Novel Name : Strategy to Capture That Scum Gong

Chapter 3 - Beep Beep Beep

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Chapter 3 - Beep Beep Beep

Another QT? Yeah, that’s right I love QTs *flips table* The lovely Ling from SilverNeko Scanlations has let me take on this new pit and I was too excited and wanted to post ASAP. So. Here’s Ch 3 of SCSG. For any of you who haven’t read this before, you can find the first two chapters on SilverNeko’s site. Also as an FYI (if you haven’t read this or the author’s author work, Scum Shou Survival Guide), the author likes to write from the MC’s role’s POV for an immersive experience. Just a warning so it doesn’t get confusing!
Translated by Eve
Xie He had not yet appeared in front of Zhou Yizhe when someone bumped into him. The drinks accidentally splashed upon the other’s body, and he immediately began to apologize incessantly, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry…….”
The person who had bumped into him was a frivolous-looking youth. Upon seeing Xie He’s expression that was full of worry, a look of lust flashed in the youth’s eyes. Meanwhile, another young man walked over to obstruct Xie He’s path. Using his body to press down on Xie He’s shoulder, this man sneered, “Do you know how much Ding Ge’s clothes cost? Did you think that apologizing would be enough?”
Xie He smiled in his heart. From the moment these two people had come in, they had looked at him with wicked and unbridled intentions. The lust that dominated their thoughts was clearly written on their faces. These kind of hedonistic scion from rich families, Xie He had seen a great number of them. They were undisciplined and out of control, they’re capable of doing anything. Xie He had been waiting for them here to come provoke him for a long time. As a matter of fact, they came as soon as an opportunity popped up…… Although Xie He had a card up his sleeve, his face however expressed anxiety and fear. In a whisper, he said, “I’m sorry. I really didn’t do this on purpose.”
Seeing a helpless and flustered look in Xie He’s black eyes, the two people felt their mouths dry, and they wished that they could do him right there. This was not the first time they’ve seized someone by force–they were really experienced with this sort of thing. Taking a quick glance at one another, the youth who had bumped into Xie He adopted a magnanimous and generous appearance and said, “It’s fine. You didn’t do it on purpose. Ah Jian, don’t make things difficult for him.”
Ah Jian smiled, “Ding Ge, you’re too kind……” He placed his arms around Xie He’s shoulder, and brought the wine glass in his hands to Xie He’s lips, “We’re not here to bully you today. But since we’re talking about apologies, well, it’s only right that your apology should be sincere, right? Drink this glass of wine, then we’ll overlook this matter, how about it?”
Xie He revealed an awkward expression. The wine in the glass seemed to have a high alcohol content.
Upon seeing this, Ding Ge’s expression chilled, and said, in a sinister and cunning manner, “What, you can’t even bear to drink a single glass of wine? Then how about you compensate me for my clothes. It’s not that expensive, just a bit over $20 000.”
Xie He struggled for a while. He looked like a little animal forced into a corner. Ding Ge and Ah Jian’s hearts were tickled upon seeing him like this. If it wasn’t because there were too many people around, they would directly force him to drink this glass of wine.
After quite a while, Xie He finally extended his hand slowly, with gritted teeth, he drained the glass of wine in one gulp. Immediately, he coughed for half a day, face flushing faintly, “I’m sorry. Please excuse me.”
Ding Ge’s eyes betrayed a happy expression and he smiled, “No worries. You may go.”
Ah Jian released his hold on Xie He’s hand, and the two people left, as if nothing had happened.
Xie He hastily made his way into a corner. Not a moment later, he felt the feeling of being tipsy bubble up. He felt giddy, and he staggered as he walked away.
【Xie He:Make me sober.】
Xie He felt his head gradually clear, the dense fog before his eyes also seemed to disperse. This kind of little cheap trick, how could it deceive him? Zhao Qing was a naive child who had never touched a drop of alcohol, but Xie He wasn’t. That Ah Jian had long since drugged that glass of wine, and had been waiting for him to take it. This scene also attracted Zhou Yizhe’s attention. Although Zhao Qing wouldn’t recognize Zhou Yizhe, Zhou Yizhe definitely recognized Zhao Qing. Although Zhao Qing is as important as a passerby in the eyes of Zhou Yizhe, however, such a situation occurred before his eyes… even if it was just to protect his family’s honor, he would absolutely not stay seated and watch his brother’s lover be defiled by this kind of trash. There was an 80% chance that he would come to interfere with these affairs.
【444:Do you need me to remove the drug’s effects? 】
【Xie He:No, help me exchange for the strongest aphrodisiac in the store. Use it on me and then shut up.】
【444:Σ( °△°|||)︴Okay. The highest grade aphrodisiac costs 200 EXP points. It has been applied!】
Host Dada, what are you doing! System’s highest grade aphrodisiac is really fierce, ah! It can’t be that he saw wrong, and Host dada actually is a shou at heart? However, after having experienced the host’s teachings, he didn’t dare to speak too much. He could only act obediently.
The drug that Ah Jian gave Xie He was just an ordinary knock-out drug and an arousal booster. These kind of drugs were actually just regular adult products and weren’t strong in the least. Even if Zhou Yizhe went to save him, he would only have to help him take a shower at most, and would not have to personally help him get the drugs out of his system. However, the high grade aphrodisiac was not the same, the effect was much more obvious…….Zhou Yizhe should not think that he could get away easily.
After all, Zhao Qing was Zhou Yian’s lover. According to Zhou Yizhe’s personality, he would absolutely think it below him to dispose of Zhao Qing. Xie He had no choice but to use this kind of simple and crude method. In this way, he could make a breakthrough, and also quickly raise the other’s Favorability Value. This was the best plan of action that he had come up with after careful deliberation. But…….to tell the truth, he also felt a bit uneasy. Although he considered himself as someone without any sort of integrity, however, to take the initiative to be the shou for the first time, considering his haughty personality, how could he bear to explain this clearly to 444?
The drug’s effect were fast-acting and fierce. Xie He’s mind was clear, so he felt the change in his body all the more clearly. Both his legs went soft, and he could only continue to stand by holding onto the wall. Just when he attempted to move forwards with much difficulty. Ding Ming and Ah Jian appeared, having come from the great hall. They reckoned that the time was just about right. Indeed, as soon as they came out, they saw that their prey was feeling the effects of the drugs. Immediately, their eyes gleamed, and they pressed Xie He between their bodies, on either side of him.
Xie He’s black eyes had a faint layer of mist over them, and he looked at the two people, bewildered, “You…….What…….”
When Xie He looked at Ding Ming, the latter felt the place down below harden. Originally, he had thought that the other boy was just average. He never thought that after the other was aroused, he would unexpectedly be a rare delicacy! He touched Xie He’s cheeks and smiled wickedly, “I see that you’re feeling uncomfortable. Let Ge accompany you to rest somewhere.”
Ah Jian swallowed, and spoke in Xie He’s ear, releasing a hot breath, “We’ll make you feel really comfortable.”
Xie He’s perplexed eyes gradually revealed a bit of fright. He began to realize what exactly was going on. His eyes showed a bit of sobriety when he tried his best to reject the two people, “Leave me alone!”
He turned away, in an attempt to escape. In the end, he hadn’t even walked two steps when he fell to the ground.
Ding Ming and Ah Jian had long expected this kind of result. Neither quickly nor slowly, they crowded around him. They each took one of Xie He’s shoulders, and dragged him to the side, towards the room that they had previously agreed upon.
Xie He struggled along the way, but it was no use.
When it seemed as if he would be pulled into the room, before the door closed, Xie He’s eyes betrayed a look of despair. At this time, Zhou Yizhe’s silhouette appeared in the distance. Xie He couldn’t see people clearly at this point, but he continued to give his all. His self-preservation instinct made him shout out as loudly as he could, “Help me!”
His voice was very weak, but it was enough for Zhou Yizhe to hear.
Zhou Yizhe’s sharp gaze looked in their direction, and he made large strides as we walked towards them.
When Ding Ming saw Zhou Yizhe, he felt his stomach drop, and his arms and legs trembled. Ding Ming was just a good-for-nothing rich boy, whereas Zhou Yizhe was on equal footing with their fathers. Before Zhou Yizhe, he instinctively felt inferior. For him to be discovered while doing this kind of thing, he could only feel extremely upset.
“President Zhou, hello……” Ding Ming smiled, awkwardly.
Ah Jian’s expression was even worse. His family’s circumstances were not as good as Ding Ming’s, otherwise, why would he act as the other’s henchman?
Xie He couldn’t care less as to who it was, and did his utmost to struggle, “Help…….” After saying this one word, his mouth was covered by Ah Jian, “Mmfmmf……..”
Zhou Yizhe swept an apathetic glance at Xie He, and looked coldly at Ah Jian, “Release him.”
“This……..This……..” Ah Jian didn’t know what to do, and looked towards Ding Ming.
Although Ding Ming was a bit afraid of Zhou Yizhe, but he didn’t feel embarrassed at all. It didn’t make much sense for Zhou Yizhe to meddle in his affairs, he wasn’t his dad. He forced a smile, “President Zhou, we were just joking around with him.”
Although his posture was lowered, he had no intention to let the boy go. He didn’t think that he would be so attracted to Xie He. If Xie He was some ordinary goods, then he would certainly give face to Zhou Yizhe, but now, he was really a bit reluctant to give him up.
Zhou Yizhe met him head on, his gaze a bit cold and a bit ridiculing. He slowly said, “Originally, he who is ignorant cannot be held accountable. I didn’t want to look into you two but now……you’ve touched my people. You guys ought to confess.”
“What?!” Ding Ming and Ah Jian turned pale with fright, their faces turning white. This was Zhou Yizhe’s people? Zhou Yizhe’s people could become servers? They were dead! Due to their great panic, reason finally overcame their lust.
Not waiting for Zhou Yizhe to speak again, Ah Jian released Xie He at once, and retreated a step while fearing for his future, “I-I didn’t know……”
Ding Ming’s facial expression was extremely ugly. Originally, Zhou Yizhe didn’t have any right to meddle in his business, but now, if this was Zhou Yizhe’s person, then this was completely different. He was afraid that his father would also want to settle him, “This…….we…….really didn’t know. I’m sorry, I’m sorry…….”
The corner of Zhou Yizhe’s lips curled up slightly but it went unnoticed. He said indifferently, “I want to take him away now. This matter, I’ll have to invite President Ding to offer me an explanation.”
Ding Ming’s face became ash pale, and could only look on helplessly as he watched Zhou Yizhe take Xie He away.
Xie He already could not walk, his whole person was pasted onto Zhou Yizhe’s body. He felt unbearably hot and parched all over, and wanted to get even closer to the man holding him, and absorb the slight chill from the other’s body.
Zhou Yizhe looked at Xie He coldly, and threw him onto the hotel’s bed, not the least gentle. This was the fellow that his younger brother loved. He was simply an idiot, daring to carelessly drink the wine that someone else handed over. The Ding Family’s son always played around too excessively. If Zhou Yizhe hadn’t come along today, then tomorrow, Zhao Qing would have awoken, wanting to die.
Xie He lost the feeling of the slightly chilly body, and his mind became increasingly muddled. He began to tear at his own clothes, exposing a faintly discernible neck. A faint layer of blush covered the fair, pale skin, emitting an alluring lustre. His eyelashes drooped, teardrops hanging off of them, wanting to fall but not quite falling. Low moans overflowed from the inside of his throat. Upon hearing them, it made ripples appear within people’s hearts.
The expression in Zhou Yizhe’s eyes changed. Damn it! Unexpectedly, he had a reaction.
Xie He looked at the person before him in bewilderment. He really wanted someone to come and embrace him, consolingly. He didn’t want to let go of any bit of comfort. He instinctively crawled slowly towards Zhou Yizhe. However, Zhou Yizhe turned to walk away. Xie He’s eyes revealed a bit of despair, and he let out a low moan……….He felt that his body was about to burst into flames.
It was difficult to bear as time passed in this way. After awhile, he was suddenly splashed with a basin of cold water, making Xie He quiver.
Zhou Yizhe had just made a phone call, but couldn’t get through to Zhou Yian. Without any other option, he grabbed a basin full of cold water and returned. In the end, he hastily dropped it down on Xie He, unconcerned.
This basin of cold water seemingly made Xie He become a bit clear-minded. One could see rationality gradually return through his eyes. He looked at the unfamiliar man before him. On his face that was flushed by lust, was a stubborn and unyielding expression. It was complicated and captivating. With a hoarse voice, he said, “Thank you. You’ve saved me. Y-You can go…….”
This one sentence seemed to have exhausted all of his strength. After speaking, he suddenly curled up his body, trembling slightly. The cold water dripped down his cheeks, and his clothes were completely drenched, sticking to his skin, highlighting his lithe body. He looked as if he was a merman fished from the sea.
Zhou Yizhe felt that he had meticulous virtue and had great attention to duty. He forced himself to leave, gathering all of his willpower. Yet, when he was about to leave, by curious coincidence, when ge turned his head back to glimpse back, this glimpse made him unable to take another step further.
Zhou Yizhe couldn’t help but walk back, reaching a hand to lightly touch Xie He’s forehead. This one touch made him discover that the other was scorching. A bit of worry flashed in the pair of indifferent eyes. He extended his hands to pull Xie He into his arms, and touched his forehead comfortingly. His voice was involuntarily low and soft, “Are you okay? Do you want me to take you to the hospital?”
“No……” Xie He didn’t overdo it, “I’m fine…….”
“You don’t look well,” Zhou Yizhe held the youth, patting his back in comfort as if placting him. The body in his embrace was shivering slightly, as if wanting to make his heart palpitate. Suddenly, he lost all desire to let go.
Xie He looked at him, eyes stubborn, but holding a profound thirst, “You, go.”
His eyes and mouth were rejecting him, but his body was involuntarily moving closer to Zhou Yizhe. The fingers that firmly grasped onto his collar were turning white.
Every inch of his boy was saying: I really want you, I really want you, but—- I can’t.
Zhou Yizhe gazed at the youth’s appearance, gaze stuck on the youth’s pair of rosy lips that were opening and closing, and couldn’t help but want to give them a taste. They would definitely be sweet…….his Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed. As if the last thread of rationality in his brain had collapsed, he lowered his head to kiss the body in his arms.
Zhou Yizhe glanced at the youth atop of the bed, and rubbed the skin between his eyebrows, vexed. All over the youth’s body, were traces from last night’s lovemaking. He was currently sleeping soundly, with an appearance of being completely ignorant. His features were smoothen out, a different kind of serene beauty. However, Zhou Yizhe knew that this was only an illusion. When the youth wakes up, he would no longer be able to see this kind of peaceful and beautiful scene.
He sighed, how could he lose control like that? Furthermore, he couldn’t even remember how many times they did it in the end, to make the youth look as toyed with as he did.
If it was anyone else, then whatever, but as it happened, this person was the beloved of his obstinate-as-a-mule little brother. Although he didn’t think much of that greedy woman, Song Ruyi, but towards his younger half-brother, Zhou Yizhe actually did not dislike him. While he got less and less cute as he got older, but when he was young, he did follow him closely from behind…….his character was not bad, he even respected Zhou Yizhe.
Now, he had slept with Zhao Qing, which made even Zhou Yizhe feel a bit embarrassed.
What was even more embarrassing was that when he recalled everything that happened last night, including Zhao Qing’s alluring moans, it stirred him up. The bewildered, crying expression the youth wore when he was under his body, the innocent and shy appearance that morphed into an obscene expression under the drugs influence…….there was also that deep, hot and wonderful taste……he unexpectedly could not come to regret it at all.
Zhou Yizhe realized that this was an extremely dangerous thought.
Suddenly, his cell phone rung, interrupting Zhou Yizhe’s pondering. He glanced at it. It was a call from Zhou Yian. He furrowed his brows even more.
Last night, when he had placed the call, he had really hoped that Zhou Yian would pick up. But now……the cell phone continued to ring. Zhou Yizhe didn’t want to wake Zhao Qing, so he picked up the phone and stepped out.
“Ge, yesterday, did you have something to talk to me about?” Zhou Yian’s tone was a bit tired, “Yesterday, I was at the gallery, so I didn’t bring my phone with me.”
Zhou Yizhe gripped his cellphone, a long while later, he replied, relaxed, “It’s nothing. I called you by mistake.”
“Oh. Then I won’t disturb you anymore,” Zhou Yian hastily hung up. Last night, Zhao Qing did not return all night, so he was really worried. Zhao Qing was never the type to stay out all night. Furthermore, didn’t he say that he had something important to discuss at night?
Zhou Yizhe returned to the hotel, and from the pants pocket of the pair of trousers on the ground, he heard Zhao Qing’s phone go off. He took it out for a glance, and indeed, it was again a call from Zhou Yian. Without the slightest hesitation, he disconnected the call. Moreover, he switched it to silent mode while he was at it.
【444:Host dada, are you awake?】
【Xie He:En.】
【444:Host dada, you’re so amazing, in one night, you managed to raise the Favorability Value by 35 points. Currently, Zhou Yizhe’s favorbility value towards you is 35!】
【Xie He:As expected.】
【Xie He:99% of men think with their lower halves, to have good feelings towards the other party after a good time is very normal. He still doesn’t love me, it’s just 35 points. Zhou Yizhe’s willpower is not bad. 】
【444 suddenly sees the light:Oh……then what about the 1%?】
【Xie He:Men who can’t use their lower halves.】
【444:That…….I understand but what about you……..QAQ 】Yingyingying Host dada has sacrificed a lot.
【Xie He:I’m just feeling a bit unhappy。】
【Xie He:My first time bottoming, I encountered a man who’s both so well-endowed and good in bed, I fear that it will be difficult to satisfy me in the future 🙂 】
【Xie He sighs in sorrow, wanting to continue:Zhou Yizhe is as awe-inspiring as me in my hayday. I like it. 】
【444:Then, what do you plan to do now……?】
【Xie He:To strike while the iron is hot. It’s easy to raise the Favorability Value after the first time. Such a good opportunity, can’t let it slip by.】
Xie He slowly opened his eyes. As if he was a bit unclear with the situation, his wore a deer-in-the-headlights expression, eyes misty with tears.
He moved a bit, and felt his body ache all-over. The aches made him gradually regain consciousness. Slowly, his expression became alarmed, and he turned his head to look at the unfamiliar man who was sitting by the bed’s side. The colour drained from his face, and he paled.
“You’ve awoken,” Zhou Yizhe cautiously observed the youth’s expression. That weak and helpless appearance made his heart soften. In the end, this was his own fault. He extended his hand, wanting to touch the youth’s head, but he was avoided……
Xe He turned his head away, the confusion and panic in his eyes dispersing. He gazed at Zhou Yizhe with vigilance, like a hedgehog who was puffing up its spines, as if Zhou Yizhe was an extremely dangerous being.
Zhou Yizhe raised an eyebrow. He didn’t think that the youth would have this tough side to him. He was much stronger than he had expected.
“Is this how you treat the benefactor who saved you?” Zhou Yizhe smiled lightly, the expression in his eyes profound.
【444:Ding, the target’s Favorability value +5】
Xie He bit on his lower lip. Come to think of it, last night, the one who drugged him was someone else. Afterwards, there was a person who suddenly came and saved him…….After that, it seemed that it was himself who took initiative to involve the other person? He didn’t even give up after being splashed with cold water? He tried hard to recall last night, face turning indignant, and his features morphed through all sorts of embarrassed expression. He felt extremely complicated.
Zhou Yizhe was not in a hurry, he waited for Xie He to slowly think.
Finally, Xie He had no choice but to admit it. What Zhou Yizhe said had not been wrong. Zhou Yizhe was truly the benefactor who saved him. He should have thanked him, but upon thinking about the events that occured after being saved, he couldn’t find it in himself to say thanks. Finding it to be a difficult situation, he turned his gaze away.
The youth’s thoughts were written on his face. Zhou Yizhe suddenly felt a desire to tease the youth. He wanted to see even more rich expression on the youth’s face……this kind of impulse was really unfamiliar to him.
“Not only did I commit an offense for your sake, but I also wasted my time and effort. Never did I think that the person that I saved would be this sort of thankless wretch,” Zhou Yizhe said, a bit coldly, “Fine. Just take it as nothing had happened last night.”
Xie He raised his head in anger, what “wasted time and effort”! Who wanted you to waste your time and effort! However, he was faced with Zhou Yizhe’s tranquil gaze which was indifferently telling him that he was above him, and wordlessly sneering at him. Furthermore, last night, his own conduct was like a heavy, scorching slap to his own face. For ages, Xie He kept his head lowered. As if through gritted teeth, he squeezed out a hard to understand sound, “Thank you.”
Indeed, this kind of honesty made other people want to bully him even more. Zhou Yizhe’s lips revealed a smile. His younger brother really had quite a good eye, to be able to find this little treasure. He was a bit jealous.
Upon thinking of his younger brother, the smile on Zhou Yizhe’s lips disappeared.
In the end, today was a mistake.
“I’ve booked this room for a week. You can stay here, free of worries. Wait until you’ve recovered before you go back,” Zhou Yizhe said.
He had thought it over very carefully. If he let Zhao Qing return like this, then Zhou Yian found definitely go mad.
“No need!” Xie He faced Zhou Yizhe with a extremely complicated mood. He knew that the other man had saved him, but he could not bear with what the other man had done to him. Furthermore, in his heart, he felt extremely guilty towards Zhou Yian. The feelings tormented him constantly.
“I don’t have any intentions towards you. It’s just an act of goodwill. Your frame of mind isn’t stable right now. It’d be best for you to wait until you’ve calmed down before deciding what to do,” Zhou Yizhe stood up after speaking. He also had a lot of affairs to attend to. Moreover, if he were to stay here, then Xie He would have no way to rest well.
Xie He bit his lips, not saying a single word.
Zhou Yizhe walked to the door, appearing to have suddenly thought of something. He turned his head to gaze at Xie He, “Don’t you want to know my name?”
Xie He, without the slightest hesitation, turned his head and said coldly, “Don’t want to know.”
【444:Ding, the target’s Favorability value +10】
Novel is in teasers right now. Regular weekly updates will begin on Monday!
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