Novel Name : Its Too Late To Forgive

Chapter 92: 91. I AM LISA THOMAS

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Vincent smiled softly after hearing Amy's childish talk. But to his surprise Amy was not over yet. She
first poked his nose, then his cheeks, his chest and his abs. Vincent was utter surprised now and
looked at Bella who herself was surprised to see her innocent and naive Amy's behaviour.

She looked at helpless eyes of Vincent and pinched Amy hard on her waist. Finally now Amy gained
back her senses and screamed,

"Oh my God... Shit... shit .... shit...

.... How did I do something so shameless. I'm so so sooooo sorry for all this.

Please excuse me...."

Before Vincent could say something or stop them from leaving, Amy grabbed Bella's hand and pulled
her with her. They reached to a corner of the exhibition, it was then Amy took a deep long breath to
calm her extra fast beating heart. Sensing her

abnormality, Bella frowned and asked,

"Amy... What happened?

Are you OK??

What's wrong with you today???"

Amy looked at Bella and gave away her canine protruding smile.

"Boss didn't you see that man!

Oh my God...

I can't take that face out of my mind.

Have you ever seen anyone , anyone even this close...."

Making a small gesture from her fingers and bringing it close to Bella's face.

"...... this close being as handsome and attractive as him.

Tell me??..."

Hearing her, for a second, faces from her past flashed in front of her..

Handsome !!

She once had bunch of most handsome man in her life -

Henry Jackson,

Brandon Evans

and how can she forget....

..... Jason Morris.

But to say the truth after observing that man again, even Bella had to agree that this man was actually
more handsome then those three.

"..... Ufff He is so handsome and sooooo.....

....... hmmmmm tempting...

.... Ouch...."

Her last sentence gained her a tight spank on her ass by Bella. Amy was now rubbing her ass with her
cute lips pouted as if she was trying to complain to her boss.

"Don't forget why we are here. We are already running late and we have to return also today itself."

"Ya.... ya...

..... work... work... work...

..... that's all you know Boss...

..... BB..."

Bella looked at her with confused looks,

"Boring Boss......"

Amy knew that she was about to receive another tight spank hence she ran fast from there and went
back to exhibition organisers. After having a small talk with them she came back to Bella to inform her
that no stall is vacant for today.

"They said we do one option though..."

"And what is that?"

"Hmmmmmmm..... to ask my Greek God...."

Amy spoke in a very flirtatious way.

"And why him?"

Bella was little confused. She thought Amy is again upto some mischief. And she instantly gave her a
'dare you do that again' looks.

"Oh Boss, you look so scary like this. That particular man has taken all the vacant stalls for his some
real estate publicity. Now the organisers are saying that we can request him to give some space in his

... Something like half of the corner most stall. And if he agrees then the organisers have no problem
and we can put up our homestay's banners there.

... we might not have to pay also."

Amy said the last sentence very softly while winking at Bella. Bella shook her head on this silly girl's
thinking and walked upto Vincent to have a word with him. She really wanted to put up her homestay's
banners as she needed more customers and publicity for the same. Even though neither Bella nor
Stella lacked money at present but they didn't wanted their lovely homestay to go in loss either. They
wanted to expand their business more.

"Excuse me Sir... "

Bella spoke softly. Hearing the same voice after so many years, Vincent couldn't stop feeling emotional
and a tear fell out of his eyes. He immediately wiped it and hid his emotions and turned towards Bella
with a big smile.

Yes, it was not a dream. It was really her. Right here, right infront of him. So close yet so far. Vincent
took his leisure time to wonder in her beauty.

After observing each and every bit of her face and body, he secretly gave a smirk and thought, that in
last 8 years he has seen three different phases of Bella.

First when she was young, a teenager not even 18 years old. A girl full of energy, love and positively.
Beauty beyond imagination. An angel fallen directly on this tainted earth.

Then years later he saw her second looks - broken, beaten, malnourished, humble, pathetic. At that
time she looked nothing less than some low grade begger. And yes he was responsible for it and he
was well aware of it.

And then now, even though she has yet not gained her old beauty but still she looked beautiful. Her
right eye still seems to be damaged, her left eyes now had some spark. She has gained a little weight
then what she was when she ran away. Her voice has improved, that means Carson's therapy worked
well on her. Her gait has also improved. Now she has shoulder length wavy welll set hair with bangs
covering her forehead.

As they were facing each other, someone shifted the fan towards them and with pressure of wind her
bangs flew above her forehead and Vincent was happy beyond his imagination. Bella's hideous scar
was missing. He was sure that his queen as always was still without makeup. That means she took the
initiative and got her plastic surgery done for removal of the scar. He was very happy to see that now
Bella is taking care of herself.

Bella was looking at that man and was not able to understand , what was wrong with people around her
today. Intially Amy was staring at this man without saying a word and now this man is staring at her in
the same way.

She waved infront of that man but unlike Amy, Vincent responded to her gesture.

"I am sorry mam.....

Hi, what can I do for you?"

"Hi.... I actually wanted to ask you for a favour...."

Before Bella could say anything further, Vincent spoke out of excitement,

"You can... our last stall is empty.. for you."

He spoke the last so softly was meant only for him to hear.

"How did you know I am here to request you for a stall?"

Bella asked him in confusion. She was sure Amy didn't say a word as she was too star struck and
neither did she spoke to him earlier then how did he know her reason for being here.

Noah was watching all this and now really wanted to laugh at his boss's stupidity but ofcourse he

Vincent immediately spoke,

"How do I know....

How do I know....."

While repeating these lines, Vincent turned towards Noah seeking help but later couldn't come up with
an excuse so fast. And suddenly something came in Vincent's mind and he spoke,

".... Actually when I was buying the stalls, the organiser told me that they are lacking stalls this year
and still lot of people are yet to come for publicity of their stuff.... so... that's how I guesses...

...... ya.. ya...

... t...this is it...!!"

"Oh.. then you don't mind if you use your vacant stall?"

Bella asked with hope.

"Ofcourse mam... please ...."

Bella waved at Amy who immediately came with all their stuff and started setting their stalls. Within
minutes their stall was ready. This stall was almost double of the staff which homestay people usually
get. Hence they were very happy.

Vincent was happily looking at Bella from time to time. Even though he had urge to go to her but he
stopped himself when he saw how professionally both the woman were working. He was doing nothing
just admiring her from his stall. Noah wanted to interrupt him lot of time but when he realized that his
boss has no intention and interest in the exhibition but only at Bella, then he gave up and left.

Finally the exhibition was over and Bella and Amy vinded their stall. Amy was still packing when Bella
approached Vincent again,

"Excuse me Sir...."

"Oh hi..

..... Done ....."

Said Vincent casually while pointing at Bella's stuff.

"hmmm.. Ya....."

" I hope you didn't have any problem with the stall..."

"Absolutely not. Everything was perfect. It was infact bigger and well set then what we were expecting.

Thank you so much sir...."



"It's Vincent ... my name and not Sir, please. And you..."


Nice to meet you."

"Pleasure is all m....."

"My name is Amy Miller. "

Abruptly Amy spoke. Vincent gave her a small smile and shook her hands. Amy was again all most star
struck but she composed herself when she say a frown on her boss's forehead.

"Thank you so much Mr. Vincent for everything and now if you don't mind then can you tell me the
amount of stall's fee for the day."

Bella requested. She was about to take out her chequebook when Vincent said abruptly ,

"A cup of coffee......"


"Sorry don't take it otherwise, I am new at this place and I have heard that coffee of this place is
amazing so do you mind..."

Bella was quite for a minute but as expected by Vincent, Bella refused.

"I am sorry Mr. Vincent but we need to hurry back. Now can you please.."

"That won't be necessary as I guess we belong to same country and its ones duty to help other's

Vincent wanted some reaction from her but couldn't get any when he mentioned same country.

"Well .... then Thank you.."

Saying that Bella turned and walked out of the exhibition with Amy who was almost walking backwards.

"LISA THOMAS... no wonder we were not able to trace Bella boarding any flights. Guess she really
wanted to escape from all of us.

With combine efforts of me and Henry we couldn't find you Bella. Not even a trace of you.

But three years are enough Bella and now it's time to return. This time I will take you back with me. I
will love you , cherish you and never ever make you unhappy."

The man suddenly clenched his five fingers,

“Henry Jackson, this time, you have no chance!”


Bella returned to her homestay and due to her tired body went directly to sleep after freshening up. On
the other hand, Amy was floating all over the homestay, singing songs and remembering that
handsome face, face of her Greek God, again and again and again.

A week passed, suddenly a big car came and stopped outside their homestay. Two men elegantly
came out of the car and headed towards the reception.

"Excuse me miss, we need two rooms for 4 weeks to stay."

"Single or double bedded?"

Asked Amy while keeping her head down as she was busy in writing their details and searching for
appropriate rooms for them.

"Double.. please.. "

"Sure please hand over your Ids. And listen no hanky panky is allowed in this homestay until n unless
you are married."

Noah took out the I cards from his wallet and handed it over to Amy while laughing on her last
statement. As soon as Amy saw the photograph in the I card, she screamed ...

"Holly shit..

.... Hey lord how could ....

..It's you..

.....its really.. my Greek God..."

"Well if you are done seeing the I card then can we get our room keys... please Miss. Amy Miller."

It seems as if both, Vincent and Noah were expecting this reaction of hers'.

"Yes.. yes.. hehe hehe.. ofcourse..."

Saying this Amy very professionally handed over the keys to both of them and started explaining the
rules of her homestay. After everything was settled, with the help of the steward, their luggage was sent
to their respective rooms.

Vincent was feeling restless. Since he entered the homestay, his eyes were looking for only one
person. He was eager to meet her but could till now.

After changing into something comfortable, Vincent walked towards his balcony and finally he was able
to see that woman who he was longing to kiss, love and protect.

At this time, Bella usually lie on her recliner seat in the veranda. Even though Vincent could not see her
carefully as her face was on the other side, he was able to recognise her immediately. He then saw
Amy coming over to Bella with some tea, as he guessed.

Without giving a second thought, he rushed out of his room and reached the veranda. Amy had left but
Bella was still there. Pretending as of he didn't see anyone, he went to the edge of the veranda and
started admiring the beauty of the Alps chain and natural lake which was not that far from this place.

Then acting all naturally he turned and pretending to be surprised,

"Miss. Lisa... "

Bella also looked at him, got up from her recliner and greeted him politely.

"Mr. Vincent , what a pleasant surprise. What made you come here."

Vincent didn't wanted to waste his chance to speak to Bella, he immediately sat down and poured
himself a tea too and started telling her his motive of coming here.

"I am planning to develop a housing society in this village. Not every big but comfortable. So for that
and few other important work made me came here."

Both of them started talking casually and for almost an hour. Now Bella's throat was hurting. Even
though she was healing but still talking for so long tires her throat and she experiences pain.

Soon it was dinner time and Bella excused herself and went back to her house which Vincent notice
was exactly behind their homestay.

Few days passed by and now Vincent and Bella became quite acquainted to eachother and one day he
asked Bella out for some drinks and dinner. It was actually his birthday that day. He didn't wanted Bella
to know about this. Bella was about to refuse just then Amy came up and told her that she shouldn't
reject him especially as it's birthday and Bella agreed.

Noah, Amy, Vincent and Bella went out to a small but classy Bar and order something to drink.
Everyone ordered their alcoholic drinks and Bella ordered a glass of chilled soya milk.

"In place of taking hot tea in this kind temperature, you always drink iced tea. And now in bar you are
ordering soya milk!"

Asked Vincent. Actually he knew his answer but he still wanted to confirm few things,

"I am sorry, I don't take alcohol. My internal organs are not keeping well since last 4 - 5 years."

"Oh not a problem."

Vincent got the answer that he was looking for and did not ask anything anymore. Time passed by,
Amy and Noah were now dancing like crazy drunken people. Bella was quitely looking at them dancing
whereas Vincent's eyes did leave Bella's face even for a minute.

As days passed by, it had become a routine for Bella and Vincent. The latter would come daily to the
veranda and they both will have their teas together. They would sit for hours and chat. Bella now used
to feel comfortable in his company. And Vincent also made sure that he won't miss any chance in which
he can make her laugh and feel loved and protective.

Meanwhile Vincent actually started developing a plan to put up a small housing society in the same
county side.

After few days, Stella came back from City J where she had gone for almost half a month now. She had
some important bank work plus more importantly it was death anniversary of her family. Since she was
out of prison, she made sure that this time of the year she spends with her family. Her husband's
subordinate, Andrew, has shown her the tombs of her loved ones.

After coming back she met Vincent and as she was good in analysing people, she was completely
satisfied with his adorable and shiverous behaviour. She was able to see in his eyes love, care and
willing to protect her Bella.

One day she called Vincent to the backyard of her house which latter was happy seeing as he knew
that not all the visitors are allowed to come her.

Stella was a very straight forward woman and without wasting her time she said,

"Mr. Vincent, Do you like Lisa?"

Vincent was taken back by her sudden questioning but he smile and spoke softly and respectfully,

"Mam your question is completely wrong?"

Stella frowned and looked at him with her scarp eyes.

"First of all.... its Vincent for you and not Mr Vincent and secondly I don't like B.... I love her. "

He was about to say Bella then he remembered that she is now called as Lisa.

"Vincent I can see love in your eyes. I can see the way you look at her. ....

.... my Lisa has suffered a lot in her life. Please don't break her heart..."

Vincent lowered his head in guilt as he knew that everything that has happened with Bella was
because of him. And what made him more guilty was that , that he knew that nothing in this world can
justify his actions towards Bella.

He hid his guilt and looked up at Stella. He held her hand and spoke again with full confidence and

".... I love her and I will always love her more then anything and anyone in this world. I will protect her
from everyone even if I have to sacrifice myself. I am ready to do that but I will not let a single drop of
tear come in her eyes ever again....

..... and that's a promise."

Stella kept her hand on his and nodded with a smiling face.

"I believe you son."

Saying that she hugged Vincent and surprisingly feeling the warmth even he hugged her back. He felt
for a moment that his mother was back and she was hugging him. A small tear escaped his eyes when
he thought about his mother and missed her essence and touch around him.

Breaking the warm hug, Stella held his cheeks in both her palms and kissed him on his forehead. Stella
was already emotional and missing her sons and now seeing Vincent she couldn't control herself and
felt as if she was holding her son in her arms.

Vincent didn't stop her and smiled at her.

"Vincent as you are determined to make Lisa yours, you must know something more about her."

Vincent thought she would tell him about Bella's past and he wanted to stop her.

"She has a ......"

"Ahhhhhhhhh ~~~~~ madame Stella save me....."

They both immediately turned around and saw Amy coming running towards them while pushing a cart
full of amazing looking food with her. She halted when she came close to her and patted her chest and
took a long breath.

"What's wrong with you Amy?"

"Nothing is wrong with me but with BB.......

.... She made such an amazing bun and ....

.... and I tasted one then I tasted again and then again and....."

"And finished all the buns in 10 minutes."

Stella laughed at Amy when she heard what Bella said.


"What Madame they were sooooooooo tasty that I couldn't stop myself for eating more and more."

"Okay.. but next time don't finish them and leave some for me too."

Both of them started laughing whereas Bella was staring at them while shaking her head seeing her
two favourite ladies acting like kids. Soon Amy and Bella prepared a table for their evening tea and
snacks. They places 5 chairs and Stella questioned Bella for she softly replied by just one word, Noah.
Stella smiled and started pouring tea for Vincent.

Soon Noah also joined them and handed a small envelope to Vincent. As soon as the latter took the
envelope his mood changed and he became upset and quite.

"What's the matter Mr. Vincent?"

Amy asked after seeing the changes in his mood. Vincent bit is lower lips and spoke softly,

"I have to go back to Country A tomorrow."



And why all of a sudden???"

Eventhough Amy was the one who questioned him but he could see that all the 3 ladies had the same
set of questions on their faces. Vincent didn't wanted to hide anything from Bella now,

"It's my mother's dead anniversary and I have to visit her..."

Saying this and thinking about his mother he immediately lowered his head and tears started flowing
out of his eyes. His mother was the softest, most sensitive and emotional topic of him. He felt that his
life has gone with his mother. He still misses her dearly.

Stella, who herself has recently returned from City J where she had gone her family's death
anniversary could feel the pain that Vincent was feeling right now. Pain of losing your loved ones. Pain
of living every day without their presence.

Stella got up from her chair and hugged Vincent. Vincent also immediately hugged her and buried his
face in her embrace. Stella could feel his shivering and his tears on her clothes but she didn't say a
word. She was a very intelligent lady and she understood that for sure his mother must have died in

some tragic death. As she could feel that Vincent was not just crying but was also taking out his grief of
not been able to provide justice to his mother.

After a while Vincent settled down. Stella softly moved her hands on his hair and smiled at him and
went back to her seat.

"What h... happened... sob sob ... to y...your mother... sob ... sob...?"

Asked Amy who was already red by crying so much. She was a very emotional girl who was never
loved by her family and neither by her owner. She lacked love in her life but still she couldn't stand
anyone else crying infront of her and especially when that anyone is her Greek God.

Vincent looked at Amy and then at Bella who also had tears in her eyes but was still trying to control
them like how Stella was doing. As Vincent promised that he won't hide anything from Bella, he took a
deep breath and spoke,

"She was gang raped and then murdered by a well known person and his friends of City A."

He then looked at Bella and stood and walked away. He didn't miss the shock on all the three lady's

As Vincent was travelling in the night, Stella thought of inviting him over for a dinner and hoping that it
might leave him with some happy memories before he leaves. Amy was asked to go and call Vincent.

As Amy entered Vincent's room which was like always open, she saw a lonely figure standing on the
balcony and smoking. His back profile is equally handsome, was the thought that ran into her mind bit
along with that she could also feel his stiff and tensed shoulders.

She softly walked upto him and started massaging his shoulder. Vincent was not prepared for this and
he turned in shock.

"No need to be so shocked. Sit and let me help you relax your shoulders this will ease you alot. Trust

Vincent don't know why but he sat down and allowed Amy to massage his shoulders. And truly after 5
minutes he was feeling relaxed. Amy continued this for 15 minutes. Vincent got up and thanked Amy,

"Thank you so much Miss. Amy. I am feeling much better now. Let's head for dinner."

Amy bit her lower lips and tip toed and immediately kissed Vincent on his cheeks and ran away like a
frightened bunny.

Vincent touched the spot where Amy just kissed, it felt warm. He smiled on her childish behaviour and
walked towards Stella's house. This was the first time that he and Noah would step in their house. The
house was not small and was beautifully decorated. It had touch of both authentic Chinese and Swiss
culture to modern European design.

After having some mouth watering food, Vincent was roaming around the house when his eyes caught
one particular photograph. He looked at the photograph very carefully as if he was trying to recognise
someone in it.

"That's Aunt Stella's family photograph."

"Madam Stella's family!!"

"Yes... that's her husband, Uncle Franco Ben then her twin sons, Frank Ben and Freddy Ben. As you
must be knowing that they all were killed years back..."

"Ya.. but are you sure they all died?"

"Well yes... well I really don't know that's what she told me."

"Hmmm........ "

Vincent didn't say anything further, he quickly turned Bella to face him and gave her a tight yet warm
kiss on her lips. Bella wanted to refuse but she could feel that this kiss held love, pain, feeling of
belonging and hence she didn't stop him. She knew he was emotional today and maybe that's why he
was doing this.

Vincent broke the kiss. He wanted to kiss her more, he wanted to deepen their kiss but he knew that he
can't afford to scare Bella again hence he stopped before he could go further. He looked at her and

"I got to go. See you later."

Saying this, Vincent left in a hurry. As soon as he walked out of the house he called his best friend,
Ricky and said,

"I am sending you a photograph. See it and take appropriate actions."

Saying that he smiled and left for his room.

Next morning, he was all set to go. He came down and met Bella in the same veranda where they
shared their evening teas. She was lying in her recliner with a shawl wrapped around her.

Vincent saw her with emotional eyes.

The sky was getting dark due to heavy rainy clouds and nothing could be seen clearly. He could only
see the woman who had wrapped herself out of season. He slowly tapped his chest.… Her life, a
young woman from a wealthy family, an angel, beauty beyond words was untouched and away from
this world, well protected at age of eighteen.

She was then imprisoned in her best years of life especially when she was in the limelight. After four
years of prison she had completely changed.

But now he was determined that he will bring everything to right part. And from now on words there will
be only happiness waiting for her.

Bella sensed his presence behind her. She got up to greet him and bid him bye. Vincent also didn't say
a word and hugged her softly. He held her head in his chest and patted softly.

"Please take care of yourself and wait for me. Soon I will come back with lots of good news."

Before Bella could say something she felt a sharp pain in her arm as if something have poked but she
ignored it.

She was also sad as she was going to miss her friend. She had only Stella and Amy as a friend and
now she knew that she will miss Vincent.

Vincent smiled at her and turned and spoke to himself,

"Happiness awaits you my Queen."

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