Novel Name : The World Turned into a Game After I Woke up

Chapter 75 - To Egypt Part I

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Chapter 75: Chapter 74: To Egypt Part I
Translator: HunterW
Editor: RED
I went straight up to the third floor to the skill shop. –I’ve got 3 skill points to use and my INT is over 1,500. I should learn that skill.- There was a skill that I wanted to learn before any others.
===[Physical tree, Magic tree, General tree, Random Skill (not applicable)]===
I clicked the Physical tree and searched the skill I wanted to learn.
[Heel Kick (3/3), (Active)
Kick at an opponent’s foot with the heel of your foot with all your might. In addition to damaging your opponent, your opponent loses movement speed, causing them to stop in their tracks.
Requirements: INT over 1,350
Attack range: 1 meter
Level 1: 360 second cooldown. Inflicts 100% more damage than current ATT and slows enemy down by 10% for 10 seconds.
Level 2: 360 second cooldown. Inflicts 120% more damage than current ATT and slows enemy down by 15% for 15 seconds.
Level 3: 360 second cooldown. Inflicts 150% more damage than current ATT and slows enemy down by 20% for 20 seconds.
Skill points required: 1
Golden rings required: 305,200]
It was a physical skill that required INT, a hybrid skill. This skill was mainly learnable by mages but mages didn’t want this skill as its range was only one meter. The skill also relied on ATT, not MATT, for damage.
-But, it’s perfect for me. I’ve got more than enough INT, and slowing my enemies down is always a plus.-
This skill, combined with my increased movement speed the Boots gave me meant no one could escape my grasp. I could also use it to slow down monsters to make it easier for my party members to take them out.
-Though I doubt I’ll ever end up partying up for bosses or monsters…-
I moved the Heel Kick skill window to the side and looked up some other skills.
All of my Stats were high. My STR was over 6,000 and my AGI was over 4,000. My AGI was higher than most archers. My ATT and ATT speed was already high enough.
-I guess that just means I need something to improve my basic attacks rather than get a power skill. Power skill cooldowns are pretty high for active skills, too.-
This time, I looked up a skill I knew to be of great use to melee fighters, known as Warrior’s Brave Spirit.
[Warrior’s Brave Spirit (3/3), (Active)
A brave warrior must not cower under pressure no matter what. A warrior must face look death coldly in the eyes, especially if escape is deemed impossible. A warrior who loses his brave spirit is a warrior no more. Never lose your bravery and charge forth!
Level 1: 8 hour cooldown. For one hour, raise your ATT by 20%, CRIT chance by 1%, CRIT damage by 50%, movement speed by 5%, and ATT speed by 2.5%. For one hour, Slightly Awkward Indomitable Spirit effect is placed (Slight Awkward Indomitable Spirit decreases chance to avoid damage by 10%). Fatigue does not rise while skill is in effect.
Level 2: 8 hour cooldown. For two hours, raise your ATT by 25%, CRIT chance by 2%, CRIT damage by 100%, movement speed by 10%, and ATT speed by 5%. For two hours, Determined Indomitable Spirit effect is placed (Determined Indomitable Spirit decreases chance to avoid damage by 12.5% and increases DEF and MDEF by 10%). Fatigue does not rise while skill is in effect.
Level 3: 8 hour cooldown. For three hours, raise your ATT by 30%, CRIT chance by 3%, CRIT damage by 150%, movement speed by 15%, and ATT speed by 7.5%. For three hours, Heroic Indomitable Spirit effect is placed (Heroic Indomitable Spirit decreases chance to avoid damage by 15%, increases DEF and MDEF by 10%, STR, AGI, VIT by 500).(*Increased DEF includes increased STR.) Fatigue does not rise while skill is in effect.
Skill points required: 2
Golden rings required: 1,357,000]
There were plenty of useful passive skills out there, but this skill was known to be the most important to improve basic melee attacks. Tanks and melee damage dealers all needed this skill.
-I have just the right amount of skill points and golden rings to learn both skills.-
I decided that those two skills were what I needed most right now. Buying both skills would cost me 1,662,200 golden rings. With the 20% discount, I would have just enough to buy them.
-I suppose I’m still stuck with the greatsword….-
I was going to only use the greatsword temporarily but somehow, I was still stuck with it and the orc armor.
“I’ll buy Heel Kick and Warrior’s Brave Spirit.”
“With your VIP discount, your total comes out to 1,329,760 golden rings.” They really were expensive, but they were also worth every golden ring.
I paid the clerk and checked to see that I had 86,392 golden rings left.
“Open Skill Menu!”
[Skill Menu
Unassigned Skill Points: 0
Passive Skills: 2
Unrivaled (1/1) (First Unrivaled)
Selfish Prick (1/1) (Stupid Selfish Prick)
Active Skills: 2
Heel Kick (1/3)
Warrior’s Brave Spirit (1/3)
Additional Skills: 1
Blink (Effect from Azazel’s Earth-shaking Lightning Boots)]
I finally had five skills now. –Nice.-
My two passive skills were already maxed out at level 1, while my two active skills needed two more levels each to max out. Blink didn’t have a level since it was an added effect from the Boots.
I was really getting stronger by the day.
Now that I didn’t have enough golden rings to spend, I left the Store. I wove through the crowd to enter a small café and ordered a coffee before sitting down.
I took out my notebook and pen from my inventory, and circled the part I wrote about Azazel’s Boots.
“If I couldn’t get this now, then my next stop was Australia. But now that I have the Boots, I don’t have to go anymore.” I still wasn’t able to enter dungeons yet. I didn’t need to go all the way down under just to hunt some field monsters. There were plenty of places to hunt in China and Japan.
“Check dungeon blessing.”
==[You are currently under a dungeon blessing. (Time left: 11 days 9 hours 34 minutes)]==
I still had eleven days left.
“Should I go to China? I’m sure there are different monsters now, but there has to be some high level monsters in all that land.” The bigger the land, the more monsters and monster types spawned.
While I contemplated where to go next, a group of fifteen devas walked into the café. I could tell that they were mages. From their equipment, they were all healers.
They all had bracelets on that screamed ‘Healers for the win!’ and even set their bracelets to be visible. There was only one reason they would do that, they were advertising to everyone that they were all healers.
Healers and supporters were pretty rare. No one really wanted to become someone else’s supporting role just to get stronger. Healers and supporters were rarely ever the main cast. For them, just about everything was hard.
It was rare to see healers without tanks or damage dealers, and I couldn’t help but watch them. I didn’t see any guild emblems or any semblance of uniform and presumed that they were an improvised party.
“Did you all bring your 200,000 golden rings?” Choi Sukho asked as he sat down in the middle of the group.
“I have mine.”
“Perfect. As you’ve all read on the party’s forums, we’ll be spending one month at a dungeon at Egypt’s Pyramid of Khufu.”
“Will we be alright without tanks or damage dealers?” a woman at the far end asked.
“Have you just started your healer build?”
“That’s…yes. I started off as an Earth-type mage, but I realized that it wasn’t for me. I tried out healing and it felt like it was right for me. But my leveling slowed down a lot as a Healer.”
“Ha… I did say on the forums that beginners are welcome, but I see that you’re pretty fresh.”
“I…I’m sorry.”
“No, it’s alright. We’ve all been through it. I’ll explain everything in detail.”
“Thank you.” Everyone in the group drew in to focus on Choi Sukho.
“The monsters at the Khufu’s dungeon are all undead. In other words, they’re the perfect monsters for us Healers. We can use our heal spells on the monsters to damage them. You can just use the same heal skills you’ve used on your previous party members to kill the monsters.”
“Ah hah!” the woman exclaimed in realization. Everyone else nodded as if they already knew about it.
“The heal spells you’ve used to aid your teammates inflict severe damage on undead monsters. Now, I know that there are a few here who know Mega Heal and Greater Heal, but is there anyone here who knows Master Heal?” Choi Sukho expected there to be none and only asked out of respect, but a woman who had been silent the whole time raised her hand.
“Wow!” Choi Sukho and the other party members exclaimed in admiration.
“This is my fourth Healer party that I’ve led so far, but this is the first time I’ve met a Master Healer.”
“She must be pretty impressive if she’s a Master Healer…” a man whispered to the side. Everyone heard and knew what he meant.
Healers leveled up very slowly compared to other classes, but it almost didn’t make sense for a Master Healer to move on her own. They were all wondering if she really was a Master Healer.
“Open Master Heals Menu!” At their suspicious glances, the woman opened her Master Heals skill menu for all to see.
“She’s…for real!” Slightly embarrassed, the others could only quietly make comments of admiration.
“I’m only here as this boy’s guardian. He’s only been a deva for three months now. I’ll admit it; he’s too low-leveled and won’t be able to carry his weight, but that’s why I’m going, too. Don’t you all think the two of us together won’t be able to carry our weight!” the woman spoke out as she laid a hand on her younger brother’s shoulder. The others could only nod in agreement.
A Master Healer could do the work of three lesser Healers!
The party had a 90% chance of success against a dungeon full of undead, but with a Master healer in their midst, it was now 99.9%!
“I agree. I suppose all we have left to do now is get to know each other. We’ll be spending a month together, so we might as well. Please make sure to buy all the items that are listed on this piece of paper.”
“We already got them!” the party members replied.
“Perfect! Let’s show everyone that this healer party can power level like anyone else!”
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