Novel Name : King Of Pride

Chapter 16- The encounter of Werelions and werewolves

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Years had past and some things had changed and Fenny hadn’t find a way how to take a lion in her
hometown and study them yet, and she’s getting frustrated day by day. Little did she know that the
Lions already transferred in Fenny's place somewhere in the tropical jungle where they can be safe
and far from the humans reach because of the climate changed that affects their productivity and
survival rate. And as Fenny continued her studies on other field ,she still make some time for her
Werelions. And Doctor Zathc himself offered helped that she declined for the Nth time.

“ aren’t you happy to be getting my help? You shouldn’t decline it you know. I only offer once.” He said
when he can’t believe that she turn down her offer – again!

“ You offered more than one and it’s getting annoying. You know what professor, I want to try to
challenge my knowledge and skills in this field so I have to do it in my own. “ Fenny said with her head
held high.

“ Okay then, if that’s what you want.” Doctor Zathc said.

And he left. Fenny finally back to what she was doing earlier , she is making some pros and cons data.
While imagining how will she be able to get closer to the Werelions.

And somewhere in the woods, The werewolves starts to occupy the vacant mountains and started
dominating. And each night when the moon is as white as a snow and glows as light as it could, the
wolves howl can be heard in the village and into the city. And each night when they got the chance they
go for a killing spree and hunt for their food. Good thing the werewolves who transferred in Transvilla
City were non other than a wolves that only chased and eat wild animals that’s why the people are

“ Now what?” A baritone voice asked the alpha when they are all standing in line at the middle of the

“Lets go hunting. And kill anyone who gets in our way.” The alpha said and they looked around for food
but because there’s none, they decided to go back into the woods and looked for food. The woods is
rich in wild animals that’s why they didn’t find it difficult to look for food, but the only problem the wood
is connected to the virgin Jungle were the Werelions lived. And Werewolves and Werelions at this time
are not in good terms. They encountered Mimfa’s pride and went into battle. Lycon versus Flavio,
Mimfa and the alpha, Sphinx and the other two Werewolves. Rasta and the lady werewolf , Benny and
Frits fought with the other three and Sapphire is fighting one of the other member of werewolves as she
protected her cub. Muto were hiding under the dried leaves beside the small rocks that is enough to
hide his back. A thunder of roars and growls echoed, as there bodies clashed and best each other to
death , they wounded each other and bite each other until one of them needs to retreat. The
werewolves retreated. And the pride returned to their new den

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