Novel Name : Re:Zero Kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu

Volume 4 - Chapter 103.1

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Chapter 103.1
RC 4THE EVERLASTING COVENANTChapter 103 [The Beginning of The Sanctuary, And The Beginning Of The Collapse]

[Theta: The memories are fragmentary, but I did my best to sort out the chronology . I think… that would be more or less how it happened……]
[Subaru: …………]
Subaru met Theta’s uncertain words with silence .
For he could only choose silence . The information-load was far too heavy, and he needed to organize it before he could come up with anything to say .
The founding of the Sanctuary, and the era in which the girl named Lewes Meyer still lived―― would have been 400 years ago, when beings called “Witches” roamed free:
And when the “Witch of Greed”, Echidona, still walked this earth .
[Subaru: Honestly, I can’t imagine a time when Echidona was just wandering around the place like a normal person]
[Theta: The Witch-sama’s presence must feel distant to you, Su-bo, because you have never lived through that era . But actually, even for me, I can’t say I truly knew her despite feeling like I’ve spent all that time around her]
[Subaru: Well, if I can talk about stories I’ve just heard like I’ve actually lived through them, that’d be the first sign I’m going senile, you know . But anyway…… did Echidona visit the Sanctuary often?]
[Theta: Those aren’t my real memories, but, judging from the scenes I witnessed and the conversations we had, her visits must’ve been rather frequent]
Unlike Theta, who had seen those memories, all of it still lacked a sense of reality for Subaru who was merely hearing about them second-hand .
And if there was one thing in Theta’s story that was bothering him, it would be――
[Subaru: Beatrice and Roswaal… were in the Sanctuary 400 years ago……?]
[Theta: Beatrice-sama, as I said, was like Echidona-sama’s daughter . And as for Ros-bo, the Ros-bo in my story was the founder of the House of Mathers…… the first-generation Roswaal who had set the rise of the House of Mathers in motion . The name Roswaal was just inherited down the line]
[Subaru: ……Was he close with Beako?]
[Theta: From what I could tell, he had a charming relationship with her]
While listening to Theta’s account, Subaru’s thoughts turned to Beatrice .
Perhaps that girl hadn’t changed a bit in all of four hundred years, and had always been curt and dishonest with her feelings . Even now, four hundred years later, that attitude remained the same .
Never allowing anyone to peek into her world, she continued to hide everything inside that little body of hers .
Thinking of that girl lingering alone in the Forbidden Library, a keen pain sliced across Subaru’s chest .
Pressing a hand to his breast to hold back that pain, Subaru shook his head .
[Subaru: I’m surprised Echidona would bring Beatrice along with her . Judging from our conversations, I didn’t think she felt any kind of maternal love for Beatrice]
[Theta: I’ve never had a chance to meet the Witch-sama myself . But from what I’ve seen of Lewes Meyer’s memories, I feel that there’s a sense of humanity to the great Witch-sama]
[Subaru: Somehow, I kinda agree with you there]
It was indeed quite different from Subaru’s impression of Echidona . Yet, four hundred years and life and death stood between then and now .
Maybe it wouldn’t be too strange if her perspective on life had changed during her time in that Citadel of Dreams .
[Subaru: I thought our break up was pretty final… but I’m still placing my hopes in her, huh……]
Once again, he was reminded of his own hopelessness .
This was different from Rem and Ram . Echidona understood Subaru’s feelings and hopes and knowingly trampled over them all the same . There can be no future in which he’d take her hand now .
[Subaru: Anyway, your stories so far have just been charming reminiscences of the past . That doesn’t sound like the kind of terrible secret you’d go out of your way to hide from everyone]
[Theta: ――――]
[Subaru: So, please tell me what came next . What on earth happened in that seemingly idyllic Sanctuary?]
Subaru lowered his voice, asking, as Theta brought her already-cold tea to her lips .
She mumbled [Tastes terrible……] under her breath, and,
[Theta: What happened, is it……?]
[Subaru: ――――]
[Theta: What happened was collapse and ruin . And then, I learned the true reason the Sanctuary was created]
[Subaru: The true… reason……?]
Subaru unwitting swallowed his breath at those words, while Theta merely nodded .
And, as if once again opening the lid on her memories, she narrowed her eyes .
[Theta: Both the great Witch-sama and the first Roswaal were inside the Sanctuary at the time . Something ominous and strange was approaching, and not just myself, but everyone inside the Sanctuary had sensed this]
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――The air hung taut and heavy, giving Lewes the illusion that her throat was parched .
[Roswaal: We have to get out of this place, now . The preparations aren’t ready . ――If that thing finds the Sanctuary’s location, all our plans will be for naught]
[Echidona: ――――]
[Roswaal: Sensei! We’re wasting valuable time here! That thing…… that thing’ll be here any moment!]
Anxiously slamming his hand on the table in the little cabin, the slender-faced youth shouted .
An urgent apprehension was carved into that usually temperate and graceful youth’s expression .
Hearing his plea, the Witch Echidona quietly closed her eyes and folded her arms . Faced with her silence, the youth lunged forward, waving his arms to reiterate his petition .
[Roswaal: There’s no time to hesitate! That thing’s power is overwhelming! I’m still not strong enough to protect you, Sensei……! If you ask me to be your shield, I will gladly be your shield . But when we have no means of fighting against that thing, even if I defend you with my life, it’d be completely futile……]
[Echidona: There is a way . ――To a certain extent, I had prepared for this]
Cutting off the youth―― Roswaal’s words, Echidona opened her eyes, staring at the grains of the wooden tabletop .
Hearing this, [Gh……] Roswaal spilled an astounded sigh while Echidona quietly shook her head .
[Echidona: Judging by my repeated inspections of the Sanctuary, I believe the conditions are in place for the Barrier to hold with a high probability of success]
[Roswaal: Th, then……!]
[Echidona: ――But we’re missing the Nexus to activate the Barrier]
[Roswaal: ――――]
For a moment, a flash of hope brightened Roswaal’s expression before it was extinguished by Echidona’s pained voice once more .
[Echidona: The Barrier cannot activate without the Nexus . And without the Barrier, we cannot repel that thing from this place . If we can’t secure a safe haven, we’ll be annihilated as soon as we are found]
[Roswaal: We spent all this time preparing the Sanctuary…… we’ve come so far, and yet…… with just one step away!]
Overwhelmed with vexation, Roswaal slammed his fist on the table .
The legs of the old table creaked as blood seeped from Roswaal’s hand .
Silence descended on the small cabin .
Time slowed to a standstill as a viscous, heavy atmosphere permeated the room .
And it was there, that a girl timidly raised her hand .
[Lewes: Um, would I be any good…… as the Barrier’s Nexus?]
[Echidona: ――――]
[Lewes: I heard before that this is possible . That I meet the conditions for your Barrier, Echidona-sama . ……And that was why you’ve been paying special attention to me]
[Echidona: ――Did Beatrice tell you this?]
[Lewes: Yes]
Lewes Meyer nodded in quiet determination with her long, pink hair flowing .
The girl’s face was tense with resolve as she stared straight at the expressionless Echidona .
[Lewes: Beatrice-sama said that you’ve already confirmed that I’m a perfect match . All the mana extraction over these past few months were precisely for this purpose, weren’t they?]
After a brief silence, Echidona drew in her chin and nodded to Lewes’ question .
[Echidona: Indeed, you are very suitable for the Barrier’s construction . It’d be possible to maintain the Barrier if we keep you inside the Sanctuary . That much is well established . With just a little more time to adapt the Sanctuary’s lands to your mana, it would’ve been possible]
[Lewes: In other words, it isn’t possible now?]
[Roswaal: It’s not just a simple Barrier . This Barrier has to be indestructible . We need to proceed with the utmost caution and discretion . Years of effort have gone into gathering half-bloods inside the Sanctuary to provide the conditions for the Barrier . And you… were the decisive lynchpin of this plan . But……]
Trailing off there, Roswaal ruefully gritted his teeth .
Though Lewes didn’t know the details, she could tell that even this ingenious duo of Echidona and Roswaal were helpless in the face of such obstacles .
Is there really nothing they can do?
――There has to be something: that was what Lewes’ brief life-experience told her .
[Lewes: Isn’t there something more drastic we can try?]
[Echidona: ――――]
[Lewes: ……You saved me, Echidona-sama and Roswaal-sama . Coming to this land, I was given a life where I wouldn’t have to be afraid of being persecuted or shunned, and I was happy . If I could do anything to repay you for the time I was given, I’m certain that’s my life’s purpose]
Little by little, she spilled the contents of her heart .
Watching Lewes squeeze her little white hands even whiter as she spoke, Echidona’s black irises froze, losing all of their warmth . Instead, it was Roswaal, standing beside her, who found himself beset by a torrent of complex emotions .
[Roswaal: S-Sensei……]
It wasn’t a call asking Echidona for her decision . Rather, it was a call filled with a slightly different nuance .
Whatever it may have been, it was like the pulling of a trigger:
[Echidona: ――If we crystallize your Od and make it the Nexus of the Sanctuary, we can drastically shorten the process for the land to adapt to your mana . And the Barrier will be complete]
[Lewes: If we do this, will the Sanctuary be saved?]
[Echidona: It’ll give us a chance to survive the violence of the impending threat . If that could buy us some time, I should be able to devise some countermeasures]
[Lewes: ――――]
Echidona did not give a consolatory answer . She neither made any wishful predictions, nor offered any words of comfort .
But if Echidona judged that it can be, then it certainly can be done .
In other words, by offering her life here, she would be able to protect this place . By sacrificing herself as the repayment of her debt, they will certainly succeed .
[Lewes: ……When do we start?]
[Echidona: ――I’d like to start preparing immediately, if possible . I will ready the anchor for the crystallization process and assemble the spell . As for delaying the approaching threat……]
[Roswaal: Leave that to me . I will do everything in my power to stall it . ……And, Lewes-kun]
Roswaal lifted his face, lined with tragic resolve . Not a hint of weakness or hesitation remained on his expression . He merely stared into Lewes’ determined eyes, and,
[Roswaal: I’m sorry . Please help Sensei and do what I cannot do for her]
[Lewes: Don’t be, Roswaal-sama, you’ve already given me a life of irreplaceable happiness . For that, I have only gratitude, so how can I resent you?]
Holding her hand to her chest, Lewes shook her head .
Roswaal drew in a small breath, and, sighing, he looked to Echidona .
[Roswaal: I’ll be off . Please make the preparations…… and call Beatrice here, Sensei]
[Echidona: ……Maybe it’d be better if Beatrice doesn’t know about this?]
[Roswaal: If we don’t call her here now, she will resent us for the rest of her life, Sensei . ……Although, she probably still will even if we do call her]
[Echidona: Is that right . ……I see . I’ll call her in a moment]
Seeing Echidona’s nod, Roswaal headed out of the cabin . On the way, he placed his hand on Lewes’ shoulder and gave a single, firm squeeze .
The dull pain from his grip conveyed all of Roswaal regrets and reluctance . And, sensing this, Lewes shut her eyes .
[Lewes: ……Beatrice-sama]
She softly whispered .
As the thought of that girl who wasn’t here tenderly tormented Lewes’ heart .
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