Novel Name : World Domination System

Chapter 632 Announcemen

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Right after walking out, Daneel was subjected to even more glares and people who looked as if they wanted to pounce at him, but couldn't do so until the time was right.
Now that he knew the truth, he wondered how he hadn't seen this before, but he realized that he had gotten a habit of completely ignoring people like these right after he sensed even the tiniest bit of negativity from them.
He had basically typecast them as those who hated him simply because of his background, so he had been unable to identify that something had been wrong.
Of course, this hadn't caused any damage, but it was still pretty infuriating, and Daneel was simply looking for things where he could direct his indignation.
Realizing what he was doing, he stopped right where he was, in the middle of the path, and took a deep breath in order to calm himself down.
The vow he had taken back in the Chief's room resounded in his mind, making it clear that if he really kept it, then all his feelings would be given redress in the best manner possible.
However, the annoyance that he had just controlled came back in full force when he saw that even a crowd of people who were passing along on the path on which he was in give him a wide berth, as if he was a disease-ridden person whom they didn't want to touch.
Wait… Why was there even a group of people in the first place?
Ever since coming to the Fortress, Daneel had only seen small groups of people moving around, and in fact, most of the sect members were usually stragglers who were doing their own thing. However, right now, over 100 people were all heading in the same direction.
Curious, he let the group pass and then followed them, even though those at the back of the group kept shooting him looks which he couldn't decipher, as anger was the main emotion that was present in them.
Well, considering what he had called them and knowing how the Chief must have accumulated a lot of incredible curse words over his long life in Angaria, Daneel didn't really blame them, and he just tried to ignore it all while he kept following.
Finally, the group approached a place where a large, raised open arena was present, in the middle of which three men were standing.
These three were some of the most peculiar the Daneel had seen since coming here. First of all, they were dressed more luxuriously than any other sect member. Well, this wasn't actually saying much as most of the other sect members were wearing all sorts of clothes made from animal hides, just like the first three sect members that he and Elanev had seen when they had arrived at the sect.
Other than that, their body types were also different. Unlike the other three archetypes that were present in the sect, these three looked like they had achieved a perfect balance between speed and power. They were lean, but not so lean as Snake, whose extreme focus on speed made it so that being lighter would help him achieve what he wanted. They also don't have bulging muscles, but what he could see of them made it clear that they were capable of bursting out with incredible power if they wished.
At this place, more than 200 people had already gathered, and with the addition of the hundred that Daneel had followed, 300 Fighters stood around the arena while whispering among themselves.
Daneel overheard a few whispers, and he understood who these three were.
Apparently, they were the most talented Warriors in the sect, and they were also the favorites to place in the top during the Legacy Battle.
Also, they were the leaders of the unnamed faction which consisted of all the top talent in the sect that Daneel had heard about when he had asked the system to gather all the information that it could, before.
And all around him… were all of the people who would soon be competing in the Legacy Battle, regardless of whether they were part of a faction or not.
After all, not everyone wished to band together with those who were alike so that they could fight for more benefits. There were also many people who preferred to fly solo, and just get as strong as they possibly could without caring for all the rivalries in the sect.
Daneel was actually pretty surprised that he had obtained such an important opportunity to study each and every opponent that he would soon be facing up against during the upcoming battle. So, he told the system to assemble as much information as it could regarding each and every member present here, so that he could know exactly whom we should be wary of, and whom he could disregard.
The reason they had all gathered here was that these three had announced that they would be giving out important information regarding the Legacy Battle which all those who wished to participate had to know. Apparently, it was a custom that the three most hopeful candidates of any generation would be the ones to give these details, in order to both motivate those who didn't get this chance, and to make it clear just what level one should aspire to reach if they wished to be at the top.
Of the three, two of them had smug smiles on their faces, while the last one simply folded his hands and looked around as if he didn't wish to be here.
What was weird was that all three of them had similar characteristics - they were fair, with high cheekbones and sharp features. Apart from subtle differences, their hair was also completely different - the first two had opted to grow it out and let it fall to their shoulders, which looked to be the reigning fashion in the Fortress. The third, though, seemed to have gone for practicality - his hair was mowed down, which reminded Daneel of the army cut back on Earth.
The moment he appeared, though, all three of their eyes focused on him, and varying degrees of anger appeared on their faces, which they forcefully had to swallow down in order to not disturb the proceedings.
Everyone knew that the Chief was watching, and the man had apparently forbidden all battles in these few crucial weeks leading up to the Legacy Battle.
This was a typical rule, but to Daneel, it looked more like he wanted to make sure that he wouldn't be secretly stabbed during the night which would result in the Chief and the Head not been able to see what they wanted to.
Finally, after a few moments, the two who had been smug before sneered and then returned back to their original expressions, while the third let his eyes linger on Daneel for a moment longer before disregarding him completely, as if he had put him out of his mind.
With everyone gathered, the one in the middle spoke up.
"We have called you all here to announce this year's Legacy Battle's unique rules. Each Battle has different rules from the last, which is something you must already have known if you were a member of the sect."
This was obviously a childish jab at Daneel, who ignored it completely and just folded his hands with a very bored expression on his face.
He had just decided something - the Chief had already set down his character, and he had no reason to change it, especially before the Legacy Battle.
So, for once, he decided to experience just how it would be to act like those dumb protagonists and antagonists in stories who were cocky in all situations without a single care for any consequences.
Taking it a step further, Daneel even yawned loudly, which attracted the attention of most of the Fighters in front of him.
At first, he felt uncomfortable as hundreds of eyes looked at him as if they wanted to him apart, but he then began to enjoy it, which made him look at the arena and say, "Can you three buffoons get this over with quickly? I have a warm bed waiting for me back in my cottage, you know. I have to get my beauty sleep if I wanna look good when I crush all of you in the Legacy Battle."
Fury erupted in most of the Fighters, and some even almost let themselves go and bounced forward, which Daneel would have welcomed with open arms. It would be an excellent way to take out the vexation he was feeling on the Chief.
However, they all turned around when the man on the stage spoke again.
"My fellow sect members, ignore him. He will get his due during the Battle. No reason to break the rules and be punished before that. But let's get this over with quickly, so that we can get back to our training. For various reasons, the sect has decided to allow participants to have a method to save themselves if they find that they are in a situation from which they cannot escape. At the start of the battle, teleportation trinkets will be given to all participants, and they can activate them whenever they wish to be teleported out of the battle area. Of course, they will be disqualified in the process. The main rule that there will be a complete blackout of information during the Battle still stands- and no trinkets which connect to the outside are allowed. As for what are allowed - any and all trinkets at or below the Warrior level can be taken into battle. And of course, the battle will be for 30 days, and the metrics for selection of those who will be personally trained by the Chief are a secret. I don't think I need to tell you that the whole objective is to survive till the end, and see yourself be accepted into the Chief's tutelage, which will allow you to spread your wings and fly to the sky. I wish good luck to you all. You may disperse."
Daneel felt intrigued on listening to this, as he wondered why the battle wasn't lethal, just like how it had been explained to him by Tall.
A very possible reason was that due to the incoming invasion by the Church, the Sect did not wish to lose too many sect members in an internal battle like this.
Well, it didn't really matter to him.
Shrugging, Daneel was about to spout another dialogue to piss them off further, but he stopped when he heard the system sound in his mind.
[Subroutine 'Important Information Scanner' has found that there is a meeting between all faction leaders at midnight today in the village behind the fortress. The meeting has been called for by the three individuals who are on the stage, and it will be attended by small and large fraction leaders alike.]
Daneel's eyes glinted as he heard this.
Oh, this was a meeting that he really wouldn't want to mess.

After spending the whole day strolling around and checking out all the facilities available in order to decide what he should do before the start of the Legacy Battle, Daneel made his way to this entrance of the village which was guarded by two sect members.
The path was deserted except for him, but he boldly just walked up to them and asked, "Which is better to knock someone out: a fist, or a hammer?"
The weird question three these two off, but after a few moments, they prepared to send the signal that the person whom they should keep a lookout for had arrived.
Yet, they were distracted by two shining objects that were suddenly flicked in their directions by this arrogant King.
The next moment, a flash of light appeared in their vision, and by the time they blinked their eyes and regained the ability to see, the path in front of them was empty.
They also had no recollection of anyone approaching them, so they just resumed their vigil after telling themselves that they really shouldn't doze off, as that was how they remembered the past minute.
Meanwhile, behind them, the King of Lanthanor smiled slyly as he made his way deeper into the village.
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