Novel Name : Cruel World

Chapter 35: chap34

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'Theo what you did...oh my god Theo (Elva sobbed so loudly), I just heard yelling and something is
broken so I run to check but what I found (she looks disgustedly at theo) You are not my
theo ...theo will never do this'

Each word of Elva was killing him but he was silent as he picks his battered wife in his arm and gently
put her on the bed

Theo flinched when he saw his wife left eyes swollen and dark blue-black bruises...he can't believe
himself what he did to her beautiful...his eyes feel wet and he feel the first drop of tear on his face...he
wiped them immediately..he holds Sarah's wrist and check her pulse...fuck if she dies he will kill
himself...he will surrender to police but most of all he don't want her to die. Theo thought maybe she
was lonely maybe that's why she talked to her friend, she broke the rules but she doesn't deserve how
he beat her.

'Elva just call 911, Sarah need immediate medical attention' Theo said in an emotionless voice

Elva who already so shocked what she saw a minute ago, was more stun '911? Th. Theo, you do know
they will ask Sarah condition and who is responsible for can go to jail?' she whispers

Theo put a hand on his forehead and brokenly said 'it doesn't matter...she needs it..I'm ready for any
action...even if I have to go to jail'

Elva was speechless for a moment and then she wiped her tears and said in a strong voice 'ok I will
call them and when they ask me how it's happened and who did it then I will tell them the whole truth'

Theo looked at her in an emotional way....he felt like he lost a mother because they way Elva was
looking him in disgust, shocked and tears, all he wants to die in shame.

As soon Elva was dialing they heard footsteps and Tom loud voice 'No Elva stop won't call

Theo looked at his brother who was breathing loudly his shirt was iron free and when Tom saw Sarah
he makes a shocking sound and took a step back 'What the fuck Theo'

Theo turned and sits down with his unconscious wife who was looking like a broken doll.

Theo said again 'Elva call 911 now ..or I will'

Tom cursed loudly 'No you fucking idiot you wont...i knew it you will do something terribly wrong and
look you did worse so I came immediately fucking stop won't ruined this ...we are this
close Theo and look what you I will clear your mess and you will fucking listen'

Theo pushed his brother 'do anything the fuck you want but Sarah need medical care fucking right now'

Tom sighs in frustration 'I fucking know that...and look what you did to her...god. I can't even believe
what you did... I will call our personal doctor ...she lived here ...and she won't... I mean she will keep
this news from outside you get it' Tom try to give a signal to Theo

Theo said 'then fucking call her now otherwise I don't care if the world know what I did or I will take her
myself to the hospital'

Elva looked at both of the brother in disgust and said 'I can't believe my (she snips her tear) my both were my children and now I can't even know who are you both...look at that girl she is
so innocent and loving and so beautiful inside and out and look what you did don't even think
about your daughter..Ava needs her mother, and because of you, she might not see her again'

She both leave them in shame and worry...Theo thought about that small little girl Ava ...who is so
innocent for this world, beautiful and little ...fuck what he did.


When doctor has arrived with some nurses and some tools and equipment to check
looked Sarah and she was shocked as hell...she knew what has happened and who did it but it was
Grey who has given her a good price to be shut her mouth but she was a woman too who can see what
a brutality and cruelty this young women has seen...

Theo was constantly looking at them and doctor after checking Sarah and cleaning her wounds and
doing other things that Theo has no idea his heart was beating and it was killing him how doctor flip
Sarah and he can see her bruised and marked back which was bleeding.... every single part of Sarah
body was bleeding terribly and he was guilty and remembering weeks ago her smile and beautiful face
an hair when she walks on the beach with him.... he wants that Sarah back...but he is fucking
responsible for her wife

'Why she is not wake ' Theo asked in a concerned voice

A doctor looked at him and said 'Mr. Grey ...Sarah fainted because of some impact on her head or due
to the pain she endured for a long time and she can't faced it anymore so her brain shut her up so she
can feel nothing...that's what I can say know as for other things I think your wife has a concussion
too..which might not make her awake any long sooner...we need to conduct some test and we have to
take her to the hospital'

Theo was shocked as fuck...she..his Sarah will be ok..oh good she has to be ...then tom said 'no bring
anything you want here but she cants go outside the house now...'

the doctor looked uncertain ''but I have to bring some huge equipment that will take time and money''

Tom said 'don't worry about money but about time...but you have to be in a hour...till that
time you can treat her with other stuff'

The doctor did exactly what tom said as Sarah was settled down and next day Sarah was cleaned
up..Well not clean since her whole body was covered in marks and blue back bruises...Theo touches
lightly her face and said 'Sarah plz come back... I know sorry is not enough but plz come back' he said
in a desperate tone

Then Theo felt tom hands 'You should also cleanup and I have checked the journalist friend of her...she
work in a local magazine so I made a contact with them ...we will know the real story then.'

Theo weakly stand and sighs 'Tom I don't know why I did this..its just..oh god something is terribly
wrong with me...i .. I would have killed her or may I had' Theo was in a beak of crying

Tom was too disturbed what he saw on his brother's eyes 'Theo I can't even say to you that you need
control your anger because it's a moot point but I'm with you we will get out from this soon'

Both brothers hug but when they heard a loud male voice 'How fucking dare you'

It was Theo father ...Both brothers were shocked did he know or who told him ...Mr grey grabs
Theo collar and slapped him 'WHAT THE FUCK YOU DID THEO....'

Tom tries to remove his dad but Mr grey shouted 'Tom stay the fuck. I will deal with you later'

Theo remains quite and looks down in shame. Mr grey then saw Sarah sleeping body which was
covered with different mars and cut and Theo cruelty

Mr grey cries and sits down 'Oh will be ok. I will protect you from these
monsters' he talked softly to her like she is listening

Then Mr grey stands and said 'Theo, you are dead for me...don't you dare to come closer to my
daughter, I already lost one but I won't lost her....and Ava (Mr grey wipes his tear) god she is so small

so alone ... I will take her and Sarah when Sarah gets better, and you wished she get better soon
otherwise I will not only give you to police but I will kill you'

Theo was stun...his father never talks to him in that tone but Mr. grey words was enough for him to
realize that he lost a father too.

It was night and Theo was sitting in the seat placed next to bed...he picked Sarah cold hand and try to
warm it...he wants her to live...he wants to see her beautiful eyes...then he heard crying was
Ava..Fuck Ava . He forget about her..he run to check her..and saw Elva was trying to calm her down
and was roaming and there 'ssh my baby ..mama will be back soon...just shh...mama is
sleeping now my angel'

Ava cry badly and pout and babbles move her hands and legs here she wants to be away
but she listens carefully to what Elva said 'Ma...mama'

Theo gasped loudly and hold the door as he was about to fall down.She just said her first word and
Sarah can hear it. Elva looked at him and shakes her head in disappointment 'What you doing
here...look what you did now you must be happy ...your daughter is crying for her mama but how can I
explain to this small baby that her father tries to kill her mother'

Theo brokenly said and closes his eyes 'Elva plz ...plz stop it you are killing me'

But Mr Grey come at the moment and pick his granddaughter

'But you are still alive here aren't you...if Elva has called me not on time then I will never know that what
a bastard son I try to hurt that woman...that women who took care of you when you had the
accident...took care of whole house and every need of each member of this house....I should have
understood the first time when no one was there at the time of Ava birth...when Sarah was almost
dead...but I ignore the symptoms' Mr grey looks down in regret. And he went and took Ava with him

Elva walks slowly and gives a mobile to Theo 'You can see this and then you will know what you did'

Theo pick the mobile and saw the footage of Sarah and Ava where Ava said 'Dada' as her first word
and Sarah was laughing and was so happy...and he has taken that happiness...that smile that
excitement and Theo looks at Ava who was constantly saying dada makes his heart hurt that his
daughter word was dada...and what her dada has done to her mother..he feels like vomiting and he
found the first bathroom and throw up

Theo walks slowly and went to his room and sits with his unconscious wife and close his eyes in regret.


She was running in the garden and giggling loudly 'Daddy you can't catch me'...Sarah saw his father
fake frown 'oh really little girl. Then let see who wins'

Sarah father run and picked 6-year-old Sarah and they both laughs and enjoy the moment but then
Sarah saw her self-fading away from the scene and she found herself in the room...that room in which
she was trapped for five days when Theo has locked her and left her alone...she was starving...she can
feel herself suffocating then she feel belt lash on her body...her body shakes and she tries to find the
way to go back to that happy part of her life which she saw first ..Where she was a little girl enjoying
her life.

'Doctor I can saw her body shakes a little she makes a sound' it was Theo worried voice

Sarah felt a hand on her face and then a strange voice ' Sometimes due to pain the body reacts
automatically even when you are asleep or in a coma'

'Doctor I don't fucking care I just want my wife awake..she has been like this for the past 3 days' Theo
said in a concerned voice again and Sarah felt why he is doing that..She just wants to sleep

The doctor said 'like I said we are doing our best and it depends upon Sarah mental health how her
brain decides to make her wake...'

Sarah found herself to be fading but then she heard Theo voice very closely 'Sarah plz wake up. I can't
see like's making me insane... I want you back so badly..' he kissed her forehead but Sarah was
too tired to make any sense of it and she has gone again to her dream world.

The doctor said ‘like | said we are doing our best and it depends upon Sarah mental health how her
brain decides to make her wake...’

Sarah found herself to be fading but then she heard Theo voice very closely 'Sarah plz wake up. | can't
see like's making me insane... | want you back so badly..' he kissed her forehead but Sarah was
too tired to make any sense of it and she has gone again to her dream world.

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