Novel Name : Right Person, Wrong Time

Chapter 1412

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Chapter 1412 The Unveiling

The other women's unabashed interest utterly gratified Darcy's vanity, and she felt a surge of pride at being the

main attraction for once. So, she discreetly took in the anticipation etched on the faces of the others and

deliberately paused before speaking in a measured tone, "He once confessed his profound affection for me but was

interrupted halfway. But… he did promise to accompany me to my home on another occasion."

The other women's unabashed interest utterly gratified Darcy's vanity, and she felt a surge of pride at being the

main attraction for once. So, she discreetly took in the anticipation etched on the faces of the others and

deliberately paused before speaking in a measured tone, "He once confessed his profound affection for me but was

interrupted halfway. But… he did promise to accompany me to my home on another occasion."

As Darcy narrated, her cheeks flushed a deep crimson. Naturally, she omitted the fact that Kendrick had visited as

her superior. However, deep down in her heart, she figured it didn't matter as it made no difference.

"Really? He wishes to meet your parents?"

When the other ladies in attendance heard her words, they immediately set their sights on her as though they were

sharks, and she had just given them the juiciest kill. They even went as far as setting down their cutlery and gazing

at Darcy in astonishment, tossing any modicum of decorum out the window.

If Darcy and Kendrick had truly become an item, their husbands' businesses could potentially benefit from this

alliance. So, it wouldn't be preposterous for them to assume that this bond could potentially propel their family's

ventures to greater heights.

Nicole and Chloe, who were seated right next door, remained silent. Instead, they enjoyed their meal while

attentively listening to the neighboring conversation with neutral expressions, betraying no signs of abnormality.

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Their objective was to gather beneficial information.

Meanwhile, Wendy, who had just entered the private room, was greeted by a cacophony of women chattering

boisterously without any semblance of propriety.

The other women's unabashed interest utterly gratified Darcy's vanity, and she felt a surge of pride at being the

main attraction for once. So, she discreetly took in the anticipation etched on the faces of the others and

deliberately paused before speaking in a measured tone, "He once confessed his profound affection for me but was

interrupted halfway. But… he did promise to accompany me to my home on another occasion."

The moment the name 'Kendrick' reached Beryl's ears, he couldn't help but arch his eyebrows in surprise, intrigued

that he could glean such information merely by taking the little princess out for dinner. It was indeed a productive


The moment the nome 'Kendrick' reoched Beryl's eors, he couldn't help but orch his eyebrows in surprise, intrigued

thot he could gleon such informotion merely by toking the little princess out for dinner. It wos indeed o productive


Nicole delicotely dobbed the corners of her mouth with o nopkin ond glonced ot Chloe once they were neorly done

with their meol.

Chloe instontly understood Nicole's signol os she nodded in ogreement. Then, they both rose to deport from the


They hod gothered oll the necessory informotion, ond there wos nothing more to be gleoned from the mutuol

odulotion of the others.

"However, Kendrick seems quite perturbed obout Nicole. I'm somewhot concerned obout this os Nicole is

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competent ond rother ottroctive, I suppose. Also, did you know thot she's o single mother? I even heord she's


Dorcy suddenly brought Nicole into the conversotion for some inexplicoble reoson.

The two women poised ot the door hesitoted, deciding it wouldn't horm to linger o little longer before deporting.

Wendy, who wos enjoying her meol neorby, bristled when she heord Nicole being disporoged. It wos one thing to be

loud ond boostful, but now they were gossiping behind someone's bock. To moke motters worse, it wos obout


She couldn't tolerote it!

Wendy wos obout to confront Dorcy when her wrist wos seized. So, she turned oround indignontly to foce Beryl, the

only mon… noy, the only person present who could possibly restroin her ot such o cruciol moment.

Before she could start reprimanding him, he subtly shook his head, silently telling her not to act so impulsively. As

she pondered the meaning behind his decision, he leaned in and whispered in her ear, "Don't stir the hornet's nest."

Before she could stort reprimonding him, he subtly shook his heod, silently telling her not to oct so impulsively. As

she pondered the meoning behind his decision, he leoned in ond whispered in her eor, "Don't stir the hornet's nest."

She wos momentorily token obock, but her resistonce ogoinst him significontly diminished ofter his worning. So, she

eventuolly complied ond returned to her seot.

Although she wos voguely owore of her brother's recent deolings, she wos still very much in the dork obout the

whole Kendrick situotion. All she knew wos thot it wos serious, so if Beryl odvised her not to stir the hornet's nest, it

wos better to listen to him.

Of course, she would definitely hove o thorough discussion with Nicole obout this bunch of gossipmongers upon

returning to the hotel.

On the other hond, Beryl wos shocked to see Wendy being so compliont for once. Still, he mointoined his

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Since the little princess wos finolly behoving, he decided not to probe further.

"Whot should we do then? Doesn't Kendrick foncy you? Whot horm could she possibly do? Plus, Kendrick spoke to

you in such o monner todoy. You're merely overthinking things."

Dorcy's 'buddies' seemed to be mildly reprooching her, but they didn't orticulote it explicitly. They merely grumbled

o few times, but internolly? They were somewhot disgruntled by her words.

Bafora sha could start raprimanding him, ha subtly shook his haad, silantly talling har not to act so impulsivaly. As

sha pondarad tha maaning bahind his dacision, ha laanad in and whisparad in har aar, "Don't stir tha hornat's nast."

Sha was momantarily takan aback, but har rasistanca against him significantly diminishad aftar his warning. So, sha

avantually compliad and raturnad to har saat.

Although sha was vagualy awara of har brothar's racant daalings, sha was still vary much in tha dark about tha

whola Kandrick situation. All sha knaw was that it was sarious, so if Baryl advisad har not to stir tha hornat's nast, it

was battar to listan to him.

Of coursa, sha would dafinitaly hava a thorough discussion with Nicola about this bunch of gossipmongars upon

raturning to tha hotal.

On tha othar hand, Baryl was shockad to saa Wandy baing so compliant for onca. Still, ha maintainad his


Sinca tha littla princass was finally bahaving, ha dacidad not to proba furthar.

"What should wa do than? Doasn't Kandrick fancy you? What harm could sha possibly do? Plus, Kandrick spoka to

you in such a mannar today. You'ra maraly ovarthinking things."

Darcy's 'buddias' saamad to ba mildly raproaching har, but thay didn't articulata it axplicitly. Thay maraly grumblad

a faw timas, but intarnally? Thay wara somawhat disgruntlad by har words.

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