Novel Name : World Domination System

Chapter 568 The Problem

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As Daneel finally got the answer to that question after a moment, he hit his forehead, which made an audible smack resound in the area around him.
At this moment, he felt dumber than everyone he had seen so far on this continent.
The system!
All this time, whenever he saw a Champion, the system would always output a list of details regarding their Path, complete with the description and the method in which it was being used.
What more could one desire for, especially when all of this data was obtained in merely a few seconds?
Seeing the opportunity, Daneel excitedly decided to ask the system whether it was possible for him to pull out the full potential of this 'Hopeless' Path.
However, it looked like things wouldn't be that easy for the King of Lanthanor.
The system's answer made him furrow his eyebrows and look down while in deep thought.
[Analysing. For the system to be capable of what host desires, a module "Champion Path Analysis" must be developed which can analyze Champion Paths more deeply. For this, data regarding Champion Paths is required. More specifically, more Paths need to be assessed for the module to be developed. At this moment, not enough data regarding the Champion level is present.]
It seemed that data was one of the major banes that always came in Daneel's path whenever he wanted to accomplish something, but he knew that he shouldn't be too surprised by this.
However, this answer also made him pause and quiet down his rapidly beating heart, before thinking more deeply about the subject.
As this was something that concerned his future, Daneel decided that it needed a lot of thought.
First, he asked the system to repeat everything it had said that was recorded in the book.
As he went through the description one more time, he saw the problem.
The process of correctly implementing this Champion Path involved two things - one, was analyzing the opponent's champion path, and the other was a way to use that analysis to replicate, or nullify the opponent's attacks in some way.
However, from personal experience, itself, Daneel could tell that the second part was easier said than done.
For example, during that iconic fight between the Mad Doctor and Ashahell which Daneel always recalled whenever he thought about the ultimate power that Champion Paths were supposed to give to people, he could tell that even if he understood, theoretically, each and every thing about how Ashahell was manipulating the elementary particles to bring about the effect of sense distortion, he might not be able to do the same, as in Ashahell's case, all of his actions were directly generated by the world itself because of the intrinsic understanding and connection that one creates when they cross the chasm.
It was similar to someone wanting to fly a multi-engine jet plane after reading just the instruction manual, which would definitely be impossible because they would be missing certain aspects, same as in the case here, where Daneel would be left with just an understanding of what the opponent was doing with no idea regarding how he was supposed to replicate it, or counter.
First, to find an answer regarding this, he decided that he would go through the book by himself, instead of asking the system for everything.
Since a long time ago, he always liked to involve himself in the more important stuff, because there was always this nagging fear in his mind that he might be left helpless one day, if this system which had inexplicably entered his mind left it in the same manner without giving any explanation.
After all, he did not know its origins, so he couldn't be sure that it would always be with him.
Although he wished that it would never happen, he had to be cognizant of the possibility and plan accordingly, so that he wouldn't be left completely hapless if worst came to worst.
As such, even though the system implemented a lot of the spells and a lot of other things that he needed, Daneel always did pay attention so that he would be able to replicate the same effects, even if he might face a little difficulty in doing so.
After all, he was someone who possessed S-grade comprehension and top-grade body potential.
Rummaging through the pile which had many interestingly titled books such as "Hysterical Champion Path", "Self-doubt Champion Path", and also "Slaughter Champion Path", Daneel finally found the book which contained the information about the "Hopeless" Champion Path, which looked as if it had been saved from a burning building.
Its cover was tattered and it was almost falling apart. The name was hard to read because of many burn marks on the cover, but he did see the word "Hopeless". The pages also had many scorch marks, but they were still readable, and as he started to go through the book and see the in-depth analysis of the person who had written this, he got more and more interested until he conjured a Throne then and there and sat down to continue to read.
If anyone saw this strange sight of the King of Lanthanor being absorbed in a book in some random spot outside the border, they would definitely be puzzled and wonder just what kind of information warranted such immediate attention that he couldn't even go back to his Palace.
When Daneel had heard the record, he had wondered just who the author was, but he got the answer soon enough. Apparently, the author was the son of the creator of the technique, who was clearly very distressed and regretful that his father's most ambitious work had been turned into the Path for those who had no other option, and that he was ridiculed for this so much so that it had led to the man's early demise.
In the book, there were in-depth case studies of each and every person who used the Path, from those of high talent, who apparently even cursed their family and tried to attack and kill them because they were angry that their future had been cut off because they had trusted the Champion Path Designer, to those of medium and low talent who were full of appreciation that they could live on.
This was also when Daneel found out that "Champion Path Designing" was actually a very high-level occupation that was only given by the Emperor to those who showed exceptional talent in creating techniques. They were respected by all and even paid handsomely, which explained why the shattering of the pride of that man had been so catastrophic for him.
It seemed that those who opted for testing Champion Paths, as this was the only way to check whether one's design and idea were correct or not, were able to avail special benefits from the Empire such as personal coaching from powerful figures and access to top-end resources.
All of this data made Daneel marvel at the mind of the Emperor, or whoever worked under him who had thought of all this, because this system clearly showed just how meticulous and effective the Empire was in developing the power of its Warriors and innovating without sticking to the norm, and thus running the risk of stagnating.
A few minutes later, he also found out that his query had been valid - true, they were able to understand what was going on with the elementary particles when their opponent accessed them using their connection to the Champion Path, but they were not able to do the same themselves to any extent that would prove to be meaningful.
After all, copying was still a thing, but the problem was that because one party was doing it consciously, and the other unconsciously, the former's was always of lower power.
Toward the end, as Daneel went through the detailed analysis, he finally got his answer - this problem was also related to the one where there was no method to 'supercharge' this Champion Path, like normal Champions usually did using their Mageroots/bodies.
Theoretically, the supercharging effect would make it so that the second part of the process - nullification/perfect imitation would be possible.
Hence, the fact that no method was available was actually quite crippling.
All in all, Daneel realized just how truly hopeless this technique was.
At this moment, even he couldn't understand how he would go about utilizing this to great effect, even if he did have the system.
In this case, all the advantage that the system offered him was that he was quicker at analysis, and that was it.
As he thought about it, Daneel realized that this case was akin to both him and the Ancient Champions who chose this Path being faced with the same math paper - they could understand all the questions, and they knew all the theories that were being tested, but because the supercharging effect, which would have been present if they actually "practiced" these problems instead of just assuming that theory would be enough was absent, they were helpless in actually answering it.
If Daneel came along, he would only be equipped with an additional calculator or assistant in the form of the system which might enable him to understand information quicker, but he would also be no closer in answering it either.
To confirm this, Daneel decided to ask the system itself.
[Affirmative. System is not capable of replicating the exact effect to the extent of defeating an opponent using this method, as using the host's Mageroot would not be enough. As it is written in the description, some form of 'supercharging' is required.]
On one side, Daneel was slightly happy that his own analysis was right, but, on the other, he was disappointed that his hope of somehow using this to tower over everyone else could probably not be fulfilled.
Right now, he couldn't figure out any method to solve this problem, and neither could the system.
With a sign, Daneel decided to put it in the back of his mind and think on it occasionally.
However, he was attracted to the module that the system had mentioned. So, his goal of breaking the last seal and collecting as many Paths as possible still remained.
As soon as he made this decision, he also realized something.
A Champion Path was something that was supposed to resonate with one, and bring out their true nature.
Was 'scheming' all that he could connect to? No, although that was a part of him, there was so much more.
Hence, the Path just…didn't feel right.
However, Daneel once again told himself that he should figure it out soon, as dallying in the Warrior level for too long was also not an option.
So many things to handle, yet so little time.
With a sigh, Daneel flew into the air to check up on all the projects he had implemented to take his mind off of stuff.
Meanwhile, the system began deeper analysis of all the books that Rayen had given.
First, he traveled to the school, where he observed little children excitedly go to learn all they could about the world. This was actually a great sight to see, compared to the typical one on Earth where students in many countries had to drag themselves to school even though they had no interest.
He had given strict orders to Eloise to make sure that no forms of negativity would be present, and that there would only be an encouraging atmosphere of learning. Seeing that that was the case, Daneel smiled a bit and carried on.
Next up was the Healer's Academy, which was flourishing due to many Healers coming from different Kingdoms in order to study here. There were many people going in with illnesses and wounds, and coming out with smiles without burning a hole through their pockets.
Next up, Daneel went to the train station, where the main trains were all up and running. Work was still going on to completely cover all the internal towns and villages, but the main routes to major ones and Eldinor were present, and were being availed by a large number of people.
Apparently, there had been a rush of all the rich people, too, making it so that the premium express was booked out for a month.
Clearly, novelty was still in vogue.
As for the ID system, the Bank and other miscellaneous projects, Daneel took a quick look only to ensure that they were running well.
With his trip complete and his mind still thinking whether there was a way to 'fix' the 'Hopeless' Champion Path, Daneel made his way back to the Palace.
For a few hours, Daneel languidly went through all the Champion Paths he had obtained while looking for inspiration.
Of course, his mind was constantly on Faxul, but he kept telling himself that the fact that no warning had come was a good thing.
Finally, just as night was approaching, he received a message which surprised him and made him immediately teleport out of the Palace, into the sky outside the Kingdom.
There, in the sky, was a very familiar figure, but she seemed totally different from how Daneel remembered her.
She had an overflowing aura which made him feel as if he was in the presence of someone to be revered, and her face, which had always been pretty, had ascended in beauty to a different level that made her feel untouchable and holy.
Yet, all that vanished when she blushed softly as she saw Daneel, reminding of that same girl who had boldly declared her intentions before.
"It's Goddess Xuan, now."
At the same time that Molan, who was standing beside Xuan and had been eclipsed by her, said this, Daneel received a notification in his head.
['Goddess' Champion Path analyzed.]
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