Novel Name : Reborn As A Dragon Girl With A System

Chapter 94: Liar

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"Randals! What are you doing!?" One of the High Priests had finally arrived in front of High Priest Randals, trying to stop him from continuing his rampage."Get out of my way. I can not let that dragon go! Even if it is you guys, I will still push my way through!" High Priest Randals yelled out. He was so angry right now that he did not care who it was. He would even kill other priests if they got in his way. He could not allow his secret to get out or allow someone who slanders his goddess's name to go free!"You! Fine! If that is how you want it, then I will have no choice! Everyone take Randals down!" The high priest yelled out. The others came forward, and all of a sudden, magic was being thrown left and right.Kana, who was still running, slowed down when she heard explosions behind her. Kana stood on her hind legs and scratched her head. "Are they idiots?""Almost all humans are dumb, Kana. There are very few who are not stupid in some way or another. But these guys are utter morons. They are attacking each other and even killing more of their men faster than they were before." Lysairth snickered. She found the whole thing very amusing. "Let them fight amongst themselves.""Hmmm?" Kana turned her head skyward and saw the sky beginning to darken. "Lysairth, I have a bad feeling." Follow current on

"This power... I felt it once in the past. After that, all the dragons stopped going to the temple. Kana, you need to get out of here and quickly!" Lysairth felt fear. Something she had not felt in a long time.Lysairth had a right to feel fear as the clouds not only continued together but also began to spin. In the center, a large eye appeared. It gazed down on all of those across the battled field as if a god was looking down on the mortals below. High Priest Randals and the other high priests all stopped fighting and suddenly knelt on the ground. A loud booming voice filled the skies as the eye landed on the high priests: "You five return to the citadel and receive your punishment.""Yes, Your Grace!" Randals and the other priests looked haggard and beaten up quickly answered before disappearing from everyone's sight.Once the priests were gone, the eye then looked down on Kana, sending a chill down her spine. Kana instinctively began to back up and cower. She was very frightened of the eye in the sky. Since coming to this world, she had seen many things, but this was beyond anything she had seen as of yet. She wanted to curl up into a ball and cover her eyes, but no matter how much she wished to look away, she couldn't. She felt if she did, she would be instantly killed."To think one of the dragon race actually survived. It is no wonder the doctrine says you are born of the devils. Since it would be bad if you lived to grow stronger, I will now cast judgment in the name of our Goddess Yuthia on to thee. [Divine Punishment]" The voice rang out, causing the whole sky to quake."Kana run. Run!" Lysairth's voice rang out loudly in Kana's mind, breaking her out of her state of fear.Kana quickly turned to run with her tail tucked between her legs. She did not dare stick around. Whatever was about to come was not something she could handle. Follow current on

A massive magic circle formed overhead. The eye in the center of the vortex in the sky followed Kana's movements with ease. Kana felt like every scale on her body was being stripped away, leaving her exposed for all to see. "Kana, it's no use! That eye is following us where ever we go. You need to take up a defensive stance." Lysairth knew that they were really in trouble this time.Kana stopped her steps and stabbed her sword into the ground, and huddled behind it. "Handsome husband said to use this to block an attack until he arrived."Even Kana knew the thin blade of her sword was not going to block any kind of an attack, but she had no other ideas or options. She could only believe in her handsome husband and hope he could help her as he promised."Kana, I do not know if I have enough power to block this attack, but I will use the rest of my life force to block it." Lysairth announced as Kana's body suddenly shined with a blue light. The image of a beautiful woman once more appeared in front of Kana. It was ten times fainter than when Kana saw Lysairth the first time."Lysairth, what are you doing!? Your going to disappear!" Kana had tears in her eyes. She had nowhere to run, but she did not want to lose Lysairth either. In the short time they have been together, Lysairth had given her so much. She saw Lysairth as a mother figure.Kana reached out with her paws, trying to pull the blue light back into her, but no matter how much she tried, her paws kept going right through the blue light. Kana had a look of desperation on her face. She frantically kept trying to pull Lysairth back inside her as she cried out: "No! No! Lysairth! Stop, don't leave me!" Follow current on

The bright light from the magic circle finally condensed into a large ball of light. A ray of light shot through the sky straight at Kana. The width of the beam was a few kilometers wide, destroying everything in its path. The human soldiers that got caught in the beam were vaporized. Lysairth waved her hand, creating a massive shield in front of her. The bright light slammed into the shield, instantly causing it to form cracks. Lysairth body flickered as the rest of her life force began to burn away. She turned to Kana with a smile on her face. "Kana, you are the last of our kind... No, whether you are the last of our kind or not, I do not regret using my life force to protect someone who is important to me. Live on and live a long-lasting life."Lysairth smiled brightly as tears rolled down her face. "I wonder if this was what it was like to have a daughter..."The ray of light grew stronger, and Lysairth's body slowly began to disappear. Kana's eyes were filled with tears as she reached out once more to try to grab hold of Lysairth. But no matter what she did, it was already too late. She watched the shield in front of her that Lysairth created to protect her shatter into balls of light and float up into the sky.Kana closed her eyes and let out a pain filled roar up towards the sky.*Roar!*Lysairth, who she cared so much about, was now gone. She had burned her life force in order to try to protect her, but even with her last ditch effort, the ray of light still could not be stopped. The ray of light passed over Kana, causing her to cry out as she felt her scales burning right off her body. The sword in front of her was able to weaken the ray of light slightly, but it was still not enough. Burn marks began to form on Kana's body as her skin began to burn away, turning into ash as it did."Lysairth, I will be joining you soon." Kana whispered, but she remembered what Lysairth said before she disappeared, making a newfound determination well up inside her."No... I will try to survive this... [Transform]." Kana said softly as she let out another roar and turned back into her humanoid form. Her heart hurt. She was not afraid of death. She was afraid of making the people she was leaving behind sad. She wanted to live on and preserve the life that Lysarith used the last of her life force to protect. She turned back into her humanoid form because it was smaller and could hide behind the sword more. Even though her skin was burning off layer by layer, she gritted her teeth and dragged her wounded body up close to the sword. She thought of how her handsome husband had promised to save her when she was in a dire situation and smiled bitterly as she choked on her tears. "Hic... Liar...""I'm sorry, I am late..." A melodic voice filled Kana's ears as her body was suddenly enveloped in warmth. "The spell I cast on you did not trigger quickly enough, and now you are in such a state. I can only apologize."Kana's eyes slowly opened, and Creige's handsome face filled her view. Tears welled up in her eyes as she used what energy she had left to pound on his chest. "Why didn't you come sooner!? If you had come sooner, Lysairth, Lysairth would not have needed to disappear!"Creige's heart hurt seeing the little girl crying in his arms. He had promised to save her, but he still arrived too late. He looked at the flesh wounds all over her body created by the ray of light, and anger welled up inside him. "I know... You can hate me. You can despise me. You can beat me however you please, but first, let me take care of the ones who hurt my precious wife..."
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