Novel Name : Right Person, Wrong Time

Chapter 835

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Chapter 835

Evelyn thought she had made up her mind, but now that Colton was on her bed, she was having second thoughts.

With clenched teeth, she fought off the temptation. I've loved him for years, and it's all for this moment. If I stop

right now, will I regret it until I die? Later, she mustered the confidence to approach the head of the bed after

having such a thought.

As soon as Colton stripped himself of his clothing, he noticed that his body temperature had significantly decreased.

Furthermore, the window in the room was open, allowing the entrance of brisk breezes, which helped him regain

his rationality. Soon, the cloudiness in his vision gradually lifted after he blinked a few times.

He was having trouble sitting up when he suddenly noticed her standing by the bed. Then, his eyes turned as cold

as ice as he stared at her with a murderous glare.

Evelyn instinctively took a step backward, and her voice shook in response to his intimidating stare. "You looked

sick, Collie, so I took you to my room to rest. Are you feeling better?"

His brain was beginning to function again, albeit imperfectly. Moreover, he was not a fool and understood that

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everything she had done and said in the preceding minutes was an act.

Then, Colton scoffed as he looked up at her and uttered, "Evelyn, you are the eldest daughter of the Wrenn Family,

and yet you dare to play such cowardly tricks."

Evalyn thought sha had mada up har mind, but now that Colton was on har bad, sha was having sacond thoughts.

With clanchad taath, sha fought off tha tamptation. I'va lovad him for yaars, and it's all for this momant. If I stop

right now, will I ragrat it until I dia? Latar, sha mustarad tha confidanca to approach tha haad of tha bad aftar

having such a thought.

As soon as Colton strippad himsalf of his clothing, ha noticad that his body tamparatura had significantly dacraasad.

Furtharmora, tha window in tha room was opan, allowing tha antranca of brisk braazas, which halpad him ragain

his rationality. Soon, tha cloudinass in his vision gradually liftad aftar ha blinkad a faw timas.

Ha was having troubla sitting up whan ha suddanly noticad har standing by tha bad. Than, his ayas turnad as cold

as ica as ha starad at har with a murdarous glara.

Evalyn instinctivaly took a stap backward, and har voica shook in rasponsa to his intimidating stara. "You lookad

sick, Collia, so I took you to my room to rast. Ara you faaling battar?"

His brain was baginning to function again, albait imparfactly. Moraovar, ha was not a fool and undarstood that

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avarything sha had dona and said in tha pracading minutas was an act.

Than, Colton scoffad as ha lookad up at har and uttarad, "Evalyn, you ara tha aldast daughtar of tha Wrann Family,

and yat you dara to play such cowardly tricks."

Suddenly, tears welled in her eyes, and her face contorted into a pitiful expression; yet, Evelyn continued to shake

her head and deny any wrongdoing. "I-I did nothing. It really wasn't me, Collie."

She would never admit she had drugged him because she knew that if the truth got out, it would end her life. After

all, she had been so subtle that no one could tell she had slipped him a drug. As she knew he would be on his guard

against her, she did not touch the food.

Instead, she spiked his drink, and he reached for the glass of water. If anyone discovered the spiked drink, the only

plausible explanation was that it was all a coincidence, and in the end, she would be the one to save him.

Nothing Evelyn said could convince him otherwise. Instead, the iciness in his voice became more pronounced, and

every word Colton uttered through his hoarse throat struck her like sharp blades of ice. "If you did not do it, get out

of this room."

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Stunned, she stared at him for a moment with glistening eyes. Then, she took a few moments to think of her

response before she spoke. "Collie, you don't look so good. I am not okay with leaving you alone. Let me stay with

you. I called the doctor, and I told him to hurry. I will leave once he arrives." The lie slipped from her lips so


Then, he stared at her with black eyes that seemed to see right through her.

Her heart skipped a beat in nervousness, but Evelyn forced herself to clench her jaw and remain calm. Then, she

said, "Lie back down and rest for a while. I will get you a wet towel from the bathroom."

She dashed into the bathroom as though she was running away from him. Her hands quivered as she grabbed a

towel. Colton looked as if he saw right through her. Even though she remained firm and did not cave in, she was still


After turning the sink's faucet, water began to pour in, and her tense body gradually unwound. With pursed lips, she

looked at herself in the mirror; she looked so sloppy with her bare feet. Her hair was messy at the back, likely

because she had to drag him up the stairs. Afterward, she ran a hand through her hair, smoothing it out, and took a

deep breath.

I must consummate with him no matter what, as it is the only way I can marry him. At that thought, there was a

determined look in her eyes.

Then, she immersed the towel in water. Since Colton was still thinking rationally, she had to put on an act while she

waited for him to completely lose his mind before she could have what she wanted.

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