Novel Name : Re:Zero Kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu

Volume 4 - Chapter 71.3

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Chapter 71.3
[Daphne: I don’t really think anything~? What if this and this~, then maybe that and that~, my tummy won’t be filled even if I think about it~ . Haa, but if it’s a split about whether I’ll eat meat tonight or fish tonight~, then maybe it won’t be so silly to think about~]
[Echidona: In your case, Daphne, there’s nothing to complain about in terms of comprehension…… looks like it’s just a matter of capturing your interest . That’s also to be expected, I guess]
Out of all the Witches, Daphne’s temperament could be considered mild .
The problem was that her very existence was a calamity to other living things, and, regardless of temperament, this vicious constitution made her hopelessly unsuited for coexistence with others .
[Sekhmet: So in the end . Haa . Even if we speculate about Parallel Worlds, huu . It’s completely useless, haa… isn’t it… huu]
The one inserting this unprogressive comment into the conversation was the Witch of Sloth, still entirely slumped over the table . Blanketed in her own long hair, she looked at the onlooking Echidona, and then at the onsmelling Daphne .
[Sekhmet: Even if you accept this school of thought and the existence of these branching worlds, haa . There’s no way to really know or experience it for yourself, huu . So then, they’ll only be bubbles of unreachable possibilities, haa . Ones that’ll pop and vanish the moment you touch them, huu]
[Echidona: Indeed, from a realistic perspective, it is as you say . Even if we are aware of the existence of Parallel Worlds, they could not be observed . Parallel, is truly an apt description . Two lines, never to meet―― Parallel Worlds would mean different worlds extending in parallel]
[Minerva: ―― “But, that’s not the case for the Second Trial”, right?]
As Echidona summarized Sekhmet’s argument, her conclusion was finished off by Minerva’s thorny interruption . Minerva’s lovely face was dyed red with fury,
[Minerva: If Echidona’s going out of her way to talk about it, it must be heading somewhere mean . Right? Caught you out, didn’t I . Must feel like I jabbed you where it hurts, doesn’t it . If you don’t want to be found out, then don’t do something that you’d want to hide]
[Echidona: I didn’t even say it, and you’re already mad at me . I’d feel troubled too, you know…… But well, it’s true that I can’t deny it . After all, that’s how the Second Trial was supposed to work]
Watching Minerva punch a dent into the table, Echidona lightly reached out, as a book with black binding appeared in her hand .
This was Echidona’s book of forbidden knowledge which held the world’s Past, Present, and Future―― the “Memories of the World” .
If the Incarnation of the Thirst for Knowledge, Echidona, ever felt like it, she could access any information, knowledge, or history within this world . But, out of personal preference, she seemed to feel an aversion to using the power of this forbidden tome .
[Echidona: The Second Trial reads into the challenger’s heart, and finds every crossroad he had passed―― one could also call it “Regret” . The Memories of the World recreates the different choices he might have made, as “Presents that were not to be” . In its very nature, compared to the First Trial of facing one’s past, and the Third Trial of overcoming one’s future, the Second Trial is somewhat easier to pass]
[Minerva: Easier to pass, what do you mean?]
[Echidona: It’s a question of whether one could see the world as Daphne does . As Sekhmet said, so-called Parallel Worlds would ultimately remain separated, untouchable lines never to meet . Regardless of regret, or longing, they could never be reached]
[Minerva: And here your Trial is shoving those lines right in people’s faces!]
Seeing Minerva turn up the ends of her eyes in annoyance, Echidona lightly shrugged .
She brushed her hand through her own white hair, and said, as if to calm the now standing Minerva,
[Echidona: To the common person, the Second Trial is indeed easier to pass . Compared to having to overcome a past that actually happened, the Second Trial merely touches on “Possibilities of what could be” . It is each person’s freedom to accept or deny it…… and all one has to do is to accept the present, actual world]
[Minerva: The actual, world……]
[Echidona: And we are back to the question of perspective . Sekhmet, Daphne, or even you could easily find the solution . ――If you could do that, then you would pass the Trial]
Listening to Echidona’s explanation, Minerva gave a begrudgingly nod .
Indeed, if it was as Echidona said, then the Trial isn’t as harsh as she thought .
For all the Witches present――or even just for anyone with a clear sense of self identity, it should be easy to pass that Trial .
[Daphne: If so~, then why~, is Subarun having such a hard time with it~? Subarun doesn’t look like a child with no sense of identity~]
[Echidona: ――In his case… hm]
Recalling Subaru in her memories, for some reason, Daphne started making a chewing motion with her mouth . Overlooking this behavior, Echidona closed her eyes to ponder on her words,
[Echidona: The Second Trial is an observation of Parallel Worlds . In a sense, it is an act of witnessing the implications of one’s regrets . Like I said, it is easy to accept or deny it . ――In fact, one would only have to rationalize it by noting that reality never progressed this way]
“But”, Echidona continued,
[Echidona: Only in his case, this wouldn’t apply . It was even a surprise to me that the Second Trial hit him this hard . ――Truly, unexpected]
[Daphne: Sniff~ sniff~…… I could smell you grinning with joy, Dona-Dona~]
[Minerva: She gets happy whenever she sees something she couldn’t predict, I bet . Nasty pervert…… just hopeless]
[Echidona: Birds of a feather . Since you are all my friends, you aren’t exempt from that, either]
Daphne chuckled while Minerva puffed with rage, and, if one listened carefully, one could hear snoring coming from Sekhmet’s general direction . Taking each of these Witches’ reactions into her eyes, Echidona rocked in her chair, when,
[??????: Dona~, Typhon’s hungry too~]
Running up from the meadow with little steps was a little girl . As if to leap onto the table on the hill, she called out to Echidona .
With green hair and auburn skin, and her white teeth beaming in her smile, it was the Witch of Pride, Typhon .
Seeing the girl who had avoided getting involved in the tricky conversation and had instead passed her time playing in the meadow, Echidona smiled back,
[Echidona: Sorry for boring you . Now for Typhon’s tea…… should I make it extra sweet? And do you want your regular treats?]
[Typhon: Anything’s good~ . Running around a lot took up all my strength, I want drink and eat and rest now~]
Saying this with incredible energy, Typhon pulled out an empty chair next to Sekhmet and hopped onto it . Then, with one hand playing with Sekhmet’s long hair, she used the other to stuff her face with treats Echidona had made appear with a snap of her fingers, spraying crumbs all over the table .
This scene might just bring out a smile onto the face of someone who was ignorant of Typhon’s nature .
[Echidona: You must be tired too, from looking after Typhon?]
[???????: Th…… that’s not, true……though? T-Typhon’s a good girl, and, her powers…… also, wouldn’t, work… on, me, you know? S-so, it’s fine . I’m, doing just fine]
Looking up at Echidona from her side, the one who arrived at the tea party one step behind Typhon gave this stuttering reply with a weak smile rising on her face .
With her pink hair reaching down to her waists, the girl gave off a shockingly ephemeral vibe . Though there was nothing outstanding about her features, for some reason, she just naturally attracted one’s gaze .
More than anything, like a small animal, the impressions of her expressions and bearing tugged powerfully on one’s heartstrings .
[Echidona: Take a seat, Camilla . ――I’ve called you here for a reason]
[Camilla: I-is, something……st, starting? It, wo……won’t be scary?]
[Echidona: It won’t scare you or hurt you . ――I just, need your help to get the pieces moving]
Sitting down next to her, Camilla―― the Witch of Lust, timidly looked back at Echidona . Echidona gave her a smile, and lithely flung out her arms,
[Echidona: ――With your love, I wish to rescue a poor lost lamb]
Echidona said in the trembling voice of a Witch, and offered her her outstretched arms――
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