Novel Name : The World Turned into a Game After I Woke up

Chapter 208 - The Perfect Conclusion, Part V

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Chapter 208: Chapter 207: The Perfect Conclusion, Part V

Translator: HunterW
Editor: RED
“Stand fast! Hold your positions! Don’t let him get through!” the Astes officers shouted, but the Battlefield was in chaos. Lee Jiwon was all over the place, killing left and right.
“Shit! I can’t see him! Where is he?”
“Gah! When did he…?” Lee Jiwon had suddenly appeared behind one Astes soldier and lightly smacked the back of the soldier’s head, but the force of the attack was enough to turn the soldier into a cloud of smoke. Lee Jiwon was no longer using his spear, just using his hands, but they were enough to easily kill the Astes soldiers.
“Hehehe!” Lee Jiwon cackled again before disappearing from view.
The Astes army had lost three hundred more soldiers in a matter of minutes and still could not slow Lee Jiwon down.
“Fuck! What are we supposed to do?”
“I can’t get a shot on him!”
“Is he using Blink or Teleport? If he is, how the hell can he use them consistently like this? I’m calling hacks!”
The Astes soldiers seemed furious at how Lee Jiwon was cheating the system, but despite their insults, Lee Jiwon continued to jump around while giggling, and that only served to sow more fear into their hearts.

“This is fun!” Shaman Ko was truly enjoying himself, especially when he gained the ability to break and move through space. He didn’t know how he could do it and didn’t care to find out why. He just wanted to keep having fun while listening to his toys scream.

Khalid al Nayan was flabbergasted. He now stood watching the battle in shocked silence. Thirty minutes ago, he was shouting orders to his soldiers to try and stop Lee Jiwon, but he soon gave up. If the Reaper couldn’t stop Lee Jiwon, then Lee Jiwon was truly unstoppable and Khalid was obviously no match for him.
“Is this the true extent of Lee Jiwon’s power?” Khalid knew that Lee Jiwon was the biggest hurdle in his quest to take over the Abu Dhabi Guild. It was why he had recruited the Reaper into his endeavor, but the Reaper alone just wasn’t enough to defeat Lee Jiwon. Khalid was regretting his decisions now, but the time for regrets had long passed.
“How did he manage to get this powerful? He’s beyond the power of devas or deities… he’s a completely different entity!…”
“…” Khalid’s aides were as despondent as he was, and didn’t reply to his question. They were wondering the same thing. Lee Jiwon was no deva or deity. His abilities just didn’t follow the same rules as everyone else’s.
Lee Jiwon was rolling through the Astes soldiers like a tank over bowling pins, sending the poor soldiers flying across the Battlefield to their deaths. The Astes didn’t just sit there and take it; they fought with all the grit they had and poured all of their attacks onto Lee Jiwon, but nothing worked.
Suddenly, Khalid began to laugh bitterly. “So in the end, this begins and ends with Lee Jiwon.” It was as Khalid said: the battle had started because of Lee Jiwon’s sudden appearance, and was ending by Lee Jiwon’s hands.
“Let’s go. It’s too late to beg for our lives. Let’s end this. No, let us be ended. It is our role as the losers,” Khalid said in a quiet, bitter tone.
“Yes, sir!” Khalid’s replied with a strong shout. They knew that this was the end as well, but they didn’t want the leader they had served for most of their lives to feel lonely. It was the last thing they could do for Khalid.
And so, as per Khalid’s final wish, the remaining fifty Astes officers followed Khalid into battle. They rained down their strongest spells and skills at Lee Jiwon, but the result was as expected. No amount of will could get them over the wall that was Lee Jiwon.
And so, after about three hours, Shaman Ko wearing Lee Jiwon’s face had completely wiped out the 2800 Astes soldiers. To Shaman Ko, this was all a game, but even then, Shaman Ko was dissatisfied.
During those three hours, Baden, Umaru, and the entire Abu Dhabi Guild did not utter a single word. They all just watched in stunned silence as the twenty-eight hundred soldiers were wiped out, one by one, right in front of their eyes. No one even cheered when the victory message appeared before them.
==[Astes has 0 members remaining. The Abu Dhabi Guild has won the guild battle. As per agreement, the following conditions will now take place:
Khalid al Nayan, guild master of Astes, is to give up all authority over to Baden al Nayan, guild master of the Abu Dhabi Guild.
Khalid al Nayan is prohibited from hunting, entering Stores, obtaining items, and other activities that seek to increase Khalid al Nayan’s abilities for the next 5 years.
Baden al Nayan may select up to 100 Astes members to be exiled from the United Arab Emirates for the next 5 years.]==
The Abu Dhabi guild members all received the same message, but no one reacted because of Lee Jiwon.
“You know… I’m pretty damn scared right now.”
“You too?”
“Uh huh. Why… is he acting like that?”
“Yeah, I have no idea. All I know is I’m about to piss myself.”
Lee Jiwon and the Abu Dhabi Guild were supposed to be on the same side. Furthermore, Abu Dhabi should be grateful that Lee Jiwon had defeated Astes for them and helped them protect their guild and legacy. But the way Lee Jiwon had now turned to them sent shivers down their spines. Those eyes were full of hunger, the same hunger that had stared down the Abu Dhabi soldiers three hours ago. It was almost as if Lee Jiwon would turn on them any second, and the Abu Dhabi soldiers stood in fear, waiting for their impending doom, until a message appeared before them and Lee Jiwon collapsed to the ground.
==[The Battlefield of Valor will disappear in 30 minutes. Please make your way outside within that time.]==
As soon as Lee Jiwon fell to the floor, Baden al Nayan quickly ran over to him. Baden was afraid too, and didn’t react even when his guild had won the guild battle, but only Lee Jiwon had collapsed without warning. He couldn’t just leave him be. Baden owed Lee Jiwon his life for saving his son and his guild. He also needed Lee Jiwon alive and well if he was going to completely absorb Astes back into his guild after exiling the royal families of the other emirates.
Baden’s legs were like jelly as he ran over to Lee Jiwon. The fear he felt was probably nothing compared to the fear the Astes members had felt, so Baden needed Lee Jiwon that much more. There was nothing better than fear to get any insurgents back in line.
Behind him, Umaru grabbed a few soldiers and quickly followed his master.

“He’s still breathing.”
“Yes, he’s just out cold.”
“I suspect that ratty-looking child was responsible for this,” Umaru carefully brought up after examining Lee Jiwon.
“Do you mean the child that suddenly appeared and disappeared?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Hmm…” Baden thought for a moment.
“Everyone knows Lee Jiwon’s combat style, and his main weapon is his spear. The Lee Jiwon that defeated the Reaper and the Astes army used his hands, not his spear. That combat style was more akin to a beast than a man.”
“That is true. Fine. Let’s make sure he’s alright for now. We owe him our lives and he’s a part of my family now; we can’t just leave him like this,” Baden said loudly enough for all to hear him.
“Understood, sir.” A few soldiers carefully picked Lee Jiwon up.
Baden turned to face his remaining soldiers. “Victory is ours and it is all thanks to you! Once our ally awakes, we will have a feast in his and your honor!”
“Baden al Nayan! Baden al Nayan!”
“Lee Jiwon! Lee Jiwon!”
Three days later at the Abu Dhabi Royal Palace…
“Holy… that’s me?”
“That’s right.”
I was watching the video of the guild battle with Baden, Umaru and a few other officers. I only remembered up to the point where I received the message that there was a 0.1% chance that Shaman Ko was going to take control of my body. The next thing I remembered was waking up in the palace’s infirmary. But there I was in the video…
“…That’s unbelievable.” I didn’t know how else to explain it.
“We agree.”
“We couldn’t believe it ourselves.”
I was like a madman in the video, cackling and giggling as I laid waste to the enemy soldiers before me.
“After the guild battle, we tried to take over Astes and prevent videos of the guild battle from leaking but… there were just too many to keep track of.”
“Well, it was to be expected,” I said. Censoring thousands was impossible, especially when most used to be the enemy.
“Wow…” I muttered as I continued to watch myself wipe out twenty-eight hundred soldiers. I mean, the tenfold increase in my Stats was a lot, but that didn’t explain how I practically warped everywhere across the Battlefield. That definitely wasn’t Blink; I had nothing that would do away with its cooldown, so it had to be something else.
“We’re going to hold a celebratory feast now that you’re up. We’d like you to join us.”
“Okay, I’ll do that,” I replied with a nod. Baden and his officers then left the room, leaving me alone to watch the video.
“What a shame. I wanted to kill Fayez with my own hands.” By this point, I knew for a fact that Shaman Ko had taken over my body and was responsible for what I was watching. He was the one who ripped apart the Reaper and destroyed the remnants of Astes, not me.
“But that one scene… it can’t be, can it?”
Lee Jiwon had taken notice of one short scene in the video.
-Shaman Ko attacked the Reaper and brought something up to his mouth… did he eat some of Fayez’s flesh?-
It was a very short scene and that seemed the most natural explanation. The Abu Dhabi officers who watched the same scene with Lee Jiwon didn’t mention it at all, as they were honestly too grossed out by it.
Lee Jiwon, on the other hand, thought differently. That scene reminded him of how Shaman Ko ate Predation. He couldn’t help but bring his hand towards his mouth. He could almost feel whatever it was that Shaman Ko had eaten that day. Lee Jiwon was no fool and made no mention of this fact, however. There was no reason to.
And so, while Lee Jiwon felt that it was a shame he couldn’t kill the Reaper with his own hands, he had no idea what Shaman Ko had obtained in return.

Cheng Long Guild’s headquarters…
“Is this real?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Yes, sir.”
Wai Chung was watching a similar video with his officers. He was seeing it with his own two eyes, but he just couldn’t bring himself to believe it.
“That’s Fayez, the Grim Reaper, one of the Monarchs?”
“Yes, sir.”
“He’s barely in one piece. That’s really him?”
“Yes, sir.”
After that, Wai Chung watched as Lee Jiwon destroyed the remnants of the Astes army. Wai Chung didn’t care that Lee Jiwon defeated those soldiers; he cared about how he did it. A guild was strong in numbers. No matter how strong the person, it was impossible to go up against such huge numbers. That was why the Blood Prince couldn’t hope to face the entire Myth Guild at once. But once again, Lee Jiwon had made the impossible possible.
“Scrap it.”
“Scrap the operation we’ve been preparing to hurt Lee Jiwon!”
“Oh! Right away, sir!”
Wai Chung was the type to hold on to grudges for a lifetime, especially when it involved those damned Dongyi bastards. But Wai Chung made a new decision after watching the video. Antagonizing Lee Jiwon any further meant Wai Chung was digging his own grave. It was better for him and his guild if they no longer had anything to do with Lee Jiwon.
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