Novel Name : King Of Pride

Chapter 37- Grief and Heartbreak

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Sad to say, Lycon wasn’t able to find them, He went back as a failure and decided to go home with
Sphinx. When they arrived Sapphire's loud cry can be heard as she run to her mate.

“Mimfa!” She screamed as she tried to be calmed but she can’t . Sapphire’s chest tighten and she can’t
avoid the feeling of being heartbroken.

“ w-Where is Muto?” Sapphire asked and Looked around, she look behind them hoping she could see
his son but unfortunately Muto is not with them.

“ Where is Muto?”

“ he , He was taken away, we wasn’t able to track him down. I’m sorry. “ Lycon said and knelt before
them and everyone on the pride felt sad of what Lycon did. He humbled himself and accept his failure.
Rasta cried but she wiped her tears away, Benny went out and decided to try a cigarette for the first
time to avoid the feeling of being broken. Frits and Sphinx tried to stay calm and comfort Sapphire.

“ I’m sorry Sapphire, I wasn’t able to protect our pride. I didn’t deserve to be the leader. I’m sorry.,”
Lycon said in a crack voice and Sapphire tried to helped him stand.

“ your leadership is not the problem here Lycon, it’s the human. They are evil and I wanted to kill them
all.” Sapphire’s eyes is full of anger.

“ Sapphire, not all people are evil, But I’m willing to hunt those people who give threats to us.” Lycon
said In a firm voice ..And they hugged each other.

Fenny who just arrived to come visit them is surprised to see them mourning and she was shocked
when she saw Mimfa lying dead on the soft cushion ,

“ W-What happened here?” Fenny asked and looked at all of them.

“ An evil researcher took Mimfa’s life . and he got Muto with him.” Sapphire said and cried again and
Fenny’s jaw dropped of what she heard

There’s no other villain looking researcher who is excited and dead over heels obsessed with the
Werelions and it’s no other than Dr. Zathc.

“ What the fact. It seems I know whose behind this. It should be Doctor Zathc. “ Fenny said in a faint
voice and hold into Lycon's arms when she felt like she’s dizzy. Fenny can’t believe that Zathc is
already this level. She didn’t know that he already knew about them. She seems terrible to not being
able to stopped him.

“ is Muto alright?” Fenny asked the men who tried to rescue him.

“ When we last see him, he is not moving anymore.” Sphinx said and look away but his eyes is full of
anger and bitterness. And Fenny could feel all the Werelions heavy heart. Especially Lycon’s feeling
when he wasn’t able to protect the pride Mimfa had pass to him.

“ I know where I can possibly find him. But I can’t be so sure because he had so many hideouts but
we’ll try if you guys would agree to hunt him down.” Fenny said and everyone looked at her, then the
Werelions looked at each other and nodded.

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