady type was like a
tradition in our family that when a girl is born she has the huge responsibility to carry family she talks, how she dress and what she eat...(Sarah shakes her head) I never get it why us the end the importance was given more to boys as they are the true heir of the family and us just a
trophy child then wife......I never get to see the beach again when and I was 13 my mom said it's time
to leave my childish ways' she said softly but with disgust and sadness

Theo looked at her and holds her hands 'You can stay here for a few more days... I have to go to
London since Tom can't go because of Lisa...i have to go and look into business stuff...till that time you
can stay here and then I will come back and we can go together home'

Sarah felt her eyes wet...he was really trying ...she thought...she put her head on his chest and said
'Thank you ...thank you so much'

Theo kissed her head and look at the water.

Sarah felt her eyes wet...he was really trying ...she thought...she put her head on his chest and said
"Thank you ...thank you so much'

Theo kissed her head and look at the water.

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