Novel Name : Reborn As A Dragon Girl With A System

Chapter 487: A Warning From The Past

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"Okay, all done. I can start up the recording now." Eie finally finished setting up more fail safes on the energy that could cause everyone to disappear once more. She just hoped the stupid robot wouldn't come back over and remove them again."Alright, go ahead." Since the sideshow was over, Kana was ready to see what the secret this galaxy cube was really hiding. Eie nodded her head and hit a few keys on the keypad of the infocube. As soon as she finished, a bright light flashed from the galaxy cube, projecting an image of an old woman wearing purple robes into the air in front of everyone. She had pointy ears and pink skin. On her head was a silver crown with many gemstones embedded into it. Follow current on

"Ahem… To those watching this message, my guess is that you were able to decipher this transmission from our planet's core. My race, if you want to call it that, is a race called Nanoids. We are beings composed of billions of nanomachines that act like living cells to make what you see before you. The planet core that is in your possession is our life's work and is what we used to power a newly formed planet formed of tens of trillions of nanomachines. "We were first created by a species of humanoids who wanted us to venture out into space and spread their genetic makeup across the stars. Our job was to go to habitable planets and modify the genes of any animal that was genetically compatible with them. As time passed, and because of our replication ability, we not only spread to all ends of the universe, but we also began to learn. "You could call us a hive colony because we are able to learn from each other even if we are on opposite sides of the universe. As time passed, this hive aspect began to split into smaller factions, and over time, we also began to evolve into what you see before you. You can consider me the queen of my hive. "Although we had continued our work genetically modifying animals on other planets as we were originally programmed to do, to house the humanoid gene, one day one of the hives came across a strange anomaly. It was a planet floating through space, not orbiting around any sun. Follow current on

"This in itself is a normal occurrence, but it was what was on this planet that started it all. The planet was a frozen wasteland, but it still had the prospects of being able to harbor life. Or, in this case, sustain life. On this planet, reaching high into the atmosphere, was a black pillar. It had strange pictographs inscribed all over it. Something that was not in any of our databases."Being curious, this hive sent out a few members to investigate the pillar and find out what exactly it was. This was when things went wrong. Those hive members disappeared without a trace, and the planet in question turned from a frozen wasteland into a planet full of strange insects. Or should I say the planet itself was made of these insects?"These insects had no issues surviving in space and began attacking the nearby hive. The hive, with all its advanced weaponry, was unable to stop the insects. The entire hive filled with millions of my people was wiped out without a trace. Nothing was left behind. Another hive went out to investigate what had happened. They brought back one of these insects that seemed to be dead to run tests on it. The insects themselves were about the size of a small warship, so it was a difficult task.s Follow current on

"As we began running tests on the insect, we soon found out we were wrong in bringing it back. The insect burst into trillions of small insects and began eating everything in its path. The entire hive was destroyed. s "After that, they disappeared. We thought maybe they died due to prolonged exposure to space. But once again, we were wrong. Planet after planet suddenly began disappearing. It did not matter if it was a world with living things or even a sun. They ate it and began giving birth to more insects. The planet core in your possession was not only used to power our planet but had one more useful function. It can break down any life form with living cells and turn it into its own power to create a limitless energy source."But there is just one flaw. If activated, it will not only break down and absorb all life in the world, but it will also teleport a portion of what is around it to another location somewhere in the galaxy. It was the last resort function of the planet core. It would destroy all the insects that were on the planet before teleporting away someplace else, so it could then be once again used to take out more insects."As you are watching this recording, then you must have already realized that my planet is gone, and my race might already be gone as well. But the threat of the insects is unknown. I must warn you to be careful when using this planet core as it could very well end up destroying your world unintentionally."My last words to you before I stop this recording is watch out for the insects. Whether they are truly insects or not, I do not know, but they seemed to have one other weakness. They can not break through an atmosphere on their own. They need to catch a ride on an asteroid in order to do so. They will also force asteroids off their current course and have them aim towards the planet they wish to consume. I hope you will be safe and never have to experience the horror of these insects." After that last bit of information, the recording cut out. It was those last words before it did cut out that had Kana standing there with a pale face. The newspaper clippings she saw in the building also showed an asteroid. The same for the place Kana met Aoi. The people at the academy had said similar things. Each one of those worlds was completely destroyed in some way or another. But this made kana wonder, the people who created Misaki, did they actually know the true function of this cube and used it to destroy the insects that landed on their planet, or were they just one of the few unlucky races who accidently activated it?
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