Novel Name : The Crown Prince in the Jade Pendant

Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

The prince said, you missed the key plot. I won't show you this chapter! Qin Yi was silent for a long time before he slowly said, "I've asked people to look for this kind of jade."
Chu Jinyao was stunned, and his eyes were still shining: "ah?"
"When I find it, I'll let them buy it, regardless of the price."
Chu Jinyao had understood. She felt a little uncomfortable and whispered, "after that, you will go back with them, won't you?"
Qin Yi thought he was heartless, but he finally said, "yes."
Chu Jinyao felt in a trance. Not long ago, she was still arranging her life with Qin Yi, but now Qin Yi told her that he would leave soon. Chu Jinyao is a little confused. Qin Yi has been with her since she came home. She has long been used to asking Qin Yi any questions and saying anything to Qin Yi. It turned out that soon, she would become a person and face the gorgeous, deep and cold house door alone.
Chu Jinyao was depressed and Qin Yi didn't speak. They were speechless for a long time. This was the most unpleasant chat they had had since they met.
Chu Jinyao said it was false not to feel bad, but Qin Yi was leaving soon, and they could spend less and less time together. At this time, how could they use the cold war to consume the few time? Finally, Chu Jinyao said: "It's a good thing that you can leave and go back to where you really should go. Now that you've asked someone else to find Yu for you, I think you'll get news soon. We don't know how long we can get along, but one day is another day, and we'll be more and more happy these days. I didn't have a good attitude towards you. Don't care. When you leave, I'll set up a longevity monument for you , I wish you an early success. "
Qin Yi was hurt by Chu Jinyao's words, but when he heard the latter sentence, he woke up immediately.
"Don't you." Qin Yi's voice revealed a strong sense of helplessness. What he was most worried about these days was that he couldn't return to his body, or his body had problems. Chu Jinyao also said that he would set up a monument for him and worship him every day... Qin Yi said: "I appreciate your kindness. As for the monument, don't set it up. Don't do anything. It's enough to live here."
"OK." Chu Jinyao whispered, "I will. You too."
Qin Yi looked at Chu Jinyao's face in a trance and sad. He couldn't bear it. He said, "it's late today. Stop writing and go to bed."
Chu Jinyao shook her head: "no, it's half written. It's always to be finished."
Qin Yi looked at Chu Jinyao's wrists shaking and felt pity. He simply appeared and said, "it's not right for you to hold the pen. Do this." then he covered Chu Jinyao's hand and took her to write on the paper.
With Qin Yi's help, Chu Jinyao immediately saved a lot of effort. Qin Yi is still a soul. His hand is covered on the back of Chu Jinyao's hand. It is cool and empty. Chu Jinyao tilts her head slightly and can clearly see her own fingers through Qin Yi's hand.
Qin Yi suddenly squeezed Chu Jinyao's finger and glanced at her coolly: "do you dare to be distracted?"
Chu Jinyao took back her sight and concentrated on writing. After a while, she still couldn't help asking, "Qi Ze, are you so beautiful and smart after you become Jing?"
"If you look good, don't mention it. You know everything about writing and poetry. Even these intrigues in the back house can't defeat you. Are you all like this? I suddenly want to be a monster."
Qin Yi smiled. After laughing, he said faintly, "you think too much. Not everyone is like this. It's just me. So, you'd better practice your calligraphy steadily."
Chu Jinyao was silent for a long time and couldn't resist: "you really... Think highly of yourself."
"This is true."
Chu Jinyao rolled her eyes. Qin Yi felt her disapproval and calmly asked, "why, do you think it's wrong?"
Again, his tone was very normal. It seemed that he was really asking calmly, but the tail tone was slightly raised. Coupled with his calm and cold voice, Chu Jinyao felt a sense of threat. Chu Jinyao hummed secretly, but on the surface said, "yes, you're right."
Qin Yi didn't bother to pay attention to her. After helping her write the remaining half a page of big characters, he sent Chu Jinyao to bed.
Chu Jinyao put down the bed curtain and lay flat on the bed without sleep for a long time. She was afraid that the voice of turning over could be heard by Qin Yi. She kept a posture all the time. As soon as she closed her eyes, she could see a tall and straight young man with exquisite facial features standing in front of the desk in the sun. When she heard the voice, he turned his head slightly, with inherent alienation and pride in his eyes. Such a feeling If you put your expression on others, you will be proud and disgusting. However, when it appears on Qin Yi, it is natural, as if he should be superior and proud.
This is the first time Chu Jinyao saw Qin Yi. She thought Qin Yi's voice was very good. Now she found that people's faces are the real masterpiece of heaven. The love of the creator is.
Chu Jinyao whispered, "Qi Ze?"
Qin Yi didn't answer. Chu Jinyao sighed softly, "maybe he's asleep. Also, when is it?"
Chu Jinyao whispered, "you must have a good life when we separate. In this way, I will be glad to think of you."
She continued to say to herself: "Eldest sister will get married soon, and I think I will soon come. I don't know where I will spend the rest of my life in the future. I thought that I wouldn't be afraid to have you with me even if my mother-in-law is in trouble in the future, but now I think I'm too naive. How can you stay with me all the time? I really can't be too greedy. I should thank you for being able to accompany me to adapt to the life of the Hou residence God loves me. After all, I'm still alone. "
Chu Jinyao believed in Ma yourein and didn't know what she said. She just lay in bed thinking. For a moment, she seemed to see herself engaged to a strange man, for a moment, she made rules in front of her mother-in-law, and for a moment, Qin Yi stood at her desk and casually looked through the notes. Slowly, she fell asleep.
When Chu Jinyao's breath grew, a figure gradually appeared in the jade pendant. The other person's figure was very weak and almost melted into the moonlight. Qin Yi looked at the position of the shelf bed for a while and said softly, "you'll have a good time, too."
Qin Yi sent a secret message to his men as soon as he could show up. The people in the East Palace have been looking for the jade pendant around Chu Jinyao's neck. After finding it, he will try to get his men to sneak into the Changxing Marquis house quietly, and then he will transfer to the new jade pendant and return to Datong with his subordinates.
He is the crown prince sent to the frontier. She is a spoiled girl in the marquis. I'm afraid it will be difficult to meet between them because of the difference between monarchs and ministers and the defense between men and women.
So even if Chu Jinyao is very sad today, Qin Yi can't bear to make it clear. He will leave sooner or later and can't give her unrealistic expectations. When he returns to Datong, he will secretly send someone to take care of Chu Jinyao. If he meets her husband-in-law in officialdom in the future, he will take care of one or two as long as conditions permit.
In the first seventeen years of Qin Yi's life, he kept seeing the hypocrisy of the court and the darkness of officialdom. He lost his mother at the age of five, his little aunt and his father mingled together, and he was a grand tyrant who occupied everything of his mother. When all this happened, he was only five years old, so he watched helplessly. He grew up alone in the cold palace, surrounded by either palace concubines with ulterior motives or deliberate demands Good slave. Qin Yi thought that the world was like this, and people's hearts are evil, without exception. But he got to know Chu Jinyao by mistake. Chu Jinyao was originally a daughter of gold, but she was treated harshly by the farmers. She was a legitimate daughter, but she was excluded everywhere in her home. She was betrayed by fate, but she always wiped away her tears after crying and said that there was always someone facing her at home Yes, as long as she treats people with sincerity, sooner or later everyone will accept her.
Qin Yi feels incomprehensible. Why can such a stupid person be treated like this? How can he laugh? At first, he thought that most of the woman was mentally ill, but after getting along with her for a long time, Qin Yi always couldn't help but arouse the corners of his lips and relax slowly.
Qin Yi takes another look at Chu Jinyao and walks out slowly but firmly. Chu Jinyao likes Yunjin, wants to take care of her sister, and wants her relatives to live well. All these will come true.
The next day, Chu Jinyao went to learn the rules with mother Hua for a day. When she returned to her yard, she was so tired that she had no strength to stand.
Today, Kikyo accompanied her out. When they came to the door, they heard a loud cry in the yard. Kikyo followed Chu Jinyao and murmured discontentedly, "who is making noise in the yard? Haven't you seen the girl back? Are there any rules?"
Chu Jinyao thinks something is wrong... Listening to this voice, it seems that she is a stranger.
As soon as she crossed the admission door, she saw a woman standing in the middle of the courtyard. Her hair was shiny and shiny. Her hair was tied in a pointed bun and covered in a wire bun. She stood in the yard in a dark blue jacket and skirt, with her waist crossed, and was lecturing one by one to the servant girls.
Chu Jinyao frowned. Before she could speak, the quick talking Kikyo had stood up and said, "who are you? How can you show off your authority in our girl's yard?"
When the woman saw Chu Jinyao, she didn't come to salute respectfully like other servants. Instead, she held her neck high, bent her knees slightly, and stood up straight to speak to Chu Jinyao: "the old slave sends greetings to the five girls. My wife sent me to manage the yard for the five girls and teach these little girls by the way."
Chu Jinyao frowned in surprise and surprise. The woman sent by Zhao looked very domineering. If she sent her, there would be peace in her yard? Chu Jinyao sighed in her heart. Chu Jinmiao probably did it.
"Qi Ze, Qi Ze?" Chu Jinyao whispered, but Qin Yi didn't respond.
After that, he was angry with her! Chu Jinyao really had a word of suffering in her heart. She called again and saw that Qin Yi had not moved yet, and the servant girls clove and Camellia were about to come in. She had to press it and didn't mention it.
After washing, Chu Jinyao changed into a light red stand collar jacket, a ginger seven piece horse face skirt and a bright red cloak, and hurried to rongning hall.
She greeted the old lady, who nodded indifferently. Chu Jinxian also sat next to old lady Chu. Seeing her, she said, "it's the most important thing for you to learn the rules with mammy these days. Be diligent. Although mammy hasn't come yet, you can't be lazy. Go back and review your pen and ink."
After hearing this, Chu Jinyao bent over and saluted Chu Jinxian: "elder sister Xie." then she hurried to the back classroom.
Chu Jinxian reminds her to go to review her brush and ink as soon as possible... Chu Jinyao has a headache when she hears it. It seems that they had a holiday yesterday. Today they are not relaxed. In addition to learning rules, needlework brush and ink should also be practiced.
Chu Jinyao lived in a poor family for the first 13 years. Food and clothing were a problem. How can he talk about embroidery, writing and other skills that rich people can afford for recreation? However, the leakage of the house happened to rain at night. Today, several other girls seemed to have an appointment. Not long after sitting down, the seventh girl in the second room said, "Mammy, the fifth girl learned the best rules yesterday. We sisters can't catch up with her. I just don't know how her needlework, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting are. The fifth sister might as well move a few strokes casually to open our eyes!"
Before Chu Jinyao spoke, Chu Jinmiao answered, "yes, Mammy specially praised five girls yesterday. I want to come. Five girls hide deeply and have many skills that surprise us. Five girls don't want to be modest!"
Several other girls also helped. When mammy saw it, she also said, "in that case, five girls can write a few words at will."
The seven girls showed a successful smile, and Chu Jinmiao also bowed his head and smiled gently. Nowadays, literacy is the privilege of a few people. Farmers face the Loess and face the sky from generation to generation. They can speak clearly, but they are blind and can't recognize a word. Many vendors in the city are illiterate, and a few women in the back house are literate. Chu Jinyao had to do farm work at home. The daughter of this family still writes. Is it a problem to know words?
This is the consensus of the girls. The eldest girl's status is respected. In addition, she will be out of the cabinet soon. She does not participate in this selection. The second girl is a common woman in the second room. She is 15 years old. She is too old. Her character is tempered by Yan Shicao. She is basically out of the game. The third girl is Chu Jinchan, the concubine of Changxing marquis. She is just fine at the age of 14, but she is a concubine. Her identity is a little worse than the legitimate sisters.
The fourth girl is Chu Jinmiao. She has outstanding talent. She was raised by Zhao with silver money since childhood. If she didn't hold it wrong, the accompanying reading would be in her bag. However, it's such a coincidence. Chu Jinmiao is actually the daughter of the farmer Su family, not the young lady of Changxing Hou house. If her elders don't care, she can't live in Changxing Hou house anymore. After all, it's for the county leader to choose playmates. The daughter of Hou men is the best, and the daughter of a junior official with a poor identity is also normal, but it's too much to choose a farmer's daughter!
Because of this layer, Chu Jinmiao's competitiveness is greatly reduced.
The next girl of the right age is Chu Jinyao, the fifth girl. Although Chu Jinyao is a legitimate daughter, she has not been raised in the Marquis house for the first 13 years. Maybe the princess and the prince will be picky about this. Later, the six girls were the legitimate daughter of the third master. The six girls had the right talent, identity and age. It happened that her father was born to his aunt. When the old Marquis was alive, he was confused and doted on the third master's biological mother, Yang. Yang dared to lose face in the main room because of his pet. Master Chu endured it all the time. As soon as the old Marquis died, he immediately sold Yang, After three rooms also rarely have a good face. Although the sixth girl is suitable in all aspects, she is a concubine. I'm afraid it's difficult for the old lady of Chu.
Under the six girls, there are seven girls. Seven girls are the legitimate daughter of the second wife Yan. They are arrogant. Such people go to be the accompaniment of the county leader... Six girls and Chu Jinmiao think, I'm afraid, Xuan.
Seven girls are twelve years old. They are already a little younger. Next, eight girls are only six years old. Obviously, they are automatically out. So to speak, the competitive ones are big Fang Shu's three girls, Chu Jinmiao, Chu Jinyao and three Fang Di's six girls. Seven girls have been secretly crossed by many people. Each of the four of them has their own strengths, but they all have some small defects. This offset, but they are evenly matched. No one is sure to win or lose.
It's easy to say. Chu Jinmiao reached a consensus with three girls and six girls. Seven girls are not afraid. Now they work together to squeeze out one, two places under them, and the three of them fight again. It's better than a cheap outsider. Chu Jinyao, who has the highest status and the best appearance, but has no foundation because she has just returned, is the best target.
Several girls joined hands to crowd out Chu Jinyao. They all know Chu Jinyao's background. They can make stitches and lay out an invitation. It doesn't matter. Chu Jinyao can't read or write. How can such a person be a companion? The flower mother and Deng Momo are from the royal palace. In a sense, they are the eyes of the princess. As long as they destroy the impression of Chu Jin Yao in the minds of these two mama, things have already become half.
So today, Chu Jinmiao must force Chu Jinyao to write in full view of the public, so that she can completely lose her face and have no chance to recover.
Other girls also spoke enthusiastically. Mother Deng knew that she praised Chu Jinyao yesterday. Now she doesn't let Chu Jinyao do anything, I'm afraid she can't convince the public, so mother Deng smiled and looked at Chu Jinyao: "five girls, just write a few words."
Chu Jinyao completely sulked, stood up, saluted mother Deng Fu and said: "Mammy, to tell you the truth, when I was born, I was held by mistake. Under the wrong circumstances, the four girls were held back to the Marquis house, and I stayed in the farmhouse. My father just found me back at the end of the first month. I have no conditions since I was a child. I can't compare with the sisters who grew up in rich and noble countryside. I have many shortcomings in pen, ink and needle and thread. Please forgive me, Mammy."
Chu Jinmiao heard this and quickly said, "the five girls are a good source of trouble for Shuidong, but I didn't hurt you so much. Don't rely on me for anything. Even if you have to sell pity, you know that the two mammies came to choose a companion for the county leader, not a storyteller. No matter how much grievances you have, you can't think of muddling through?"
After hearing this, the seven girls also said, "yes, you can write if you want to write. What do you do when you say so much?"
Mother Hua, who taught the rules yesterday, was also there. She only knew that five girls came back to the house. She never thought there were many causes among them. She doesn't like Chu Jinmiao for no reason. She has occupied other people's identity and status. She can also say such bastard words as "I didn't hurt you so, you don't want to rely on me for everything". It can be seen that her mind is thin and cool. But mother Hua cherished the diligent and sensible five girls in her heart. Seeing this scene, she couldn't face the five girls any more. Mother Hua is a member of the royal family, and her heart focuses on the interests of the royal family. Although the five girls have a bumpy life experience and are distressing, it is the county leader's business that matters more. A girl who can't read and write can't be a companion to their county leader.
Mother Hua planned to open her mouth to help Chu Jinyao out. Although her opening resolved the embarrassment for Chu Jinyao, it also meant that she recognized Chu Jinyao's illiterate and eliminated Chu Jinyao. Mother Hua's words reached her throat, but she heard Chu Jinyao say, "I just let mammy forgive my bad words. Why did you say I wouldn't?"
With that, Chu Jinyao picked up her pen, stained it with ink, and wrote a line of words on the paper.
Mother Hua and mother Deng were both subdued by Chu Jinyao's poise. They immediately came forward to see. Several other girls were surprised, looked at each other, and all surrounded. On the rice paper in front of Chu Jinyao, it was written: "Lu Yao knows horsepower."
Although her characters are young, lucky and unfamiliar, they are indeed correct and comprehensive. They have been practiced at first sight. Although they are not good, they can be seen when they are taken out.
This can be described as a winding road and a bright future. Mother Hua believed that Chu Jinyao was illiterate and had low expectations. After Chu Jinyao skillfully and smoothly wrote the words, these words greatly exceeded mother Hua's expectations. On the contrary, mother Hua was overjoyed and more excited than seeing the clean and delicate hairpin Xiaokai next to her.
Moreover, this sentence is a pun. It's wonderful.
Chu Jinyao saw the faces of mother Deng and mother Hua and knew that she had passed the customs. She was secretly relieved, put down her pen and smiled at Chu Jinmiao: "I've never complained about miss four. I don't think you occupied the magpie's nest and hurt me here. On the contrary, it's miss four. It seems that you can't care about it all the time. Now in front of the sisters and two mammies, I might as well say it directly. I don't mind your existence, and miss four doesn't have to be different from me all the time."
Chu Jinmiao's face was very ugly. He couldn't make it. Instead, he was bitten by Chu Jinyao. Seeing the situation, the three girls and six girls agreed privately immediately abandoned Chu Jinmiao and picked themselves out.
Chu Jinyao looked at Chu Jinmiao's face and secretly said, "deserve it!" but she still looked upright and continued to say in a loud voice: "I can't control what miss four thinks of me. Today you deliberately mentioned me among the sisters and asked me to write. I'm stupid and can't figure out why miss four did this. Maybe it's to make me show my face in front of Mammy. I'll thank you first!"
Having said that, Chu Jinyao turned and saluted Mammy and said, "Mammy, my words can't be on the table. Instead, I'm four girls. I've been familiar with poetry and books since childhood. I'm a real talented girl. You must not misunderstand the Changxing Marquis house because of my words. The pen and ink of our four girls are the model among the girls in Changxing Marquis house!"
The other girls said, "you're not stupid at all. First you buy money and then you wear a high hat. Isn't this very skilled? Fortunately, Chu Jinyao is targeting Chu Jinmiao. If Chu Jinyao joins hands to hurt all her people just now, the girls will join hands to deal with her, but Chu Jinyao only targets Chu Jinmiao. The other girls see that the War didn't burn themselves On the contrary, he abandoned the alliance and watched the play himself.
Chu Jinyao thought in her heart that this was what Qin Yi said. It's impossible to encircle Wei and save Zhao. It's impossible to be surrounded by everyone and fight back angrily. Only by staring at one of them, can we alienate each other, break each other, and finally turn defeat into victory.
Chu Jinyao sighed silently. Qin Yi is really a talent. It's too inferior to put him in the back house for intrigue.
Chu Jinyao's countermeasures are very useful. The isolated people immediately become Chu Jinmiao. Chu Jinmiao never expected Chu Jinyao to be able to write. She looks like an old hand. She is very angry. In her heart, she believes that Chu Jinyao deliberately pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger to make a fool of them. But she fell in Chu Jinyao's plan and pushed her out in front of the two mammies. If she successfully pushed Chu Jinyao out, it would be even if she did Now Chu Jinyao is so good that she has won Mammy's eyes by fighting back with her handwriting. Chu Jinmiao has become a prick. Chu Jinmiao is secretly worried. Today, she really lost her wife and broke her soldiers. She didn't squeeze Chu Jinyao out. She still left a bad impression in Mammy's heart. She has to find a way to make up for it.
So Chu Jinmiao blessed herself and said to Mammy, "it's a shame."
Chu Jinmiao picked up his pen and tried his best to write down a part of the women's ring carefully and carefully. She has tried her best to come up with her best level. However, Chu Jinyao is in trouble with Chu Jinmiao. Chu Jinyao then holds Chu Jinmiao high. Unconsciously, the two mammies' expectations of Chu Jinmiao have increased a lot. When they see Chu Jinmiao's words again, although they are much better than Chu Jinyao's, their expectations are high, but they feel ordinary.
Mother Deng said faintly, "OK." she asked Chu Jinmiao to sit down.
Chu Jinmiao immediately turned green and red on his face, which was very ugly.
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