Novel Name : Re:Zero Kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu

Volume 5 - Chapter 41

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Chapter 41

[Anastasia: You sure came back early?]
As they returned to the City Hall, Anastasia greeted them with a somewhat strained smile .
Having left the building full of bravado only to return like this, honestly, Anastasia’s was about the last face Subaru wanted to see .
But this was no time to be concerned with such feelings .
[Subaru: Yeah, I’m back . But I’ll head out again as soon as I’m done here . There’s just something I have to try in the City Hall first]
[Anastasia: Did you come up with somethin’ again? I got a bad feelin’ about this]
[Subaru: Well…… the first shelter was a horrible sight, I mentioned that in the communication mirror already . And I think the influence of Wrath must have affected other shelters as well]
[Anastasia: So they’ve succumbed to the emotional resonance… It’s not like I don’t feel it myself . If I let my mood drop, it feels like it’ll just keep on droppin’ forever . ……But I guess it works a little differently on everybody]
Subaru nodded at Anastasia’s analysis .
In fact, Subaru had also noticed this on the street . The effectiveness of Sirius’ Authority can vary drastically between people .
Perhaps simply being aware of the Authority’s existence could help alleviate its effects: The fact that Subaru was able to calm Garfiel and Al this way precisely proved this .
[Al: I dunno how the shelter got like that, but I can’t help but worry ‘bout the same thing happenin’ to our main guys bunched up here . I’d really rather I didn’t come back here only to get caught up in another blood sacrifice or somethin’]
[Anastasia: Well, you had no need to worry about that . Luckily, we only have intelligent, rational people here . Though I can’t say the same about the guy who’s always screwin’ up the atmosphere]
Al, who came back with Subaru, said this while looking around the first floor of the City Hall . Hearing this, Anastasia snorted, putting a stop to Al’s smart-assery with a gibe .
Seeing Al reply with a silent shrug, Anastasia turned back to Subaru .
[Anastasia: So, what’re you plannin’ to do? You came back ‘cause you had an idea, right?]
[Subaru: Aah, right . ……By the way, where’s Julius? He isn’t with you?]
[Anastasia: I don’t like bein’ bombarded with question after question, you know…… Julius’ been actin’ a little strange . I think part of it’s because we haven’t found Joshua yet, but I’ve a feelin’ that’s not all of it]
[Subaru: Acting strange…… Now that you mention it, he was a little strange, wasn’t he?]
Waking up after the failed attack on the City Hall, Subaru did notice that Julius was less articulate than usual . He seemed to be making judgements and suggestions that he would never have made in normal circumstances, and there was a visible lack of confidence about him .
He was a man with a strong sense of duty . Subaru had thought that it was because of regret for letting Wrath escape, but perhaps it was more than that .
[Garfiel: Capt’n . It’s a bad habit t’be concernin’ yerself with every problem out there . I know you’re worried ‘bout Julius, but that ain’t somethin’ we can fix right now]
[Subaru: Ah, yeah, you’re right . Well, I’m sure that guy’ll do just fine on his own without anyone worrying about him . Compared to that, we got our own things to deal with . Anastasia-san . The broadcaster on the top floor is still in working condition, right? It’s not like it’s broken, or we lost the manual or something…]
Brought back by Garfiel’s reminder, Subaru asked this question . On the receiving end, Anastasia blinked her round eyes a few times before answering,
[Anastasia: It’s not broken, and I’ve worked with similar devices before so that’s fine…… but what do you plan to do with it?]
Seeing the surprise in Anastasia’s eyes, Subaru scratched his cheek .
Even though he’d expect her to oppose it, it was the only plan he could think of . In terms of minimizing casualties, it would also be the most effective measure .
[Subaru: As I said in the communication mirror, the area is currently under the influence of Wrath’s Authority . The shelter we visited…… . became washed in blood because some small irritation was allowed to fester . The slightest negative emotion could spiral into the extremest disaster . It’s scary]
[Anastasia: Yes . My thoughts exactly . The more people there are, the harder it is to control and the more rapidly panic spreads . That said, with the refuge shelters…… or even without the shelters, people will tend to huddle together . Right?]
Subaru quietly nodded to Anastasia’s question .
What’s so frightening about Sirius’ Authority is that the more people are together, the more powerful its influence becomes . And when people heard the Witch Cult’s threats over the broadcasts, that started an inescapable trend of panic: A truly sickening way of exploiting people’s helplessness .
It was unclear whether the Witch Cult was hoping for their cooperation, but the fact is that it created a vicious cycle that was threatening those people’s lives this very moment .
[Anastasia: Do you mean to say… you’ve thought of a way to counter it?]
[Subaru: It’s only a “Maybe this could work” kinda thing . I do think it’s worth trying . It’s just……]
Subaru’s words abruptly trailed off in front of Anastasia’s expectant gaze .
Seeing this, Anastasia narrowed her eyes as if to peer into Subaru’s innermost thoughts, while Subaru exhaled a deep breath,
[Subaru: Once we start doing it, everything will be heard by the Witch Cult, word for word . So there’s the possibility that we could run into other dangers if we provoke those guys]
[Anastasia: And in exchange, there’s a good chance that we can reduce the existing threat]
[Subaru: Yeah, that’s right . Now that we’ve retaken the City Hall, and with Sirius’ Authority being the only one affecting the shelters… even though it’s hard to balance the risks, I still think……]
It’s impossible to imagine how the Witch Cult will react if they did something big here . The dangers were equivalent to bringing a burning match into a gunpowder arsenal, as is always the case when dealing with the Witch Cult . What makes it so difficult to assess is that the gunpowder could also blow on its own at any moment whether they bring in the match or not .
[Anastasia: ――I think I know more or less what you’re planning to do now, Natsuki-kun]
[Subaru: Really?]
After briefly sinking into thought, Anastasia let out a long sigh and said . Hearing this, Subaru raised his brows, surprised at her reaction,
[Anastasia: Going by the flow of the conversation, and since you asked about the broadcasting device at the start, I’d be more worried if I still can’t figure it out after that]
[Subaru: W-well, yeah, I guess . So what do you think? You’re against it, aren’t you?]
She’ll probably oppose it, just as he thought beforehand .
And so, Subaru would have no other choice than to clear the giant hurdle of convincing Anastasia――
[Anastasia: Haa, what am I gonna do with you…]
[Subaru: ……Egh, you’re ok with it?]
[Anastasia: Logically speaking, it would be the best course of action . Regardless of how much I like winning, if it means leaving a mountain of corpses behind by the time we eradicate the Witch Cult, there’d be too bad of an aftertaste]
Getting that unexpected answer, for a moment, Subaru stood there stunned .
Meanwhile, Anastasia chewed her lips as if trying to deal with some indigestible emotion inside her, but it was Garfiel who broke the silence .
[Garfiel: Yo, Capt’n and Big’Sis-chan . What’re you guys talkin’ ‘bout doin’ again?]
[Anastasia: Such an unperceptive child… Even my Ricardo could’ve figured it out]
To Garfiel, who was left out of the loop, Anastasia tossed that unsparing remark . Garfiel gritted his fangs as he heard this, but Al patted his shoulder from behind, laughing at Garfield as he turned around,
[Al: Basically, what bro’s thinkin’ is this: Rather than tryin’ to stop the Authority of Wrath from spreadin’ throughout the city, it’d be quicker ‘n easier to try to turn it to our advantage instead]
[Garfiel: Turn it, like what……]
[Subaru: Sirius’ ability causes the sharing of emotions . When people are anxious and afraid, that emotion swells as more people bunch together, until eventually, it gets set off by something small and explodes . So…]
[Anastasia: If you can replace fear and anxiety with another emotion…… paint it over with something like hope, then that’ll be what’s shared instead]
Garfiel’s question was answered by Al, and Subaru, then lastly by Anastasia .
While listening, Garfiel’s eyes grew wider as he leaked a groan of understanding,
[Garfiel: Aaah so that’s it! Then they won’t be killin’ each other . And if things go well, even the ones whose spirits’re broken’ll return to the fight]
[Subaru: When they’re engulfed by the surrounding atmosphere, even seasoned fighters would be unable to stand . If we can release them from that anxiety, I think we won’t have any problem bolstering our forces anymore]
[Garfiel: Ain’t that awesome!? Do it, Capt’n! We got th’arcane device . So th’sooner we start……]
[Anastasia: Wait wait! It’s not all that simple . It’s not like I hadn’t considered it myself…]
Anastasia clapped her hands to stop the over-excited Garfiel .
Seeing this, Garfiel bared his fangs,
[Garfiel: Hah? Why’re we holdin’ off? Y’just said you agreed, didn’t ya? Don’t tell me you’re backin’ out at th’last minute]
[Anastasia: I never said I’m backin’ out . I told you, I’ve thought about this . There’s another problem to this other than just weighin’ the pros and cons]
[Subaru: The pros and cons… the ones we talked about earlier?]
[Anastasia: The pro is the goal of this strategy itself: Eliminating anxiety and despair from the citizens so we don’t have that constant threat at our backs . The con is that whatever we broadcast into the city would naturally also get into the ears of Witch Cult . We have absolutely no idea how they’ll react]
Anastasia raised her hands to both Garfiel and Subaru, and with [However], she continued,
[Anastasia: In terms of disadvantages, I believe they’re almost negligible . The Witch Cult never forbade resistance when they made their demands in the first place . It’s as if they don’t even mind if they’re thwarted or opposed]
[Subaru ……Now that you mention it, even though we attacked the City Hall, they didn’t use that as an excuse to exact any retribution . It’s like what they did to the people in the City Hall was just for their own amusement]
[Anastasia: Amusement? I like that word . It’s a pretty accurate way of describing those guys’ sick inclinations]
Anastasia sighed, while Subaru wanted to gag just at the thought of those Sin Archishops’ faces .
However, they both agreed that there was no extra risk in making the broadcast itself . So then, Anastasia’s concern was――
[Anastasia: While I’ve no objections about the broadcast itself, the problem is…… what’ll it contain, and who’ll be saying it]
[Subaru: What and who……?]
Not understanding what Anastasia was saying, Subaru furrowed his brows .
If she was asking about who should make the broadcast over the city to rouse up the people’s hopes and chase away their anxiety, then――
[Subaru: Well, that’s where Anastasia-san comes in . People recognize you as a Royal Selection Candidate . If something inspiring comes from Anastasia-san’s mouth……]
[Anastasia: This might sound strange coming from me, but I think it’s difficult to expect that kind of effect from my words . As much as I hate to admit it, I’m not up to that task]
[Subaru: ――――]
Anastasia shook her head at Subaru’s intuitive suggestion .
Subaru didn’t understand her meaning . Since, naturally, the whole of Priestella would know about Anastasia’s position as a Royal Selection Candidate .
Her fame certainly far exceeded anyone else present .
[Subaru: Not up to it… why? I mean, Anastasia-san, you’re…]
[Anastasia: If renown is all that matters, then I would indeed be the most suitable . If that’s all it took to change things for the better, then I’d be happy to do it . But that’s not how things are . My renown and beatin’ the Witch Cult are not related at all . Just knowing that “Someone famous is fighting the Witch Cult”―― might do something, or it might not]
[Subaru: But……]
[Anastasia: In that case, it’d be pointless . What’s needed is hope . Hope that could replace all the anxiety in people’s hearts with a single stroke]
Subaru had no words to reply to Anastasia’s statement .
Honestly, he wanted to chide her for her faintheartedness and refute what she was saying . However, it wasn’t anyone else, but Anastasia herself who seemed to rue the pitifulness of that statement the most .
Anastasia could not have said those words without thinking . Quite the opposite .
It was precisely because she had thought it over thoroughly that she had judged herself unworthy of that role .
[Anastasia: I may be able to trick and beguile people with magnificent words . And I’m sure that out of every ten, five would be deceived . But it’d be only a frail, desperate straw that would give way at the slightest whiff of wind, and all it would accomplish is create a momentary change in feeling]
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