Novel Name : Strategy to Capture That Scum Gong

Chapter 182 - Father and Son Fall Out With EaChapter Other Over a Man!

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Chapter 182 - Father and Son Fall Out With EaChapter Other Over a Man!

Translated by Eve
Edited by Serefina
7. Father and Son Fall Out With Each Other Over a Man!
【Xie He:Ai, Uncle Hall still doesn’t get me. Not only can I get Favourability points here but sex as well. How could I bear to leave? 🙂 】
Xie He stood in the garden for a while before heading back. Before he could get very far, he saw Liang Chengshan walk out, having already finished his business.
He immediately walked over with large strides and smiled at Liang Chengshan. He then tilted his head up and kissed the other. It almost looked like there was affection in his eyes as his thin lips curled up into a smile. He looked both charming and sensual. “You’re finally done. I was so bored all on my own.”
Liang Chengshan looked askance at Xie He and then wrapped an arm around his waist. He chuckled in a low voice, “I was only gone for a short while and you’re already bored? Do you miss those toys?”
Xie He looked at him resentfully. His voice was hoarse, “You know that you’re the one I miss.”
Liang Chengshan raised his hand and rubbed Xie He’s cheek with the pads of his fingers. He peered into the other’s beautiful eyes before his gaze finally fell on those sharp, thin lips…. It felt quite good to have a wild beast acting like a docile kitten at his side with retracted claws.
He smiled. “All right, I’ll satisfy you.”
Liang Chengshan carried Xie He to the pond in the middle of the garden and placed him on the ground. The bodyguards all knew that the boss wanted to ‘do his business’ and stayed clear of the area.
Liang Chengshan’s fingers fell onto Xie He’s slender neck. He then slowly moved his fingers down and pried open each button on the other’s shirt…. However, because Xie He’s hands were shackled, it wasn’t convenient to undress him.
His gaze darkened. He suddenly grabbed Xie He’s hands and unlocked the cuffs.
Xie He widened his eyes slightly and looked at Liang Chengshan questioningly. Before, the other would never have released him when doing this.
Liang Chengshan could see the question in Xie He’s eyes, and his own gaze softened. He lowered his head to plant an affectionate, lingering kiss on Xie He’s lips. His deep, magnetic voice echoed in Xie He’s ears. “You’ve been good recently. This is your reward. You won’t disappoint me, will you?”
Xie He looked dazed for a moment before a look of pleasant surprise emerged on his face. A watery, grateful look appeared in his eyes and his voice turned raspy. “You trust me?”
Liang Chengshan chuckled in his deep voice. He bore into Xie He’s eyes. “I can give you my trust once more. But you better remember that this is the last time. If you betray me again, I will not hold back.”
Xie He stared at Liang Chengshan with deep love in his eyes. He said in a resolute tone, “I won’t betray you. I love you.”
A flash of derision passed through Liang Chengshan’s eyes.
Love? No, you don’t love me. But that’s fine. Regardless, you’re mine. If you want to live, you will have to learn to love me.
I don’t trust you at all but I’m willing to give you a chance.
I hope you don’t disappoint me….
Liang Chengshan slowly undid Xie He’s clothes and entered him.
Xie He tilted his head up and gasped. His eyes were half closed and watery. His pleasant voice spilled out from his lips. “Can…I hold you…?”
When Liang Chengshan heard Xie He utter words that sounded like words of love, and caught sight of his yearning eyes, he slowly nodded.
Now that he had gotten permission, Xie He acted like he had received his master’s favour. Love and gratitude swirled together in his prepossessing phoenix eyes. He carefully reached out and hugged Liang Chengshan.
Liang Chengshan didn’t move out of the way. He knew just how much terrifying power these beautiful, slender hands possessed. There was great danger in being held in this seemingly loving manner…but he was willing to take a gamble and dance with the devil.
This is the privilege given only to you, my peerless treasure.
【Ding, the target Liang Chengshan’s Favourability Value +2. The current Favourability Value is 80.】
Xie He gently held Liang Chengshan. This was the first time he had ever held the man in front of him. He could feel the flow of the man’s blood, the beat of his heart…. It was his first time being so close to him.
He was so close that he almost felt like with just a little strength, he would be able to end this person’s life….
But it wasn’t time yet.
Not even close.
Right now, all he was doing was sounding the other out.
Xie He shut his eyes so that Liang Chengshan could not read the murderous intent in his gaze. He suppressed the hatred in his heart and endured letting this man, who had murdered his parents, enter him. He endured being kissed and held by him….
He could continue to bear this until he was given the chance to deal a fatal blow.
From that day on, Liang Chengshan no longer kept Xie He cuffed aside from the tracking device on Xie He’s ankle. He also didn’t allow Xie He to sleep with him. As for everything else, it seemed to have gone back to what it had been like before.
Liang Chengshan even stopped restricting Xie He’s freedom. He let Xie He come and go as he pleased. However, Xie He never showed any signs of wanting to escape.
Even though he was no longer chained, he remained as deferential as before.
In a blink of an eye, more than a month had passed. Xie He showed no signs of abnormal activity. During the day, he worked for Liang Chengshan. At night, he warmed the older man’s bed. Not only was Liang Chengshan big and good in bed, but he was also quite kinky. But no matter how Liang Chengshan toyed with him, Xie He would always act very cooperative.
Slowly, everyone realized that Xie He had regained Liang Chengshan’s trust. He was even more favoured than he had been in the past after climbing into the older man’s bed.
【444:Host dada, you don’t seem to have been doing anything as of late. @[email protected]】Could Host dada have forgotten about his mission due to being too immersed in his sex life…_(:зゝ∠)_
【Xie He:Baby, you need to have some patience. I’m just waiting for an opportunity. Smile.JPG】
&#k3010;Xie He&#kUU1J;Don’t be fooled by Liang Chengshan acting like he really trusts me right now. It’s all fake. Someone like Liang Chengshan would never trust anyone. He only trusts himself. Everything I’ve done so far is still insufficient in making him lower his guard. He’s only been testing me out. Hehe.&#k3011;
【444:Then what should we do?】
【Xie He:Wait. 🙂 】
【444:……】Host dada went on for so long but it felt like he had said nothing at all. _(:зゝ∠)_
People who didn’t know the truth didn’t really care. But Kenny didn’t understand what Liang Chengshan was doing. He tried to tell Liang Chengshan that this traitor was extremely dangerous on multiple occasions. He stressed that the other should not indulge him like this but Liang Chengshan remained unmoved.
Kenny was helpless. He was still at odds with Xie He but didn’t dare to do anything to him.
Today, they were giving each other the cold shoulder again.
Xie He didn’t mind. He only cared about what Liang Chengshan thought. He didn’t care how anyone else treated him. The fact that he was devout and loyal to only one person pleased Liang Chengshan very much.
Currently, Xie He was waiting in Liang Chengshan’s office as per usual. Sometimes, Liang Chengshan wouldn’t let Xie He be there. Other times, he didn’t keep things from him, which was the case today. He obviously didn’t mind Xie He listening in.
A sinister and ruthless-looking Caucasian man was giving Liang Chengshan a report. His name was Bishop. He was in charge of collecting intelligence.
Liang Chengshan had always valued him greatly. He asked in a gentle tone, “How’s Liang Ze been doing?”
Bishop always had on a serious expression. He said, “He’s clashed with the army of one of the small countries lately and has ended up injured. But it’s not a big issue. What’s worth noting is that he’s been secretly growing his power and trying to rope in the people over there.”
Liang Chengshan didn’t look displeased. Instead, he sounded gratified. “He’s preparing for a rainy day. It seems that he feels a sense of danger. Not bad.”
There was no expression on Bishop’s face. He didn’t express any opinion. He only ever uttered facts, never his opinion. Moreover, he knew that Liang Chengshan was speaking to himself. The other didn’t need his opinion.
As expected, he heard Liang Chengshan continue shortly after, “But it won’t be easy to establish himself. His wings aren’t ready for flight yet. Only after getting taught a lesson will he know that he needs to do things more cleanly. He shouldn’t be this careless.”
“First, kill the people on his side. And then replace everyone there. Remind them who their real master is.” Liang Chengshan smiled slightly.
Bishop nodded. “Understood.”
Liang Chengshan said, “You’re dismissed.”
Xie He had no expression on his face and his head had been lowered the whole time. He knew that Liang Chengshan had purposely allowed him to hear this.
Liang Chengshan walked over and wrapped his arm around Xie He’s waist, lips touching Xie He’s hair. With a warm voice, he said, “Liang Ze seems like he doesn’t intend to give up. If it weren’t for you, he wouldn’t need to take such desperate risks. His tactless actions disappoint me.”
Xie He flashed a jerky smile. “He’s just wasting his energy. I don’t want to go with him at all. The one I love is you.”
Liang Chengshan chuckled. “Really?”
Xie He turned to look at him and earnestly said, “Yes. Can’t you see how I feel?”
Liang Chengshan stared into Xie He’s eyes. It looked as if they really held love.
Xie He craned his head up and kissed Liang Chengshan, only letting go a long time later. His eyes curved into a smile as he said in an affectionate voice, “Actually, you don’t have to be so harsh on him. He is your son, after all.”
Liang Chengshan’s eyes darkened slightly and his voice lowered. “Are you speaking up for him?”
Xie He shook his head at once. “No.”
Liang Chengshan pushed Xie He down against the sofa. Xie He looked panicked, as if he didn’t know what he had done wrong.
Liang Chengshan’s gaze was fixed on Xie He. He thought that the other still cared about Liang Ze…. Xie He had been on his best behaviour as of late but for Liang Ze’s sake, he was saying things he shouldn’t say.
It really made Liang Chengshan unhappy.
Liang Chengshan bent down and did Xie He until the other cried. He then bit down on Xie He’s ears and said, “You better learn to forget about him. That will do both you and him some good.”
There were tears in Xie He’s eyes and he croaked, “I…have already forgotten him….”
Liang Chengshan didn’t let him off upon hearing this. Instead, he only treated Xie He rougher. In the end, Xie He was rendered unable to speak.
Liang Chengshan held the sleeping young man in his arms and stared at his slumbering visage. A jittery feeling emerged in his heart.
It had been almost ten years since Liang Chengshan had last felt such an emotion. Everything had always been within his control so he had never felt that any problem had ever been particularly thorny. But Xie He…was a thorny issue. This was because, even if he could control his body, he could not control his heart.
This person was by his side at all times and had been f*cked by him. He had also told Liang Chengshan that he loved him. However, Liang Chengshan had never sensed any genuine emotions from the younger man.
He could not believe him.
He had already forgotten how to trust someone. He only knew how to control others.
There were many ways to control someone but….
Liang Chengshan placed a gentle kiss on Xie He’s forehead, his pitch-black eyes like a deep pond. Don’t force me to use crueler methods against you. So…it would be best if you were to remain obedient. Don’t think of anyone else and don’t ever think of betraying me.
When Xie He woke up, he found himself lying down in the lounge in Liang Chengshan’s office. However, Liang Chengshan was not around. He looked down at the marks on his body with a cold gaze and felt something slide out from between his thighs. Disgust appeared in his eyes and he walked over to the bathroom to scrub himself hard. It was really, really disgusting! His body was filled with that man’s fluid!
Xie He clenched his fist so hard they cracked. He sucked in a deep breath, finally regaining his calm. He then pulled out an outfit from the closet and got dressed.
Because Liang Chengshan frequently ‘exercised’ in his office, he also had clothes here.
Xie He walked out and saw that Mr. Nelson and Liang Chengshan were currently talking about the casino’s current situation. Xie He looked disinterested and respectfully said to Liang Chengshan, “I want to get some air.”
Liang Chengshan gave him an indifferent gaze and nodded. He didn’t mind Xie He and continued his discussion with Nelson.
Xie He walked out and found a young man holding a briefcase sitting in the living room outside. It seemed to be Nelson’s assistant. The assistant looked rather young and inexperienced. When he saw Xie He come out, he smiled at him rather nervously.
Xie He didn’t pay him any attention. He directly walked past the other.
Shortly after, the young man also stood up and chased after him. He asked in an embarrassed tone, “S-sorry, but do you know where the bathroom is? It’s my first time here.”
Xie He was silent for a while before saying, “Make a right up-ahead and you’ll find it.”
The young man gave him a grateful look. He quickly passed over with his suitcase in hand. It was clear that being here made him feel flustered and helpless.
Xie He looked away nonchalantly. He then went around a corner to where he knew was a blind spot with regards to the security cameras, and fished out the cell phone that had been planted into his pocket.
That youngster had looked careless, like a novice, but he was skilled. At the very least, he was on the level of a practiced thief. Just now, in that brief period of time, he had managed to stuff this cell phone into Xie’s clothes.
Xie He had the phone Liang Chengshan had given him but he didn’t dare use it. Therefore, he had no way of contacting people on the outside.
Xie He looked at the unremarkable black phone and plugged in his earbuds. He then called the only number registered in the contacts list. Very soon, the call went through. It seemed like the other party had been waiting for his call.
Very soon, Liang Ze’s excited voice came through. “Is it you, Yang Ling?”
Xie He was silent for a while before saying, “It’s me.”
Liang Ze sighed in relief and laughed. “I was starting to get worried that that youngster wasn’t doing things properly. It seems that he’s decent after all.”
Xie He recalled the young person just now and smiled. “He’s quite good.”
Liang Ze listened to Xie He’s voice. They were so far apart and even had to be so cautious while communicating. And he didn’t know how many nights Xie He had spent being done by Liang Chengshan. A bitter emotion boiled in Liang Ze’s chest and he lowered his voice. “I just wanted to tell you that I won’t give up. I will definitely save you.”
Xie He sighed. His voice was full of worry and powerlessness. “You really don’t have to concern yourself with me anymore. Liang Chengshan already knows what you’re up to over there. He’s already ordered for your people to be replaced. You shouldn’t keep provoking him. I’m worried that one day, he’ll disregard the remaining familial affection between you two… When that time comes, you’ll be in danger.”
Liang Ze didn’t seem surprised. He said, “I know he does, but it doesn’t matter. I never thought I could hide this from him anyway.”
Xie He seemed surprised. “Then why are you still—”
Liang Ze laughed. “Don’t worry. I’m not that stupid. I have other plans.”
Xie He only felt more worried. “You really don’t have to face off against him. There’s nothing in it for you.”
Liang Ze sneered. “There’s nothing in it for me if I don’t face off against him either. Haven’t I endured enough? Has he ever treated me well? What’s most important…is that he shouldn’t have taken you from me!”
When Xie He heard this, he sounded very touched. “Liang Ze….”
Liang Ze smiled, his voice softening. There was an unquestionable determination in his voice. “Wait for me. I will definitely think of a way to take you away from him.”
Xie He paused and then said, “Okay.”
Liang Ze added, “I know that it’s not convenient for you, and that you can’t speak for long. In a bit, throw this cell phone in the closest garbage can. Someone will pick it up.”
Xie He said, “Got it.”
Xie He and Liang Ze exchanged two more sentences and then Xie He threw the phone away. Once again, he made his way outside.
【444:Yi? Liang Ze actually knew that Liang Chengshan was going to suppress him?】
【Xie He:This proves that he’s not that stupid. You should know, it’s not easy wanting to deceive Liang Chengshan. Those actions were very likely a diversion. If my guess isn’t wrong, he’s probably taking a risk and borrowing power from an external power. Unless he’s able to escape Liang Chengshan’s suppression, he will never be anything but a puppet under Liang Chengshan’s hands. 】
【444:(⊙o⊙) I see.】It seems very complicated, but anyway, it’s fine as long as Host dada understands….
【Xie He:I hope the Little Brother Liang can work a bit harder. After all, I’m waiting for him to act and give me a chance to make my move. Smile.JPG】
【444:What?! You’re finally planning on making a move?! Σ( ° △°|||)︴】
【Xie He:Of course. Did you think that I had stopped caring about this because I was too immersed in my sex life? Don’t forget why Yang Ling had come to Liang Chengshan’s side…. Furthermore, if things continue like this, Liang Chengshan’s Favourability Value will start to stagnate. He thinks that I have evil intentions and will never trust me. At a time like this, there needs to be some kind of twists and turns to help advance our love. Hehe.】
【444:……】When he hears these words now, he kind of feels like he’s got a psychological shadow hanging over his heart. _(:зゝ∠)_
【Xie He:It’s about time for him to see my true face. 🙂 】
Since Liang Chengshan had ordered for Liang Ze to be suppressed, Liang Ze seemed to have quieted down a lot. Meanwhile, in order to not incur Liang Chengshan’s disfavour, Xie He didn’t dare to show interest in Liang Ze at all.
Liang Chengshan was not a temperamental person. In contrast, he was very good at controlling his emotions. He knew how to control other people. As long as Xie He was obedient, he would treat him very well.
From a certain point of view, it could be said that maintaining a clear divide between punishment and reward was how he had always handled things.
Time passed by very quickly. In a blink of an eye, summer arrived. At this time every year, Liang Chengshan would go to his holiday villa for a while. This year was no exception. The only difference was that he had brought Xie He with him this time.
Liang Chengshan had invested in this place. The building was built in a distinctly Chinese style. There were pavilions and kiosks, and the garden was exquisitely maintained. One would feel carefree and relaxed when one took a stroll through the trees.
Liang Chengshan was dressed in a dark grey Tang suit. He had a cordial smile on his lips. He walked around for a while, looking relaxed. He then suddenly turned to Xie He and asked, “Do you like it here?”
Xie He nodded, “Yes.”
Liang Chengshan laughed in spite of himself and shook his head.
This was what Xie He’s ‘like’ was like…. As long as it was Liang Chengshan speaking, Xie He would always say that he ‘liked’ whatever the older man was referring to, as if he didn’t need to think about it.
But…if he truly liked something, he wouldn’t act like this.
Liang Chengshan slowly came to a stop at a pavilion. There was a lake in front of them. The scenery was gorgeous. He rested his arms on the railing and gazed far into the distance. With a cool tone, said, “I had planned for many years for the sake of building this place. I had specifically gone back to my country to invite a designer over to imitate the gardens of Suzhou. I didn’t build this place for the sake of making money. Its sole purpose is to be a place of rest for myself.”
Back then, he and his brethren had suffered being ostracized everywhere. They had overcome many hardships. They had made a promise together that when they one day had money, they would do what they wanted and would excel in this world.
Right now, he finally had the power to do what he wanted. But most of his brethren were no longer here.
The person with whom he had wanted to see all of this was also no longer here.
Liang Chengshan beckoned Xie He over, gaze warm. He said, “Come here.”
Xie He immediately walked over.
Liang Chengshan wrapped his arms around Xie He’s waist and gazed down at him. A complicated emotion flashed through his eyes and he slowly said, “Be mine. I will treat you well.”
This was the first time he had made a promise to Xie He.
He knew that he was probably being carried away by his wishful thinking. It was just that…he wanted someone with whom he could spend the rest of his life, who would look at all he had now with him…. If this person was Xie He, he could accept it…he probably would never get bored of him…
Xie He smiled at Liang Chengshan and didn’t hesitate to tell him, “I’ve always been yours.”
Liang Chengshan stared back and said in a flat voice, “Is that so?”
Xie He was about to respond when suddenly, gunshots sounded all around them! Liang Chengshan’s bodyguards fell to the ground, one after another. At the same time, a group of people dressed in all-black military clothing rushed in. They all recognized the leader—it was the Rodney Family’s head thug!
They were only noticed now despite having been so close. Moreover, they knew exactly where Liang Chengshan was. It was obvious that there was a spy amongst them!
Xie He’s expression changed drastically and he was about to rush over when Liang Chengshan pulled him back. “Don’t move.”
Xie He asked in an anxious voice, “What should we do?”
Liang Chengshan smiled but didn’t respond. He only looked outwards. “Let them come.”
As his words fell, Liang Ze slowly walked out from the trees. He should have been thousands of miles away, but he had somehow made his way here in secret! He gave Liang Chengshan a cold smile. “Father, it’s been so long.”
Liang Chengshan looked at Liang Ze with great disappointment in his eyes. His voice was low. “You actually colluded with the Rodney Family. Do you not know how many of our people they’ve killed?”
There was only hatred inside of Liang Ze’s eyes. He looked at Xie He, who stood next to Liang Chengshan, and said in a frosty voice, “So what? You’re the one who taught me not to be soft, that one should be capable of teaming up with anyone for the sake of achieving one’s goal, no?”
Liang Chengshan was calm, as if he didn’t have a gun pointed at him and wasn’t the one being betrayed by his own son. He asked in a steady voice, “Is your goal Yang Ling or me?”
Liang Ze paused and then slowly said, “Originally, I had just planned on taking Yang Ling, but now….” His lips curled up into a chilly smile. “Everything that belongs to you will naturally be mine too. You’ve lost.”
After saying this, Liang Ze looked at Xie He, profound love filling his eyes. He said, “I told you that I’d save you.”
Xie He gazed back, the look in his eyes complex. He seemed touched.
Liang Chengshan suddenly let go of Xie He’s hand and peered into his eyes. He asked, “Do you want to go over there?”
Hesitation flashed through Xie He’s eyes, as if he wanted to go over but couldn’t bear to leave Liang Chengshan. He stood there, unmoving.
Liang Ze’s expression changed when he saw this. It couldn’t be that Xie He had had a change of heart while being at Liang Chengshan’s side?! He raised his voice, “Come over here!”
Xie He turned to look at Liang Ze and then turned back to Liang Chengshan. It seemed like he had finally thought through a highly difficult problem. He revealed an enchanting smile and said to Liang Chengshan, “No, I won’t go over there. I want to be with you.”
Warmth emerged in Liang Chengshan’s eyes. “Are you sure?”
Xie He said, “I’m sure.”
When Liang Ze heard this, he looked hurt and shocked. He howled in disbelief, “What are you saying?!”
Liang Chengshan looked in Liang Ze’s direction again and said with a smile, “You’ve indeed gone against my expectations today, but have you ever thought about what would happen if you lost?” As soon as his words fell, several shots fired and the people pointing their guns at Liang Chengshan were all shot through the forehead. They all fell to the ground! There were actually snipers out here!
Meanwhile, Liang Chengshan pulled Xie He over and they hid together behind a pillar. Gunfire and all sorts of miserable howls could be heard all around them. Shortly after, everything quieted down. Liang Chengshan’s people had surrounded the enemy. Except for Liang Ze, everyone else had been killed!
Liang Chengshan knew that Liang Ze was scheming against him. Therefore, he had pretended that he didn’t know about the other’s actions. He played along with his son by ordering the removal of Liang Ze’s people on the surface. He had just wanted to test Liang Ze, to see if he would really betray him. At the same time…he was testing Xie He.
Xie He was held in Liang Chengshan’s arms, shocked. It seemed like he was still in a daze. He asked, “W-what’s happening?”
Liang Chengshan smiled and spoke in a gentle tone. “It’s fine now. Are you hurt?”
Xie He looked at Liang Chengshan, moved. “I’m f—”
Before he finished his last word, his gaze suddenly turned sharp and cold. He raised his hand and slashed at Liang Chengshan’s throat at this extremely close distance!
There was a glint of cold light through the cracks of his finger. Suddenly, a razor appeared between them!
Liang Chengshan didn’t think that Xie He would choose to act now. He took a sudden step back and then forcefully pushed Xie He away! Although his reaction was quick, a line of blood was still drawn on his throat. Just a bit more…and his throat would have been sliced open!
Xie He still wanted to pounce on the other man! Unfortunately, he was suppressed by Liang Chengshan’s subordinates as they firmly pressed him down onto the ground! He looked up at Liang Chengshan. There was none of the usual meekness, only bone-chilling hatred.
So close—just a little more, that’s all!
sere: alternate scene: XH kills LCS. Scum gong ends. No more angst and shitty things to come.
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