Novel Name : Cruel World

Chapter 47: chap46

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chap 46


She tiredly sighs 'mark please listen to me, just leave it. You will never find something that is going to
take me out this prison... why you are ruining your life for you have your own life are
managing daddy business now don't spoil it because of me'

Mark yelled at phone ' damn it Sarah ...that's what I hate about you. You just lose hope...why can't you
think positive ...I'm telling you there something bigger in this story...if they can find evidence against you
so there is sure as hell some evidence favoring you, according to my source that club was in some
posh areas which means CCTV footage is everywhere around it...maybe we can find the footage and
see who really kidnap tina... so please Sarah don't lose hope. I want you back were never like
this before' he said in sadness

Sarah replied 'cause the Sarah you are recalling is dead and I understand what you have told me but
don't you think Greys hasn't looked for that CCTV footage you are looking now...they were more
desperate than us...'

Mark said in a suspicious tone 'maybe someone doesn't want that footage to be found...'

Sarah rubbed her temple 'still it's a long way for me...but I need you to do something else...can you
come back from Australia to NewYork and go to Theo and tell him that I haven't seen my daughter for a

Mark lost it 'that fucking bastard lied to you...why he didn't let Ava meet you'

Sarah tears were falling 'i don't know why...even he made a promise to please find out this

Mark tightly said 'those bastards never took my calls and email...I have to personally visit them...n this
time I will go with court orders...don't worry I'm coming in 2 weeks...till then I will call Morgan and take
out the notice against will meet your daughter soon'

Sarah took a relief sighs 'thank you mark...I love you'

Mark softly said 'i love you too'



'mom you are going to doctor appointment' tom said

Roma gives him a fake sad smile 'of course I'm. I will not neglect my mental issues. I will get better
maybe you guys can forgive me'

Roma saw how Tom's eyes melt 'mom ...I forgive's theo who is still little shaken from this but he
will get better ...he needs time'

That's what hurt Roma more that his Theo is getting away from her....that Sarah and her daughter
made her son distant from her...she will never forget this she will take her revenge soon...n that's why
she is going to meet that bitch and show her something special that change her life. Roma evilly smiled
and sit in her car.



Theo was in his home office, he was looking for a file then he opened the last draw and found the file
but was dead stop when he saw a picture of newspaper clip...a picture he had stored here almost year

ago but never had the courage to look at. He slowly picked the picture and see how beautiful Sarah
looks in a navy blue gown she wore in Miami was their cover picture. Theo unintentionally graces
Sarah picture n wished things were different he might fall in love with her. He was keenly looking at
every single detail of her wife face body and remembering their bittersweet time...he sometimes
wonders how she is doing in jail

He shake his head ...then he heard small baby like voice 'daddy'

He smiled it was his Ava...they both had got so much closer to each other in past weeks...he can say
this Ava holds his heart ...she is his biggest weakness and strength too

He saw she was running with her small feet n enter his office 'daddy find you'

Theo laughed ' yes princess you did and it's I find you' he gently corrects her but his Ava was excited to
show him something

Ava holds theo legs and theo very easily picked her and put her in his lap

' now show me what you are so excited about' he kissed her pink cheeks n put her red long hair behind
her ears.

Ava looked him 'dadda give me this mosic box...he said it's mine and grandma not angry' she brightly

Theo took the same music box that started the whole mess...but Ava innocent smile and her
excitement didn't give him the power to get angry at that event

He gently gives her back 'it's really really deserve this..(he playfully poke her nose) and
it's music box not music'

Ava giggled n theo stand while holding her n throw her in the air n then picked her ...Ava giggled more
and theo also laughed

Theo kissed her hair, said ' do you wanna eat ice cream '

Ava nodes in excitement ...theo called the kitchen to bring ice cream for Ava

'ok till then the ice cream is coming ...daddy needs to work a little, you can sit down on my lap ...where
you can watch cartoons on my tablet...till then daddy will look some file, ok baby'

Theo can put her down too but even he gets super busy he doesn't want Ava away from him....his
sudden realization how much he loves her made him super protective

He cringed with the memory...that he made in this office when he found out Sarah was pregnant and
she was laying on the floor n begging him not to kill her and her baby.....he was not a good person he
knew that but his soul was that much tainted he realized now

When the ice cream was brought ...theo put away his file and feed Ava her ice cream...some time she
looks so much like Sarah.

Then he heard Ava voice 'wow daddy she is soo preeeety'

Ava pointed at Sarah picture he was holding minutes ago.Theo forget to put it back but since Ava meet
her mother monthly then no need to hide this

Theo node with emotions 'yup she is...very beautiful' he voice got shaky little

Ava removed her hair from her face ...'Who is she?'

Theo raised a confused eyebrow 'you don't know her?'

Ava shakes her head and pouts 'Nope'

Theo was little stun...if Ava see Sarah daily then why she saying like that...then it clicks him that Mom
never took Ava to meet Sarah...

sarah was right ...she never see her daughter for a year...he feels suffocated by this news...fuck he
looks away...fuck Sarah might be thinking that he broke his promise....fuck mom why you did this

Ava timidly then said 'daddy are you angry?'

Theo looks down at her and said softly with a smile 'no baby just thinking you want to
know who is she?'

Ava nodes ...Theo sighs he has no idea how she will react....'she is...she is your mother'

He looked at Ava very differently ...Ava was quite a little 'like Olivia had a mama'

Theo nodes slowly 'yeah she is your mama...'

Ava looks at him with her big golden eyes 'then why she not here?'

Theo composed himself... it's becoming more difficult and uncomfortable for him to explain 'Hmmm
she...she is not here...she lives some other place....she has to be there for few years then she will get

Ava scratch her red hair' it's a bad place? like grandma said that my mama is bad so she is in a bad
place...was she bad daddy' Ava asked in curiosity

Theo frowned that what else his mother was telling her about Sarah ...he gently smiled and shakes his
head 'no baby she is not bad (Theo close his eyes and remember Sarah soft smile...her voice ) she
was very good....just sometimes people make mistake and they have to say sorry that's why she is
not here' Theo carefully used the words to explain her

Ava pout and nods her head 'when she will be back'

Theo sighs and rubs his face 'hmmm very soon but it might take some years...'

Ava lie down her head in Theo chest and Theo protectively kissed her head 'me have to wait ...she can
meet me not?'

Theo smiled and awkwardly said 'so you want to meet her...i can arrange something'

Ava excitedly said 'yes please'

Theo gently graced her face surely he can do this for her and maybe he can himself see Sarah and
ex[plain her 'then you can meet her this weekend'



She was reading the book but her mind was still going back to Ava...that dream totally shaken her so
bad..that her heart is still beating so fast...then she heard the jailer called her

Jailer look down on her 'you have a visitor'

Sarah frown who it can be after a year ..she walks down the visiting hall..and then she saw who it was
she stopped in her way...and was shocked ...why...what she did now....what Roma is doing here

Roma was sitting looking super arrogant and said without looking her 'come on girl ...I'm here to talk to
you I don't have whole day....'

Sarah still hates this bitch with the core of her heart. She still not forget the things she did with her Ava
and her.

She walked slowly and sit down 'what you are doing here'

Roma sarcastically said 'so prison is making you strong good but how strong you are I will see when I
tell you the news'

Sarah stop breathing and look super alert 'what'

Roma took out the packet from her bag and said in sad tone 'i do hate you a lot but this thing was
important to share... I know what it was like for me when I lost my that's why I came here
to tell you this news'

Sarah paled ...what she is saying...she opened her mouth but then she closed it...what she is indicating
...'what are you saying'she said in a scared voice

Roma looks down 'i know you won't believe me that, why I came with some proof...this news, is still not
out. it's in the family but since you are Ava mother

Sarah lost it and yelled 'fuck it just tell me what happens to my Ava

Sarah was scared and she can't see Roma sad expression ..ROma then slowly said 'AVA....she...ok
listen to me carefully...Ava is dead'

Sarah's eyes were bulging out...she felt her blood stop flowing...her heart is still beating in her dead
body...she then feel the wet teardrops on her face....'what...NO (she shouted) you are lying ....she is

Roma took out the pictures and pushed towards Sarah 'i know you won't believe me even Theo also
told me not to tell you but I'm mother and can understand the was an accident..your daughter
really had a habit of running ....and she falls down from the stairs...she was dead on the spot' Roma
bluntly said

Sarah body start shaking...she feels like she will die at any moment..she put a and on her thorat...she
cant her Ava is fine..she is fine ...roma is lying...but then Sarah saw the picture...she
flinched when she saw...when she saw her Ava lying consciously on the floor with a bloody lip..then
next picture was her eyes were no

no no no no god..this is not true...she is fine...she has to be fine. I want to talk to theo...i cant to see my
daughter' she said in a panic

Roma look down 'you can't see Ava ...we did a small funeral of her and about Theo ok sure call him'

Sarah started crying loudly 'what you did with her...i know you guys did something to her'

Roma stands and smirks 'i really pity you but you will know how it felt when you lose a child now...and it
doesn't matter who did what...the thing his Ava is no more...'

Roma picked the pictures and walked away.

Sarah was hysterically crying and shouting 'what you did to my winch come back tell me' the
guards roughly picked her and took back to her cell

She saw the jailer and said in a sobbing tone 'im begging you please let me call my
husband..something happen to my daughter I want to check...please'

The jailer looked bored 'little mice. I don't want to strike you so stop this drama and go without a fight to
your cell'

Sarah kneel down and begged her 'im begging you..please please'

But the cruel jailer shurgs and walked away.

sarah was sure if something happens to her Ava then she will also not live in this cruel world anymore.



She was beaming with happiness..she can't explain how much she is happy to see that helpless and
miserable look on Sarah was a highlight of her day....she lied...and she knows she did a great
job in that...but the question how soon Sarah accept Ava is dead and how she left the will to live..

Her phone rings and she knows who it was calling her ..she picked the phone 'yes '

The jailer replied 'Mrs grey....your target hit on point.Sarah is miserable...she is dying in pain knowing
she can't do anything' she laughed

Roma also smiled and feel so good...cause her target was on point...she makes sure to photoshop
those pictures in that manner that it looks, Ava was indeed dead...and some of the evidence she had
picked from Theo office which he was taken to police for locking up the nanny.

'That's good news..I'm just waiting when she act and when she loses all hope' Roma said in a heartless

The jailer replied 'she was begging me to call her husband like you said I didn't let her call her yet but
how long should I stop her'

Roma sighs 'in a few hours. I have made arrangements for that too...she will get that news from the
phone if she wants and then you will give her that thing what I have told you'

The jailer said 'Mrs grey doesn't worry. I will give that thing in such a manner that no one will doubt us'

Roma ends the call and was waiting for the news she always needed.



'you can call now' the guard said

Sarah was crying and Helen was consoling her...sarah wiped her tears and run towards phone...she
dialed the number and hope she its right one

After the fourth ring the phone was picked ..she doesn't wait for a second 'Theo'

But it was someone else who picked the call 'Sorry ma'am Mr grey is busy...'

Sarah yelled 'i don't care, tell him its Sarah it's urgent'

The man on the phone said 'im sorry ma'am we got instruction not to disturb Mr grey in this difficult
time...right now he is with some guest who came for the condolence for his daughter Miss Ava'

Sarah's hand start shaking 'Ava'

The man said in a monotonic voice 'yes ma'am Miss Ava, unfortunately, died today it was her funeral'

Sarah dropped the phone and she falls down tiredly...AVa..her daughter..her beautiful daughetr...with
golden eyes and red hair...leaft her...she start crying 'oh cruel is took one good
thing from my life...what was her fault...what was her fault... I should die not her...i should be the
one..not my innocent child..'she starts hitting her..she wanted to give her that pain she wanted to tear
her soul apart...oh god why-why

she starts shouting 'AVA...MY AVA'

The jailer and guards rushed to her 'calm down little something is wrong with you'

Sarah has craved like a ball' my ava is dead..she is dead'

The jailer said to guard 'call the medics she is having an attack'

Sarah can't breathe..she was seeing black...she wants to go to her daughter

The guards took her to the medical room checked her but she was still crying horribly.

The doctor gives her relaxant medicine and she falls asleep.


After a few hours, she woke again and said 'Ava'

The jailer was beside her 'God such a drama you are wake gets some food and medicine
then we will take to your cell.'

The jailer cleverly put the blade in Sarah table

The jailer was about to go to call doctor she said 'im sorry your daughter is dead but now you have to
live this life all alone so don't make more difficult for you. Sometimes we live with guilt that how you
cannot protect your love once or sometimes we finished yourself to stop this guilt the choice is yours'
she whispers to Sarah and then walked away

Sarah who knows her life is over, as her Ava is no more...she died alone but she will be with her
daughter, she will be not alone there...she sees the blade...and closed her eyes and said with tears
falling 'mama is coming to Ava don't be a scared baby'

And Sarah smiled at the blade and with the count of three she slit her left wrist ...she feels the instant
pain with it was nothing that she was feeling before...she did the same with her right hand and saw her
whole blood was covered in bed...she drops down on her bed and then she closed her eyes for

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