Novel Name : Dragon Blooded War God

Chapter 310: Murderer

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Chapter 310: Murderer

A total of twenty-five Divine Fire Clones, each as strong as a Third River Stage cultivator, had succeeded in burning Song Yuefeng to death. Naturally, he did not die instantly;he burned alive for half an hour before finally succumbing to his injuries.
Long Chen used that time to kill the others with the Azure Dragon Halberd.
Your parents went through the trouble of raising you, but you dared to rub shoulders with the dwarves! All of you have lost your souls and honor. You might as well as be dead at that point. I will send all of you down to hell!
Long Chen continued his slaughter. All of them stared at him with fear before dying on the ground, their blood seeping into the earth.
I must kill them. Theyve humiliated me. All of them are pieces of shit that worked with the dwarves. They mustve killed many others
These thoughts gripped Long Chens mind. The death of Zhang Yuanteng and the influence of the Inherited Blood Essence slowly nurtured the cruelty inside of him. He realized that only through killing those that stood in his way could he finally have freedom. He refused to bow down to anyone!
Honor was found through combat!
Everytime he swung the halberd, another person bit the dust. It was only when Long Chen finally realized that everyone around him was dead that Song Yuefeng finally stopped crying out in pain. Song Yuefengs body continued to burn and was reduced to ashes.
Long Chen put the Azure Dragon Halberd away and looked around him, his mind wandering.
Song Yuefeng deserved to die, and so did the rest. But when did I become so cruel? Did I go overboard?
Long Chen snapped out of it when he saw that all of them were dead. He didnt regret his actions after killing so many people since they deserved to die, but he was worried that the Ancient Bloodsoul Dragons Inherited Blood Essence was affecting him.
Nevermind. All power comes with a price. Since the Ancient Bloodsoul Dragon commanded over massacres, its natural for me to be affected by its power. I hope I dont become a crazed murderer in the future though.
Long Chen knew he couldnt stay in the Counter Essence Realm any longer after killing Song Yuefeng.
Brother Zhang, Im sorry. I was the reason why you died. Even though Ive avenged you, I still feel deeply regretful. Long Chen couldnt get over Zhang Yuantengs death. If he hadnt entered the Counter Essence Realm, Zhang Yuanteng would still be alive. With his talent, he would have reached the Seventh River Stage with no issue.
But now the others would soon realize what had happened, like Yu Taos death. All of them would know that Long Chen was the killer, so he quickly ran towards the exit. Most of the Immortal Guards were busy cleaning up the aftermath of the stampede, so none of them had paid attention to Long Chen. They certainly hadnt assumed that he would kill two cultivators at the Fifth River Stage, including Song Yuefeng, who belonged to one of the three noble families and was the favorite child of the Harmony family.
Long Chen decided what to do next after locating the exit.
Since his Blood Warp would allow him to escape easily thanks to its incredible speed, all he needed to do was find a quiet place after exiting Sorrow Moon Lake and use it. Only the overwhelmingly powerful cultivators would detect his escape, so he hoped that no one of that caliber would be nearby.
Long Chen soon returned to Sorrow Moon Lake. Even though the shifts of the Immortal Guards rotated every month, they didnt have to stay inside the Counter Essence Realm throughout the duration. Their days were divided into shifts so they could have their own time to cultivate. Some of them even used their free time to sell Immortal Beasts for points and then use those to buy cultivation resources.
That was why no one found it weird for Long Chen to come out at this point. Others were entering and exiting too.
Long Chen kept a low profile and returned to Counter Essence City. The buildings were built along the side of the wall. Long Chen used Blood Warp and jumped up to the roofs before somersaulting over the walls. He ran for two to three Li in one go, and no one discovered him.
He could even escape from the Nine Heavens True Fire Beast, so how could the Immortal Guards detect him?
Long Chen sighed after he exited the Counter Essence Realm. There were too many strong individuals inside the place. It was a very oppressive place.
Counter Essence Realm I will be back one day. When that day comes, no one will be able to stop me! Li Xuanji would never liethe Nine Heavens Immortal Fruit must be inside! The patriarch of the Harmony family would soon discover the death of Song Yuefeng. I need to escape the capital with Ling Xi immediately! I will come back once Im stronger.
Long Chen ran back to the capital as fast as he could. Since the capital was not that far from Counter Essence City, he soon saw its silhouette on the horizon.
This time nothing happened when he entered the city. The guards had changed, so no one recognized him. Long Chen entered the city peacefully and ran as fast as he could towards Yuqin Palace.
He had been gone for more than twenty days, and he didnt know what had happened to Ling Xi. He was worried, so he ran as fast as he could. He soon arrived and ran into the corridor. Long Chen was the newly appointed Immortal Guard, so the workers in Yuqin Palace recognized him. None of them dared to approach him, because they knew that the Ninth Prince was paying special attention to Long Chen.
But all of them were puzzled that Long Chen would come back from the Counter Essence Realm so soon.
There were butlers other than Elder Yan inside Yuqin Palace. However, Long Chen did not know how strong Elder Yan was, so he went ahead and found another butler. He stopped the butler and asked, I have urgent news for my lord and Miss Ling Xi. Are they in the palace?
He would roughly find out Ling Xis condition just by asking that.
Our lord? You came back at the wrong time. Our lord went to Goldfish Island to settle something. Miss Ling Xi followed him there. Do you want to wait for them? They might return soon.
Goldfish Island? Long Chen was confused. Why would the Ninth Prince want to go there?
Why did our lord go to Goldfish Island?
It appears that a branch of the Harmony family was killed by the people at Goldfish Island a month ago. The Harmony family found out and went there to deal with it. That place is not under the jurisdiction of our lord, but he went there to oversee the issue due to Miss Ling Xis pleas. Let me tell you this: Ive never seen a girl as beautiful as Ling Xiits as if she descended from heaven! Even our lord took extra special care of her. That said, I heard that you and Miss LIng Xi were close. You are in luck; once our Lord marries her, your position will rise too!
Marry? There was no way Long Chen would stand for that. The Ninth Prince couldve touched anyone, but he had decided to go after Ling Xi. She was Long Chens woman! No matter how high the Ninth Princes status was, Long Chen would kill him!
Yes. Marry. The butler smiled.
Marry my ass! Long Chen punched the butler and sent him flying into a lake. Water splashed everywhere, and Long Chen ran towards Goldfish Island without hesitation. Everyone who saw it didnt know what to do.
Ninth Prince, its time for you to learn how dangerous I can be. How dare you try to lay your hands on my Ling Xi. I will skin you alive! Ive already encountered a lot of problems here in the capital, so whats one more?
Long Chen ran like the wind towards Goldfish Island.
The people at Goldfish Island were trembling while staring at the rows of dwarf cultivators in front of them. This attack had come without any warning, and it was too late when they spotted the dwarves landing on their island. The dwarves immediately surrounded and brought everyone at Goldfish Island to an empty field.
Chen Ping, Chen Lei, and Xiao Yu were still alive, but now all of them were in despair. Chen Feng and Chen Lei knew that these dwarves were the true Harmony family. The normal soldiers were at least at the late Heavenly Core Realm, while there were tens of Heavenly River Realm cultivators.
It was a force that Goldfish Island could not fight against.
The islanders gave up after learning of their enemies strength. All of them knew how ruthless the dwarves could be and were certain that everyone would die today.
The sounds of crying came from the crowd as some of them broke down. Some of them even crumpled to the ground, their bodies trembling and their faces pale from staring at the wicked dwarves.
Even Chen Feng and Chen Lei knew it was hopeless as they looked at each other. The confidence from last time was completely gone. They would all die today.
And before they did, they would be humiliated!
The dwarves always killed the men cruelly and then played with the women. There were many cases where the women would die from being played with even before the dwarves got sick of them.
I will show you that the stupidest thing you can do is kill a dwarf
A dwarf was sitting on a chair as he looked at the trembling villagers of Goldfish Island.
Men, go and capture all of the girls from ages ten to age fifty. The others will dig a hole. Bury the villagers alive. Make sure to break the limbs of the cultivators before doing so!
Doge & Chacha's Thoughts
Hoo boy MC gonna be busy with so many people to kill

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