Novel Name : Reborn As A Dragon Girl With A System

Chapter 95 The Goddesses Descend Part One

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Chapter 95: The Goddesses Descend Part One

Kana's tears rolled down her cheeks as she gripped Creige's shirt and buried her face into his chest. She knew this was not his fault, but she still wished he had come sooner. Creige's heart hurt for the small girl in his arms. He held her close while casting healing magic on her. A green glow surrounded Kana, slowly healing her wounds. He turned and looked at the ray of light that was still hitting him and narrowed his eyes. Within that ray of light, he could see a few lingering balls of blue light. He quickly waved his hand, wrapping those balls of blue light in magic power, and condensed them together. He then directed them at Kana and sent them into the spot between her brow. He had long known since he first met here that Kana had another soul inside her. He figured the only reason Kana was unharmed now was due to this soul willingly using the last of her life force to protect Kana. He figured that this was the person called Lysairth that Kana was crying about.
They were lucky. Since there were still remnants of her soul left, there was a chance to try to nourish her soul if they could find the right items. Such items would be hard to come by, but they did exist. Just not on this continent.
"Kana, the remnants of your friend's soul were sent back into your soul sea where they will not disperse. In the future, when you are stronger, there is a high chance you might be able to revive her. Not just as a soul but back to a real live living being." Creige's voice was filled with warmth as he talked.
Kana lifted her head, and her big watery eyes met his. "Do you really mean it?"
Creige smiled and nodded his head. "I would not lie to you. When the time comes, I will go with you and travel the world until we find the items."
"Do you promise?" Kana asked as she slowly began to settle down.
"Mmm... I promise." Creige smiled and leaned down, kissing the top of Kana's head. "Let me take care of those who hurt you."
"Mmm..." Kana nodded and pushed her face into Creige's chest once again, and closed her eyes. She felt safe in Creige's arms as if he could keep everything in the world from hurting her. She slowly began to doze off.
Creige saw that she was now sleeping peacefully and smiled softly. This smile did not last long as he stood up and turned towards the ray of light. He waved his hand, dispersing it into balls of light. The eye up in the clouds narrowed as he looked at the handsome man on the ground holding the small girl with a red lizard tail.
"You dare stand in the way of the Church when it is in the process of judging sinners!?" The voice boomed out across the land. Creige sneered and waved his hand behind him gently.
The landscape suddenly changed, and anyone or thing was suddenly wiped out of existence. Ninety percent of the human army was wiped out with a gentle wave of Creige's hand.
"Oh? If I am not wrong, he is close to godhood." Yuthia said as she slipped on her shoes.
"Are you still going?" Sei asked as she stretched her arms and legs.
"It has been a long time since any goddesses have descended down to the mortal world." Yuthia explained. She was already angered by the fact that someone dared to hurt the cute little dragon girl she had blessed. When she saw Kana's tears, she was already about to destroy the world. In the end, she and Sei were fighting about it when Creige showed up.
"Then I will go with you. I will give her my blessing myself. She deserves it." Sei said. Her normally stoic face revealed a rare smile that was enough to make any man's heart melt.
"Then let's gooo!" Yuthia grabbed Sei's hand, and the two disappeared.
Creige looked up at the sky with his cold eyes: "Your little war has caused my wife to be sad. Because of this, you and everyone who is involved from the human domains will die."
"You dare threaten me!?" The voice from the eye boomed across the sky once again.
"Hold it!" Part of the clouds in the sky suddenly parted, and a golden holy light shined down, landing on Creige. Two figures floated down. One was a nine-tailed fox, while the other was a black-winged angel. They walked through the air as if they were walking down a set of stairs.
"Who are you!?" The voice from the eye yelled out. It could feel a strong power emanating off the two figures.
"Who are we!? I am glad you asked!" Yuthia suddenly snapped her fingers, and Sei and her clothes suddenly changed to miko outfits and began performing many different poses as they shouted. "We are! The great and wonderful! Magical Lyrical! Goddesses... Of Light! We will smite all evil from the face of the world! Well, the last part, not so much. We are too lazy. Teehee!" Yuthia stuck her tongue out and knocked her head with her fist, and winked.
"Uhhh... Yuthia, they seemed to be in a state of shock." Sei said as she pointed down at the humans and beastkin all staring up at them strangely.
"Huh? But I am sure we did it perfectly!" Yuthia looked around and scratched her head, trying to figure out what she did wrong. She wanted to know where the cheers were. Where were the "I love you Yuthia!" shouts? "Should I sing a song?"
"Please don't! The last time you sang a song, the great goddess Heslia almost died of laughter." Sei quickly reached out and covered Yuthia's mouth.
"Muf I thwat I swoanded goof! (But I thought I sounded good.)" Yuthia said in a muffled tone.
"It was good, but you were singing songs about penises without realizing it. Not to mention you were singing with such conviction that no one wanted to interrupt you." Sei replied.
"Wait, what!? That song was about penises!? Fucking Eliseia, she lied to me!" Yuthia yelled out, her face burning red. She decided to quickly change the subject. "Never mind, let's just do what we set out to do."
Yuthia stood in mid-air and pointed at the eye. "You stupid mortals think you are all great just because you can do a little eye trick! I can do eye tricks too!" Yuthia flicked her fingers, and the eye suddenly looked much... much... much... much more glamorous. Purple eye makeup, long eyelashes, and even the irises were recolored. Yuthia smiled and nodded at her handy work. "Much better now you do not look so evil."
The beastkin below suddenly burst out laughing. It was true the eye no longer looked sinister or evil. It looked like an eye from a high-born lady. "You!" The voice from the eye yelled out.
Yuthia Theocracy, The Holy Citadel
In the main holy chambers that only the Pope was allowed to enter, an old man was staring at the mirror in front of him, looking at his amazing new eye makeup. His face was crimson red, and his brows were so furrowed that the eyebrows were beginning to merge. Veins began to bulge out of his head. He was so angry and had no one to yell at for it. What was worse was that he could not get the damn makeup off! He couldn't leave his chambers, or he would be ruining his prestigious image! All he could do was yell out his rage! "That god damn demi human!"
"Yuthia, it looks pretty." Sei gave a thumbs up. They could easily hear the old man screaming his head off in his holy chambers.
"Ahh right, the reason I came down here..." Yuthia finally remembered that she came to the mortal realm for a reason. She floated down and landed in front of Creige, who was hugging Kana in his arms. He was watching Yuthia closely, being very wary of her. "Relax, handsome. I have no intentions of hurting this little one. I would not have given her my blessing if I meant her harm. Hmm, yes, the soul inside her was damaged severely. If you had not collected what was left, it would have been gone for good."
Thinking for a moment, Yuthia came to a decision. "I will not help her with this. It will be good for her to go out and explore the world. But handsome man, I will tell you this, the place she needs to go is far from here on an undiscovered continent. Where those who are close to becoming gods roam. Until she is close to you in strength, do not let her go anywhere near there do you understand?"
"Mmm... I would never put her in harms way." Creige readily agreed.
"It seems this little one picked a good husband. Make sure you take better care of her from now on. I will strengthen the bond between you two. It will give you a new skill that will allow you two to teleport to each other no matter where you are." Yuthia waved her hand, and both Creige and Kana glowed a dazzling light.
&123;Soul Mates&125;
[The strength of your love has allowed you to form a connection beyond time and space. You can now teleport to your spouse no matter where they are.]
"This skill is much faster than the one you use. I hope you cherish this little one because if you don't, you will be less of a man once I am done with you." Yuthia made a scissor cutting motion with her hand while smiling menacingly.
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