Novel Name : Reincarnation: I Have Always Been Rich

Chapter 250 - A Trip to the Military Compound (2)

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Chapter 250 A Trip to the Military Compound (2)
“Hey, Little Miss!” Fatty looked at the back view of Madam Yuwen pulling his Little Miss away. It was a painful experience.
As for Marquis Yuwen, he looked at Fatty being taught a lesson by his old lady, with an unkind smile, he walked over and patted Fatty’s shoulder. “Fatty, think about it now. Go back and tell your boss about this. Haha.”
With that, Marquis Yuwen left in a happy mood. Marquis Yuwen truly felt that his happiness was really built on the pain of others.
“Uncle Yuwen, you’re gloating. Aiya, if I didn’t bring my Little Miss back today, would I be able to live to see the sun tomorrow?” Fatty thought of this, he couldn’t help but shiver.!!
Zhou Yunjie and the others were puzzled when they saw Fatty like this. Little Miss only went to her house to play with this grandma. Wasn’t she captured? Or what? Why did this fat hall master have such a big reaction?
Yuwen’s family lived in the military compound not far from here. In this past life, Chen Meng’er knew about it. However, her identity at that time was simply not qualified to enter this place. This was because the entrance and exit of this place was very strict. Strangers either had someone to bring them along or they had documents. As for Chen Meng’er in her previous life, she did not have either of these two things, so she could only watch from the outside.
Chen Meng’er never thought that she would have the right to enter this place in this life and investigate. “Meng’er, what do you like to eat? Tell Grandma that when we go back, Grandma will make it for you.” Madam Yuwen faced Chen Meng’er with an amiable and amiable attitude. She was not as aggressive as when she was facing Fatty just now.
“Grandma, I’m not picky about food. As long as it’s made by Grandma, I like to eat it.” Since Chen Meng’er was reborn until now, she might not have made much progress in other aspects, but this trick to coax the old woman was something that she could not catch up to in her previous life,
“Aiya, my darling, you’re really too likable. When we get back, Grandma will cook Grandma’s specialty dishes for you.” Madam Yuwen stopped and held Chen Meng’er’s little face, giving her a heavy kiss.
“En, thank you, Grandma.” Chen Meng’er also kissed Madam Yuwen’s face back.
Chen Meng’er’s interaction with Madam Yuwen made Yuwen Hou, who was following behind them, envious. By the way, why didn’t he get such treatment?
Because Chen Meng’er was following Yuwen Hou and Madam Yuwen, when they entered the courtyard, the guard at the door saluted Yuwen Hou and Madam Yuwen and glanced at Chen Meng’er. He didn’t ask anything and let them pass.
On the other hand, when Chen Meng’er walked to the door and saw the police officer standing upright, her heart was filled with nervousness. Her palms were so nervous that they were starting to sweat.
Madam Yuwen thought that Chen Meng’er was tired from walking. She even said to Chen Meng’er, “Meng’er, hold on a little longer. We’ll be home soon.”
“Okay.” Chen Meng’er nodded obediently.
There weren’t many people living in the courtyard, but there were also quite a number. Those old men had nothing to do, so they came out to take a walk. Not long after Chen Mengler entered the courtyard, she met a few old men who were sitting together playing chess.
One of the old men wearing glasses looked up and saw the person from Marquis Yuwen’s family walking over with a little girl, he asked in surprise, “Marquis Yuwen, where did you pick up such a beautiful little girl?”
“That’s right. You two are lucky to pick up such a beautiful little girl.” The other fat old man smiled like a Buddha statue and said in agreement.
When Chen Meng’er heard this, she knew that these old men had a different relationship with Marquis Yuwen. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have teased him and his wife so easily.
The reason these old men teased Yuwen Hou so much was because they knew in their hearts that Yuwen Hou and his wife didn’t have any relatives other than their grandson who was overseas. Therefore, the child that they brought back was definitely not the child of any of their relatives.
“Tsk, Old Xu, go away. Do you think such a cute child would be picked up?” Yuwen Hou glared at Old Xu, but then… he kept them guessing. “Hey, Old Xu. Old Qiu. I heard that you went to Bolin the day before yesterday. How was it? Did you see that god-granddaughter of his?” “Hey, Marquis Yuwen, it’s fine if you don’t mention it. Once you mention it, I’m full of anger. You say that kid actually treated us like wolves and guarded against us. We didn’t even touch a hair on her body. Sigh, let me tell you. Next time, the few of us will invite this Bolin kid out and work together to force her down.” Old Master Qiu laughed like a Buddha statue, although his face was still smiling, the words that came out of his mouth had the taste of gnashing his teeth.
Later on, Chen Meng’er felt that the little girl that they were talking about, who was protected by Elder Liu and hadn’t even seen a hair on her head until now, seemed to be her.
She raised her head and looked at Yuwen Hou, who was smiling like a fox. She was thinking whether she should go back and mess with her grandfather. While Chen Meng’er was in a dilemma, Yuwen Hou still pretended to be on their side and replied, “Okay, next time we must force this kid down.”
After Yuwen Hou finished speaking, he turned his head and looked at Chen Meng’er with her big eyes, looking at him with pure and ignorant eyes. He thought of how he actually said bad things about her grandfather in front of her… Marquis Yuwen’s old face couldn’t help but redden, and he revealed an awkward smile at Chen Meng. “No. I say, Marquis Yuwen, why are you asking us this for no reason? If I remember correctly, you seem to have met his granddaughter in Bolin.” Old Master Xu and the others were not so easy to fool, he thought for a moment and was able to grasp some clues.
“That’s right. When we went, Bolin told us. If we want to know what his granddaughter looks like, let us ask you. Marquis Yuwen, are you gloating?” Elder Qiu laughed like a Buddha statue and said with an ambiguous expression.
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