Novel Name : Dragon Blooded War God

Chapter 253: Breaking Free

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Chapter 253: Breaking Free

The appearance of the Sun Devouring Wolf had been a surprise to Long Chen. That was why he had no choice but to abandon the mysterious steel token he was about to reach and retreat to the edge of the plaza.
Yan Danqing and Li Ziling were not stupid either. They saw that even Long Chen was running away, and the demonic wolf was obviously an Earth-tier beast. Ignoring the steel token, they led their groups and hurriedly hid in a corner, watching the Sun Devouring Wolf anxiously.
The beast stood there. It was like a black hole, swallowing the surrounding light and heat. Yan Danqing, Li Ziling, and the rest were shocked by the peculiar beast.
Big Brother, what now? whispered Mo Xiaolang.
We are no match for the wolf, so all we can do is watch. Lets see what it wants to do. Long Chen watched it solemnly.
Thousands of Moon Devouring Wolves gathered in the plaza. Without a command from the Sun Devouring Wolf, they crouched obediently on the spot, not attacking Long Chen and the other humans.
As for the Sun Devouring Wolf, its pitch-black eyes were fixated on the mysterious steel token on the black pillar. Then it picked the token up with its mouth.
Why does it want the steel token? Maybe it wants to enter the tomb? How could a demonic beast receive an inheritance left by a human? Thoughts raced through Long Chens mind. In the end, he decided that something must have piqued the wolfs interest in the tomb.
The Sun Devouring Wolf had retrieved the token, and no one dared to fight it.
Everyone stared as the wolf carried the steel token and rushed towards the entrance of the tomb like a black shadow. It moved countless times faster than Long Chen and the rest.
The crowd smiled bitterly. They couldnt believe that a wolf that had appeared out of nowhere was going to take the inheritance in the end. While it clearly could not receive a human inheritance, the token was clearly the key to enter the tomb. If it brought the key inside, then what could they do? Might as well go home.
However, there was a twist.
When the Sun Devouring Wolf neared the light membrane, a layer of black flames burst from it, radiating intense heat. The black flames aggregated into an old mans face, whose eyes were fixed on the wolf.
Long Chen shuddered. He had seen that face before. The same old man had appeared when he learned the Burning Devil Sun Fist from the steel token! He saw that face within the flames again.
You animal! Dont you dare think you can get my inheritance! bellowed the old man hoarsely. Then a ray of light shot out of his mouth and struck the wolf at lightning speed!
The Sun Devouring Wolf bled profusely from the strike. With a cry of agony, its gigantic body flew backwards! Then it landed in the sea of fire on the right side of the plaza, instantly swallowed by the flames!
The appearance of the Sun Devouring Wolf was a twist, but the wolf getting severely injured was also a twist. The mysterious token was still in its mouth, so when the group saw that it was hurt, and the old mans face had disappeared, they snapped back to reality and quickly charged into the sea of fire.
The countless Moon Devouring Wolves howled when they saw their leader being injured, rushing into the sea of fire at a speed that surpassed the humans. However, they had underestimated its temperature, and the tens of wolves that entered the flames were reduced to ashes instantly!
Long Chen gasped. Upon closer inspection, he saw wisps of black fire within the red flames. The black flames were the cause of the fires high temperatures. Even Category One and Two Black-tier wolves had been burnt to crisps. Although Long Chen and the rest were powerful, they could not stay inside for long.
Plus, although the Sun Devouring Wolf was injured, it was unknown exactly how severe its injury was!
Everyone halted in their tracks. The wolves, after seeing tens of their comrades dying, learned of the fires danger and stopped too, crouching on the ground and howling in grief.
Long Chen and the group looked at each other. Even Yan Danqing and Li Ziling did not dare take the risk of running into the sea of fire.
Big Brother! Mo Xiaolang called anxiously.
What is it?
Im going in! This is a one-in-a-million chance! That man in the flames clearly wanted to kill the wolf, thats why he threw it into the sea of fire! The Sun Devouring Wolf was severely injured, so it probably cannot move easily. It will be burned to death very quickly in there, so this is my only chance to get its Beast Soul! Also, I can help you find the steel token! Mo Xiaolang exclaimed ardently.
How long can you last in the flames? Long Chen asked with furrowed brows.
I dont know, but at least fifteen minutes, Id say, he replied anxiously. Then he stopped talking, condensed his Qi outside his body to protect himself, and charged into the sea of fire.
This was Mo Xiaolangs first time making a voluntary decision without Long Chens agreement, and it was all for the Beast Soul of the Sun Devouring Wolf. Long Chen could tell that he was greatly attracted to its Beast Soul, and it was the key for him to take revenge in the future. That was why he did not refuse.
When he saw Mo Xiaolang rushing into the flames, he was ready to rush in too when Li Ziling blocked his way with a smirk. You bastard! The battle between us has not ended. Where do you think youre going?
Fuck off! Long Chen had no time to argue with her. He was worried about Mo Xiaolangs safety and did not want him to go in alone.
Li Ziling was even more smug when she saw that he was anxious. She had no intention to let him go and turned to Yan Danqing. This is the best time to kill Long Chen. Lets work together. What do you think?
Mo Xiaolang had entered the sea of fire, leaving Long Chen alone. He had not expected Li Ziling and Yan Danqing to surround Long Chen.
To be honest, Yan Danqing also felt hugely threatened by Long Chen and Mo Xiaolang, so he took Li Ziling up on her offer with zero hesitation and positioned himself behind Long Chen.
Long Chen had angered Li Ziling before, but this time, he was the one who was furious.
Standing on the edge of the sea of fire, Li Ziling didnt say another word. She instantly unleashed the Earth-tier Magpie Mountain Seal towards Long Chen!
The immense attack forced Long Chen away from the sea of fire! Behind him, Yan Danqing also launched an attack!
Yan Danqing was only assisting Li ZIling, so he did not use his Beast Soul Transformation. Even without it, he was very powerful! Just one random punch brought with it a powerful gust of wind that hit Long Chens body!
Youre looking for death! Long Chen used the Nine Dragon Flashes and engaged in a death duel against the duo. This delay had caused him to lose track of Mo Xiaolang in the sea of fire. If he rushed inside now, he might not find him immediately!
The life of his best friend was on the line! Li Zilings actions had successfully triggered Long Chens rage!
Yan Danqing was not using all his strength, but with such a powerful opponent watching, Long Chen did not dare lose focus. With the Azure Dragon Halberd in hand, he placed his focus on Li Ziling, the one who hated him.
Li Ziling unleashed attacks with full insanity. This would be her only chance to defeat him and wash herself of the humiliation he had caused.
Long Chen was speechless in the face of such a crazy, furious woman.
Fucking hell! Since you want to die, Ill gladly oblige! Long Chen cursed loudly, swinging the Azure Dragon Halberd madly. It turned into a blurry illusion, and a powerful aura erupted from his body.
Starsweep Dragon again! Yan Danqing and Li Ziling could see that the Magpie Mountain Seal could definitely withstand Long Chens Starsweep Dragon.
Yan Danqing stopped trying so hard when he saw this. He wanted to save his energy to fight Mo Xiaolang, who might exit the sea of fire alive.
All youre using is Starsweep Dragon, and you think you can defeat me? Li Ziling was not afraid at all, unleashing the Magpie Mountain Seal once more! Mountain peaks flew at Long Chen!
Its not as simple as you think Long Chen used the Nine Dragon Flashes to escape Yan Danqing and then leaped at Li Ziling, unleashing the Azure Dragon Combat Technique and sending sharp glints of the halberds tip towards Li Ziling!
Starsweep Dragon!
Countless tiny dragons attacked Li Ziling in a flurry.
Cheap tricks. Li Ziling remained calm, keeping her eyes on him. She knew that Starsweep Dragon could not kill her.
That was when she saw something strange in his eyes that shocked her. She suddenly felt completely attracted to those immensely beautiful eyes, and his silhouette turned dreamy. She felt as if she was sleeping in a soft bed, with a strong, muscular arm as a pillow under her head
What just happened? Li Ziling woke up in shock.
Losing focus in battle was a huge mistake. Li Ziling had committed this huge sin at such a critical moment, and due to that momentary loss of focus, Long Chens Starsweep Dragon broke through her attack and the sharp halberd-tips immediately landed on her body!
At the very last moment, Li Ziling tried to dodge them, but she failed to escape.
Fortunately, due to the powerful faction backing her, Long Chen did not intend to kill her. He slammed the halberd hard on her chest, causing her to fly backwards. As she traveled through the air, blood sprayed out of her mouth.
When she landed, she was incapacitated.
So, the Soul Swallowing Gaze is very useful mumbled Long Chen.
Doge & Chacha's Thoughts
he gave her seduction eyes

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