Novel Name : The World Turned into a Game After I Woke up

Chapter 271 - Excursion Part III

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Chapter 271: Chapter 270: Excursion Part III

Translator: HunterW
Editor: RED
Each enemy soldier took exactly one attack to kill, including their tanks that scrambled to stop my advances. They all did do their best to counterattack, since I was just one man.
“Slow! Slow!”
“I curse thee with Weakness!”
“Imprison my enemy! Iron Shackles!”
“Burst before me, Fire Barrier!”
“Piercing Power Shot!”
“Razor Wind!”
They started with debuffs and a volley of powerful skills and spells. Of course, debuffs didn’t work on me, since I had status immunity from my Unrivaled status.
“You idiot! The High Council already deduced that he’s an Unrivaled! Don’t waste your energy on debuffs!”
“Just attack! Attack him with everything you’ve got!”
“Where are the deities?”
“They’re dead.”
“He killed them first.”
“Fuck! Shouldn’t we be running instead?”
“He’s right! He’s the guy who destroyed Section 79 and Angel and his army!”
“Shut up! He’s still one man. I already reported the situation to Mistress Skyla, so we make our stand here no matter what! Reinforcements from the other Centers are on their way as well.”
“Shit. Why this Section, of all places…?”
Maybe it was because they were veterans chosen to defend the frontlines, but they still kept up their counterattacks the entire time they complained. But it wasn’t like their attacks meant anything to me. I just avoided the clumps of attacks and let the rest bounce off my skin. With just a swing of my Harrier, I could easily restore the small amount of HP I lost from their attacks. I made sure to stay as close to the enemy soldiers as possible, so that more were within range of the Harrier’s HP absorb and the King-Emperor’s Dignity debuff. It resulted in the enemy soldiers clumping together.
“Scorching Rage!” I cried and at that moment, a giant spear manifested. I didn’t know a spear would appear, possibly because I used a spear, since the skill’s description only said that it would be a weapon. Anyway, that giant spear came crashing down on the very spot I was pointing at.
The skill’s description stated that its base range was fifteen meters, but the range would increase according to my STR Stat. When the giant spear crashed into the ground, it created a shockwave more than forty meters across. The skill also had an effect that increased its base damage according to Weapon Rank, meaning it had just inflicted twenty percent more damage against all the soldiers caught in the shockwave.
“…” Even I was speechless at the damage Scorching Rage had just left. The area that just had about three thousand soldiers standing in one place was left with maybe about ten left, all of them tanks. They hd to be be pretty strong tanks to withstand all that damage.
==[You have gained a level.]==
==[You have gained a level.]==
==[You have gained a level.]==
==[You have obtained 50,000 golden rings.]==
==[You have obtained 90,000 golden rings.]==
==[You have obtained 130,000 golden rings.]==
==[You have obtained 110,000 golden rings.]==
This was still the middle of a battlefield. I didn’t have time to pay attention to each message that came up since there were still more enemy soldiers to fight, and more on their way.
“Titan Stomp!” I yelled as I turned towards another clump of soldiers. There was no grand entrance like Scorching Rage, but there was another big difference to this skill.
This time, I heard the cries and screams of pain from the enemy soldiers, and a giant sinkhole in the shape of a giant footprint suddenly slammed down around them. The enemy soldiers screamed and screamed as they were sucked into the ground, to never be seen from again. At the same time, I received a smaller wave of just EXP and golden ring messages. It didn’t inflict as much damage as Scorching Rage, but it was still leagues better than Fissure.
“Holy shit…”
“This is Hell…it has to be!”
“This can’t be happening…!”
“He’s not strong…he’s a goddamn monster. Fuck this!”
“I’m getting out of here!”
“Fuck! There’s no chance we’re going to survive here so why the fuck are we still here!?”
“Screw this, I’m out!”
The enemy’s morale had plummeted after just two attacks, and they turned tail. But unfortunately for them, there was no way I was letting them go that easily.
That was the last straw for the enemy soldiers. As the earth in front of me split apart, sending a few unfortunate souls into the ground, the enemy soldiers broke rank and ran. Most of them were the tanks that stood in my way and as they ran, they had opened up a straight path for Fissure towards the healers and supporters in the rear lines. The skill didn’t inflict as much damage as the other two skills, but it did enough. Every single enemy soldier that had surrounded me was now climbing over one another to get away from me. For a second there, I wondered if it was a bad idea to use all three of my AoE skills. It would be time-consuming to chase each escaping soldier. But there were far too many of them, and they couldn’t all get away in time.
I charged the nearest clump of soldiers.
Section 35…
The officers of the nine guilds of the Empire alliance were gathered together, watching a video of a battle shown by Jay’s Clairvoyance.
A stunned silence filled the officers for a while after the video ended.
“I don’t know what to say about that.”
“What we just saw…was real, wasn’t it?”
A few officers spoke out quietly, unable to readily believe that what they had just seen was true. But these officers had gathered here today for a different reason; to keep a close eye on Lee Jiwon, now that he was behind enemy lines alone. Lee Jiwon was the one pillar keeping the Empire strong, not to mention the fact that he was Earth’s only hope of getting out of the Judge’s Continent alive.
So, while the Empire was keeping close tabs on Cheng Long, Nayuta, and the Windsor Guard, it also kept an eye on Lee Jiwon. They had Lee Jiwon’s permission, of course, and Lee Jiwon had gone without his Stop Watching Me so that Jay’s Clairvoyance skill could work on him. But now that the officers had seen what Lee Jiwon had just done to Section 81, they realized that they had needlessly worried about their commander.
It wasn’t to say that the enemy soldiers were weak. They had reacted like professionals and done everything right in terms of defensive tactics and counterattacks, but their opponent was Lee Jiwon. All of their efforts were in vain, and it was only natural to run away from, for a lack of a better term, a freak of nature. Even the Empire’s officers who knew the most about Lee Jiwon’s combat prowess felt a slight fear towards Lee Jiwon, especially after the appearance of his new AoE skills.
“There’s a good chance the commander might just destroy Section 81 on his own,” Madun said, and no one denied it. It really did look that way.
“What about the enemy’s movements?” Song Haein asked carefully. The enemy had Warp Mages of their own, so there was a chance reinforcements could arrive at any time and surround Lee Jiwon again.
Jay scanned the air in front of her before answering. “It doesn’t look like the enemy’s main force has caught on yet. But I also can’t use Clairvoyance to see enemy soldiers moving via Teleportation.”
“Then show us the entirety of Section 81. We need to be able to let the commander know if reinforcements arrive suddenly.”
“Right away.”
Section 108…
Skyla had just received the report that Section 81 which was under her control, was being invaded.
“The enemy’s invaded?”
“Yes ma’am.”
“How did they get this close without setting off any alarms? Just how shoddily were the defenses set up? It hasn’t even been that long since Section 79!” Skyla roared at her subordinate. All of the Crootian deities knew what it meant to lose a Section now.
“It’s one person, ma’am.”
Skyla gave her subordinate with an incredulous stare.
“It’s Lee Jiwon, ma’am. Lee Jiwon came alone and attacked Section 81. Tomon and Kyla, who you had sent to Section 81 are… dead.”
Skyla coughed in shock. She had already lost five of her deities during the first contact and three more during Angel’s invasion. Now, she had just lost another two. There were thirteen deities in her faction, including her, but she had lost a total of nine in a matter of a few months.
“This is a Memory Gem that holds the image of Lee Jiwon.”
Skyla took the Gem from her subordinate with a shaky hand. “Play.”
The Gem soon played a video showing Section 81 where Lee Jiwon was fighting.
“This Gem was activated after Tomon and Kyla were killed. From the report I received, they were the first to die. They were both killed instantly.”
“…” Skyla remained silent and just watched the video the Gem was playing. Pagini, Skyla’s most trusted advisor, finally spoke up after watching the video with her.
“I know we have a team of Warp Mages and 250 thousand elite soldiers on standby, but I advise against sending them to Section 81.”
“… Even though the High Council decided that we are to protect our Sections, no matter what?” Skyla asked after a moment of silence.
“Is that important? We need to survive. We can’t afford to take any more losses. If we do, we may as well give up on our future.”
Skyla didn’t say anything and just continued to remain focused on the Gem’s video. She finally broke her silence after a while. “Abandon Section 81 and get as many of our soldiers out of there as you can. Empty Section 82 as well,” Skyla said, cradling her face in her hands. She had lost to one person, and couldn’t even send help to her soldiers.
“Contact Claudia. She should be done synchronizing her time with the time of the Judge’s Continent.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
Skyla would have gone herself to kill Lee Jiwon if she could. But he was the one who killed Angel. Skyla knew very well that she would lose a one-on-one fight against Angel; what the hell could she do against the man who had tossed Angel to the side, as if he was rubbish? Skyla just continued to stare at the Gem’s video as her subordinates left her alone in her office.
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