Novel Name : The Crown Prince in the Jade Pendant

Chapter 91

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Chapter 91

Chu Jinyao is lost and is looking for Qin Yi to ask for directions. Kikyo thought the woman was so rude, but when she heard that she was sent by Zhao, Kikyo was surprised and had to squat down and salute: "I just ignored Mammy. Please don't blame Mammy."
The woman snorted arrogantly and was about to scold Kikyo. She saw Chu Jinyao wave his hand and said to Kikyo, "I told you many times to restrain your temper, but you always don't listen. Fortunately, Mammy was sent by her wife. She is generous and won't argue with you. How dare you next time?"
Kikyo squatted down quickly and said, "I dare not. Please spare my life."
"OK, put your things into the study first. This is the homework assigned by the two mammies in the palace. If there are any mistakes, I only ask you."
Kikyo bowed his head and ran in. The woman called twice, but she didn't stop Kikyo. Seeing Chu Jinyao's intention to protect the servant girl, the woman was already very uncomfortable. The woman thought that the fourth girl and her wife were right. There are really no rules in the fifth girl's yard. Since her wife sent her to guide the fifth girl, she must rectify the atmosphere here.
Chu Jinyao's waist and legs were very sore. Even so, she forced to hold up a smile, walked two steps closer and asked, "what do you call mammy?"
The woman stood up and said arrogantly, "my name is sun."
"Good mother sun." Chu Jinyao smiled and said, "since it was sent by her mother, it's an elder. Don't neglect it. Clove, clean up a clean room and take mother sun to have a rest."
Clove took orders to go. Before she took a few steps, she heard grandma sun say: "Miss five, my wife sent me to straighten out the rules for you. To tell you the truth, you may not like to listen. The rules in your yard are too loose, which can't be compared with that of miss four. Miss, you are still young and don't understand the danger of the people. You look bright in the back house, but there are many hidden things, especially those slippery slaves and maidservants who love to collude to deceive the master Son. For example, the girl's silver jewelry. You do a lot of things every day, and you can't remember what jewelry is in the box. After a long time, I'm sure some slaves who are open to money will secretly sell your jewelry. So my wife sent me here. The first important thing is to let me help you learn to be a housekeeper, so as not to be bullied by the evil slaves below. "
Chu Jinyao was so angry that the woman almost kicked her nose and face. Chu Jinyao wanted to wear a high hat for her, and then offered it far behind. Just don't hinder her, but now it seems that the woman has very long hands.
Sure enough, mother sun paused and said, "girl, where are the keys to your clothes and jewelry? You are young. I'm afraid you will be cheated by the Diao slave below. You'd better leave it to the old slave."
"Don't bother, Mammy." Chu Jinyao said coldly, "I'm in charge of these things. I'm used to doing it at home, and I won't be deceived. Since mammy is sent by my mother, I should support her. Can you worry about these? Isn't it my unfilial."
Chu Jinyao has moved out of filial piety, but as the saying goes, when a scholar meets a soldier, she can't explain clearly. The woman's face is very thick. No matter what Chu Jinyao said, she just insisted: "Madam sent me to palm the eyes of the five girls. Clothes and jewelry naturally need the old slave to worry about. If my aunt refuses, the old slave will have to go to her to reason."
It was so rampant that Chu Jinyao sank her face and said, "then go. Clove, prepare pen and ink. I want to review my lessons."
Chu Jinyao dropped her words and walked to the main room without turning back. Mammy sun was stunned. She obviously didn't expect Chu Jinyao to be so strong. The girl in the inner house was not delicate, soft and circuitous. How dare Chu Jinyao speak directly?
Mother sun shouted, "I'm from my wife. The wife said..."
Chu Jinyao said calmly, "clove, pass the word on. I'm going to read a book. No one is allowed to speak loudly. If you quarrel with me and delay me from learning rules with the Queen's mother, I have to go to my grandmother and let her preside over justice."
Although Chu Jinyao said this to clove, the direction in her words was very clear. Mother sun was dumb. Chu Jinyao glanced back at the people coldly, and then opened the curtain and went in.
When she got indoors, Kikyo was pestling in her study and didn't dare to go out. She also heard the movement outside. When she saw Chu Jinyao again at the moment, she only felt extra admiration: "girl..."
Chu Jinyao felt very bad. She said to Kikyo, "she's still yelling outside. You can bear it first. Stay in the west room for a while. When she's tired of scolding, you can go out."
Platycodon grandiflorum replied: "yes."
The study soon calmed down again. The servant girls knew Chu Jinyao's habits. It was customary to leave no one in the study. When there was no one, Chu Jinyao sighed.
Qin Yi chuckled: "what's the matter? Didn't you just be very powerful? Why did you sigh?"
"I didn't have such a grumpy temper," Chu Jinyao said. "It's said that those who are close to Zhu are red and those who are close to ink are black. Sure enough, you're right. Look what you've brought me!"
If ordinary people dared to talk to Qin Yi like this, Qin Yi would have asked someone to clean up each other. But now he couldn't help laughing at Chu Jinyao's words: "you're reasonable, don't rely on me for everything."
Chu Jinyao couldn't hold her face and smiled gently. She smiled for a while, and her tone became sad: "it's easier to ask God than to send God. How can I send this Buddha out!"
Qin Yi didn't speak. He came out of the jade pendant, sat leisurely at the table and turned the book. Chu Jinyao pretended to be pathetic and found that Qin Yi couldn't fit. He hurried around to the other side of the table and sat opposite Qin Yi. His arm lay on the table and carefully poked Qin Yi's arm: "Qi Ze, what should I do?"
Qin Yi raised his head and smiled at Chu Jinyao: "I don't know, you think."
"I just can't think of it. I'm looking for you now!" Chu Jinyao continued to be coquettish, and finally simply said, "if you don't say it, I'll cry for you."
Qin Yi glanced at her and said, "cry."
Chu Jinyao finally knew where the sense of familiarity came from. As like as two peas, Sun Momo said he would tell Chao's complaint, and Chu Jinyao said, "then you go," the expression and tone of Qin's eyes were exactly the same as Qin Yi's "cry".
Chu Jinyao said it was really retribution. She deflated her mouth, carefully, but continued to poke Qin Yi's arm, and looked at him with that kind of poor eyes. Qin Yi didn't move his eyebrows, but he took the book in his hand for a while and was stunned that he didn't turn a page.
Qin Yi couldn't bear it. He closed the book and said calmly, "you're really brave."
Chu Jinyao immediately smiled and said, "I knew you wouldn't ignore me."
Qin Yi was helpless and funny. He said, "it's really retribution."
Chu Jinyao showed a good attitude of being taught and politely poured Qin Yi a cup of tea, although Qin Yi didn't need it. Qin Yi had a straight face. Seeing her like this, he couldn't help but stare at her with anger and laughter.
"Mama sun was given to you by your mother. I don't have to tell you who provoked her. You know. If you have this person, it's also a trouble for you to see Zhao tomorrow."
"I understand." Chu Jinyao sighed, "it's clear that Chu Jinmiao is the young lady who grew up here. She has replaced my ranking and identity. I'm not hostile to her, but she's against me."
"People's hearts always have no end." Qin Yi knows that he will go sooner or later. It turned out that Chu Jinyao had difficulties and Qin Yi helped her solve them. But now he knows that he wants to leave, he no longer helps her block everything, and teaches her these intrigues bit by bit: "It's good for her to take the initiative to attack you. Even if she doesn't do anything, I have to stimulate her to do it. You're a framed person now. Naturally, you don't have to pay attention to the woman outside or your mother's bias. Don't worry about conniving at the woman. The more rampant she is, the better. When the time comes, stab her directly in front of the person in charge and show it to everyone. This is called motionless Yes, one hit will kill. "
Chu Jinyao nodded with a feeling: "you mean, I deliberately showed weakness and made mother sun more and more rampant. Finally, I made an intolerable mistake and asked my grandmother to intervene?"
"That's it," Qin Yi said, "If you are high enough to do what you want to do, you can do it directly, but you can't do it now. You can only detour and sell pity to the elders. And your father, Chu Jing is a man who knows what Chu Jinmiao has done to you. You inadvertently tell him what he has done to you. It's enough for him to reveal the rest. Since your mother is eccentric, you can only find another way, at least Let Chu Jing see what kind of life you live in the back house. "
Chu Jinyao had fully understood. She nodded: "I understand. These disputes in the inner house are no different from those in the village, but they have to cover themselves with a layer of passive skin, as if everything is passive and forced."
It turned out that in the Su family, if someone came to ask Chu Jinyao for the key to the money in the family, Chu Jinyao could definitely scold him to death. Even if she asked other people in the village to judge, no one could say that Chu Jinyao was wrong. Chu Jinyao could stand on both emotion and reason. But now when she comes to the Hou house, she can't do things so directly. If she really scolds mother sun, everyone will only say that she is unfilial, Instead of asking her why.
Chu Jinyao is trying to adapt to the new rules of Hou men.
"Yes, that's it." Qin Yi smiled. "Men always like innocent and weak women. You're too strong to please."
"Men are like this? Can't they see that it's fake?"
Qin Yi was stunned when asked. He was used to the situation in the back palace. However, at the moment, looking at Chu Jinyao's bright eyes, he could only avoid it carefully and said, "not all men are like this..."
"What about you?" Chu Jinyao blurted out before Qin Yi finished.
"Me?" Qin Yi smiled. "I have too many things to do. Men and women are far from my plan."
Chu Jinyao was so rash that she was a little surprised when she said what she had just said. But now, after listening to Qin Yi's answer, she felt a little empty. Chu Jinyao pressed down her inexplicable mind and said to Qin Yi with a smile: "You're right. Men are very fickle. With those Kung Fu, it's better to focus on their own things. After all, it's the most important to live well. As for love, it's all vanity."
Qin Yi thought that Chu Jinyao was right intellectually, but there was always something wrong psychologically. He frowned and said, "you are a girl. Don't talk about love all day. How old are you now? Don't always think about getting married."
"Who thought?" Chu Jinyao was angry and immediately refused to show weakness. The two of them say a word to each other, and the twilight slowly deepens.
The next day, Chu Jinyao went to greet Zhao. As soon as she entered the door, she saw Chu Jinmiao sitting next to Zhao. She stripped Zhao of oranges with her bare hands. Zhao's hand was standing with grandmother.
Chu Jinyao knew that he was black.
"Mother." her face was calm, pretending not to know anything, and she saluted Zhao.
Zhao put her hand on the table. The gold bracelet on her wrist touched the table and made a clear collision sound. "I heard from mother sun that you disobeyed the discipline and deliberately contradicted mother sun?"
Mother sun copied her hands and looked wronged. Chu Jinmiao bowed her head and peeled her skin attentively without looking up.
Chu Jinyao calmly asked, "mother, where did you start?"
"Mother Sun told me everything. She's going to discipline the rules for you, and you don't have to contradict. You're still rude to mother sun in front of the public. Do you still have my mother in your eyes?"
"Mother, you know, you are my mother." Chu Jinyao looked up at Zhao and said word by word, "Why don't you ask me what happened? Mother sun yelled in my yard when she first came. I just came back from mother Hua. I didn't have time to sit down and drink. I heard mother sun say that she came to collect the keys to my clothes and jewelry at your order."
Chu Jinyao raised her head and looked at Zhao: "mother, is this what you asked her to do? Don't ask, pinch my whole fortune in my hand first, so as to restrain me?"
Zhao frowned and looked at grandma sun. She asked grandma sun to take care of Chu Jinyao. Don't let anyone step on Chu Jinyao's face. Why did the woman rashly ask Chu Jinyao for keys? Clothes and jewelry in the back house are women's biggest possessions. If they weren't trusted slaves, who would let others move these? Zhao's eyes pressed over. Grandma sun quickly bowed her head and Zhao's heart Some angry: "why didn't you say this just now? Who let you make your own decisions?"
"Madam Hui, it's not the old slave's own opinion!"
"Then you say, who inspired you to do this?" Zhao was angry. He folded his hands on his knees and asked, "I want to see where you have the courage to defy me."
Mammy sun was sweating. She dared not speak, but one eye secretly looked at Chu Jinmiao. Chu Jinyao also stared at Chu Jinmiao directly to see how she managed.
Qin Yi replied with a relaxed smile: "maybe the teacher who taught me is better."
Since childhood, the crown prince has been taught by special great scholars. These people should not only have profound knowledge, but also have noble morality and prominent reputation. The literary officials and military generals of the Manchu Dynasty, and even the important officials of the past dynasties, are proud to be crown prince and crown Fu. Qin Yi's teachers are not generally good.
However, Chu Jinyao didn't know what the teacher in Qin Yi's words was. When she heard that it was the other party's teacher, she had already stopped her mind. "It's said that famous teachers make excellent disciples. If it was a good master, most people can't learn to imitate. I'd better practice honestly."
Qin Yi took a step to the side and hooked his hand to signal Chu Jinyao to get close. Chu Jinyao hesitated: "this..." Qin Yi is now a young man. Men and women don't give and receive. How can she get so close to him?
Seeing that Chu Jinyao didn't move, Qin Yi directly stretched out his hand and pulled her over: "hurry up, I can't leave the jade pendant for too long. I can't practice without teaching."
Chu Jinyao's wrist was held. She only had time to see each other's slender fingers. Qin Yi is still in a state of spirit and his fingers are still translucent, but even so, it doesn't prevent him from completely encircling Chu Jinyao's wrist with one hand and pulling her whole person with a little force.
Chu Jin feels inexplicably that these are hands for practicing martial arts. If you don't practice martial arts, your fingers won't be so long and powerful.
How many years has Qin Yi cultivated himself? He is so powerful in both civil and martial arts. Chu Jinyao is thinking in a trance that he suddenly bounced his forehead. Although it's not painful, it's enough to wake her up.
"What are you doing?" Chu Jinyao covered her forehead and looked up at Qin Yi unhappily.
Qin Yi raised his eyebrows and said, "Oh, it's reasonable for you to be distracted? Hold your pen well and write in the way I said."
Chu Jinyao is still very interested in learning. If she doesn't, Chu Jinmiao will catch her pigtail. She immediately takes back her mind and listens to Qin Yi carefully. Qin Yi stands beside Chu Jinyao and teaches her how to use her pen and how to make connections. Chu Jinyao doesn't do well in some places. Qin Yi is impatient and directly reaches out to hold the pen to help her correct it. He is on Chu Jinyao's left hand and holds it every time When writing, she can only stretch her arm behind Chu Jinyao and hold her to correct it. Chu Jinyao is very uncomfortable. She tells herself in her heart that Qin Yi is a monster and has no sense of great defense between men and women in the world. Don't worry about it with him. With so many repetitions, Chu Jinyao is getting used to it. She holds Qin Yi's hand and slowly advances on the paper, and writes more and more The more perfect.
Chu Jinyao used to write very little. She was very afraid of pen and ink, but now Qin Yi took it with her. She started it quickly. Later, when Qin Yi let go, she could write a few words in a decent way. Chu Jinyao was very happy. She turned back happily and said, "look, I can write by myself!"
Chu Jinyao turned back in a hurry and forgot that Qin Yi was standing behind her. They were very close. When she looked back like this, she almost hit Qin Yi's chin.
Qin Yi had to stand very close when he wanted to bypass Chu Jinyao and hold his pen. He was taller than Chu Jinyao, so he had to support the table with one hand and put the other hand around Chu Jinyao, with the feeling that she was familiar with writing. Now Chu Jinyao suddenly turned back and nearly ran into him. Chu Jinyao looked back and found Qin Yi's face close at hand. He was stunned on the spot. Qin Yi reacted very quickly. He immediately raised his chin back, then lowered his eyes and glanced at Chu Jinyao: "what are you doing?"
Chu Jinyao was very embarrassed. This was the first time she was so close to a man. At this moment, she clearly realized that Qin Yi was a man and she could no longer get along with him as before. Chu Jinyao was about to speak to ease the atmosphere, but he found that Qin Yi's chin was much thinner. His face was so transparent that it almost melted into the air. There was a light and fragile beauty, which made his facial features more exquisite.
However, Chu Jinyao had no intention to appreciate Qin Yi's outstanding appearance. She said anxiously, "what's the matter with you? Is it uncomfortable?"
Qin Yi himself looked disapproval: "nothing. It's been too long since he left the jade pendant. The spirit can't support him. Just go back and raise him."
What is raising? Can you make fun of the soul? Chu Jinyao was really angry: "since you can't come out for too long, go back quickly! It's also my fault. I just focused on practicing calligraphy and didn't pay attention to you."
"I'm fine," Qin Yi said, adding, "don't think about it. It has nothing to do with you."
"Well, I know. Go back quickly!"
Qin Yi has been a restless person since childhood. He hates bondage most. Now he is confined to the jade pendant. It's an unspeakable boredom. Qin Yi didn't want to go back at all if he could get out of that restricted place. But Chu Jinyao was so anxious that she was crying. Qin Yi had no choice but to return to the jade pendant reluctantly.
At the jade pendant, the weak soul felt much better immediately. Qin Yi sighed softly and immediately comforted Chu Jinyao: "I'm fine. Don't cry."
Is that okay? Chu Jinyao is really about to be cried by Qin Yi. Why doesn't this man take his body seriously at all? She was bored for a while. She didn't know who she was angry with. Finally, she said, "don't do this next time."
"Well, good," Qin Yi replied without much distraction. He yawned lazily and said, "it's time for you to practice calligraphy. This is water grinding Kung Fu. You can't be lazy."
"I understand." Chu Jinyao sat at his desk, picked up his pen and said while dipping in ink, "I'm practicing calligraphy here. If you're sleepy, take a break first. I'll accompany you."
Qin Yi chuckled: "I'm not a child. I can't use people to accompany me." although he said so, the loss of the spirit is too great today. He only supported it for a while, but he couldn't survive and fell asleep.
Chu Jinyao looks at Qin Yi and is more careful. In the study, you can only hear the rustle of the tip of a pen.
As the night grew deeper and deeper, the little servant girls lit lanterns one by one on the corridor, and the lights were also lit in all courtyards of Changxing Marquis house. At this time, few people in the house have moved around. Regardless of what they say and do in the daytime, those who can sit under the same lamp are the real close people.
Chu Jinmiao covered the lampshade on the candlestick and asked, "isn't father coming today?"
Mammy Zhang said, "it's all this point. I'm afraid the marquis will stay in that hospital tonight."
Chu Jinmiao is a girl and shouldn't ask about her father and aunt, but Chu Jinmiao has been close to Zhao since she was a child. Zhao has been wronged by her aunt and loves to talk to Chu Jinmiao. Over time, the people in Zhao's house get used to it.
The Marquis of Changxing had one wife and three concubines. Although Zhao's main room was in a stable position, it was only a matter of face. Among them, Aunt Huang was really favored.
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