Novel Name : Reborn As A Dragon Girl With A System

Chapter 117 Discovery In The Sand Part Two

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Chapter 117: Discovery In The Sand Part Two

[AN: Bonus Chapter 1/3]
Kana stared at the structure for a while but was not able to remember where she saw this structure before. "Well, if anything, there seems to be something below the sands that in the magic realm. Let's see if this structure has an entrance..."
Kana spent a few hours walking around the structure that was rectangular in shape. It was not until she had climbed on top of the structure that she remembered what this thing looked like to her. "It's the top of a building! Just like on Earth, the top of the buildings were like this as well. They had an entry point in order to access the rooftop. But… I wonder what civilization this magic realm had that was like Earth's… I guess I can only go in to find out."
Kana's curiosity grew as she grabbed the doorknob to the door and yanked it open. By yank, I mean she ripped the entire thing off its hinges by accident. Kana stared at the door in her hand before slowly placing it on the ground. She then put both her hands together and said a little prayer for it. "We will just pretend that never happened..."
Kana rubbed her nose as she walked into the building. The staircase was made out of cement joined right into the cement walls. Everything seemed to be in pretty good condition despite the fact that it was buried in the sand. She made her way down the stairs until she finally came to a door about three floors down. One thing Kana found odd was that the buildings seemed to have a few mystery floors at the top of it. She could tell since the next floor down was only two flights of stairs. But from the roof to the next floor, she had to climb down six flights of stairs. When she opened the door to the hall, a strong stale smell filled her nose, causing her nose to wrinkle. "This place has definitely not been opened for a while."
After stepping through the door, she found herself at the end of a hallway. Some of the doors that led to other rooms had sand spilling out from underneath. Kana decided it would be best not to open them as she walked over to the first door she saw that seemed safe. Twisting the knob, Kana pulled lightly, causing a creaking sound to echo throughout the hall. When she looked inside, she saw the remains of what looked like an apartment of some kind. "Oh? Fully furnished… It seems to be in good shape, as if I had opened some kind of time capsule. I wonder if some kind of event happened during the time this place was used that caused it to end up like this..."
The more she looked around, the more Kana wanted to find out about the civilization that lived here. Although a lot of the furniture replicated that of what you would find on Earth or the current planet she was on, there were many differences in the design. Manly the many etchings in the woodwork and metalwork. They seemed to depict different kinds of designs as well as humanoid figures and animals or monsters. Kana was not sure as of yet if this was a personal preference or a traditional design for their civilization. As Kana looked around, she finally found some pictures of the inhabitants.
"Bluish purple skin and green hair. Very strange colors, but they seemed to resemble more beastkin than they do humans with the long red horns coming out of their heads. Talk about being very colorful..." Kana placed the picture in her hand down and continued looking at things.
When she made her way to what she could only figure to be the living room, there were what looked like newspapers that were perfectly preserved. Although she could not read the language on it, there was a picture of a large object poking through the sky. "A planet? Maybe an asteroid? But this seems to be too round for an asteroid. So was this civilization wiped out by some object from space? If this is the case, then why did this place become a magic realm? Or does this mean that these magic realms are actually not realms but locations in space… I wonder if the magic the academy researchers use to open these portals is maybe some kind of wormhole of sorts that goes to different planets."
After searching the rest of the apartment, Kana began searching the other areas as well. She found more of the same in the other apartments, but not a single skeleton could be found anywhere. Floor after floor, she checked. Some of which were full of sand. She continued down the building, going down almost seventy floors and using a full week to reach this far. She gathered any newspaper clippings she could find. Most of which all had the same images on them, while some others gave her more insights on what was going on.
Images of what looked to be riots in the streets with many buildings on fire. There were also images of what looked to be a large ship of some kind, but Kana couldn't figure out what the ship was supposed to be used for.
She continued her descent until she finally reached the one-hundredth floor. This seemed to be the bottom floor of the building since there were no more stairs leading down. Whether or not this was the basement or the first floor, Kana did not know. Kana opened the door to the hall and peeked her head outside to look around. This floor was stranger than the rest as it did not have a stale smell to it. It had more of a wet, damp smell than anything. The feeling she had since discovering this place was strongest on this floor. "Whatever it is that is drawing me here is definitely on this floor."
Kana stepped out into the hallway that was very damp and noticed there were no rooms at all. But one thing that seemed odd to her was that there was a dim blue light at the end of the hall. Up until now, every hall was pitch black, and if it was not for the fact that she could see in the dark, she could not have been able to navigate around at all. Kana took a deep breath then slowly let it out as she drew her sword: "Hopefully, whatever it is will not attack me..."
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