Novel Name : Reincarnation: I Have Always Been Rich

Chapter 264 - Being a Guest of the Green Gang (2)

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Chapter 264 Being a Guest of the Green Gang (2)
“Yes.” Zhuge Yu said as he picked up the silver needle and was about to poke Yan Shi awake.
However, he was stopped by Fatty. “Let me do it.” Fatty took the silver needle from Zhuge Yu’s hand as a hint of danger flashed in his eyes. He walked to Yan Shi’s side and fiercely stabbed the silver needle in his hand into Yan Shi’s body. Due to the excessive force exerted by the fatty, almost all of the needle was inserted into Yan Shi’s body, only a small head was exposed.
And Yan Shi was unconscious. “Ah.” He screamed and sat up straight.
“Boss Yan, you’re awake. Welcome to the Green Gang as a guest.” Zhuge Yu stood in front of Yan Shi and looked down at Yan Shi.!!
“Zhuge Yu. You.” Yan Shi, who had woken up, could not react in time. He seemed a little stunned. “Boss Yan, it’s me.” Zhuge Yu gave Yan Shi a cold smile. “I didn’t think that your Axe Gang would be so bold to actually dare to touch the Little Miss of our Green Gang. Tell me, who’s behind this?”
Yan Shi’s mind gradually cleared up. He looked up and saw Elder Liu, who was sitting in the main seat, looking at him like an eagle, and Chen Meng’er, who was sitting next to Elder Liu with a satisfied look on her face. When he looked over, Chen Meng’er actually gave him a sweet smile.
Yan Shi never thought that he would fall for the tricks of a little girl who smiled like an angel.
“What? Aren’t you going to say it? If that’s the case, I don’t mind giving you a gift.” Fatty said and kicked Yan Shi.
“It’s Liu Xiguo.” Yan Shi was not a person who did not know the situation. He knew that he had fallen this time. He was even clearer about the methods of Elder Liu and Zhuge Yu of the Green Gang. He thought that the Axe Gang was no match for them, so he tactfully gave them up.
“F*ck, it’s that grandson. I told you, this big house isn’t anything good.” Skinny scolded.
Chen Meng’er had long guessed that the person who hired the Axe Gang was definitely someone from the Liu family. She was just not sure which house it was from. “Liu Xiguo?” Chen Meng’er searched her mind for her impression of Liu Xiguo. However, Chen Meng’er did not have many memories of this Liu Xiguo. She only remembered that this Liu Xiguo was a person with a somewhat gloomy expression. “Sir, I’ll go and capture this grandson for you now.” Fatty was so excited that he wanted to rush out and capture Liu Xiguo. “Uncle Fatty, don’t be anxious. We can’t let this Liu Xiguo off so easily. Moreover, we still have to investigate the specifics. Let’s see just how many people are involved in this matter.” Chen Meng’er stopped Fatty from rushing out.
“Oh? Girl, what are your plans?” Elder Liu did not have the urge to oppose Fatty. He wanted nothing more than to directly kill this Liu Xiguo. He did not expect that in the end, it would be his granddaughter who spoke up to stop Fatty.
“We still don’t know if the operation against me was done by Liu Xiguo alone, or if the big house was involved, or even if the other members of the Liu family were involved. Only after we have investigated thoroughly can we determine how we should act. “Moreover, I plan to give them a taste of their own medicine. How they want to deal with me, I will use the same method to return it to them.” Chen Meng’er laughed like a little devil. “Haha, you decide on this matter. I will not interfere.” Elder Liu suddenly changed his mind. He felt that it was not a bad thing to hand the initiative to his granddaughter. “Fatty, you two stay put. Don’t neglect the boss of the Axe Gang.”
“Yes, Sir.” Fatty and Skinny each had one on either side. They unceremoniously lifted up the boss and dragged him out. “Oh right, what about these two unconscious people?” After the boss was dragged out by Fatty and Skinny, Elder Liu pointed at the unconscious fifth and sixth members and asked Chen Meng’er.
“Oh, them. I prepared them for myself to practice. Grandpa, you also know that I’m very good at theoretical knowledge, but I lack clinical knowledge. Well, now that I have ready-made guinea pigs, how can I waste it. However, I’ll have to trouble Grandpa to prepare a place for them to live, as long as they can live.” Chen Meng’er looked at the fifth member and the sixth member and was eager to give it a try.
Elder Liu did not expect these two people to have such a use. “Okay, leave this to me. I promise to complete the task for you.”
Elder Liu was very interested in Chen Meng’er’s suggestion. When it came to theoretical knowledge in medicine, Elder Liu admitted that as a grandfather, he did not know as much as his little granddaughter. However, when it came to clinical practice, it was the complete opposite. He was very experienced, however, his granddaughter, Chen Meng’er, was almost at zero.
“Meng’er, when you perform the surgery on them, call for me. When that time comes, I will guide you from the side,” Elder Liu said.
“Sure, Grandpa. But, Grandpa, I have something to tell you now.” Chen Meng’er remembered the condition of Madam Yuwen. “What is it? Tell me.” Elder Liu gestured to Chen Meng’er and spoke.
“When I went to the Yuwen’s house today, I took Grandma Yuwen’s pulse. I found that her cervical vertebra is narrower than the average person’s, and her blood flow is slower than the average person’s. and at her age, her blood pressure and blood sugar are not low. Even her blood viscosity has exceeded a certain standard. I think we should give Grandma Yuwen a prescription and give her some treatment.” Chen Meng’er said. “You’re much better at making prescriptions than an old man like me. You don’t have to ask me about this. Just do as you see fit. I, on the other hand, trust you.” Elder Liu waved his hand and handed this matter over to Chen Meng’er.
“En, then I’ll go write a prescription later. I’ll bring the prescription over to Grandpa for you to take a look after I’m done,” Chen Meng’er suggested
“Okay, do as you see fit.” Elder Liu pointed at the fifth member and the sixth member on the ground, he said to Chen Meng’er, “But, girl, I think the situation of these two people is more urgent now. Although we don’t care whether they live or die, nor do we care about their recovery after the surgery, if you want to use them to practice, I suggest you hurry up.”
Elder Liu’s reminder woke Chen Meng’er up. “Why don’t we start now?”
“Girl, aren’t you hungry? Let’s eat first. They can still afford to wait for a period of time.” Actually, Elder Liu didn’t know that it was thanks to Chen Meng’er’s acupoints that the fifth member and the sixth member were in their current condition.
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