Novel Name : Strategy to Capture That Scum Gong

Chapter 130 - I Want to Eat Meat

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Chapter 130 - I Want to Eat Meat

Translated by Eve
Edited by Serefina
Eve: Regarding names, most come from here.
Regarding religion in this world. There is a main god, the God of Light, which they sometimes just refer to as ‘God’. There are also lesser deities worshipped, such as the Goddess of Nature.
1. I Want to Eat Meat
【Ding, the target of this world, Ye Jinzhou, was successfully captured. 10,000 experience points obtained. The important character of this world, Lu Jianing, was successfully captured. 8000 experience points obtained. The important character of this world, Lin Ran, was successfully captured. 8000 experience points obtained. The total experience points obtained in this world is 26,000.】
【Ding, departing from this world….】
【Ding, transfer to new world complete. Memory transfer in progress….】
This new world was a Western Fantasy world. Humans, Elves, Beastmen, Dwarves and all other kinds of races resided on this Continent. Although there would be occasional scuffles between the races, it was a generally peaceful world. Most of the time, the races lived together in harmony. Amongst them, the humans held the highest status. They were the most populous race, and were made up of numerous kingdoms big and small. The other races lived separately in their own regions.
In this world, Xie He was named Galanodel. He was the King of the Elves that resided in Nolan Forest.
The Elves were the most aloof race in this world. They were beautiful, elegant, noble, and intelligent. They usually stayed in their forest, rarely ever stepping out. It was also rare for outsiders to come and go. It was like an otherworldly place hidden from the rest of the world.
After Xie He received the memories, his first thought wasn’t to wonder who the capture target was, but to go see what he looked like. Elves had always been known to be extremely attractive. As the Elf King, he was said to be the most beautiful elf. His beauty must be extraordinary.
Xie He stood up and realized that he was wearing a pure white robe. There was a braid loosely tied around his waist, swaying freely. He walked barefoot atop of the mirror-like reflective stone floor.
This palace was absolutely exquisite. Each structure, each item—everything was like a precious work of art. The Elves’ unique designs and modern human technology went together exceedingly well and blended together naturally. Vines and branches spiralled around refined columns down the corridors; beautiful flowers swayed in the wind. It was like being in a paradise.
Xie He walked over to an elegant, silver-bordered crystal mirror. The moment he saw himself, he fell in love.
Reflected in the mirror was a slender, tall man. He wore a silver crown that had branches woven through it. His long, light blonde hair fell past his shoulders. He had pointed ears and his skin was pale without any imperfections. His nose was straight and his features were deep. He was extremely handsome. His emerald eyes were like the world’s most pure and sparkling gems. His light pink lips were like the petals of a Japanese rose. Everything about this body was perfect. He was like a God from the Heavens, so beautiful that mortals revered him.
Words were not sufficient to describe his beauty.
If Xie He were to rank the attractiveness of his bodies in each world, Galanodel would be number one without a doubt. Deng Zhuo would be number two, although the gap between first and second place would be huge.
Xie He was immensely satisfied. He reluctantly tore his gaze away from the mirror.
With the Heartthrob’s Pedigree atop of this body, it was simply…unbelievable….
【Xie He:Baby, make sure to help me take more videos and pictures in this world! This kind of beauty is hard to top. I want to have photos that I can take my time to appreciate later. Smile.JPG】
【444:(⊙v⊙) Mn!】Host dada seems to be in a very good mood!
【Xie He:I feel like I’m missing a title.】
【Xie He:The most beautiful person beneath the Heavens. 🙂 】
【Xie He:Do you not agree, Baby?】
【444:Not at all! O(∩_∩)O~】I don’t dare to not agree! _(:зゝ∠)_
【Xie He:Tell me who my capture target is this time.】
【444:The target this time is Saj, the evil God of Darkness. Right~ We’re also in a higher plane this time so you will receive three times the experience points upon capture. Moreover, I’m now a level six system, la~ ~O(∩_∩)O~】
【Xie He:Very good. 🙂 】
Xie He searched for memories related to Saj.
Saj was an evil god that had brought upon darkness and fear to the Continent many, many years ago. Later on, he had been knocked out of the mortal realm by the other gods, thereby ending the era of darkness and chaos. To the current lifeforms on the Continent, Saj was nothing but a distant legend. It had been many thousands of years since any god had roamed this world. The gods that had fought in that war now only appeared through the mouths of wandering bards and in legends.
However, in Galanodel’s memories, Saj was nothing but a fable.
The Nolan Forest, in which the Elves resided, was situated on the edge of the Continent. To its left were the humans and to their right were the Wildlands. Exiles from the races lived here. Some were criminals, some were refugees, and some were even Fallen Ones who had been corrupted by the Darkness. There were also the spirits of those who had died but refused to move on. It was also said that in the deepest parts of the Wildlands, one could find the fabled, most frightening place on the Continent: the Dead Sea Forest.
The Nolan Forest where the Elves lived acted as a natural barrier to all of this. The Elves were beautiful, powerful, and adept at magic and archery. They had a natural compatibility with the power of nature, were kindhearted, upheld the righteousness of the light side, and disdained any dark and ugly desires.
The Elves did not reproduce sexually. Instead, they were created by the forest. They would not grow old and had a very long lifespan. After dying, they would dissipate from the world. Then, the very intelligent Nolan Forest would birth a new elf.
The strongest, most beautiful of them was the Elf King. The Elf King possessed the greatest affinity for nature magic. He could communicate with plants and would be born with knowledge of his calling. Not only did he have to protect the forest, he had to safeguard the most terrifying of seals within the Dead Sea Forest, ensuring that it was not broken.
The Evil God of Darkness Saj was sealed there. The gods had not been able to kill him and had only been able to seal him away after making him fall into a slumber upon sustaining a heavy injury.
Saj was not as far away from them as people thought. He had actually always resided on the Continent.
Xie He smiled. This was good news to him. Only, he still had to think about how to release Saj. After all, with his present character settings, he was supposed to ensure that Saj would remain sealed for all of eternity.
Xie He walked around the palace, appreciating the perfect works of the Elves. He then heard someone calling for him.
The person who had come was his chamberlain, Thamior. Thamior had short brown hair. He was a very handsome young Elf who was bright, like sunshine. He happily said to Xie He, “Your Excellency Galan, we just discovered that a new elf has been born by the Tree of the Moon God. The Elders have asked for you to come bestow upon her a name.”
Xie He flashed a cool smile. His voice was clear, melodious and graceful, “All right.”
Thamior stared at Xie He’s figure, infatuated. He followed after respectfully from behind.
Xie He lamented inwardly. His appearance was one that was attractive to all people. Unless their taste was extremely skewed, anyone who took even a single glance at him would fall for him. And this young chamberlain, as the one with the most interaction with him, was obviously very infatuated with him.
【Xie He:Baby, what’s Thamior’s Favourability Value?】
【444:The Favourability Value is 90.】
【Xie He:Not bad, not bad.】
The Elf King’s palace was built atop a giant tree. The expansive branches seemed to cover the sky.
Xie He descended the staircase. Along the way, all elves gave him friendly and respectful greetings of ‘Your Excellency Galan.’
Some of the elves were adults, but there were also some adolescents. But regardless of gender, they were all extremely attractive. The females were gentle and beautiful while the men were handsome and tall. Each of them could knock out an ordinary person with their beauty. It was like all of the most attractive celebrities in a modern world had been dumped here.
This was a paradise full of beauties.
Xie He and Thamior arrived at the Tree of the Moon God. There was already a crowd there. In the middle sat a beautiful adolescent girl. She had long, silver hair and pure, amber eyes. She wore a flowy, elegant, pink muslin gown and stared at them all with a perplexed expression, as if she didn’t know anything.
Elves were typically like this upon just being born. Only, they were a very intelligent species and would very quickly assimilate into this friendly world.
Xie He walked over to her and bent over, gently stroking her hair. There was a gentle smile on his handsome, slightly chilly face. “Your name shall be Amakiir, as you are a beautiful and noble gemstone flower.”
The other elves were very happy. Typically, the period of time between the creation of new elves was long. Everyone crowded around happily, discussing the need to give Amakiir a very grand welcoming ceremony….
Xie He secretly withdrew, watching over everything with narrowed eyes.
It was truly a beautiful, peaceful world, ah….
This kind of situation really made one reluctant to destroy it.
Xie He was just about to leave when he suddenly heard the System’s notification sound.
【Ding, the target Saj’s Favourability Value +20. The current Favourability Value is 20.】
Xie He’s expression didn’t change but he became alert. He didn’t find anyone suspicious in his surroundings. All of the elves here were very familiar to him.
【Xie He:Baby, where’s Saj?】
【444 looking perplexed:A high level energy form that I cannot detect?! @[email protected]】
【Xie He:Hehe. 🙂 】
Xie He headed back to the palace while thinking about Saj, expression unchanging. This was good news for him but not for the Elves at large. If it wasn’t for his cheat of a system, no one would know that Saj had already awoken and could possibly destroy the seal!
It was just…why did he follow Xie He secretly, rather than appear directly…? Well, this was also easy for Xie he to deduce. It was probably because Saj had not fully recovered yet or because he could not move about independently.
As for why that was…Xie He just had to watch and see.
After returning to the palace, Xie He acted like he had no idea that a dark shadow was following him. He acted the same as always.
The life of an elf was really dull. Xie He went to try some of the Elven delicacies with a lot of interest. But although the pure, natural ingredients were top quality…Xie He still regarded Elven cuisine to be the race’s only downfall. They drank dew collected from dawn and ate the freshest vegetables and fruit. Although the fruits and vegetables of this world were really delicious…Xie He couldn’t bear not being able to eat meat or cooked food.
Only a few days had passed and Xie He felt like his body had been so cleansed that he could attain enlightenment.
If it weren’t for Saj following him, he could have closed himself up and opened up a special kitchen to cook up culinary masterpieces for himself. When he thought of this, Xie He felt strong dislike towards this capture target who had yet to even show his face.
However, it seemed like Saj really liked him. After watching Xie He for several days, the Favourability Value had gradually risen. It was already at 40.
Saj’s Favourability Value was the easiest to raise out of all the worlds thus far…Xie He’s looks did the work for him.
Xie He thought that Saj was rather experienced, knowledgeable and had quite good self-control. If it were an ordinary person, it would be normal for them to fall in love with him at first sight.
A few days passed like this. Everyone worked together to prepare Amakiir’s welcoming banquet. As the first new elf to be born in several decades, everyone acted extremely welcoming and amiable to her. They were very earnest in guiding her.
When Xie He saw her again, she was already able to call him ‘Your Excellency Galan’ sweetly.
The banquet was held beneath the Tree of the Moon God. Beneath the cold moon, the forest’s fireflies danced while the other animals approached the elves intimately. Everyone took out the musical instruments they specialized in and a melodious, soothing tune quietly resounded throughout the night sky.
Xie He also joined in on the banquet. The Elves were not very strict with regards to social classes. Although he was the Elf King, that just meant he had more responsibilities and would be held with greater esteem. Most of the time, there was no difference between him and the other Elves.
Quite a number of male elves asked Amakiir for her first dance. However, Amakiir refused them all. She took graceful steps to reach Xie He and shyly asked, “Your Excellency Galan, may I have this dance?”
Xie He gave her a cool look, the corner of his lips rising. He stood up and said, “Of course.”
He then elegantly grasped Amakiir’s hand and walked to the center of the meadow.
When Xie He held Amakiir’s hand, her very pale face flushed. She looked at Xie He with worship.
This was their most beautiful King….
Xie He held Amakiir’s hand and danced to the beat of the silvery music. The dance of the Elves wasn’t complicated. It was actually very casual. One could even say that anything went, that one could dance however they wished.
The most handsome elf swayed gracefully with a dream-like young girl beneath the moonlight. It was like a dream.
When the song ended, Xie He dropped Amakiir’s hand and walked back to his place, a shallow smile on his lips as the sleeves of his long robes fluttered in the wind.
【Ding, the target Saj’s Favourability Value +10. The current Favourability Value is 50.】
The banquet lasted a very long time, right until the night of the next day. By then, Amakiir had already completely assimilated to this world. She got along with the other elves awfully happily.
Thamior walked over to Xie He’s side and said with a deferential smile, “You Excellency Galan, do you like Amakiir?”
Xie He smiled, “I like each and every one of you.”
Thamior blushed and said, touched, “We also like you.”
Xie He laughed. Of course I know that.
Xie He left before the banquet was over. He returned to his palace. He lived in this empty palace all by himself. As an elf, he didn’t need to be waited upon. The monotonous life of an elf was boring.
【Xie He:The Favourability Value is already at 50. I think our Saj-Saj will act soon. After all, as a God of Darkness, just stopping with peeking would go against his character settings. 】
【444:……】What do you want to happen???
【Xie He:Everything is so lovely right now. It would be such a pity to let it go to waste. 🙂 】
Xie He walked upon the sleek floor of the palace and arrived at a hall to his left that was about a hundred meters wide. The hall’s roof was open and in the middle of the room was an oval pool. The water in the pool was clear and the bottom of it could be seen. With one glance, one could see the white jade-like bottom of it.
Xie He walked over to the water’s edge and undid his belt. The white robe slipped down to his feet. This was his bathing area.
Beneath the moonlight, he descended the steps and stepped into the pool.
Xie He couldn’t see it but from behind him came a black shadow. The black shadow followed him step by step, enveloping all light. The vines and branches coiled around the columns in the corridor seemed to come alive. They seemed to become restless, as if they had been polluted by some kind of darkness.
When Xie He reached the middle of the pool, that shadow had also joined him. An area of white jade-like floor reflected the darkness. This darkness was less than an inch away from Xie He.
Xie He cupped up some clear water and allowed it to drip down from his head. At this moment, he seemed to perceive something and abruptly turned around. At this moment, he saw that a dark shadow was just about to touch him!
It was probably because it had been discovered, but that shadow did not continue to slowly approach. Instead, it suddenly engulfed Xie He, movement erratic!
A harsh glint appeared in Xie He’s eyes. He silently mouthed a spell, wanting to expel this darkness. However, his expression changed quickly. He actually couldn’t use any of his magic. It was like he was disconnected from everything while in the darkness! At this time, something coiled around his ankle and pulled him into the water!
The originally peaceful vines and branches that had been growing within the palace seemed to come alive. Countless branches covered the sky, attacking him. They wrapped around his limbs! Xie He struggled with all his might, wanting to break free, but these branches only became all the more tenacious. Barbs even grew out, cutting his skin, causing his blood to dye the water red….
Xie He broke some branches with force but they were endless. In the end, his struggles eventually became feeble. The cold water entered his mouth, causing him to be unable to breathe.
Just as he was about to lose consciousness, a branch suddenly pulled him out of the water and dragged him onto shore. However, it didn’t let go. It continued to keep his limbs bound.
The beautiful elf looked like a sacrificial offering. His perfect body had vines wrapped around it; there were streaks of blood from where his pale skin had been broken. He lied there powerlessly, with his soft, wet, golden hair splayed out beneath him.
Xie He looked shocked and furious. Who had come? Why couldn’t he use his magic?
At this moment, a figure walked out from the shadows silently. It walked over to Xie He.
Xie He looked at him in disbelief. “Who are you?”
The man before him was dressed in black robes. He had black hair and black eyes. His eyes looked like a dark vortex. They seemed to have the power to bewitch people…. The man gazed at Xie He with interest, as if the other was his beloved and beautiful precious treasure.
This person, aside from the fact that his eyes and hair were a different colour, looked exactly like Galanodel!
【Xie He:I have blamed Saj-Saj unjustly….】
【Xie He:I really, really like him. A delightful, tasteful, and kindhearted capture target like this—how could I not like him? He actually knew that I love this face. 🙂 】
The author has something to say:
President Xie: I want to eat meat.
Saj: You can eat me to your heart’s content.
Eve: Omg. HAHA. This is XH’s dream come true. Announcement: SCSG’s release schedule will change to daily starting nextMonday (August 3).
sere: im so glad they call MC Galan. If I had to see Galanodel for this entire arc I might just rage quit. As i said to Eve, what the hell kind of name is Galanodel??
Eve & I were like oh yeah he would probably jerk off/ fuck himself…. And then ML appeared… HAHAHA
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