Novel Name : Her Biliionaire Husband

Her Billionaire Husband Chapter 223

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Chapter 223 Let’s Make a Bet to Not Be Together“Matthew, wake up! Matthew? Hey!”Veronica reached
out and tapped his cheeks, but even with her gentle movement, he remained unconscious.“Matthew,
get up right now! Gosh, forget it!”She failed to wake him up despite several attempts; her hand was
raised high in the air as she intended to give him a tight slap, but she later realized that she did not
have it in her to do so. Just as she was in a dilemma on what to do, she noticed that there was a
container on the table filled with water.Matthew must have known that this water was safe to drink;
otherwise, he would not have placed it on that spot.At this point, she did not bother much and all she
could instinctively think of was to quench her thirst with it.She lifted the container of water before
checking its condition. It was crystal clear and odorless, so she instantly tipped the entire container of
water into her mouth and finished it.“Phew!”Wow, I feel like a fish on the shore being thrown back into
the sea. I finally feel more alive!Veronica finished the water and she felt energized instantly. Just as she
was about to put down the container, she suddenly realized an important question.Water? Where does
this water come from? Could the way out be connected to the water source, then?With this epiphany,
Veronica’s spirits were immediately lifted as the glimmer of hope for survival shone upon them. She
placed down the container and rushed outside.It took only a few steps before she stopped and recalled
the still unconscious Matthew. Worried that he might wake up and panic without her presence, she
suddenly thought of her phone after some deliberation.She took out her phone and opened the
message function to draft a message. ‘Stay right here for me. I’m going to search the way out.’After
drafting the message, she changed the setting on her phone to remove the password option and
placed it in his hand. Subsequently, she took Matthew’s cell phone with her.Matthew’s phone was also
hardly used after they discovered the lamps as they had completely turned their phones off, so their
battery levels remained quite full. His phone was specially custom-made and he had paid more than a
hundred thousand for his special phone; to be precise, it was anti-theft, water-resistant and shock-
proof.Veronica took his phone and left the room to search the areas nearby. At last, she managed to
find a hidden river that flowed underground.She left some markings along the way as she explored the
area and she lit up all of the lamps that were located downstream. Finally, she stood at the end of the

stream and found that the water continuously flowed in the direction outside .This has to be the exit!!
However, she was unaware of the exact situation outside.After some hesitation, she finally plucked up
her courage and removed her clothes to submerge underwater. She intended to see if there was a way
out underwater.She was dressed in a gown, so it was hard for her to submerge underwater. As such,
she had no choice but to remove her clothes.However, just as she was about to enter the water with
her phone’s flashlight, a voice suddenly rang out from behind her, “Roni!”The unexpected shout
reverberated in the empty maze and for a moment there, she was frightened out of her wits.She turned
around to find that Matthew was standing not too far away while making his way in her
direction.Veronica was merely clad in her underwear and despite feeling slightly embarrassed, she did
not bother much seeing that there was a much bigger problem to deal with. “Why did you come
out?”Matthew waved her phone and revealed a slight smile on his sickly face. “I saw the message you
left for me and I knew that you would definitely end up here.”“Yeah. I saw the bowl of water that you left
in the room and I suspected that there must be a hidden stream nearby, so I ended up discovering it
here. Look, the water is flowing so that means there should be an exit here. I want to go underwater to
check it out,” she told him about her little discovery quite excitedly.Her excitement resembled a child
who had just made a wondrous discovery.“You’re very smart.” He walked to stand next to her, then
stood by the edge of the hidden stream to look at the moving stream as he spoke, “Last night, I
discovered this place while you were fast asleep and I can confirm that there is an exit here. However,
we’re about two hundred meters away from the exit, so you won’t be able to get out.”Tenderness
dipped in his obsidian-colored eyes and his pale lips spoke, “I didn’t leave before because I was waiting
to share this situation with you once you are awake. Then, I’ll make my way out to seek help.”As
Matthew said this, he paused for a moment. “There is a cliff at the end of this stream and a hole that
measures twenty meters in height on top of it. It would take some time to climb out. Besides, there is no
phone signal at the bottom.”“Two hundred meters?”A professional swimmer would take about one to
two minutes to swim two hundred meters. As for a non-athlete but with great swimming skills, it would
take the person at least five to six minutes to complete that.The current location they were standing at
was the entrance to the hidden stream from the water source, so that meant that they would be unable

to catch their breaths once they submerged themselves; they would have to hold their breaths until
they were out of there.Matthew had an infected wound and injured hand; therefore, it would be difficult
for him to make his way to the end of the stream and climb up twenty meters tall.“Even if you manage
to get out, your wounded hand won’t be enough to help you climb out,” a worried Veronica
advised.“What’s wrong? Are you underestimating me?” He lifted his brows and revealed a smile; his
smile was as heartwarming as a spring breeze.There was some stubble growing under his chin after
not being able to shave for two days. Surprisingly, he excluded more masculine charm and sexiness
than usual.“I’m not doubting you, but I just don’t want you to overwork yourself. If you end up dead,
then I will probably die in here too!” She was in no mood to joke around when faced with such a life-
and-death situation.Although Matthew had managed to make his way to the end of the stream last
night and it clearly indicated that he had great physique and stamina, it was also highly possible that he
had overexerted himself from the ordeal last night. As a result, this worsened his infection and hence,
his high fever today.When one was running a high fever, their stamina and physique would naturally be
affected largely, so it would be illogical to compare to their usual self.“Roni, you—”“Stop all this dilly-
dally. Let’s leave together,” she interrupted his sentence and continued, “There used to be a barge right
in front of my house and I grew up with my master, so I’m great at swimming.”“No!”“Are you
underestimating me now?”“This is a matter of life and death and it’s not a joke.” Despite knowing well
that Veronica was a brave and smart lady, Matthew could not help but feel sorry for her. As a man, he
felt that he should be able to do more.“This is bullsh*t. I’m not joking either!”Her expression turned
thunderous as she prodded him on the chest. “Matthew, let’s wager a bet. If I succeed in crossing the
stream, what do you have to offer?”“What do you want?”“Uhh… If I succeed, then I want you to stay
away from me. Stop saying sh*t like you’re in love with me or something. I don’t like you at all, so you
can give up.”At that point, he thought to himself, This wretched woman’s actually rejecting me by
wagering a bet with her life?!All of sudden, he felt a wave of insult washing over him. Yes, Veronica’s
insult. All these years, there had been plenty of women who had thrown themselves at him, but she
was the only one who hated his guts so much. Not only did she dislike him, she even avoided him like
a plague. Seriously?! D*mn it!“What’s wrong, Matthew? Scared to be a loser?” Veronica shook her

head with a sneer.At this point, it would be difficult to reject after challenging a man’s ego like
this.Matthew hesitated but he knew there would only be one outcome. Even if I stop her from joining
me now, I’m pretty sure she will still come after me after I jump in. As such, he might as well bring her
along and find the way out together.

Chapter 223 Let’s Make a Bet to Not Be Together

“Matthew, wake up! Matthew? Hey!”

Veronica reached out and tapped his cheeks, but even with her gentle movement, he remained

“Matthew, get up right now! Gosh, forget it!”

She failed to wake him up despite several attempts; her hand was raised high in the air as she
intended to give him a tight slap, but she later realized that she did not have it in her to do so.

Just as she was in a dilemma on what to do, she noticed that there was a container on the table filled
with water.

Matthew must have known that this water was safe to drink; otherwise, he would not have placed it on
that spot.

At this point, she did not bother much and all she could instinctively think of was to quench her thirst
with it.

She lifted the container of water before checking its condition. It was crystal clear and odorless, so she
instantly tipped the entire container of water into her mouth and finished it.


Wow, I feel like a fish on the shore being thrown back into the sea. I finally feel more alive!

Veronica finished the water and she felt energized instantly. Just as she was about to put down the
container, she suddenly realized an important question.

Water? Where does this water come from? Could the way out be connected to the water source, then?

With this epiphany, Veronica’s spirits were immediately lifted as the glimmer of hope for survival shone
upon them. She placed down the container and rushed outside.

It took only a few steps before she stopped and recalled the still unconscious Matthew. Worried that he
might wake up and panic without her presence, she suddenly thought of her phone after some

She took out her phone and opened the message function to draft a message. ‘Stay right here for me.
I’m going to search the way out.’

After drafting the message, she changed the setting on her phone to remove the password option and
placed it in his hand. Subsequently, she took Matthew’s cell phone with her.

Matthew’s phone was also hardly used after they discovered the lamps as they had completely turned
their phones off, so their battery levels remained quite full. His phone was specially custom-made and
he had paid more than a hundred thousand for his special phone; to be precise, it was anti-theft, water-
resistant and shock-proof.

Veronica took his phone and left the room to search the areas nearby. At last, she managed to find a
hidden river that flowed underground.

She left some markings along the way as she explored the area and she lit up all of the lamps that
were located downstream. Finally, she stood at the end of the stream and found that the water

continuously flowed in the direction outside .

This has to be the exit!! However, she was unaware of the exact situation outside.

After some hesitation, she finally plucked up her courage and removed her clothes to submerge
underwater. She intended to see if there was a way out underwater.

She was dressed in a gown, so it was hard for her to submerge underwater. As such, she had no
choice but to remove her clothes.

However, just as she was about to enter the water with her phone’s flashlight, a voice suddenly rang
out from behind her, “Roni!”

The unexpected shout reverberated in the empty maze and for a moment there, she was frightened out
of her wits.

She turned around to find that Matthew was standing not too far away while making his way in her

Veronica was merely clad in her underwear and despite feeling slightly embarrassed, she did not
bother much seeing that there was a much bigger problem to deal with. “Why did you come out?”

Matthew waved her phone and revealed a slight smile on his sickly face. “I saw the message you left
for me and I knew that you would definitely end up here.”

“Yeah. I saw the bowl of water that you left in the room and I suspected that there must be a hidden
stream nearby, so I ended up discovering it here. Look, the water is flowing so that means there should
be an exit here. I want to go underwater to check it out,” she told him about her little discovery quite

Her excitement resembled a child who had just made a wondrous discovery.

“You’re very smart.” He walked to stand next to her, then stood by the edge of the hidden stream to
look at the moving stream as he spoke, “Last night, I discovered this place while you were fast asleep
and I can confirm that there is an exit here. However, we’re about two hundred meters away from the
exit, so you won’t be able to get out.”

Tenderness dipped in his obsidian-colored eyes and his pale lips spoke, “I didn’t leave before because I
was waiting to share this situation with you once you are awake. Then, I’ll make my way out to seek

As Matthew said this, he paused for a moment. “There is a cliff at the end of this stream and a hole that
measures twenty meters in height on top of it. It would take some time to climb out. Besides, there is no
phone signal at the bottom.”

“Two hundred meters?”

A professional swimmer would take about one to two minutes to swim two hundred meters. As for a
non-athlete but with great swimming skills, it would take the person at least five to six minutes to
complete that.

The current location they were standing at was the entrance to the hidden stream from the water
source, so that meant that they would be unable to catch their breaths once they submerged
themselves; they would have to hold their breaths until they were out of there.

Matthew had an infected wound and injured hand; therefore, it would be difficult for him to make his
way to the end of the stream and climb up twenty meters tall.

“Even if you manage to get out, your wounded hand won’t be enough to help you climb out,” a worried
Veronica advised.

“What’s wrong? Are you underestimating me?” He lifted his brows and revealed a smile; his smile was
as heartwarming as a spring breeze.

There was some stubble growing under his chin after not being able to shave for two days.
Surprisingly, he excluded more masculine charm and sexiness than usual.

“I’m not doubting you, but I just don’t want you to overwork yourself. If you end up dead, then I will
probably die in here too!” She was in no mood to joke around when faced with such a life-and-death

Although Matthew had managed to make his way to the end of the stream last night and it clearly
indicated that he had great physique and stamina, it was also highly possible that he had overexerted
himself from the ordeal last night. As a result, this worsened his infection and hence, his high fever

When one was running a high fever, their stamina and physique would naturally be affected largely, so
it would be illogical to compare to their usual self.

“Roni, you—”

“Stop all this dilly-dally. Let’s leave together,” she interrupted his sentence and continued, “There used
to be a barge right in front of my house and I grew up with my master, so I’m great at swimming.”


“Are you underestimating me now?”

“This is a matter of life and death and it’s not a joke.” Despite knowing well that Veronica was a brave
and smart lady, Matthew could not help but feel sorry for her. As a man, he felt that he should be able
to do more.

“This is bullsh*t. I’m not joking either!”

Her expression turned thunderous as she prodded him on the chest. “Matthew, let’s wager a bet. If I
succeed in crossing the stream, what do you have to offer?”

“What do you want?”

“Uhh… If I succeed, then I want you to stay away from me. Stop saying sh*t like you’re in love with me
or something. I don’t like you at all, so you can give up.”

At that point, he thought to himself, This wretched woman’s actually rejecting me by wagering a bet
with her life?!

All of sudden, he felt a wave of insult washing over him. Yes, Veronica’s insult. All these years, there
had been plenty of women who had thrown themselves at him, but she was the only one who hated his
guts so much. Not only did she dislike him, she even avoided him like a plague. Seriously?! D*mn it!

“What’s wrong, Matthew? Scared to be a loser?” Veronica shook her head with a sneer.

At this point, it would be difficult to reject after challenging a man’s ego like this.

Matthew hesitated but he knew there would only be one outcome. Even if I stop her from joining me
now, I’m pretty sure she will still come after me after I jump in. As such, he might as well bring her
along and find the way out together.

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