Novel Name : Her Biliionaire Husband

Chapter 528

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Conrad Was Done For

That final kick still wasn’t enough to satisfy Veronica, so she added a few more good kicks. In the end,
Conrad couldn’t take the agony any longer and fainted on the spot. “Oh my God! Veronica, what have
you done?”

Yvonne, who had just returned with her gift in hand, witnessed Veronica mercilessly beating someone.
When she got closer, she realized it was Conrad who was lying unconscious on the floor.

She dropped the gift on the floor and rushed toward Conrad’s side. She pushed Veronica away from
him and shrieked, “Are you crazy? I told you Conrad is sick. How could you do this to him?”

Yvonne’s eyes turned red from rage, and she looked like she was frothing at the mouth to tear
Veronica’s arm off.

Despite being given such a glare, Veronica merely watched dispassionately as Yvonne knelt on the
floor and shook Conrad’s body. She tried to wake him up, but her efforts were in vain. “Conny! Conny,
wake up! Please wake up, Conny!” As she saw Conrad lying motionless, it gradually fed into her panic.
“Conny, please don’t scare me! Please be okay…” Yvonne sobbed.


Veronica called her name again, but Yvonne didn’t respond to her.

Veronica patiently called Yvonne again, but she was too busy calling Conrad’s name, hoping he would
wake up.

Alas, Veronica couldn’t stand it further and seized Yvonne’s arm to drag her to her feet. Then, she
slapped Yvonne across the face for good measure. “Can you calm the f*ck down and listen to me?”

She slapped Yvonne so hard that Yvonne was utterly stupefied.

Yvonne stood agape, with her eyes dazedly transfixed on Veronica.

“Didn’t you say that you don’t believe me? Now’s the chance to prove it once and for all. Pick any
hospital in Bloomstead that he’s never been to before. If that hospital confirms that he has cancer, I,
Veronica Murphy, will personally kneel in front of him and apologize once he’s awake.” Veronica said in
a firm and determined tone.

Yvonne’s mind went blank briefly. She looked at Veronica, who looked very serious; she then
remembered what Matthew had warned her about back at Spinfluence Group. She took a look at
Conrad, who was passed out on the floor with mixed feelings.

She hesitated for a long while before finally biting the bullet and nodding in agreement. “Alright. You
said it yourself. If Conny is diagnosed with cancer, I want you to apologize to him.”

Yvonne may be foolish, but she knew well that Veronica was only looking out for her.

Nevertheless, Yvonne would never make Veronica kneel and apologize. In her opinion, that was just
taking it too far. But Veronica must apologize to Conny if she’d been proven wrong.

Hence, making Conrad receive a diagnosis on the spot was the only way to convince Veronica to trust

The two then dialed 911 and sent Conrad to the Bloomstead People’s Hospital as quickly as possible.

When they reached the hospital, the doctor wanted to know what had happened to the patient.
Veronica hid the truth and only told the doctor that the patient probably passed out due to liver cancer.
“Please give him a checkup to see if it’s true.”

“Liver cancer? Why isn’t he already admitted to the hospital in the first place? Never mind you two
hurry and make the payment. I’ll bring the patient for a checkup.” The doctor and a few nurses then
pushed Conrad, lying on a hospital bed, toward the emergency room.


When Veronica saw that the doctor was about to leave, she stopped him. “Doctor, the patient probably
wouldn’t take it well. So please inform…” She glanced back at Yvonne and continued, “Inform his wife if
you were to find out about anything.”

“Alright, no problem.” The doctor was already used to requests like this as many patients find it hard to
accept that they are diagnosed with certain illnesses.

The doctor and nurses pushed Conrad straight into the emergency room. Meanwhile, they went to pay
Conrad’s consultation fees.

Yvonne had been in a bad mood ever since their argument, so it was only natural that she refused to
talk to Veronica.

“You chose this hospital on your own, and you need to have faith in yourself.” Veronica shook her head
and sighed. “Yvonne, you’re just too… naive.”

Veronica sighed yet again as though she genuinely seemed like she didn’t know what to do with

Yvonne was on edge the whole time. Deep down, she knew that Veronica had always been nice to her
and wanted the best for her. Plus, she knew that Veronica had broken up with Matthew, so it would be
impossible for Veronica to lie to her because of Matthew and Conrad’s conflict.

There were only two possibilities.

Either Conrad lied to her, or Veronica had gotten it all wrong.

If it turned out to be the latter, she would forgive Veronica as long as she apologized. But if it turned out
that Conrad had been lying to her all along, she honestly didn’t know what she would do.

“Roni, can I ask you something? How did you find out about Conrad?”

When she’d finally calmed down, Yvonne had only just realized that Veronica wasn’t surprised upon
seeing Conrad at the estate.

Instead, when she told Veronica about Conrad having cancer, she looked like she’d already seen it.

Veronica leaned herself against the wall and stared at Yvonne coldly. “He will reap what he sows.”

Yvonne remained silent when she heard those words.

She had no clue what Veronica meant.

She was like a cat on hot bricks as she fidgeted on the bench in the empty hospital hallway.

To her, every second was torture; the more she had to wait, the more anxious she grew.

Because Veronica mentioned that Conrad had cancer, the doctors had to rush and run a checkup to
confirm it.

After not even half an hour, the emergency room’s door burst open, and out came the rather displeased
doctor, who frowned at the duo. “There’s nothing wrong with the patient. Why would you say he has

Veronica looked unsurprised upon hearing what the doctor said. On the other hand, Yvonne’s face
drained of all color when she listened to the doctor’s words.

Yvonne was frozen in shock for a moment. Then, she went up and desperately grabbed the doctor by
the sleeve. “W-What do you mean? You— Are you saying that he doesn’t have cancer?” She was so
agitated she could barely speak.

“No…no, he doesn’t. He’s fine.”

The doctor thought Yvonne was happy to know that the patient didn’t have cancer. So, he even added,
“The previous hospital must’ve misdiagnosed him. In fact, his vitals are good, and he’s pretty much a
healthy person.”

“No, no… That’s impossible…”

Yvonne stumbled backward in disbelief as tears rolled down her cheeks. “How could he not have

“Misdiagnoses are uncommon, but it happens more frequently than you think. Don’t worry. Your
husband is healthy. If you don’t believe me, feel free to get him diagnosed at a different hospital.”

The doctor tried to convince Yvonne.

“Doctor, are you sure you didn’t miss anything? Why would he pass out if he doesn’t have any
illnesses?” Yvonne grabbed the doctor again as she pressed.

She would’ve never thought that Veronica had knocked out Conrad.

“We’re still trying to figure things out.”

The doctors had to reexamine the patient when they found out he didn’t have liver cancer.

Meanwhile, a nurse came over and whispered into the doctor’s ears. She then returned to the
emergency room.

“Doctor, what’s wrong?” Yvonne asked impatiently as her eyes flashed with concern.

“What happened to the patient before you brought him here? We just found out that his lower body was
swollen. After a proper checkup, we realized that he had a testicular rupture.” The doctor eyed Yvonne
as he spoke. Then, his face grew serious as he asked, “I see both you and your husband are quite
young. Do you guys have children?”


Veronica, who had been standing aside silently all this time, suddenly spoke.

“Hu…” The doctor heaved a sigh of relief. “That’s good news then. In his case, all we can do is try our
best to repair the damage done. Unfortunately, it doesn’t look too good; the worst scenario would be
him not being able to reproduce anymore for the rest of his life. So, please prepare yourself for the

With that, the doctor rushed back into the emergency room.

Veronica raised one of her eyebrows. She was akin to a cat that had gotten the canary when she heard
the doctor’s diagnosis.

That bastard deserved this.

Yvonne, on the other hand, stood blankly. For a fleeting moment, she was wholly unresponsive as tears
streamed down her cheeks.

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