Novel Name : Reincarnation: I Have Always Been Rich

Chapter 1246 - The Second Trimester (2)

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Chapter 1246: The Second Trimester (2)
Elder Liu took a long time to check her pulse. He had been frowning all this time.
Seeing Elder Liu frown, Yuwen Jing’s heart was constantly on edge.
“Grandpa, how is Meng’er?” Yuwen Jing couldn’t wait to ask.
“Meng’er’s body is fine. Her heart is fine. Moreover, her babies are also in good condition. As for why she suddenly had such symptoms, I really don’t know,” Elder Liu said to Yuwen Jing. He turned to Chen Meng’er and said, “Meng’er, I think we should go to the hospital to have a look.” Elder Liu was worried.!!
Chen Meng’er did not want to go to the hospital, but Yuwen Jing and Elder Liu insisted. In the end, she had to go to the hospital.
When they arrived at the hospital, they told the attending doctor about her symptoms and said, “This should be a pregnancy reaction.”
“I don’t remember the books recording this kind of pregnancy reaction,” Elder Liu said.
“Yes, it didn’t happen in the past. This kind of pregnancy reaction has only appeared in recent years. If you are worried, you can go and have an electrocardiogram,” the attending doctor said.
Since they were already at the hospital, they had to do everything they could to make everyone feel at ease. Therefore, Chen Meng’er was taken to get an electrocardiogram.
The results of the electrocardiogram were good.
All the tests that Chen Meng’er had done in the hospital were good, so they had to go back.
However, before they left, the doctor told Elder Liu and Yuwen Jing that since these kinds of symptoms had appeared, the pregnant person could not be separated from others because they did not know when this kind of situation would suddenly reappear.
At that time, if there was no one around the pregnant person and they suddenly fainted, there might be an accident when they fell. Therefore, it was best not to leave their side.
Ever since Chen Meng’er was pregnant, other than when she was sleeping, she had never left anyone’s side.
After that, Chen Meng’er had this kind of situation happen three more times. Fortunately, Yuwen Jing was always by Chen Meng’er’s side. However, as the months passed, Chen Meng’er’s depressing and uncomfortable symptoms became more and more obvious. Sometimes, she couldn’t move even after sitting for a while.
It was only when she was lying down that she felt more comfortable.
* * *
Chen Meng’er was pregnant with twins. Her stomach was bigger than the stomach of an ordinary pregnant woman. This made her movements more tiring.
As her due date grew closer, the fetal movements became more and more intense.
Sometimes, if she wore slightly thinner clothes, others could see the bulging spots on her stomach.
It was rare to see Chen Meng’er lying on the recliner while enjoying afternoon tea with Elder Liu and the others. Of course, her afternoon tea was different from Elder Liu’s. She drank milk.
Suddenly, Elder Liu pointed at Chen Meng’er’s stomach with a look of surprise. After a long while, he said, “It was bulging. Just now, it was bulging.”
Elder Liu’s words immediately stirred up the atmosphere at the scene. “What?”
“Meng’er’s belly, look quickly.” It was the first time Elder Liu had seen a fetus move, so he was very surprised. However, he only dared look from afar, but he did not dare go near.
He was afraid that the moment he went near, he would scare the little babies in Chen Meng’er’s belly.
“I see it, I see it. There’s a small bump.”
“Ah, look, this small bump can still move.” Elder Qu and Yuwen Hou were extremely excited when they saw the small bump on Chen Meng’er’s stomach.
Yuwen Jing had long been used to seeing the babies move. Sometimes at night, when the babies moved too much, he couldn’t help but teach the babies a lesson, telling them to be more obedient and not to be too naughty. Looking at the three old men’s shocked expressions, he calmly drank his tea.
Yuwen Jing felt that the three old men were making a fuss over nothing. Wasn’t it just fetal movements? However, he had forgotten how excited he was the first time he saw the small bump on Chen Meng’er’s belly.
He stood at the side and looked at the small bump on Chen Meng’er’s belly, at a loss.
He had seen it many times now, which was why he was so used to it.
“Meng’er, can I touch it?” Elder Qu rubbed his hands and asked with envy.
“Sure,” Chen Meng’er said generously.
However, the narrow-minded Yuwen Jing was not happy. However, no matter how unhappy he was, there was nothing he could do. It was Chen Meng’er’s grandfather who spoke up. As his grandson-in-law, he could only grit his teeth behind their backs.
He didn’t know if the little babies knew that they were being watched, but he was extremely excited.
“Haha, I’ve touched it, I’ve touched it. I don’t know if it’s my sweet great-granddaughter’s little hand or little foot.” Elder Qu raised his hand, as if he wouldn’t wash his hands today.
When Elder Liu and Yuwen Hou saw that Elder Qu had touched it, they immediately wanted to as well. “I want to do that too.”
“Me too.”
Chen Meng’er instantly turned into the biggest attraction in the circus.
Yuwen Jing really refused to let them do as they pleased. This was his wife and his children. After Elder Liu and his grandfather, Yuwen Hou, touched Chen Meng’er’s protruding belly, Yuwen Jing finally could not help but cough, he said, “Grandfathers, I saw that Meng’er has been out for such a long time today. She must be tired. It’s time to go back and rest.”
Yuwen Jing could only find this excuse.
“Oh, look at us. We forgot about this because of our excitement. Then Meng’er should go back and rest.”
Yuwen Jing half-hugged Chen Meng’er’s waist and walked toward the place where they lived. In fact, Chen Meng’er didn’t have a waist at all now. Although Chen Meng’er did not gain any weight after being pregnant and had even lost weight, her stomach was so big that she did not have a waist at all.
How could Chen Meng’er not know that the man beside her was narrow-minded? She had seen it clearly just now. She was sure that if it was not for the fact that the people who wanted to touch her stomach were her grandfathers, he would definitely throw them out without saying a word.
Yuwen Jing saw Chen Meng’er laughing and couldn’t help but ask, “Meng’er, what are you laughing at?”
“I’m laughing at you,” Chen Meng’er answered flatly.
“Laughing at me? Laughing at me for what?” Yuwen Jing asked.
“I’m laughing at you for being a sour-puss. You’re jealous of everything.” As she said that, Chen Meng’er couldn’t help but cover her mouth and laugh happily.
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