Novel Name : Its Too Late To Forgive


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Before Leo could go further, he felt as if the temperature of the corridor has suddenly dropped. He felt
chills emitting towards him. Just then he saw his master, Henry walking towards him with sullen face
and cold eyes.

His eyes were emitting coldness that Leo was quite familiar with. Henry looked at Leo and then looked
straight towards the woman who was sitting curled up on the floor. He saw the way Bella had kept her
hand on her mouth , trying to avoid making sound of her cries. He could feel that she was in some
other trance that she was oblivious of his presence also.

He bent down, held her by her shoulders and raised her face upwards. Her eyes were filled with tears
but still devoid of any emotions. She was staring at him with empty eyes. Henry felt uncomfortable
seeing her like this.

He helped her and made her stand. He took of his handkerchief to wipe her face when he saw her lips
being bruised from the side and evidence of clotted blood on it. He instantly understood who must have
done this. He clenched his jaws and within seconds he grabbed Leo's neck and pinned him on the wall.

"How dare you hurt my wife?"

Henry glared coldly at Leo, whose face was pale.

“I want to avenge Cindy. Since Cindy has lost her life because of her, why can't she pay a little.”

Leo yelled paranoidly, glaring hatred at Bella. Bella can’t believe it, even now how can Leo be so

“Cindy’s death is obviously not…”

Before Bella's words could be finished, Leo yelled even more loudly,

“Sir, murder pays for life! Cindy died miserably, I am just avenging her death. Sir how can you forget
what you said 5 years back?

You might have forgotten my sister and the promise you made to her but I can't. Now when you can't
avenge for your woman and child then let me denying!"

Bella was so angry that she couldn’t believe how could there be such an unreasonable person.

“Henry let me tell you, Cindy would be ravaged because her death was…”

Bella suddenly looked up and started talking to Henry but once again she was interrupted by Leo.

“Shut up!”

She didn’t finish her words and Leo angrily cursed her again,

“Aren't You ashamed to say my sister's name!”

“Shut up!”

Henry coldly said to Leo and then looked at Bella,

“Go on.”

“Cindy's death was not caused by me. She died because Leo Hanks held her to death.”

She said, raising her head and asking Henry very seriously,

“Are you willing to believe what I said? Are you willing to believe that I am and was always innocent?”

Her eyes swept towards Henry's clenched palms. She looked at his palm and moved her gaze to his
face. Bella hesitated when she saw Henry. The trace of heat in her heart slowly cooled down again.

After all, he hesitated… he didn’t trust her at all. He STILL DOESN'T TRUST HER.

"I am little tied. Please excuse me I need to rest."

Bella said this to Henry in a low voice and before waiting to hear his reply, she walked past Leo and
went to her room.

As for Leo, She doesn’t care about this person’s life or death. If Henry wants to avenge him for hitting
her, it's his choice. Now she doesn't care about anything. She is actually feeling tired.

Tired of this life, tired of these feelings, tired for this relation. She is tired. She wants nothing more then
to escape from here.

What Henry Jackson didn’t expect was that because of the moment he hesitated just now, he once
again pushed away this sensitive and suspicious woman who was already tossed by life.

Henry looked coldly at Leo and said only one word.


Leo went back to his quarters and locked the door as soon as he entered. His palms were still in fists.
He opened his palm and hit is right hand on the wall so hard that it got bruished and started bleeding.

"How can I?

How can I hit my fairy like that??"

He hit his hand once again with full force. He could hear some breaking noise and was sure that some
bone of his hand must have broken.

"I am sorry Bella. But this is for your best. You must escape from this place. It's not safe for a pure fairy
like you to stay here with monsters like us. I am sorry. I am sorry for everything."

Saying this Leo kneeled on the floor.

"Oh God. Why?

What wrong did I do?

What wrong did my fairy do to you??

Why did you punish he like this???

She didn't know about a single thing. She never hurted anyone deliberately. Her only fault was that she
loved master whole heartedly. So is loving someone a crime then why God, why did you punish her like
this. Please bring her out of this misery please."

Leo got up from the floor, walked upto his bed aide table and opened the drawer. He took out an old
photograph of him and Bella. In this photograph, Bella was wearing a white fairy dress and Leo was a
Frankenstein. It was a photograph of one of the Halloween they celebrated together.

"I will help you escape my fairy. I will."

Henry wanted to go and comfort Bella but he knew he can't. She asked him if he believes in her
innocence but he couldn't answer her. How can he answer when he himself doesn't know what he
feels. He is been investigating her case for months now but everything, every evidence is pointing
towards Bella.

Even the gangster who was caught stated that Bella had given them money to rape Cindy. Even the
so.called eyewitness said that when she saw Cindy getting raped, the gangsters were taking Bella's
name and even called her after they had raped Cindy. Henry had to believe the witness as it was none
other then Alora Hush.

With heavy heart, Henry walked out of the Mansion and went back to his office.


It's been almost a week now. Bella had hardly spoken to him. Every night he would enter his villa only
to find that Bella had already slept early. Since that day, Bella is using a guest room as her's and she
makes sure that she locks her room as soon as she enters.

Every night at midnight hours, Henry always opened her room with a spare key. He would simply stand
near her bed and look at the petite woman sleeping on the bed alone. He always got tempted to hold
her tightly in his arms but he knew Bella needed time. She was his wife and he is not in a hurry. She is
his and only his.

Henry was sitting and working in his office when his phone started ringing suddenly. He looked at the
screen, a frown developed on his forehead but he knew that even he doesn't want to pick this call, he
have to.

"Something happened to old master please come to the hospital urgently."

Came anxious voice of Butler Xia from the other side of the phone.

"And how does it affects me?"

"Young master Jackson, you are his only grandson, his heir. Your presence is most important at this
moment. You very well know the condition of first master, Jack. If he was in his best health, I would
have never bothered you to visit the old man in his last breaths."

Henry thought for a minute. This old man can not die yet. Henry has lots of things to ask him. He wants
to know why and how was he involved with Bella's prisonment. He wanted to know why he did so
horrible things to Bella.

He hung the phone. Closed his documents and left for the hospital. On his way, he called up Carson
and informed him about his grandfather's admission in latter's hospital.

Ofcourse Marcus Jackson being a VIP, Dr. Carson was already informed and he was well updated of
his present condition. Henry immediately went to Carson's office after he reached the hospital.

Carson knew about Henry and his grandfather's relationship. He knew that Henry doesn't think high
about his grandfather. He assured Henry that Marcus's present condition was due to small cerebral
hemorrhage and eventually it will sudside.

Henry, along with Carson left latter's office and went towards the ICU. But before they could reach the
ICU, Henry saw two very familiar figures talking to each other. As soon as Leo saw Henry's face, he
paled down. It's seemed as if Leo was trying to find a place to hide. He couldn't face Henry.

Henry realized the abnormalities of Leo. He felt like ignoring Leo for now as all his focus was diverted
towards the man whom he hated the most. It was because of his mother that his grandmother expired.

As he was also raised by his father as a single parent, Henry could relate well how his father must have
felt without a mother. Atleast Henry had his father whereas Jack had none as Marcus was busy fucking
other woman.

The man stood straight infront of Henry. He was almost of the same height as Henry but truly speaking
he was much more attractive and handsome then Henry. He was none other then Vincent Jackson, son
of Marcus and his young mistress Ellen. By relation, he was Henry's uncle but he was almost of same
age as Henry.

Before Henry could say anything , Leo spoke,

"Young master, third master had come to pay a visit to old master."

'Third master?' since when did Leo become accustomed to Vincent, thought Henry. As Henry himself
had seen this man after almost 10 years now then how does Leo know him.

Leo immediately shut his mouth. May be he was too nervous about something that without thinking
twice he spoke. Henry could feel Leo's abnormality. He understood that Leo is surely trying to hide
something. At the same time he didn't miss the abnormality on Vincent's face either. He knew they
were upto something.

Even Carson could feel something was not right.

Henry thought for a minute. All of sudden Leo busted on Bella then Bella questioned him for her
innocence. Old man fainted all of a sudden and butler Xia called him even knowing that Vicnent would
be here. And just few minutes back he saw Vincent and Leo talking about something which they
stopped as soon as Leo saw him. Plus their abnormal behaviors.

Henry though about something and very next moment, his face changed suddenly. He took out his cell
phone and called home instantly,

As always Mrs. Rose picked up the phone,

“How is Bella doing today? She is still in her room?”

“No sir, Madam went to LAS DEUX to celebrate manager Claire's birthday.”

Henry wrinkled his nose,

"Why didn’t you tell me such an important thing?”

On the other end of the phone Mrs Rose was stunned,

“Didn’t Madam take the initiative to call you for your permission?”


His ears exploded, and his heart became a mess, permission but he never answered her

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