Novel Name : My Mysterious Husband

Chapter 167 The Suicide of Venus (2)

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To carry Tianye Mu onto the land, they used the oxygen pipe in turn and finally, Tianye was saved by

"Oh my God, what an amazing gift you got in your diving trip! " Her friend on the yacht was shocked.

Xiran took a few breaths and said, "No more jokes, OK? Please help me get him up quickly. Maybe he
is still alive."

The fellow held Tianye's arms and pulls him and Xiran unto the boat.

"Wow, my friend, look back and see who you've attracted."

Xiran looks back as he said. Jesus. Their blood froze as they saw a group of sharks approaching ten
meters away from the yacht. Fortunately, her movement was fast enough to save his life.

"Jay, take a look at him."

Jay checked his breath and eyes and said, "He has still breathe, but I don't think he can survive with
our helps."

Xiran glared at him, knelt down beside Tianye and said defiantly, "Let’s sail back, since we have got
him up from danger, why not save him by sending him to the doctor?" Then she began to give Tianye
artificial respiration.

Jay shrugged about her stubborn attitude and sailed back as required.


A day passed quickly, Tianye still didn't wake up. The doctor shook his head and told Xiran, "There was
too much water coming into his brain and body which cause the infection of his organs therein.

Although you has been rescued him from outside danger, his body will enter a dormant state. If he is
not lucky enough, he may never wake up anymore. "

Xiran had anticipate what the doctor would tell her. So she was calm and called a car to bring Tianye

"This room is sunny. Come on, move him in. Be gentle, although he is unconscious like a dead body
now, he is a handsome boy still."

"Little Ye, you should take care of him from now on, and you should keep the doctor's advice in mind.
But…since you are still not married, it's not suitable for you to wipe a man's body. Let me see. Go and
call Cheng here. "

The little Ye went away in a hurry.

Jay frowned about the scene that Xiran was busy in taking care of Tianye, a stranger who had nothing
to do with her.

"My friend, this man had nothing to do with you. Do you want to support him? Don’t forget what the
doctor have told you, he may not wake up for the rest of his life.”

"So what? I can afford it anyway.” Xiran said in a casual manner, "It is a good thing which I can't give up

"I think you should think over the result of it."Said Jay.

Xiran interrupted him with waving her hand and said seriously, "Jay, I will keep my decision."

"But how about your marriage?" Asked Jay.

Xiran smiled and said, "Jay, I'm only 25 years old this year. Don’t bother me with my marriage. There is
no such a rule that women must get married. I can support myself. And if I want to go to bed with men,
what I need is just a phone call, I don’t need marriage at all.”

Jay's look turned terrible and said, "Crazy, you crazy girl, just do whatever you want, and now I had to

This was the way how Tianye became the guest of Xiran, the richest woman in G City. But since then,
he had to suffer endless envy and jealousy from men in G city.


Let’s go back to the Ye's House.

Venus woke up at a night and saw Kerry in front of her. She closed her eyes with no words and fell to
sleep again.

It must be a dream. As she committed suicide by cutting her wrist, she should stay in the hell rather
than in front of Kerry.

"Venus, you must be hungry since you don’t eat anything today. If you still hate me, I am willing to
accept your beat or scold. But I beg you don’t torture yourself anymore, OK?"

Venus seemed Indifferent about what he said. Now she was aware that she was still alive, which made
her painful what she wanted was just to escape from this world.

"Venus, let’s take something to eat for the sake of our baby, OK? "Said Kerry.

On hearing this, Venus fixed her eyes suddenly at her wrists which were bonded by white gauze.

"Kerry, I can't kill you, but I can kill your baby as revenge. I will do it, of course. Let me alone and I will
do it. " Said her with a strange smile floated on the face.

"Venus, it is not only my baby, it is also yours." 'said Kerry with a hoarse voice.

" I don't want him, it was you who got me pregnant by violence. "Cried Venus in a cold tone.

Kerry stared at her and felt regretted. She was right, it was him who got her pregnant by violence.

In the past, he threatened her with dignity and her brother’s life. But now, she was threatening him
conversely with the baby in her. And she had the gut to give up her own baby.

"I will divorce you, Kerry Ye." Venus shouted. She wanted to die with her families, rather than with
anyone of Family Ye. And she didn't rejected the words "Kerry's wife" engraved on her tombstone,
which might disturbed her soul even when she went to hell.

Kerry's look turned cold and refused without hesitation, "No way."

Venus sneered and cried, " You are the fucking murderer of my brother, I have no will to keep such a
marriage with you. If you are still a man, just let me go for the sake of you baby.”

Kerry gave her a grave look and said, "Honey, I can promise you everything, but I am your husband
forever, and I will not let you die."

"Let me die or leave. That's your only choice." Because she didn't want to see him at all. As soon as
she saw him, the ghost of her brother would appeared in front of her.

"No, give me another way," said Kerry,. "that is, give birth to the baby and I'll let you go."

"Fucking you the baby, you the liar... don’t take me as a dumb fool, OK? I will never bond myself by the
baby. You are just daydreaming. " Said Venus.

On hearing this, Kerry stood up and tramped away.

"All in all, it is on you. Now I am going to ask Mrs Qin to deliver the meal for you." Said him.

He knew he had to get rid of her suicide plan, and then they could have a better talk.

“Sorry, honey, I can’t let me go for I had fell in deep love with you now. ” Kerry whispered to himself.

looking at the ceiling, she felt a painful sore in her eyes. Now she had no tears to shed even if she’d
like to cry.

After a while, Mrs Qin came up with the meal and put it on the small table beside the bed. She looked
at Venus lovingly with whose eyes getting wet.

"Good girl, why do you want to spoil your body so terribly? Nothing is big deal when it comes to your
life. " Said Mrs Qin.

Venus cried out in a weird manner and said, "Mrs Qin, here you know?" She smashed her heart and
said, "There's nothing left here, and I can’t find any reason to live anymore."

Mrs Qin wiped her tears and said, "My girl, you are still so young, and your life are full of vitality. Just
look at me, I am at my 60s now, but I never complain that I can’t find any reason to live anymore. There
is nothing better than having a life full of vitality, and I am sure that you can overcome any difficulties. "

"Mrs Qin, I understand everything you say, but I don't want to have a try anymore, I'm tired from the
life."Replied Venus.

"I understand that. Since you are tired, let’s stop and rest. Do nothing but to eat and sleep at the time
you want. Then you will know that even if you fail to overcome the difficulties, you can walk ahead by
the pace of time." Said Mrs Qin, with her hands holding Venus's cold hands.

The warmth from Mrs Qin gradually broke the lock in Venus’s heart. Tears gushed out and got the rim
of her eyes.

"Good girl, nobody can lead a life without facing any difficulty. All of us must take something heavy on
his shoulder. Listen up, start a new life with a good attitude. Then when you are old and try to look back
on your hard time, you will let them go. I think this is also what your parents want to tell you. " Said Mrs

Then Mrs Qin wiped her tears with her rough fingers and said, "Good girl, don't cry, would you like to
have some food? You must get recovered now. "

Venus choked and nodded to her as gratitude.

Mrs Qin helped her up from the bed and poured out a bowl of milky white fish soup from the small soup
pot. The temperature was just right.

"This is the fish soup I've been cooking all the afternoon, please have some," Mrs Qin fed her mouth
with the spoon, and Venus drank it obediently.

The mellow and warm fish soup flowed down through her dry throat into the empty stomach. All the
organs of the body seemed to be activated by the delicious soup.

"In fact, when I was young, I also had a daughter," After feeding her another spoon, Mrs Qin raised her
head and said, "When I was 26 years old that year, my daughter was less than one year old. Her eyes
were big and her smile was beautiful. Her nickname was September, because she was born in

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