Novel Name : The Crown Prince in the Jade Pendant

Chapter 69

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Chapter 69

Chu Jinyao is lost and is looking for Qin Yi to ask for directions.
"Let's do it ourselves. We always have to be more careful."
"OK." lilac and Camellia said and took out the scissors, but Chu Jinyao shouted to them, "wait. Cut from the middle, and finally the materials on both sides are wasted. Once they are cut into pieces, they can only make some purse. Give me the ruler." Chu Jinyao took the ruler, made an oblique gesture and said, "try it like this."
Camellia hesitated: "OK? Good material. Don't cut it at last."
"No, I've tried before." Chu Jinyao used to be in a bad situation at home. A piece of cloth had to be used for many years. She was sewing and changing clothes at home. Slowly, Chu Jinyao mastered a good hand of sewing. She has deep experience in how to save materials and look good.
Camellia still refused to make, or cloves. According to Chu Jinyao, it was crossed and cut. Chu Jinyao and clove matched each other, and several second-class servant girls came to fight. After a while, the upper jacket was cut out.
The second-class girl Kikyo exclaimed, "it's really saved a lot. The most important thing is that the rest of the material is still whole. It's convenient to do anything in the future. If it's cut to pieces, it can only be used as a gadget like a handkerchief purse."
Chu Jinyao said, "it's just the bright surface on the outside, and the inner lining needs to be cut. Clove, go and get the plain yarn material. I remember there's still some left."
After clove came over, several servant girls gathered around, weighed the cloth with their hands, and asked, "girl, is this enough?"
Chu Jinyao touched it and said definitely, "enough."
Clove and Platycodon grandiflorum didn't know what to do. They did what Chu Jinyao said. Finally, they were just cut out.
Kikyo sincerely sighed, "girl, your hands are so clever."
Then came the cut Maxine skirt. Camellia asked, "this is the material with purple flowers on a white background. It's just to make a jacket. Is it too light to make a horse face skirt?"
Chu Jinyao was also worried about this. She looked carefully at the patterns on the cloth and said, "cut them out first and find a way when pleating."
After the cloth was cut, Chu Jinyao took a piece of it and sat locking it. She pressed her hand, tried to make some folds, pulled out a satin from the cloth floor and made a gesture.
Lilac Platycodon grandiflorum was sewing. Suddenly Platycodon grandiflorum shouted, "girl!"
The servant girls looked up. Kikyo came around and picked up the pleats locked by Chu Jinyao. Chu Jinyao sewed Purple Satin on the pleat, extending to the knee, then interrupted the satin, cut the lowest end into a pointed end, lined it with a harder cloth, and finally decorated it with tassels. Kikyo couldn't put it down and said, "it's like a peacock's tail feather. When the pleats are finished, one of these hard ribbons must be as beautiful as a peacock's opening screen!"
The servant girls gathered around to see. Chu Jinyao demonstrated how to sew in front of them, and then closed the side. The handy servant girl would look at it once. She was too stupid to remember. She had to look around Chu Jinyao again. From time to time, a servant girl took her skirt and asked, "girl, is that right?"
Chu Jinyao gave instructions one by one. The Baoxia was very lively for a while. Chu Jinyao was quick and finished a skirt in a short time. Worried about Qin Yi's boredom, she took a piece of cloud brocade satin, filled Xiao Lou with what she needed, and said, "I'm a little tired sitting outside. I'll go inside and have a rest."
"I'll serve the girl." Kikyo stood up and said, "girl, since you're tired, you don't have to take the cloth basket. Give it to us."
"Nothing, I'll just sew two stitches." Kikyo took the basket in Chu Jinyao's hand, followed Chu Jinyao into the west room and put it on the Kang near the window. Chu Jinyao said, "I'll just rest here myself. Go out and make stitches with them."
Kikyo hesitated, but was finally sent away by Chu Jinyao. When there was no one in the room, Chu Jinyao whispered, "are you still there?"
Where else could he go... Qin Yi said helplessly, "yes. What's the matter?"
"There were so many people just now that I can't talk to you. Are you bored looking at these?"
Although the jade pendant fell on Chu Jinyao's chest, Chu Jinyao could not stay in the house without seeing anyone all day. Therefore, when Chu Jinyao went out and talked to others, Qin Yi had to stay by himself. He could do nothing but wait.
Qin Yi also felt bored. When did he care about women's trivial and boring things such as making clothes, let alone watching them do sewing. But he can't go back now. He can only stay with Chu Jinyao. What else can he say?
Chu Jinyao said, "I think the days of a great lady are too busy. Today, at any rate, we should make clothes. We have something to do on our hands. Sitting in the same way as we did the other day is too busy."
Qin Yi agreed. He was thinking about how to get back to his body all the way. He still had many things to do in Datong, but he had to stay here and spend time with a group of backyard women. Qin Yi is impetuous, but now he looks at Chu Jinyao's slender wrists flying back and forth and shuttling through the gorgeous brocade. His hands are smart and light. He takes care of the cloth in a moment. Qin Yi looked at it like this and saw some beauty with special rhythm, and his dryness subsided.
Chu Jinyao turned the skirt to one side. After a while, she locked one side again. Qin Yi looked at it for a while and said, "you are really more skillful than them, with neat stitches and fast speed."
"What's the matter?" Chu Jinyao said. "I'm used to sewing clothes. Instead, I'm going to make a fool of myself by embroidery. If I can't see it when I sew clothes, I'll show my stuffiness when my aunt comes. If she asks us to embroider square handkerchiefs, I'll show my stuffiness. Big girl, they all learn embroidery from childhood. What can I do?"
Chu Jinyao suddenly asked Qin Yi, "can you embroider?"
Qin Yi was caught off guard when asked. He smiled and asked slowly, "what do you think?"
Chu Jinyao was not frightened by Qin Yi's cool tone, but smiled and said, "I think you can ask anything. I thought nothing could embarrass you."
Qin Yi secretly rolled his eyes and didn't want to talk to her. However, being interrupted by Chu Jinyao, Qin Yi's mood was much better.
Chu Jinyao put the scissors, needles and thread back into the basket, took off the jade pendant and put it on the Kang Table. Her current identity is Miss Hou men. Making her own clothes is to kill time. If she is bored, she can throw it to the servant girls anytime and anywhere. She looked at the jade pendant and asked, "have you been in a bad mood these days?"
Qin Yi didn't expect that even Chu Jinyao could see it. He's really getting more and more energetic.
Since Chu Jinyao saw it, Qin Yi didn't want to deliberately lie to her. He sighed: "yes."
Chu Jinyao's heart is very complicated. Qin Yi has been teaching her how to say and do these days. She never thought that she had something on her mind when Qin Yi helped her.
Chu Jinyao was very moved. She took the jade pendant out of the complex and was about to ask about it. Suddenly, she was surprised and said, "why is there only half of the red catkins in the jade?"
"That's what I'm worried about," Qin Yi said. "I have a hunch that once all the red catkins disappear and I haven't been cured, I'm afraid I can't live."
After hearing this, Chu Jinyao lost his voice and said, "how can it?"
Qin Yi rarely sighed wearily. He was no longer holding the winning ticket in the past: "why did I ever think about it? But I have a hunch that it is mostly like this."
Chu Jinyao was dumbfounded. She quickly raised her jade pendant to have a closer look. Indeed, the red catkins were sparse. It's just a guess. Maybe everything will be fine after all the red catkins disappear, but what if?
Chu Jinyao is speechless. Although she has only known Qin Yi for a few days, she has treated Qin Yi as a close relative in her heart. When she was in the most difficult time, only Qin Yi was willing to reach out and pull her. She had nowhere to go in the house. Qin Yi spoke with her. Although he has no body shape and is not even a person, Chu Jinyao feels that he is more important than her blood relatives. Chu Jinyao thought it was good for her and Qin Yi to talk and laugh and break each other. She never thought that Qin Yi would leave her one day.
The air was suddenly heavy and breathless. After being silent for a while, Chu Jinyao said gently, "can I help you?"
Qin Yi was surprised when he heard this. After a while, he laughed: "it has nothing to do with you."
"How can it be okay?" Chu Jinyao said. "Since you are living in my jade pendant, we are a family. We have been together for so long, how can we say it's okay? If I have nothing to help you, it's all right, but now you clearly need it. If I still don't do anything, who am I?"
After hearing this, Qin Yi frowned: "do you know who I am? Dare you say such things?" no one dares to say such things in the world.
"I know. You are the spirit of heaven and earth born in the jade pendant. Since you wake up in my jade pendant, this is our fate."
The former sentence startled Qin Yi, but the latter sentence of the man could kill him. Qin Yi said with gnashing teeth, "I said, I'm not a monster." what monster dares to hit him?
"What are you?"
"..." Qin Yi finally lost, "well, what you say is what you say."
Chu Jinyao also felt that the man was inexplicable. She muttered in a low voice: "I said you were a monster, you don't admit it, and you don't say it when I asked you. It's nothing to be ashamed of being a monster. You see, I grew up in a poor family, and I never feel embarrassed."
Qin Yiquan thought he was deaf and could not hear or speak. He has made too much progress in self-cultivation recently. If in the past, who dared to say that he was not human in front of him, and dare to complain about his prince?
That's right. Qin Yi is the foundation of the current state. His Highness the crown prince was famous for the shooting two days ago.
Even the girls who were born in Hou's residence, let alone Chu Jinyao, feel rare. Chu Jinyao couldn't help but touch it again. Unexpectedly, it was bad. She still kept the cocoons she used to do farm work between her fingers. When she put them on these delicate brocades, she even hooked a silk out of the cloud brocade.
Chu Jinyao quickly stopped. Her actions disturbed others. Chu Jinjiao, the seven girl in the second room, saw it and immediately shouted, "why did you hook the Yunjin out of the silk?"
Chu Jinyao clenched her hand tightly. When others came to see it, they all showed different eyes. Chu brocade's delicate fingers crossed over the brocade and gently drew a smile from his mouth.
Sure enough, he came from the countryside and couldn't make it to the table.
Chu Jinxian frowned and shouted, "that's enough. It's just a cloud brocade. Anyway, everyone has to choose one. This one belongs to Wu Niang. She can dispose of her own things."
The seventh girl tooted her mouth: "the pattern is to weave purple flowers on a white background. I like it too. Why give it to her?"
Chu Jinxian raised her face, took out the posture of her first sister, and stared at the seven girls. Seven girls were indignant and shut up.
The episode soon passed, and the girls happily threw themselves into choosing patterns. Although they couldn't see it on the surface, Chu Jinyao knew that they were laughing in their hearts.
After choosing the patterns, the girls still have to stay at the same place to do sewing. The girls who haven't come out of the cabinet stare at such things, because there are so many beautiful patterns, and the sisters have to stir up their mouths. Chu Jinyao was not happy. The room was in a mess. She went to Chu Jinxian and whispered, "elder sister, I'll go first."
Chu Jinxian looked at Chu Jinyao and wanted to talk, but finally sighed, "go."
Chu Jinyao went back to her house without stopping or talking. Clove holds Yunjin. The master doesn't speak, and she doesn't speak. Camellia follows Chu Jinyao. Chu Jinyao walks faster and faster, and camellia is panting.
Camellia thought to herself that she grew up in the countryside and was different from the serious daughter. The young ladies gasped after two steps. It's not like this. From rongning hall to Chaoyun courtyard, her servant girl was a little panting, but Chu Jinyao didn't do anything at all.
The Chaoyun courtyard where Chu Jinyao lives has a nice name, but its location is a little biased. Changxing Marquis house faces south and is divided into three roads: East, middle and West. The most noble and gorgeous yard in the north of the middle road belongs to the old lady of Chu. The Marquis and his wife Zhao live in the yard in the middle of the Middle Road, and the left and right roads live in other rooms. Chu Jinyao, as the legitimate daughter of the long house, should live with Zhao, but Zhao lives in the main courtyard. There are big girls and four girls in the cross courtyard on the left and right sides. The big girl's yard is the largest, and there is an independent small cross courtyard behind. There are several other concubines living in it, which obviously can't be moved. There is still a small yard behind the four girls' yard, but that is where Zhao put his dowry. Mammy Zhang suggested that she might as well vacate the dowry to the back cover room and move the yard to the five girls, but Zhao said that the back cover room was damp and was afraid that the red wooden box could not be put, so she found another idle yard on the East Road for Chu Jinyao.
Chaoyun courtyard is at the north corner of East Road. It is far and partial. Few people are willing to come so far. Chu Jinyao came here and lived alone in an independent yard. Just looking at the place, it was bigger than the big girl's yard, but the meaning behind it was completely different.
Chu Jinyao thought silently that even in their village, their children should live with their parents. She was assigned to the outside alone. It can be seen how much Zhao didn't like to see her. He didn't want to see her at all.
Camellia happily touched the brocade and thought, this is a tribute brocade. Anyway, five girls don't know. In the end, they should be able to make some dowry for themselves when they take over cutting and making clothes.
Camellia couldn't let go of the white purple flower brocade, but Chu Jinyao was not interested at all and said, "put it away."
"Put it away?" Camellia didn't give up. She grabbed Yunjin and didn't want to let go. Clove came to get it. Camellia grabbed the other end and refused to let go. Clove glared at her and said, "didn't you hear what the girl said?"
Camellia reluctantly let go. She watched lilac lock the brocade and took the key.
"I'm fine here. You go out first."
Clove and Camellia looked at each other. The girl couldn't leave people in the house... But Chu Jinyao's face was really bad. They didn't dare. They were blessed and said, "girl, let's go out first?"
When the house was completely quiet, Chu Jinyao sat on the bed, hugging her knees and leaning helplessly against the bed frame.
In this house, her mother turned a blind eye to her, her grandmother was high above her, the father who brought her back couldn't see her for a few days, she had no close people, and she was at a loss and helpless. Even her cousin deliberately ran on her, and she didn't know how to talk back.
Chu Jinyao always thinks that now everyone is not used to her. It's good to wait a long time. But she worked hard at school, but she still couldn't integrate into the Hou house. She doesn't understand these high rules. Isn't it her fault? Why didn't everyone give her a chance?
Chu Jinyao thought and unknowingly burst into tears. The poor people's children were in charge early. Chu Jinyao didn't even cry, because she knew that even if she cried, no one would coax her, but would worry her sister Su Hui.
After a while, a voice suddenly sounded in the quiet room: "don't cry."
Chu Jinyao was shocked and forgot to cry. Tears still hung on her cheeks, but the man stood up with a swish and looked around the house.
Is there anyone in the room?
But she clearly let everyone out... No, the voice just now, even if the other party's voice was as clear as water hitting jade, but listening to the timbre, it was clearly a man.
Chu Jinyao looked around and didn't see anyone in the room. Her hair stood up. The yard is far and partial. I heard it has been idle for many years. Is it... Is it haunted here?
Chu Jinyao's face turned white. She stammered, "who are you sacred?" however, her steps had slowly moved towards the door and planned to open the door for help as soon as she reached the door.
The voice didn't appear for a long time. After a while, the other party smiled very softly. There was a clear smile in the voice: "do you think I'm a ghost?"
Chu Jinyao paused and asked, "isn't it?" she was still playing drums in her heart. Why did she feel that the sound was getting closer and closer to her, as if it were around her
"There's something behind you!"
"Ah!" Chu Jinyao screamed and squatted down on her knees. When the other party saw a casual word, she was scared like this and smiled happily. These laughter are different from that of Fang Cai. Fang Cai's laughter is very cold. It seems to be caused by years of habit, but now it's really funny.
The other party's voice is very good. It's the best voice Chu Jinyao has ever heard. However, this can't hide the hatefulness of the other party. Now Chu Jinyao recognizes it, and the voice comes from her jade pendant!
Chu Jinyao yanked down the jade pendant, threw it on the bed and scolded, "you bastard!"
The jade pendant bounced on the quilt twice and soon fell into the pile of brocade. The other party seemed surprised and asked, "what did you say?"
When he said this, his voice did not fluctuate, but it was slightly raised at the end, which meant great threat. Chu Jinyao heard that the bastard ghost almost scared her to death. Now she is still so arrogant and becomes more and more angry. She quickly walked to the bedside, picked up the jade pendant and fell on the bed: "you're scary and reasonable?"
Chu Jinyao grew up in the village and was restless at home, so Chu Jinyao was not submissive. She has been aggrieved and seeking perfection in the Hou house these days. First, she was frightened by the prosperity of the Hou house. The emperor was even frightened when he saw the heavenly palace. How could she be alive when she, a 13-year-old girl, came to a new environment where she didn't know anything and didn't know anything? Second, Chu Jinyao wants to get along well with his real relatives. Therefore, no matter who she met, she always showed a third smile and said hello. She was also trying to learn and imitate.
Although now it seems that she is not very optimistic.
Now, Chu Jinyao's anger erupted immediately when he met an unidentified monster who played tricks on people and was particularly arrogant. However, although she was horizontal, her brain was very smart. She smashed the jade pendant hard, but they all fell into bed. I'm kidding. This is the life-saving jade pendant she brought from childhood. If she knocks and touches it, she feels more painful than anyone else. Even if you want to teach unknown spirits a lesson, you can't break your own things!
The voice in the jade pendant obviously didn't expect that someone would dare to treat him like this one day. He was thrown around and didn't speak. When he finally stopped, he smiled coldly: "you are Chu Jinyao, the family of the Marquis of Changxing. Wait."
"How do you know my name?" Chu Jinyao was surprised and suspicious. Chu Jinyao didn't wait for the other party to answer. At this time, there was a voice of Camellia outside the house: "girl, what's the matter with you?"
Chu Jinyao screamed and fell things, which had already alerted the people outside.
Chu Jinyao didn't answer, but lowered her voice and threatened the jade pendant on the bed: "you tell me honestly, or I'll give you to someone outside. Ask monks and Taoists to come and do it at that time. You may be scared!"
The voice in the jade pendant smiled softly and briefly and said, "try it. I'm so big that no one dares to threaten me."
Chu Jinyao really can't help it if the other party doesn't eat hard and soft. Look at this, the jade pendant is not a ghost. It's mostly a monster. When Chu Jinyao was in the village, he heard people say that jade has aura, and many fairies rely on the essence of heaven and earth to practice immortality. Chu Jinyao felt that her jade was wonderful since she was a child. With it, she wouldn't even have a little cold all year round, so there was a strange thing in the jade. Although Chu Jinyao was unexpected, she also felt it was reasonable.
Her jade used to be carried close to her body, otherwise she would have been left by Su Shengshun. When we arrived at Hou's house, we had to pay attention to many clothes. We had to wear several layers of clothes inside and outside. Chu Jinyao couldn't be placed close to her. She had to learn from others, cover a tie outside the jade pendant and hang it on the outside of the clothes.
In fact, Chu Jinyao didn't intend to really hand over the jade pendant. She was just bluffing. This is her jade. She has been with her for 13 years. It is the essence in the jade. Chu Jinyao also thinks it is a good essence towards her. If it's true, as long as the man in Yuli doesn't speak, who knows whether Chu Jinyao's words are true or not. Maybe people in Hou's house will suspect Chu Jinyao's brain is bad and crazy in the daytime. At that time, Zhao had a clear excuse to send Chu Jinyao away. Chu Jinyao is not stupid. Hou's house is her home. Why should she leave and give it to outsiders? So Chu Jinyao must stay and live well.
Seeing that the essence in the jade pendant was not frightened, and the camellia was shouting outside, Chu Jinyao had to raise her voice and say, "I'm fine. Go down."
Seeing Chu Jinyao insist, Camellia mumbled a few words and left like this. Chu Jinyao listened to the camellia and walked away. Then she looked at the Jade Pendant: "Why are you in my jade pendant? Do you have a name?"
Qin Yi also wants to know why he is in a portable jade pendant of Miss Hou men. He took people to chase the Tatar barbarians that day. Later, he seemed to be hurt. When he regained consciousness, he would be here.
Qin Yi estimated that most of his soul came out of the body as those Taoists in the Palace said. His injury that day was not light. Maybe it was because he hurt the foundation, so the spirit did not belong to him. In fact, as like as two peas, Chu Yi and Yao, who are very similar to Chu Jin Yao, are all white jade, and their texture is the same, but his jade ornaments are even bigger. Qin Yi has been carrying the jade pendant with him for many years. When he went out that day, he forgot that it appeared on Chu Jinyao's jade pendant after he was seriously injured. This kind of jade pendant should have the effect of nourishing the soul. Qin Yi was much more comfortable in this way. That year, the wandering Taoist tricked his mother into buying the jade pendant at a high price and boasted that he could protect his life in a critical moment. Qin Yi originally scoffed at it, but now it seems that it is true.
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