Novel Name : Re:Zero Kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu

Volume 5 - Chapter 45

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Chapter 45
ARC 5THE HISTORY-ENGRAVING STARSChapter 45[An Inescapable Curse]

Subaru shuddered as heard Wilhelm speak the name of a Witch he had never heard of before .
The only ‘Witches’ he knew besides Satella had been the six Witches of Sin he met in Echidna’s tomb .
That ‘Witches’ other than those somehow existed was devastating news .
[Subaru: Then, Wilhelm-san, if that Sphinx witch is involved with this raid by the Witch Cult…… Are you saying, other than the Archbishops there’s another Witch too?]
If so, the main enemies numbered four Archbishops and two warriors . Adding to that a Witch joined to their forces made the already difficult power cost for the task become a desperate matter .
At Subaru’s concerns, Wilhelm, while raising his hand,
[Wilhelm: Pardon me, my wording was unclear . The existence of the Witch known as ‘Sphinx’ perished in the Demihuman War . That one could not have been involved in this raid . ]
[Subaru: The witch’s dead? Is there no mistake? Pretending to be dead, and even after really dying having lots of freedom is the impression I have of witches . ]
Satella was like that . Whenever Subaru violated the taboo it would draw her out, and in the Citadel of Dreams enjoying her afterlife, Echidna was the same .
Even hearing they were dead guaranteed nothing at all, that was a Witch .
[Wilhelm: What impression Subaru-dono has of witches I am unaware . But Sphinx is only named a witch, it is merely an existence which was called that . The fact is, the forces of the Kingdom referred to it as such, but the concerned party never called itself the same . ]
[Subaru: Calling them a concerned party… Did Wilhelm-san ever meet them directly?]
[Wilhelm: There were many times during the civil war . For the end of the Demihuman War, the deciding moment may even have been the beheading of the Sphinx . Roswaal, Bordeaux, and his wife were leading figures of that time . ]
[Subaru: Roswaal!?]
An unexpected name popping up caused Subaru to open his eyes wide .
At that reaction from Subaru, Wilhelm slightly lowered his head for a moment and became immersed in thought .
[Wilhelm: Between the Sage and Lord Roswaal, a relationship existed . It was not that we were friendly at the time……I was the one in their care . ]
[Subaru: Someone called a Sage……Ah, it must be like . A hereditary title just like Roswaal’s name . ]
[Wilhelm: Unfortunately the Sage passed away at a young age . After that, the Lord Mathers is still so estranged such that he has only acquaintances . No, saying that much was unnecessary . ]
He was now lending an ear to tales of surprising relationships, but the original topic was definitely not about that .
Subaru nodded his head, and then Wilhelm with “And so” continued his tale .
[Wilhelm: Not the Sphinx, but somehow a being using a spell that acts similarly, is my thought . The method of controlling the dead was at the time called cases of ‘Corpse Soldiers’ . ]
[Subaru: Corpse Soldiers……That… Does it have anything like weaknesses?]
[Wilhelm: From what I know, the Corpse Soldier is limited to a technique for moving the body . It is not such that it can bring back abilities possessed in life . It merely shames the dead while keeping the appearance, and actually reflects the skills of the culprit instead . ]
[Subaru: But, the ‘Eight Arms’ and…… That . ]
He was at a loss for words .
The one turned into a Corpse Soldier whose very death was being profaned was Wilhelm’s wife . Nevertheless, at Wilhelm who had accepted it Subaru was speaking of it like he was hesitating .
Wilhelm made a bitter face at Subaru’s reluctance .
[Wilhelm: I thank you for your concern . But, it is necessary . ――Mh, my wife and Kurgan’s skills are close to how they were in life . It simply exceeds the power Corpse Soldier can pull out . ]
[Subaru: Then, isn’t possible that this is something other than Corpse Soldier? If so, then your wife might not even have died……]
[Wilhelm: My wife is dead . Because my strength was lacking . ]
The side hanging onto a fragile hope here was Subaru .
That Subaru’s feelings Wilhelm’s clear voice cut down with a single stroke .
And the words Subaru could say to that elder swordsman’s profile were none at all .
[Wilhelm: Even at the time, that which could not simply be judged as merely a Corpse Soldier did very rarely exist . Whether it was due to aptitude in the procedure, or if rather another factor I do not know, but……We have to consider the strength of those two as such . ]
[Subaru: Do you have a way to take them down?]
[Wilhelm: Thoroughly destroying the body, or cutting away too the curse mark somewhere on the body . Then the Corpse Soldier will return to a simple corpse . It must be done this way . ]
The deeply thinking Wilhelm’s voice could not easily be heard .
Searching for what he should do, coming to conclusions with effort he was searching for it . ――His trembling voice, his clenched fist, his scrunched eyes, he was hiding nothing .
[Wilhelm: I apologize for holding you this long . Crusch-sama cannot be made to wait any longer . Now, this way . ]
Wilhelm bent his back and indicated the door at the room they had come up to . On the innermost part of the 4th floor, with a crumbled plate labeling it as a lounge was the room .
Inside, Crusch who had called Subaru was waiting .
Passing Wilhelm’s side, Subaru with the sound of footsteps headed for the door .
Definitely, the distance to the door felt awfully long . The soles of his shoes stuck to the floor and interfered with Subaru’s progress, that was the impression he got .
That it was his defeated self’s weakness, Subaru was clearly aware of it .
[Subaru: ――It’s me . Natsuki Subaru . Is… Crusch-san?]
He knocked on the door, and with a voice so quiet he wondered if it reached the other called out . Like that, after a moment’s brief silence, the other side slowly opened the door .
The face that appeared was Ferris’ . But, his appearance had changed entirely .
[Ferris: Subaru-kyun…… . ]
Red eyes puffed up from crying and disheveled brown hair . Covering his body was, not his, but someone else’s blood staining black, and with his white skin splattered he must not have had time to clean . His cheek and neck was also smeared with fresh blood .
At that miserable appearance, his breath inadvertently caught in his throat .
[Subaru: Crusch-san called me, I heard . So . ]
[Ferris: Yeah . Inside, she’s on the bed…… . Definitely don’t do anything unnecessary please . ]
A firm voice, with some hatred near the end .
However, that hate was not directed at Subaru . It could be said to be directed at everything . Hating everyone in this world, rage with nowhere to go was now controlling Ferris .
Taking a deep breath, Subaru followed Ferris inside .
Even calling it a lounge, it was not a very spacious room . Long tables and chairs were arranged in two rows, and further back, the small room was divided by a threshold . The bed was past it .
And, on that shabby bed lay her .
[Crusch: Na, tski-sama?]
The conscious Crusch recognized Subaru had entered and called him by name .
Reacting to that girl’s voice, Subaru’s neck grew rigid . Readying himself, feigning calm, calling out assuring words . ――To be unable to even do something so simple . .
[Crusch: My appearance is not presentable… My apologies… . . ]
[Subaru: … . . No, that’s not, like that…… It’s . Not like that . ]
Seeing the frozen appearance of Subaru, Crusch apologized in a lethargic voice . At that girl’s sorrowful attitude, the shaken Subaru spoke with vague words .
――Having been drenched in Capella’s blood and clothed in its curse, Crusch was in a wretched state .
Her neck, the back of her hands and feet, over all skin that could be seen dark-blackened veins shone . It was not difficult to imagine that under the towels and blankets and clothes the skin there would be afflicted with the same . These black blood vessels that pulsed instead of circulating blood, as if a writhing serpent seemed to be strangling the thin Crusch’s body instead .
That formerly white, unblemished skin of hers was now being violated horribly .
Of course, the damage was not limited to below the neck .
The gallant Crush’s clever visage, reminiscent of a long drawn sword――Its left had received disfiguring stains . Compared to that, the right side of her face retained her beauty . That rather emphasized the contrast between the two sides, and made the unfairness of a noble person being defiled more apparent .
As if covering the left eye, a patch was hung there, and the sight underneath it was difficult to imagine .
[Subaru: This is… . . The same curse of dragon’s blood as on me?]
If it was just the same, then that much was not cruel at all .
Knowing Crusch Karsten, Subaru’s worry did not end at that .
He looked down at his own right leg . Like Crusch’s skin, it also was mottled and wrapped with blackened veins . However, Subaru’s leg, terrible sight notwithstanding, was otherwise unaffected . Neither pain nor feelings of soreness were felt by him at all .
But Crusch was definitely different . Her breathing was labored, and whenever the dark veins pulsed, she sighed as if resisting pain .
[Subaru: Ferris……]
How is it not cured, he turned to gaze at the greatest healer in the kingdom . However, that Subaru’s brief thought only served to hurt Ferris, who was gritting his teeth helplessly, even more .
Biting down on his lips, stabbing his own arms with his nails while bowing his head was Ferris . Ferris understood his lack of power and was dismayed by it more than anyone else there .
Knowing the relationship between the two, Subaru had no reason to doubt all possible methods beyond his imagination had been exhausted already .
[Subaru: Crusch-san……To me…What is it?]
Why, in such a painful situation had she called out for him?
That there was something he could do, he didn’t think so . Maybe there was something she wanted to say . To ask for revenge on the ‘Lust’ that had made her this way . Perhaps even some resentful words would be directed towards Subaru .
Even if fed insults, even if curses are poured on, he’ll accept it all .
At Subaru’s question, Crusch opened her mouth as if it pained her to do so .
Lending those lips his whole body, not missing the feeble sigh she gave, he focused and listened .
[Crusch: ……Un…Unharmed…I’m relieved . ]
[Subaru: ――――]
[Crusch: The same……As me…Were cursed too… . . I heard……]
Subaru felt a burden lift from her in the softness of her relieved sigh .
At the same time, he understood the true feelings in his heart, and he grew so angry at his own stupidity he wanted to die .
He had been thinking it would be easier to be criticized .
So he had doubted Crusch’s integrity, and cut down in his view her noble heart . And she had just been truly worried, that Subaru had been afflicted with the same pain as herself .
[Subaru: Sor……I’m sorry…Crusch-san……]
Having suspected her feelings, the result of things having been her suffering, being unable to suffer instead on her behalf, in a voice mixed with all those feelings he squeezed out .
Without realizing what he was doing, he stretched out his hand and grasped the hands Crusch had weakly laid over her stomach . The black blood vessels had no special texture even if touched . That the feel of skin with this ruined of an appearance did not change was even more pitiful . But,
[Crusch: Fu, u… . . ?]
[Subaru: Gu!?]
The suddenly falling sound of Crusch’s sigh, and at the same time a pained noise from Subaru’s throat overlapped .
Agony as if he had grasped a hot iron stabbed into him from his palm . In an instant, Subaru released Crusch’s hand and stared at the palm the sensation had come from .
That blackened erosion was spreading over it .
[Subaru: Wh-, at……!?]
[Ferris: Show me, Subaru-kyun!]
Grasping the groaning and hurt Subaru’s hand, Ferris inspected the erosion . The light of healing blanketed the spot, but there was no sign of either the pain or the affliction fading away . Instead――
[Subaru: Ferris……Crusch-san’s hand!]
[Ferris: Eh……?]
The wide-eyed Subaru’s gaze pulled Ferris to where he was looking . And those yellow eyes, seeing the same thing as Subaru now widened too .
Subaru had grasped Crusch’s left hand――On that hand, though slightly, the blackened erosion had thinned .
That change, and looking down at his right hand, what was passing through Subaru’s mind was .
[Subaru: No way, it moved from Crusch’s body to mine……Is that it?]
It could only be thought of like that . The touched hand and the change on his own was directly a plus and a minus . That the lightened curse had traveled to Subaru’s body from Crusch, there was no reason to doubt .
[Ferris: Bu, but, I haven’t changed at all? I examined Crusch-sama’s body, I touched her many many times since…… Me, for me……]
At Subaru’s hypothesis, Ferris shook his head .
That was not joy at a possibility for healing being found, but rather an appearance of suspecting that the hypothesis was false . No, his own feelings were definitely different .
[Ferris: I can’t make Crusch-sama feel better……]
[Subaru: Then let’s try it one more time . ]
Pushing aside the taken-aback Ferris, Subaru once again stood before Crusch . Crusch, with a face that was unaware of what had occurred yet was directing glistening eyes at the approaching Subaru . To not show a frozen face for that eyepatch-wearing single-eyed gaze, Subaru took a deep breath .
To check it again, this time, he lightly brushed Crusch’s cheek .
[Subaru: ――Gu, euh!]
Immediately after, Subaru’s brain was stabbed . With pain as if magma spilled into his veins . Through the tips of his fingers, the body-violating curse in Crusch’s body flowed in and burned his senses .
[Subaru: Ga, aaaah!]
Feeling stabbing pains which were difficult to bear, Subaru loudly screamed and yanked his body away . Like that, falling back with the momentum, the hand which was touching Crusch fell away .
[Subaru: Ah, ha, haa……]
His lungs shivered, and his eyeballs cramped .
Like a fish on land, parting his lips Subaru desperately sought oxygen .
[Ferris: Su, Subaru-kyun……Are you ok?]
Seeing his breathing start to calm, Ferris spoke to Subaru . Barely able to spare enough feeling to notice the hard floor he had landed on, he raised his body with difficulty .
And gazing up at the face of Crusch lying in bed
[Subaru: How is it, Ferris . Was it a little effective?]
[Ferris: Ah……]
With a plop, Ferris who had confirmed Crusch’s condition sat back down again .
He too would have seen with his own eyes . The cheek which was eroded by the curse was, from that curse, relieved a little bit . If such treatment was possible, then saving Crusch was also―― .
[Crusch: You can’t, Natsuki-sama……]
To try once more Subaru rose . However, it was none other than Crusch herself that stopped him .
Not understanding the meaning of her words, Subaru asked .
[Subaru: Did you not…notice? Your hand is……]
[Crusch: ――Hand?]
Hearing this, she looked down at her right hand . And it was then that she finally realized the change that had occurred .
Just like the right leg blackened veins spread over the skin . That much was fine . If it was that much, his resolve to take on Crusch’s curse would not be shaken .
But, there was definitely something strange here .
Compared to the erosion which had been taken from Crusch, the extent was much greater .
The erosion on her body, the darkened parts of her left hand and cheek had grown a shade lighter due to Subaru’s touch .
However, Subaru who had taken it up onto his right arm from the elbow down to the back of the skin had been completely covered by the blackened erosion . The degree of it was definitely not comparable at all .
The ratio the curse was transferred at was not one-to-one . It was more on the level of ten-to-one .
[Subaru: No, even then……]
Whether that was cause to hesitate was another matter .
There was pain in the moment of transfer . But, once it had been accepted onto the body, there was no sign yet that the curse would actually hurt Subaru .
Compared to Crusch’s constant hellish suffering, what Subaru received was but for a moment . There, between man or woman, which side should bear the burden of its torture, there wasn’t even any need to consider it .
Whether it was his right leg or right hand blackening, if it was for the sake of saving Crusch it didn’t matter .
[Crusch: Natsuki-sama, that cannot be……I am unable to accept those feelings . ]
[Subaru: Don’t be silly . It only stings a little so it’s fine . Compared to getting a tattoo while showing off and regretting it later, let’s think about it as dirtying a body that was like that in the first place . I can take away the pain too . It’s strange, but it doesn’t give me any trouble . So . ]
[Crusch: Can you guarantee that will be true in the future? ……It could be that both Natsuki-sama and I become unable to fight . In this current situation that would be a fatal blow……]
Worrying more for the city and the people than her own body, that was Crusch’s judgment . It was logically sound, but not everything should be pressed forward with just that .
[Crusch: Ferris, please stop Natsuki-sama……]
[Ferris: I, I am……]
[Crusch: Please . Because Natsuki-sama is now one who is needed by others than just myself……]
[Ferris: If Subaru-kyun resolved to help…… K-Krusch-sama’s suffering . . ]
The hesitating judgment of Ferris was one which kept Crusch first . That nobody could blame him for . None of those present was in the wrong, after all .
The notion that ‘whatever is not wrong is right’ was mistaken .
[Crusch: You must not be overwhelmed by the emotions of a single moment . Natsuki-sama, I ask of you……]
[Subaru: Crusch-san, even then I am . ]
[Crusch: Didn’t…You say so before . ――What’s left, leave it all to me . ]
[Subaru: ――Euh!]
Crusch’s pleading eyes took hold of Subaru and would not let go .
Had those reliable words come from his mouth? Hearing that, for Crusch to say all that, was she telling him to . . ?
[Crusch: Please say that to…Me as well……]
[Subaru: ――――]
[Crusch: ‘All that’s left, to leave it all to me . ’]
A pained smile was awaiting Subaru’s words .
Swallowing his breath and shifting his tongue in his dry mouth, Subaru quietly closed his eyes .
Without thinking of the future, only immersed in what was in front of him, he was making her say things that didn’t need to be said, so at least―― .
[Subaru: Crusch-san, calmly rest here, please . ]
[Crusch: ……Natsuki…sama . ]
[Subaru: Because everything that’s left, you can leave it all to me . ]
[Crusch:――Yes . ]
If it was just filling the needed role and saying the desired words, then it just had to be done .
Hearing Subaru’s reply, Crusch took a deep breath and seemed to relax .
Her eyelids weakly blinking shut not a moment after proved that, up until now, by any means possible she had been holding onto attentiveness . At that moment breathing a quiet sigh, Crusch once more began her time of battling with the effects of the curse .
[Subaru: Sorry, Ferris . But I have to go now . ]
[Ferris: I’m……What should I…Is it alright?]
Draping a towel like a blanket over Crusch and standing up, Subaru heard a small voice as he was leaving . It was the first time Subaru had seen Ferris showing weakness .
In his innermost thoughts, what he wanted now was to remain at Crusch’s side .
But in the current situation, Ferris’ ability would not allow for such a thing .
[Subaru: I need your strength . I’m not saying to leave City Hall . But if something happens, I’ll let them know to evacuate the wounded here . So, I’ll leave that that to you . ]
[Ferris: ……The one I wanted to save most…And I can’t help them . ]
[Subaru: Ferris……]
[Ferris: Sorry . I said something silly……Just give me a moment, please . ]
While looking away, Ferris sat down on a chair next to the bed . Subaru finally lightly patted his shoulder and stepped out of the lounge .
Unchanged from when he had entered, Wilhelm remained waiting in the hallway .
[Wilhelm: Thank you very much for considering Crusch-sama’s feelings . ]
Towards the returning Subaru Wilhelm said this . Did what happened within leak out outside, or perhaps Subaru’s expression was just easy to read?
[Subaru: It isn’t some noble tale like I considered her feelings . Since it’s more a story of how I was encouraged…… . My body, what’s up with it anyway?]
Taking on Crusch’s curse, and its effect being weakened against him in the first place . Going back even further, the so-called witch factor and ‘Return by Death’, all of it was really vague .
One day, would he get to see their reasons and their end?
[Subaru: Crusch-san will leave it to Ferris . When everything is solved, I’m thinking of trying what I did before once more . ]
[Wilhelm: Is that right arm all right?]
[Subaru: At first glance it’s a bit iffy . If I wore long sleeves and wore gloves it might be ok……For the sake of rescuing a pretty girl, just one scar that doesn’t fade away isn’t any trouble at all . ]
Even though he had some aversion to it, that was Subaru’s true feelings .
If there wasn’t any other solution, then taking on Crusch’s curse fully was also fine . Even if his body became pitch-black because of it . Emilia, Rem, and Beatrice, he would have to beg forgiveness from all of them .
[Subaru: But, that’s all talk for after we pass this hurdle and live . Wilhelm-san, let’s head down . They’re probably talking about the plan to retake the control towers right now . ]
Probably, all the top-class powers that this side could muster would already be gathered there .
What followed after would depend on the cooperation and abilities of the Archbishops of Sin, as well as the timing and execution of the plan of attack . From the deadline imposed by the Witch Cult, only six hours were left .
[Wilhelm: Subaru-dono, regarding that matter I have a request . ]
[Subaru: A request?]
Wilhelm’s words stopped Subaru as he headed for the stairs――The elder swordsman nodded his head with the lobby door behind his back, showing concern in his eyes for his mistress within .
[Wilhelm: If it is possible, please recommend for me the task of subjugating ‘Lust’ . Since I understand well its powers of mutation and super-regeneration, I will request this of you . ]
[Subaru: Is that revenge for Crusch-san?]
[Wilhelm: It is so, but beyond that, it is essential to capture ‘Lust’ alive and hear from it about what was done to Crusch . For that I will even become a demon . Before cutting off its head, I will definitely pry from it the truth . ]
The killing intent given off by the Sword Demon felt like a wave of heat to Subaru .
Furiously, darkly, having been unable to do anything, Wilhelm’s ardor to avenge his mistress now rose up like flames .
[Subaru: That spirit is fine……But are the corpse soldiers alright?]
[Wilhelm: ――――]
[Subaru: Your wife, wouldn’t you know her best? No matter what happens, Wilhelm will be needed to make judgments . ]
[Wilhelm: Subaru-dono, has Reinhard arrived below?]
Wilhelm suddenly interrupted as he spoke of his concerns .
Awkwardly, Subaru nodded . Reinhard’s powers could not be left out of the attack . However, that the warriors would be there as obstacles for him was certain .
[Wilhelm: The true nature of the corpse soldiers, could you avoid speaking of it to Reinhard?]
[Subaru: ……Huh?]
The perplexed Subaru was unable to grasp the reason for the abrupt request .
[Subaru: Then……Don’t tell that guy about Wilhelm’s wife……Is that what you mean?]
[Wilhelm: Yes, it is so . For Reinhard…… For my son, I want to avoid him meeting my wife in the form of a corpse soldier . He will surely blame me . Because the fault is none other than my own . ]
[Subaru: Wilhelm-san’s fault, to say that kind of thing . . ]
It’s not true, he wanted to say, but Subaru could not carelessly remark so .
Because the image of Heinkel’s appearance ruining the mood earlier in the morning had appeared in his mind .
There was no credibility . But it could not be denied .
Reinhard considered Wilhelm the cause of his wife’s death . And such a difficult and unbelievable past he did not deny .
[Wilhelm: Does Subaru-dono think that the ‘Blessing of the Sword Saint’ as something special?]
[Subaru:……Honestly speaking, I would say I know little about it . Maybe the people called ‘Sword Saint’ all had it and if you have it you become incredibly strong, I only have an impression like that……]
[Wilhelm: To know of it as that isn’t wrong . But if there is a difference between the ‘Blessing of the Sword Saint’ and other blessings……Is that, it can be inherited . ]
[Subaru: An inherited…Blessing……]
At Subaru’s breath, Wilhelm nodded .
The elder swordsman closed his eyes as if recalling sorrowful memories .
[Wilhelm: That blessing has passed down without fail from the time of Reid Astrea . The blessing became the inheritance of the Astrea family, and always a member of the clan was chosen to be the next Sword Saint . My wife’s blessing definitely passed down to Reinhard . ]
[Subaru: So a blessing that is inherited down the clan… . . Is it…Is that so . And when your wife passed away, the blessing transferred to Reinhard . ]
While understanding that too, something caught in Subaru’s head as he was growing convinced .
After the Sword Saint was slain by the White Whale, the line of succession led to Reinhard . It was a sad past, but one that could also be described a proper passing on .
That flow did not fit at all with what had been said in the argument between Astreas this morning .
Wilhelm’s heartbreak, Heinkel’s mockery, Reinhard’s silence, was interfering with the idea of a proper succession .
And the answer is――
[Wilhelm: It was, at the time of the White Whale subjugation . ]
[Subaru: Wilhelm…san……]
[Wilhelm: Reinhard received the blessing while my wife was in the middle of the expedition against the White Whale . During that conflict, my wife, abandoned by the sword, could only take on the battle as an ordinary woman . ]
――That was the truth of the Astrea family division .
In the midst of the battle to subjugate the White Whale, the blessing had suddenly passed down during the fighting . And, on the battlefield, the result was that only the now-former Sword Saint remained .
Now left a predecessor and an ordinary person, to defend many other soldiers she had still fought with the Witchfiend――And they had lost contact with her .
[Wilhelm: The one that took away the sword from my wife was none other than me . Overruling my wife who was loved by the sword, forcing her to cast it aside, and turning her into an ordinary woman, it was none other than myself . That, was what called forth the death of my wife . ]
[Subaru: ――――]
[Wilhelm: The sword that my wife betrayed did not forgive her, and so her blessing was taken away on the battlefield . She could rely only on a single blade, I think of how she must have felt then……It was true that I could not accept it, and defamed Reinhard whom the blessing had chosen . As he was weeping over the death of his mother and bearing the heavy new burden, I impetuously could not forgive him…I, regret that now . ]
Last night, the regret that Wilhelm had revealed to Subaru――It, was that mistake .
Even knowing that Reinhard had not done anything wrong, Wilhelm had been mourning his wife’s death and was unable to accept it . As a result, the Astreas had split apart .
[Wilhelm: I do not want to repeat it again . Reinhard has no blame in my wife’s death . I have no reason to blame my grandson at all . ]
And so, instead of revealing it to Reinhard he was saying he would bring this to a close himself .
That feeling, he now understood painfully well from this talk . If Subaru could do it, he wanted to as well . But, the burden Wilhelm bore was too high .
[Subaru: About Crusch-san and your wife……It will be buried there, Wilhelm-san . Even if I don’t talk about the corpse soldiers, the question of where they might appear is . . ]
[Wilhelm: That is definitely a needless worry, Subaru-dono . ]
[Subaru: Huh……?]
Wilhelm shook his head at Subaru as he was about to point out that it was not certain .
And the Sword Demon spoke as his expression twisted into a fearsome grimace .
[Wilhelm: ――Because, there is no chance of my wife not coming to meet me . ]
-=Arc 5 Chapter 45 End=-
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