Novel Name : World Domination System

Chapter 591 Ending the Second Phase 2

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All over the continent, people had tuned in to the Network to catch up on the latest shows.
Yet, when they were greeted by another 'Breaking News' report, they braced themselves, expecting another shocker like the one where they had seen the twists and turns that had resulted in the Black Raven Kingdom allying with the Kingdom of Axelor.
That entire episode had been so captivating that most people had been glued to the Network Trinkets all day, and when the conclusion where the combined army of Lanthanor and Eldinor running back to their Kingdoms had been shown, many had dropped their jaws in disbelief, unable to reconcile with the fact that the King of Lanthanor who had been shown before to be invincible, had been beaten in this way.
Of course, those who had already been thinking ill of King Daneel had rejoiced, but they were a minority. For the most part, there was only surprise that took days to vanish.
One other thing that truly got impressed on the citizens all over the continent was that the Network really was an independent entity. Because it was based in Lanthanor, and because it was the brainchild of the King of Lanthanor, many had thought that there might be attempts to play this off as anything other than what it had been: a crushing defeat.
Only, this didn't happen. All sides of the topic were shown, including those which supported Lanthanor, and those that derided it.
All in all, it gave the option to the watchers and listeners to make their own decisions, which was something that was applauded at all. This also drove many to want even more to get these trinkets for themselves so that they wouldn't always have to gather in the houses of others, so they waited for the continent-wide sale that was supposed to come soon.
In fact, this facility of attracting a lot of guests had also given business-savvy citizens the idea of setting up special services for food and seating, so that they could earn a little bit of money from the good fortune that had enabled them to randomly obtain the Network Trinkets.
Of course, some had even gone so far as to set up large halls which were very similar to movie theatres from Earth, but more than these, the other case was more prevalent.
So, today, when the 'Breaking News' flashed onto the screen, a lot of people in front of the trinkets already had food ready in front of them, hoping for another show.
Only…this one made them spit out whatever they were eating or drinking with shock, as it was something that they could never have imagined.
'We are transmitting to you the signal that is being given by the alliance of the Black Raven Kingdom and the Kingdom of Axelor. Please be advised that this might not be content that is suitable for viewing by children. The story we know so far is that there have been claims by a commander of the Black Raven Kingdom that the King of Lanthanor has planned a mass rebellion in one of the towns in the Black Raven Kingdom to sway public opinion to his side violently, so that he can move forward in his goal of 'vanquishing' the Black Raven Kingdom. As always, we, the Network, are only reporting to you everything we know. So far, the King of Lanthanor hasn't spoken out to refute these claims, but we are aware that he's watching. What you are seeing right now is the aftermath of the statement by that commander who has stated that he, along with the team of soldiers under his command, will be showing the proof behind what he has stated so that more 'false' claims cannot be made. Again, this is live, so we cannot predict what will happen.'
The lengthy disclaimer and information was accompanied by a video which was split in two: half the screen showed the scene of a head-mounted communication eye moving with a team of soldiers, and the other was displaying the scene of the town from above, where soldiers could be seen lining all the streets while citizens looked out of their windows with puzzled, angry and scared expressions on their faces.
As soon as the explanation ended, the first half of the screen showed the soldiers kicking open a door by force.
The family of four inside, who all had extremely terrified expressions on their faces, started to ask why this was happening, but they instantly became silent as the mage in the team of soldiers conjured thin, metallic blades that hovered in the air, right above each of them, not even sparing the 4 or 5-year old who burst out crying on sensing the tension-filled atmosphere.
Accompanied by the sounds of the attempts of his mother in making him stop, the soldiers casually started flipping through everything in the house.
Except for the spot in the corner where the family was, where there was nothing else except for a long sofa, the rest of the house was soon demolished, with even the baby's toys not being spared in the process.
Outrage began to be sparked in all those watching.
Surely, all these people were innocent, right? This was a blatant misuse of power!
Such statements began to get louder and louder as the search went on, with nothing out of the ordinary turning up.
However…they all became silenced a few moments later.
Done with the rest of the house, the leader of the company, whose perspective was being shown, walked forward to the family who were still cowering on that sofa.
He first asked them to move, but they didn't, following which the mage made the metal blades move closer to their heads.
At this point, when everyone saw the family flung aside, the outrage reached a peak, but it all vanished when the sofa was torn open to reveal gleaming sets of weapons.
Swords, spears, bows, along with explosion trinkets and even torture devices.
And in the middle of them all…was a communication trinket, which the soldier picked up and played for everyone to listen.
"Remember, if they don't agree and swear an oath to follow Lanthanor and keep it a secret, just kill them to make a statement for the others. You will be paid handsomely when everything is done."
The voice was just a bit similar to that of the King of Lanthanor, and even if someone didn't recognize this, they were all enlightened regarding the fact by the commander, who spoke up at this point to be heard both by the inhabitants of the town, and by the people all over the continent who were watching and listening.
"Finally, the King of Lanthanor's schemes have been laid bare! That is his voice, for those who might not be aware of how the devil sounds like. This oh, so innocent family whom you all were supporting, will soon have begun killing and torturing many others like them if it weren't for the wise actions of our King, and the leader of the Alliance. Soldiers, take them to the site of the purge."
A cold voice replied.
"Sir, the children, too?"
"No, do you think our King is merciless? He wishes that this wasn't needed, either. Take away the children: they will be raised as a part of the King's retinue. Then, you may continue."
Hearing this, everyone had no idea what they were supposed to think.
They could only watch in silence while the two kids, one who was still a bawling baby, and the other who was merely 10 years old, were separated by force and hauled out.
Tears appeared in the eyes of many parents as they saw this. Those in the town even clutched their children to their bosom desperately, as if imagining themselves undergoing the same fate.
Of course…this scene brought a broad smile to the face of Arnold.
Looking at his old friend, he said, "I have to say that this 'shock and awe' thing is working very well. Maybe I should have used it in Axelor, too."
The 'old bird' stoically replied, "I don't fully take credit for it. The idea was originally used by the King of Lanthanor to turn many, many people toward his side. Ironic that the same is being used against him for his downfall. As I said, there is nothing he can do, either."
As Arnold burst out laughing, the process of separating the children had just finished.
Following this, the parents were shackled and thrown into a giant metal cage that had been constructed in the largest open area in the town: the town center.
The two parents repeatedly cried that they knew nothing, but no one heeded their cries.
Soon, they were joined by many, many others, who were all found guilty of having accepted the 'weapon package' apparently sent by King Daneel along with that message.
Of the 20,000 in the town, roughly a quarter found themselves in the cage.
Multiple teams carried out the task, and it was all over in barely 3 hours.
The display then shifted to show just the commander, who stood in front of the cage and said, "Watch closely the fate that awaits those who decide to defy the rightful rule of our King, and think about supporting our enemy. All of these are people who spoke out about how the King of Lanthanor might be right. Many thought that they were just people who were supporting the wrong side, but no one could have expected that they will go to these lengths. I hope that this changes the mind of all those who are thinking similarly, and makes them aware that they must feel grateful for having been saved from the clutches of that evil man. Soldiers, begin."
As soon as the commander gave that order, roaring flames sprung into existence at the top of the cage, which stood 5 meters tall.
The screams of those trapped inside reached a new level as they felt the temperature around them increase. They struggled in every way they could, but there was no way out.
Even those watching were speechless. Was this…really happening?
Hopelessness and despair dominated the faces of most of those in the cage, who could only watch on as the wall of flames started moving downward. Soon, they would be engulfed by them.
Arnold could be seen laughing continuously, while his 'friend' just kept staring at the scene in the display trinket.
Of course…he was waiting for something.
The first sign that something was wrong became apparent when a soldier ran up to the commander with panic on his face.
In his happiness, and with the objective of transmitting these screams for greater effect, the commander hadn't switched off the trinket he had.
Thus, the words said by the soldier were heard by all.
"Sir, the part of the border nearest to us is under attack!"
This immediately made the commander take on a serious expression on his face, as he asked, "What?! Whose army is it? Lanthanor's? Or is it anyone else?"
In response, the soldier shook his head, and replied in a tone accompanied by disbelief.
"Neither, sir. It's…one man."
As soon as the last word left his mouth, a thundering sound echoed from somewhere nearby, following which the commander looked up to see a comet shooting in his direction.
It was a resplendent gold, and it was clear that it had just gotten through all the barrier trinkets that must have been deployed by the border in the event of an attack.
Barely a second after that, another 'BOOM!' Resulted in the barriers around the town being breached with hardly any effort, before the commander finally managed to see just who it was.
It was the man whom he had been referring to all this time.
The comet came to a stop right in front of him, and the image of the King of Lanthanor, who had an expression of fury on his face, was shown to all who were watching all over the continent.
Letting out a choking sound, the commander found himself lifted up in the air by his neck, while being glared at by two eyes which seemed to contain uncontrollable rage.
He said the first thing that came to his mind, in the hope that it would help him to keep his life.
"Y-You can't! This is an act of war!"
In response, the King spoke in an imperious tone.
"An army attacking and breaking into a Kingdom is an act of war. I am just one man, and I am here because I cannot stand innocent people being massacred simply because they made their opinions known. Take me to the person who orchestrated all this, or I swear, you and all of your soldiers will find yourself inside that cage instead of all these faultless citizens. King Safiros, I know you're watching. Just know this…even if it results in my death, I will always stand for those who need me. Open the gates of your Kingdom. Let us settle this once and for all."
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