Novel Name : Reincarnation: I Have Always Been Rich

Chapter 399

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Chapter 399: Chapter 399

“Elder Hill, why does this seem so strange?” George and Elder Hill, who had been close to each other recently, sat opposite each other in Elder Hill’s study.
“What’s so strange about it? I think things are progressing very smoothly.” Elder Hill was feeling proud in his heart. He wanted to see how long Xibo would be able to withstand the attacks of the Hill family and the Kronbo family. How long would he be able to hold on? He wanted to see Xibo Buyano kneeling down in front of him and begging for mercy. He wanted Xibo Buyano to pay the price for tarnishing the image of the Hill family.
“Elder Hill, don’t you think that things are progressing too smoothly? You see, from the start of our operation, there hasn’t been any movement from the Buyano family.” George remembered Xibo Buyano wasn’t a simple character.
“George, you’re worrying too much. Isn’t it progressing smoothly? Hmph, I think that the internal affairs of the Buyano family aren’t peaceful right now. There’s no way that the Buyano family will be able to free up their hands to manage the company’s matters.” Elder Hill said arrogantly.
“I hope it’s as you say.” George’s heart was a bit uneasy. He had always felt as if he had overlooked something. However, he could not remember what it was.!!
“Don’t worry too much. After we take care of the Buyano family, the Green Gang will be next. The Green Gang only has some strength in Asia. In Europe, it’s just a small organization.” Elder Hill hated Elder Liu and he hated Chen Meng’er to the bone. If it were not for their limited resources, he would have wanted to take care of Elder Liu and Chen Meng’er together.
As for the Green Gang, Zhuge Yu, Fatty, and the others had exchanged the gold for a decent price on the black market. In addition, Elder Liu had spent a considerable amount of money on ginseng and Ganoderma. This amount of money was more than enough to fill the hole in the Buyano family’s funds that had been withdrawn due to the Hill family and the Kronbo family.
Chen Meng’er held two thin cheques in her hands and said to Zhuge Yu and the others, “Uncle Zhuge, Uncle Fatty, Uncle Skinny, Uncle Biao, everything is ready now. We only need to start.”
“I’ve just received news that everything is ready,” Zhuge Yu said with a smile.
“Oh? Is that so? Then we’ll make a move. I’m already impatient from waiting. Then, uncles, everyone get ready. We’re going to make a big move. I want our Green Gang to shine in Europe.” Chen Meng’er said.
“Okay, we’ve rested for a long time. This time, we’re going to make a big move.” Fatty’s blood was also boiling.
Chen Meng’er called Yuwen Jing to inform him that they were going to start their operation. Their actions had officially begun.
Zhuge Yu and Skinny brought the information they had investigated beforehand and went to buy the shares of the Buyano family’s enterprise held by individual stocks. When Zhuge Yu and Skinny bought the individual stocks almost at the same time, Chen Meng’er brought Fatty and Ah Biao, along with a suitcase full of pounds, to the capital building of the Buyano family. Chen Meng’er and her group kept a low profile.
In the capital building of the Buyano family, although the employees of the company were still methodically doing the work in their hands, it was not difficult to see that they were not at ease. In the past few days, the rumors outside made the employees feel uneasy.
They were afraid that if something really happened to the company, they would have to go home and suffer.
“Hello, may I know who you are looking for?” When Chen Meng’er, Fatty, and Ah Biao appeared in the capital building’s lobby, the lady at the front desk stopped them dutifully.
“I’m looking for the person-in-charge here.” Before Chen Meng’er could speak, Fatty spoke.
“May I know if you have an appointment?” The receptionist asked with a good attitude.
“No.” This time, it was Chen Meng’er who spoke.
“Sorry, if you don’t have an appointment, you can’t.” Before the receptionist could finish her sentence, Ah Biao interrupted her.
“Alright, don’t talk to me about making an appointment or not. Tell your supervisor that if you don’t want to change the owner of this place, then come and talk to us.” As he said that, Ah Biao directly put the box in his hand on the desk, he let the receptionist put it on the table. Then he opened the suitcase, revealing the neatly stacked pounds inside.
When the people in the lobby saw clearly what was inside the box, they couldn’t help but gasp. It was actually full of money.
Chen Meng’er had to admit that after she was reborn, her heart was more and more like a tycoon’s. She liked the feeling of the money piling up in front of her. Cheques just did not cut it. She wanted real money.
However, the amount of money that was neatly stacked inside the box had made Ah Biao spend a lot of effort to carry it over. It still played a certain role. At the very least, the lady at the front desk let them through. Ah Biao did not have the time to stop Chen Meng’er and the others. He allowed Chen Meng’er and the other two to smoothly pass through the front desk.
When they sat on the elevator, Fatty could not help but ask the questions that he had been holding back the entire journey, “Little Miss, why don’t you go and look for Yuwen Jing directly? He’s the head of the Buyano family now. Wouldn’t it be more convenient to look for him as the head of the family?”
“It’s also because he’s the head of the Buyano family that we can’t look for him directly. We’re foreigners who have just invested. Moreover, Uncle Fatty, don’t forget that we’re currently purchasing the individual shares of the Buyano family on a large scale. Although those individual shares seem to be quite small, when pieced together, this amount isn’t small. Perhaps, in the end, we’ll all be able to speak on behalf of the shareholders of the Buyano group. If we directly look for Yuwen, at that time, those old fellows of the Buyano family will say such nasty words. I want those old fellows of the Buyano family to bow down to me.” Chen Meng’er smiled like a cunning little fox.
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