Novel Name : Its Too Late To Forgive

Chapter 91: 90. YOU ARE A GREEK GOD

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City G, Switzerland was quite a famous city for tourists. It held it's own charm. It was mid summer now
in Switzerland and an annual exhibition was going on in the city G which was closest city to the country
side where not internationally famous but still quite popular, locally, homestay Freedom was present.

Freedom, even though, was famous for it's homestay but was extremely popular for it's authentic
German cuisine and warm hospitality by the owners. It was the only homestay which was run by only

The exhibition that was going on in City G was popular for both it's national and international
manufacturers and real estates. It had everything required for all age group people. From electronics,
furniture's, groceries, clothings to sections for children's entertainment.

Nearly everyone were busy in doing something or the other in the exhibition. Some people were getting
their purchases packed, few were enjoying gourmet cuisines by various chefs. Kids were enjoying in
play areas. And few people were still setting their stalls and few of them were vinding up.

Everyone were busy in doing some physical work except for this handsome man who had just
purchased all the stalls, which were remaining, for the day for promoting his upcoming real estate
projects which will be developing numerous housing societies through out the country.

To reveal the secret this was the reason given by his secretary to the exhibition management but his
actual motive was something else.

Recently, during his 3 months stay in Zurich, Switzerland, he happened to learn about all the famous
places and their hotel industries. He has gone through plenty of articles and photographs of those
places in order to select the cities where he will be setting his housing societies. Even though he has
already selected the places but he also wanted to have an inside opinion and that was only possible
while he stayed in the same country.

Yesterday, while sitting luxuriously in his 5 star hotel presidential suite, he was going through the
northern cities of the country through numerous photographs taken by random travellers and local
people which were posted on social media. During his random surfing he happened to see a particular
familiar face in the background of one of the young couple's honeymoon photograph. Even though that
particular face was not clear in this photograph but this man was able to recognise that face.

And how can he not! This was the face he dreamt of everyday - every night. He saw this face daily in
his dreams. Now he understood why he was not able to find her during his 3 long years search. But
now, finally the search and wait is over.

He called his associate and enquired about the restaurant which was in a homestay called Freedom.
By reading the name of the homestay, his doubts were even more clear. May be other's can't but he
can understand the underlying meaning of that name and why it was given. It didn't take him long to get
all the information that was needed by him. He even sent his associates to that homestay to get more
details. Meanwhile he got his private jet ready and flew for City G, which was the closest airport to that

As soon as he arrived at City G, his secretary Noah Su, informed him that the owners of the homestay
Freedom were in City G itself as they will be participating in the annual exhibition to promote their hotel.
It was late now by the time that man had arrived to City G hence he decided to wait till the morning.
Only he knew how he managed to pass this long night. He couldn't wait for morning sun to rise.

Now Vincent is being waiting for more then 3 hours for Bella to arrive at the exhibition. He purposely
bought all the remaining stalls as he was informed that the owner of small properties are not given
stalls in advance and have to hire one on spot only. He knew, from his secretary, that Bella will be
coming her to promote her homestay and to do so she needs a stall. And as he has purchased all the
stalls she has to eventually come to him only.

Soon his wait was over and the face that he logged to see for so many years entered the exhibition.
Same face, same innocence, same charm.. He couldn't describe his feelings that he got when he saw
her after so many years. He wanted to run towards her and take her in his embrace. He wanted to hug
her, kiss her, love her, protect her. But more than that he just wanted to be with her, in her presence.

He saw that his queen came along with another young beautiful girl. Both were holding some hoddings
and small bags. They walked towards the exhibition head to get their stall. As anticipated by Vincent,
the stall manager pointed towards him and said something to them. Both the woman turned together
and looked towards him. Vincent got scared and nervous at the same time and before he could have
an eye contact with Bella, he turned.

Five minutes later someone tapped on his shoulder. He turned and saw the same girl standing behind
him whom he saw earlier with Bella when the latter entered the exhibition. But Bella was not there.

2 minutes - 5 minutes- 10 minutes...

Vincent was quitely looking at that same girl with amusement in his eyes. It's been almost 10 minutes
now that her mouth was open wide like the genie of Aladin. Her doe like eyes were also wide open as if
she has seen a monster in front of her. Her ferencled face was completely red by now and she was
standing still at the same position, over all her looks were quite comical. Vincent tried everything, from
tapping on her shoulders to moving his hands infront of her so that something can distract her and she
becomes normal and move - but nothing worked.

Vincent wanted to laugh on this girl's childish behaviour and just then he heard the most familiar voice.
The voice he was dying to hear from so long. He turned towards the source of that voice.

Vincent's eyes never left the woman in front of him. Yes, she is.. she is his queen.. his Bella. Even
though Bella was not looking at home but his eyes were only on her. Bella was wearing a loose full
sleeve dress which came upto her calf with plane flat sandals with that. Eventhough the dress was

loose, Vincent was sure that she has gained some weight then before. Her face was calm and without
makeup also was looking very alluring. Her hair have grown and now were reaching upto her waist.
Eventhough they were not very thick and silky but still beautiful. One most prominent thing that he
noticed was non existence of that hideous scar which was once there on her right side just above her
eyes. Her gait had also improved. She was not limbing so much like before.

Without paying any attention to him, Bella came close to Amy and did exactly all that , that Vincent had
done few minutes back and the result remained the same.

"Hmmmmm I have already tried all that..."

Hearing Vincent's voice, Bella looked at him and just shook her head...

"..........Nothing seems to be working on your friend."

Vincent was trying to start a conversation with Bella but she was only responding with nods.

"Amy....." .

Bella spoke loudly and pinched her hard. Feeling the pain, Amy came back to her senses.

"Boss.... do you see that..."

Amy spoke excitedly while pointing her finger at Vincent. Bella also looked at her pointed finger but
frankly couldn't understand what Amy was trying to show her.

"Oh oh Boss... don't look here and there..

..... J..Just look at him...

..... Oh God..

...... Oh Lord..

....... Pinch me one more time...

.......Can this be even possible?

I am actually seeing Disney's Prince charming!....

.... No no ..... Yes yes yes......

.... He is some Hollywood actor...

..... No No .... Yes yes..."

Her No no - yes yes was making Bella and Vincent both confused. Then all of a sudden Amy screamed
with excitement. She came forward and placed her pointed finger on Vincent's nose, she kept her other
hand on her waist.

At this pose, Amy was looking funnier than what she was looking with her mouth open. Vincent was
almost 6 feet 2 inches or may be more whereas Amy was just 5 feet tall. She had to literally tip toe
herself to reach his nose.

"I know who you are?"

Hearing her, Vincent became nervous. He clearly saw in Bella's eyes that she has not recognized him.
He chuckled silently.

Yes, how could this woman remember him?

On one hand he was happy that she didn't recognise him as he didn't wanted his identity to open so
fast. As he knew that as soon as she comes to know about him, she will disappear again.

But still his heart, which always belonged to this woman, was upset. Upset that she doesn't remember
him but mostly because for his existence. Speaking of which, his existence was and still is very
embarrassing in eyes of everyone else.

He is an illegitimate child of the world famous Jackson family. Even though he belongs to a wealthy and
powerful family still the title of illegitimate child was not a good thing. Therefore, it was doomed that his
existence was embarrassing and contradictory in eyes of millions of people.

Who wants to be the illegitimate son of a wealthy family? He logged for nothing except his acceptance
in the society. Even if Jackson's doesn't except him as one of them, he was still fine with it. What he
really wanted was that the blood of the Jackson family to flow out of his body one day and leave his
body forever.

When he was very young, he never understood why he didn’t have a father who stayed with them
always. His father would come time to time. He would play with him for a while and then take his
mother to their room and leave before he wakes up the next day.

His father never attended any of his school events, no PTAs , no sports days, nothing. Vincent would
always come home with sad heart thinking and getting jealous of other kids whose father would
accompany them always.

On pestering his mother for days, finally his mother took him to stand in front of a very large mansion,
hiding under a tree by the side and pointing towards the giant iron gate,

"Vincent... in that big house, your father, your elder brother and a small nephew lives."

".... if father stays here mama then why don't we also live here?"

"..... Hmmmmmm we will son.. May be someday..."

He did not understand why his relatives lived in it, but they did not nor do they know his existence.
Later, after years he understood the meaning of the three words illegitimate.

Vincent always saw sadness in his mother's eyes. But soon things changed. His father shifted and
started living with them. Now Vincent was on cloud 9. They started living like a happy family of three.
His father loved him and gave him every possible luxury.

Vincent was now almost a teenager. He often saw young ladies visiting their house. Initially he thought
they were all his mother's friends but one day when he was crossing his parent's wing, he heard loud
voices of moaning. He could immediately recognise his father's voice. Second time when he heard the
noise, he was sure that it was not his mother's.

He immediately rushed towards the room from where the voice was coming. It was room adjoining his
parent's room. There was a connecting door between the two rooms. The room was slightly open and
even the door knob was still in open position indicating as if someone has just entered inside the room.

Vincent peeped inside the room and was shocked to see his father riding one of his mother's friend. (
Whom he persumed to be his mother, Ellen's friend.)

That woman was on all her four limbs, his father held her by her hair tightly and was fucking her hard
from behind. With every thrust of his father, that woman was screaming on top of her voice and
enjoying. Vincent felt ashamed on his father. He then heard another voice and saw another friend of his
mother standing naked and rubbing her genitals.

That woman walked in a sexy way and came close to his father. She kissed him and stood infront of
him while keeping her pussy on his face. He saw how greedily and shamelessly his father was eating
that woman's womanhood while he was fucking another woman.

Suddenly the first woman screamed and fell down and showed all signs of satisfaction. The second
woman immediately took Marcus's ( Vincent's father) cock in her mouth and started sucking him. She

then pushed him on the bed and sat on his waist. With one hand she guided his cock to her pussy and
within seconds his father's dick was in second vagina. The second woman started riding his father and
moaning loudly.

Vincent couldn't tolerate this anymore. He felt his mother being cheated. He wanted to confront his
father. Before he could barge inside somebody pulled him towards an empty room. This was none
other then his own mother.

"What do you think you were doing Vincent?"

Ellen asked Vincent with slight anger in her voice.

"Why did you stop me mother?

Didn't you see them??

Didn't you hear them???

Dad is cheating on you mother and can't you see it!!

I am going and confronting him right now."

"No you are not."

Ellen screamed on Vincent. This was the first time that his mother rose her voice on him. He was
shocked not by his mother's voice but because she was not allowing him to stop his father.

After calming herself, Ellen came upto Vincent and told him to relax himself and she will be back in few
minutes. After a while she came along with Marcus. The latter apologized to both of them and promised
that it will never be repeated again.

Years went by, his father started staying less and less in the house. Soon even Vincent went abroad to
pursue his business management degree which he gained with golden grades.

Vincent was a brilliant and sobar student. Never in his life he touched a girl. No girlfriend, no parties, no
alcohol... nothing.

He happened to meet Jack Jackson one day in his university when the latter had come to deliver a
lecture. It was then when Vincent came to know that he was actually an illegitimate child. Soon Vincent
confronted his parents and came to know the true identity of his existence. Though he was hard broken
but was glad that he received equal love from both his parents.

After finishing his studies he settled in Germany itself and started with his real estate business with his
best friend and now business partner, the notorious and bad boy Ricky Aden.

One saying that opposite poles attract and same pole detach was absolutely true with these two men.
Ricky was one of the biggest playboy of his university. His good looks and money attracted plenty of
woman. His motto was too fuck as many pussies possible before getting hooked and never ever enter
the same one again.

On contrary,

Vincent was a virgin even after surrounded by Ricky's sexy naked mates. He believed in loyalty. He
wanted his first time and always after that to be only with his wife. He never lost his compose, be it
sexually or emotionally casually. But only thing that triggered his anger was when somebody
addressing him as an illegitimate child and his mother a mistress. Which happened plenty of time.

Intially when Vincent was unknown to this fact, he never understood why people used to laugh and
point on him and his mother whenever they made an appearance in any party be it kid's birthday
parties. His motto was only to become strong and powerful on his own and protect his mother from

He could tolerate anything in this world but not anyone insulting his mother. He actually never hated
anyone except for his father's real family, his stepbrother Jack Jackson and his nephew Henry Jackson.

Henry and Vincent were almost of same age. Vincent elder by few years. They never acknowledged
his existence and in fact tried alot to surbotage his presence. Henry never left any occasion when he
stopped insulting and degraded him and his mother. With the time, Vincent came to know that his
father had many mistress but he never understood why Henry and Jack always targeted him and his
mother differently.

After years he had come down to City A when he had his bad interaction with Bella. Even after going
back to Germany, what he could remember was only Bella's face. Even though she insulted his mother
and he was furious that time but after a while when he thought about it he realised that may be he went
out of line. She only said all that because she seemed to be hurt by someone. ( as she was already
crying when he called for her.)

Thinking about her always formed a smile on his face. By now he knew her name and whose family
she belonged to and who her father was. He went through his social media account and through linking
with common friends he was able to find Bella's photographs.

She was beautiful. Vincent was mesmerized by her beauty and innocence. He wanted to go deep into
those eyes. He wanted nothing but to love her and protect her. He knew he have to work hard to make
himself capable enough to go and ask her father for her hand. He knew that he was no match to Henry
as the latter was real son of Jackson but still he wanted to fight for his love. He knew that Bella was his
love and last love.


Vincent was brought back from his trance when the same comical girl tapped on his nose and repeated
her words....

"I know who you are........... "

Vincent looked at Bella who was actually trying to control her laughter on seeing childish behaviour of
her companion. Suddenly Bella and Vincet shook when Amy screamed...


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